100 truths challenge
I was nominated by LunaTheHooman I'll nominate people I'm the end... Well let's get going
1. Name: DJUnicorn
2. Nickname: uh DJ?
3. Favorite color: purple, gold, or red
4. Male or female: both.... Nah just Male
5. Elementary school: all of them.
6. Middle school: all of them
7. High school: all of them
8. College: I'm not going to college yet...
9. Tall or short: tall
10. Sweats or jeans: neither go shorts!
11. Phone or camera: since I don't have a camera, then I guess phone
12. Health freak: I'm in shape... That's all
13. Apples or oranges: go oranges :D
14. Do I have a crush: nope
15. Guy or girl friends: both cuz I'm that hardcore
16. Piercings: none
17. Coke or Pepsi: coke boooooiiiiiiizzzz
18. Have I ever been on a airplane: yes, yes I have
19. Have I been in a car accident: nope
20. Have I been in a relation ship: with my hand ;) NO I'M KIDDING! But I have been in a real relation ship... Well I was in second grade sooo...
21. Have I ever been in a fist fight: yeh. I talked about or in herobrine's return.
22. First piercing: none
23. Best friends: everyone
24. First award: Nobel peace prize when I was in the womb
25. First crush: this girl named Jordan in first grade. She also liked me and my friend was jealous. She liked me so much she gave me a lock of hair. Just to be evil I gave the hair to my friend and he screamed...
26. First word: DJUnicorn
27. Talents: to many to list ;)
28. Last person I talked to: my dad
29. Last person I texted: randomguy345
30. Last movie I watched: Zoolander
31. Last thing I ate: a bagel
32(I'm somehow ahead 1...): Last song I listened to: Gold- by imagine dragons
33. Last thing i bought: a dildo... Nah Idk it's been a while :(
34. Favorite food: everything
35. Favorite drink: YOUR MOM'S- ice cream milkshakes
36. Favorite bottoms: I was going to make a joke... I'll just say shorts
37. Favorite top: Panama Soccer jersey
38. Favorite flower: Harley Davinson
39. Favorite Animal: dawgz
40. Favorite color: I'm not answering again
41. Favorite movie... Idk probably demolition man
42. Favorite subject: band and pe
43. Favorite band: idk fallout boy?
44. Have I ever fallen in love: I'm single, what do you think?
45. Have I ever had my heart broken: yeah by EpicChaosMC I'm just kidding :P it was really by DJnicornFTW
46. Have I ever used to much data: My parents don't give me data :P but I do have unlimited text :D
47. Have I ever celebrated Halloween: yes
48. Have I ever hated the way someone changed: yeah YOUR MOM!!!!
49. Have I ever gotten pregnant: yes.
50. Have a I ever had a abortion: yes.
51. Have I ever done something I regret: I REGRET NOTHING
52. Have I ever broken a promise: probably
53. Have I ever kept a secret: yes. I'm pregnant
54. Have I ever pretended to be happy: nah, if i'm mad you'll know I'm mad
55. Have I ever met someone who changed my life: yeah. YOUR MOM!!!
56. Have I ever pretended to be sick: *cough* no *cough*
57. Have I ever left the country: yeh I went to Canada and Panama
58. Have I ever tried something new and liked it: yes?
59. Have I ran a mile: I'm in cross country lol. My best mile is around 6:50-7:00 minutes
60. Have I ever cried over something stupid: sixth grade
61. Have I ever went to the beach with my friend: yeah every once and a while
62. Have I ever played a sport: Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Cross country, and swimming
63. Have I ever gotten into a argument with my friend: me and awesomesauce82 argue all the time over stupid things lol
64. Have I ever disliked someone: you mean hate? Yeh. I saw her yesterday and it ruined my summer
65. Have I stayed single for 2 years: well I've stayed single for way more then that...
66. Currently eating: no. Sitting on the couch watching Dark Night Rises
67. Currently drinking: nah
68. Currently listing to: batman
69. LOL 69!!!!
70.(lol we are caught up now) current plans: watch batman, play on my iPad, sleep
71. Currently Sitting or laying: sitting on the couch :P
72. Currently waiting for: I guess for this list to be done. I have dishes to do but no one' shame so YOLO!
73. Currently want kids: I have kids.
74. Currently want to get married: I guess I don't wanna be lonely forever
75. Currently want to travel: always
76. (Time for relation ship stuff :P) Lips or eyes: idgaf
77. Tall or short: since I'm tall, then tall
78. Younger or older: no more then a year
79. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH!! AHAHAHA I BROKE THE SYSTEM!!!
80. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker for teh win!!!
81. Hookup or relation ship: how do I answer this?
82. Looks or personality: I say both. BOOM! Screw your system
83. Have i ever lost glasses: sunglasses? Well someone stole my aviators :(
84. Have I ever snuck out: no, and with my security system I can't
85. Have I ever held a knife or a gun in self defense: well I was chopping up a cucumber... Does that count?
86. Have I ever killed someone: ....
87. Have I ever been in love: I feel like i've already answered this(ps autocorrect wouldn't let me type I've :/)
88. Have I ever broken someone's heart: I don't think so...
89. Have I ever cried when someone died: yeah my cousin. He was only 7
90. Do I believe in my self: 420% of the time I do
91. Do believe in miracles: yes
92. Do I believe in love at first sight: only if you are blind
93. Do I believe in heaven: yes
94. Do I believe in Santa(for a sec I thought it said satan lol): I am Santa.
95. Do I believe in aliens: i know we are not the only people in the universe
96. Do I believe in ghosts/Angels: yes, I do
97. Do I believe in God: yes. Man these got religious
98. Is there someone I really want to be with: if there was i woudn't say. To many irl friends read this
99. Do i know who real friends are: yes, well at least I hope so
100. Did I do all of them: I thought I did but I was one ahead...
1.111K words!
Now let's nominate people and go!
Ali-3n AddieHigenell AWildRissa EpicChaosMC that's all... Cya!
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