Work had just finished for you, and you was going to the lair to spend the night with your boyfriend. It was night and the darkness had come over the city. As you walked out of the pharmacy where you work, you started to walk towards the manhole where you use to go down to the sewers. As you started walking you felt as if you was being watched by someone. You shrugged it off, and continued walking. After your ex boyfriend had kidnapped you last time, you became a little paranoid. You continued, but suddenly a quick shaddow past you and you started to shiver. You held the T phone in your hand and was ready to call Raph, and you did. Raph picked up his phone quickly.
RAPHAEL: Hey gorgeous, ya finish at work?
YOU: Yeah, I'm on my way, but I think I'm being followed. I don't know.
RAPHAEL: Just head back to the job and wait outside there, I'm on patrol with the guys, I'll come and get ya there. See ya soon babe!
Then he hung up. You started walking back to your job to wait for Raph there, but still with the feeling of being followed. You was just about to pass the alley beside your job, but then suddenly Foot bots surrounded you, and you noticed Fishface and Dogpound there as well.
YOU: Oh no...
DOGPOUND: Well well well, look like the Foot clan is going to dine on princess soup today!
FISHFACE: Oh how happy Sacks is going to be when he see that we have got the hothead's girl. Put we are going to please ourselves the first!
DOGPOUND: Sounds like the best plan you have had in ages!
You was freaking out! You had been training with the guys for a long time, but there was no way you could take down Fishface, Dogpound and all these Foot bots alone.
LEONARDO: Halt, Villains!
You and the villains looked up to the rooftop of your job and noticed the turtle brothers. You immediately felt a releafe. Once again they had come to your rescue.
RAPHAEL: Let's just kich butts already!
Then all of them jumped down and started to fight off the Foot. Casey was there two, and he went to you and helped you out of the big mass of Foot clan.
CASEY: Hey (h/c). Let's just get you down to the lair.
You was breathing heavy because of the trauma. So much have happened to you in the past few months.
You are sitting in the lair after Casey followed you there. You are shivering and your mind is full of thoughts about what could have happened if the guys didn't get there in time. Casey comes in with a glass of water to you, which you take and drink it.
YOU: Thank you.
CASEY: Hey, no problem (y/n). That's what friends are for.
'Damn it, I just friendzoned my self. Crap!' Casey thought for himself, even if he knew he didn't have any chance with you since your happy with Raph. It have been about 15 minutes since you left the guys above ground and you hope they are alright. As if speaking about the sun, the guys walked in the lair, all unharmed.
MICHELANGELO: And we're back in the house! Yeah, boi!
YOU: Raph!
You ran up to Raphael and jumped on him giving him a tight ressuring hug. Your arms are around his neck and your legs around his waist. Raph puts his arms around you hugging you tightly back.
RAPHAEL: Hey babe! Ya alright?
YOU: Yeah... I guess. I'm just tired.
Raph nodded and carried you to his room, greating the others a good night, both of you still not breaking from the hug. Raph sat down on the bed with you, while your still holding around his neck, and your face is laying in the corner of his neck. You was still shivering a bit, and very scared, but felt safer in your boyfriend's arms.
RAPHAEL: Hey, baby girl. It's alright. Your fine, I'm fine. Nobody got hurt today!
YOU: I'm scared Raph.
RAPHAEL: I know. Don't worry, I'm here and I will always protect ya. I love ya so much, and I always will.
It all made you feel so much warmer inside, and you brought your head up and looked straight in Raph's eyes. Then you kissed him passionately which he gladly returned to you.
YOU: I love you so much too, my hero! My one and only.
RAPHAEL: Your so cute. Ya want anything to eat? Some pizza and some hot chocolate maybe?
YOU: Sounds perfect as long as I'm with you, baby.
Raph went into the kitchen to fix some pizza and hot chocolate for the two of you so you could enjoy each others company in his bedroom. Afterwards it ended up in sweet night cuddling.
Next up: Teamwork
Authors note<3:
Hey readers! <3
Please check out my newest stories, vote/heart and please comment and let me know what u think -
Go to my profile and find the two newest stories I have made, their called:
1. TMNT/Raphael: Friends with benefits.
2. TMNT x Reader: Halloween special.
- Shortie <3
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