Tag Thingy
I saw ImaweirdKat and canyoubemyfour post this and I wanted to do this tag thingy too.
1: First Name?
Sara. Some people say Sierra which I hate when they do.
2: Future Job?
I'm hoping that I can become a graphic designer! Maybe even work for TellTale...
3: Favorite Quote?
I have two: "H.O.P.E. Hold On, Pain Ends" - Anonymous and "No matter what you do to me...I will never fall into despair!" - Makoto Naegi
4: Favorite Holiday?
It would have to be the Fourth of July because it's also my Granny's birthday. She would have been 66 this year...
5: Hobbies?
Reading, writing, watching YouTube, and drawing.
6: Favorite Song?
Right now it is would definitely has to be:
Colors by Halsey
7: Cookies or Cupcakes?
Are there muffins or bagels?
Then cookies.
8: Coke or Dr. Pepper?
To be honest, I don't like soda.
9: Favorite Smell?
After it rains or old books
10: Neat or Messy?
Definitely messy. I try to be neat but I fail miserably.
11: Single or Taken?
Iz a single pringle. Though I do have a crush on someone.
I'm not telling anyone right now, sorry!
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