Favorite Game Series
I don't know why I'm doing this...
Oh well.
1. The Legend of Zelda
I grew up with this game series.
Main character is a boy and is name is Link.
Not Zelda.
2. Corpse Party
I honestly don't remember how I found this game.
I'm pretty sure I was subbed to Minx when she played this,
Or I was watching Cry.
3. Rhythm Thief
It has one game.
Waiting for sequel.
4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Don't ask how I found this,
I don't know myself.
5. Professor Layton
I saw one of these games in GameStop and I was like, "What's this?"
And I looked it up on YouTube.
6. Animal Crossing
I have wasted,
So many hours of my life playing New Leaf.
I still play it.
7. Five Nights at Freddy's
I was one of the first 100 people to join the fandom.
I found it on steam and decided to play it.
May have spilled water all over myself because of Goldie.
8. Fran Bow
Not a game series,
But still a good game.
9.Life is Strange
May have started writing a kid friendly version and drew pictures as I went
Never finished
10. Dangan Ronpa
(Did I spell that right? I think I did)
Half of these are filled with deàth and gore.
Does this tell you something about me or nah?
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