*sigh* Another Tag
I got tagged by ArticFireCat.
1.) Dirty Blonde
2.) Hazel. Mostly green shows though.
3.) Ummm... I've honestly read too many books to decide. My favorite book series is Septimus Heap/ Todhunter Moon.
4.) Rainbow!
5.) I last listened to Stronger Than You from Steven Universe.
6.) Umm... Gundham Tanaka and Sonia Nevermind.
7.) Foxes. They're really cute!
8.) Old book smell
9.) Hmm...
10.) Graphic Designer
11.) Right now? Umm... I can't choose just one game in the series so Ace Attorney in general.
12.) I would probably buy a lot of video games and books.
13.) I don't have one. I got over my last one.
14.) Umm... I don't think I have one.
15.) Popcorn!
16.) I got chocolate. That's all I get every year XD
17.) Garnet from Steven Universe
18.) NinjaTurtleManaic ArticFireCat -EeveeTehNeko- canyoubemyfour Gamergirlfanfic -FluffyPotato- blueheart234 ImaweirdKat _TheGodsDamSnackbar_ hamsterz8202 icyblast19
19.) Whats that?
20.) I tag:
And icyblast19
Sorry if you already got tagged!
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