Chapter 3
It was a new day in Gryffindor Tower for Severus.
Now that everyone knew he was the heir of Ravenclaw and the son of Hecate, all the students and professors were trying to get on his good side and it was getting annoying.
To make matters worse, his roommates were James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, but Remus was the only one nice to him.
By the time he finished getting ready, the other boys were leaving the common rooms for breakfast.
"Remus!" he called up to the group in front of him, causing said boy to turn around.
"Hey, Sev! Um, do you want to sit next to me in class?" Remus asked.
Severus beamed and nodded with a blush while smiling brightly.
He didn't know why, but being around Remus made him feel really happy and safe.
Little did he know that by agreeing to do everything together with Lily and Remus would create a spark that couldn't be extinguished.
Ever since then, Severus, Remus, and Lily became best friends and did just about everything together.
They even defended him from the Marauders, James, the leader of the gang of bullies, kept trying to woo Lily, who was disgusted with his behavior.
(Three years later)
Severus sighed wistfully at the memory as he sat with Lily and Remus in the Room of Requirements. That was the day he had unknowingly let Remus win his heart day by day.
James, Peter, and Sirius had been pulling pranks on him everyday and they were getting worse.
He and Remus have been going on dates to Hogsmeade whenever the times came, much to the happiness of Lily who knew that Remus liked her brother, but didn't know how to tell him.
They were fourth years now, and Remus has had a crush on Severus for forever that was obvious to everyone except for Severus.
His white hair and green eyes that lit up whenever the fourteen year old smiled in a way that made him blush just thinking about it.
Severus was kind, beautiful, sweet, motherly, smart, popular, and brave; add the fact that he's ranked top of everyone's class in the whole school and a genius in Potions, it's impossible not to fall in love with him.
One of the younger Gryffindors said that you'd have to be completely heartless to harm such a kind, pure soul and everyone agreed to that statement.
This year was the Celestial Ball, and Remus was planning on asking Severus to go to the ball with him.
On the week before the ball, Remus approached Severus with a special gift for him and to ask him to the ball.
"What did you want to ask me, Remy?" Severus ask the werewolf with a kind and fond smile.
Remus took a deep breath in and out before presenting Severus with the Diadem of Ravenclaw.
Severus looked at the crown with awe and shock before turning his eyes to Remus. "Remy.."
Remus smiled and took Severus's hand before confessing, "I love you, Severus. From the day I met you to now, I've been in love with you. Will you be my date to the Celestial Ball, Heir Ravenclaw-Prince?"
The teenager in front of him responded with a cry of "Yes!" as he threw himself into Remus' arms.
The Diadem was placed on his head and Hogwarts accepted him into her wards as heir of Ravenclaw.
"I love you as well, and I'd be delighted to attend the Celestial Ball with you, Remus," Severus whispered before placing a feather-light kiss on his cheek and happily skipping off.
Remus just stood there touching his cheek with a smile and blush before rushing to Gryffindor Tower to tell everyone the news.
"Well? What did he say?" Lily asked, drawing the common room's attention.
Remus beamed before answering, "He said yes and that he's be delighted to attend the ball with me. He even said that he loves me back!"
Lily wasn't fooled because something else must've happened if Remus was this happy.
"There's more to the story. What else happened, Remus?" she asked with a knowing look.
Remus answered, "And then, he kissed me on the cheek!"
Everyone cheered for Remus and threw a small party to celebrate, all except James, Sirius and Peter were all scheming to make this the worst night for Remus and Severus..
But, the trio had also better watch out for the other houses because Remus and Severus deserve a chance to be happy with each other and all of them would rather die than let the student all of them had come to see as a brother/mother figure spend what was supposed to be a magical night miserable.
At the ball, most of the houses and professors were talking about what Severus would be wearing to the ball, when the Sorting Hat announced his arrival.
"PRESENTING THE HEIR OF RAVENCLAW AND SON OF LADY HECATE, PRINCE SEVERUS GLACIER RAVENCLAW-PRINCE!!!!" the Sorting Hat bellowed as the doors to the Great Hall opened to reveal the aforementioned person.
All of the attendants gasped in shock at the glory that was the Heir of the Eagle house.
When Remus saw Severus, a hot blush overtook his face as he took in the beauty in front of him.
The Gryffindor wore his white hair loose in slight curls with a seashell crown and blue kimono.
There was blush on his cheeks and his smile was contagious.
Everyone was in awe of his beauty, including Lily, and thought that he and Remus were perfect for each other.

(Severus's outfit for the ball)
With that, the ball was in full swing.
Couples waltzed on the dance floor, friends chatted by the refreshments, and the music was wonderful.
Severus was talking to Lily and some younger Gryffindors when Remus asked him to dance.
Severus happily accepted and soon, they were waltzing elegantly around the dance floor.
But before long, James threw a flash bomb at Severus's face, startling him into crashing onto the punch table, staining his hair and dress pink.
The poor student sat there crying in shock as he was comforted by Lily and the other students.
They cleaned him up with a simple 'Scourgify', but he was stilll a little upset about the flash.
Remus asked him to sing for everyone and see if it made him feel better.
Lilly encouraged him to sing as well, and that was all it took to convince him.
She told everyone that Severus was going to sing and all conversations ceased as they watched the Ravenclaw heir.
Severus took a deep breath before singing.
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