The Elements React- 1#- 7 Random Questions
Siblings: 7
Maria: Hey guys.
Quake: Hey Maria, what are we suppose to be doing today?
Maria: Today,
You will have to make decisions between two things.
Cyclone: Okay.
Ice: This seems acceptable to me.
Maria: Okay,there will be seven questions, so let's start.
(Readers are questionned too)
Quake: Uhhh, Punch, because I am good at punching than kicking. Literally.
Cyclone: Kick, because I love to play soccer.
Thunder: Punch, because I wanna punch someone in the face. *deathglares*
Maria: 0-0
Blaze: Kick, because one, I like to play soccer with Cy, and two, is that I wanna kick a person in the croch. (A little inappropriate)
Ice: Neither, because I wanna just sleep.
Maria: (-_-)
Thorn: Punch, because I feel like that is what is mostly practiced.
Maria: Uhhh.
Solar: Punch, because I will punch that person who deletes my pictures.
Maria: Daheck. -.-
Quake: Red.
Cyclone: Blue.
Thunder: Red.
Blaze: Red.
Ice: *yawns* Blue.
Thorn: Red.
Solar: Blue.
Maria: Okay, almost Random,
Would you rather:
Be able to control anything
Be very physically Powerful,
Quake: Be powerful, because I can literally help others using just my strength and rock abilities.
Cyclone: Control anything, because I wanna do things done easily.
Thunder: Be powerful, because I can defeat villians easily.
Blaze: Be powerful, because I want to literally kill all my enemies who made me mad.
Maria: Am I one of them?
Blaze: No.
Ice: Control anything, so that I can get the remote off the table.
(Literally me.)
Thorn: Control anything, because I want to make my plants healthy.
Solar: Control anything, so that I can be able to get things without Mama Quake seeing it.
Quake: *glares at Solar*
Solar: ¤~¤
Maria: Okay,
Would you kill a person if they mess with your siblings?
if you wanted to.
(Yandere Mode Activated)
Quake: Yes, when someone messes with my family, I will make them suffocate to death.
Cyclone: Yes, when someone messes with my bros, I will drill through their chest. *glares*
Thunder: Yeah, I will make them suffer like what they did to my brothers.
Blaze: Yes, I will burn his house and punch his head until it fractures.
Ice: Yes, If he messes with Blaze, I will isolate him and freeze him to death.
(Like Sans with Papyrus)
Thorn: Yes, If they did, I will trap them in poisonous thorns until they die of too much poison.
(Oh gosh, too much)
Solar: Yes, I will make them sunburn till their black, and poke through his chest with my Sword.
Maria: My gosh.
Do you need to cool down, here have some chocolate.
(Yandere Mode Deactivated)
Blaze, Cyclone, Thorn: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!
They took a hand full of chocolate
Thorn: I like Chocolate. *eats a chocolate piece*
Maria: Well, it was a good thing I bought some chocolate for you guys.
Blaze: Yeah, they are delicious. *eats a chocolate piece*
Maria: Thirsty?
I brought some water. *brings some glasses of water*
Quake: Thanks. *grabs a glass*
Maria: My pleasure.
Blaze: Your being so nice.
Maria: Of course I am, I am the Author, but I should treat you guys evenly.
Not too nicely, and not too harsh, because seriously, I hit hard just like Quake when I am being too harsh.
Cyclone: Well, I like it that way.
Maria: Okay, anyways.
What is easiest subject in School for you?
Quake: TLE.
Cyclone: PE.
Thunder: Computer.
Blaze: PE.
Ice: Science.
Thorn: Science.
Solar: Computer.
Maria: Okay. Next one.
Would you rather?
Wear a dress for a month
Become a Girl for 2 month
Quake: Ohhh, the dress thing is good enough for me.
Thunder: Well, I'll do the same with Quake.
Maria: M'kay
Cyclone: Hmph, I'll go with a girl.
Blaze: Same with Cy.
Ice: A dress is good enough.
Thorn: A girl.
Solar: A girl would be fabulous, but I think a dress would be embarassing.
Maria: You 4 really have no idea what girls face, do you?
Bla. Cy. Tho. Sol. : Uhhhh.
Maria: Anyways, final question.
What instrument do you like to play?
Quake: Drums.
Thunder: Electric Guitar.
Cyclone: Trumpet.
Blaze: Guitar.
Ice: Violin.
Thorn: Flute.
Solar: Piano.
Maria: Uhhhhh, Okay.
That's all,
I just wanted to do something else for a while, so I decided to let them answer some questions that actually seem easy.
The Readers are also Asked the same, comment your 7 answer, I want to see how each would think.
For #4, if you don't have a sibling, then a parent or relative then.
as always, Random but still a random idea
That's all
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