The 4 Random Bottle
Again, another piece of the story,
I really have no Idea what's wrong with me and this story
This part will be still focusing during their memory time travel
But in a different way
Let's begin before I forget my ideas
Ice: *still asleep on the ground*
Yaya: He's still asleep?
Shadow: Yeah, he always sleep.
Quake: As long as an hour or two.
Telepathy: Oh Ice, why do you have to be lazy?
Then, Shadow's power band rang
Shadow: *picks up* Yeah.
Sand: Help!!
Quake: Huh!? What's going on, Sand?!
Sand: A-a Giant Serpent!!
Telepathy: Serpent!!?
Sand: Uhh, Yeah.
Telepathy: Wait, did you steal my stuff again? -.-
Sand: Uhhh, Hehe.
Emerald: Telepathy!! Sand accidentally freed a serpent from your spell book!!
Telepathy: What!! not my spell book.
Sand: Sorry.
Magnet & Silver: RUN!!!
Sand: Ahhh!!! *runs and pants*
Telepathy: Sand, Magnet, Silver, Emerald!! Dig up to the surface.
Sand: Okay.
Thunder: Wait, What did you say to-
Thunder was cut off, an earthquake shook the ground, a big hole appeared from the ground, and Sand, Emerald, Magnet, and Silver bursted out of the hole
Silver: *lands on the ground* Ahhh, It's coming. *backs away from the hole*
The Giant Sand Serpent popped out of the hole and slithered, the siblings were able to dodged the attacks
Telepathy: Guys!! He's made of Sand!!!
Magnet: Sand................................... Sand!!!
Sand: What?
Magnet: No, not you. The serpent.
Blaze!!! Cyclone!!! INFERNO TORNADO!!!
Blaze: Inferno Tornado. *looks at Cyclone*
Cyclone: *looks at Blaze*
Blaze & Cyclone: *nods* Got It. Magnet!!
The 2 jumped up in the air at the height of the serpent's head
Cyclone & Blaze: Inferno Tornado!!
Cyclone summoned a cyclone by blowing hard and Blaze blew fire out of his mouth to make a Fire Tornado.
The fire tornado spun around the serpent
Then, The Serpent turned into glass.
The Tornado vanished into thin air
And Blaze and Cyclone landed back down to the ground
Sand: It turned into glass. *knocks on the glass body of the serpent*
Magnet: Of course, Sand has some materials in it's components to have the right matter to make glass, you just first have to heat it up in about 1700 degrees.
Blaze: Ohhh, that's why you told us.
Magnet: Yeah. *knocks on glass* It's now made of solid glass.
Emerald: Hehe, that's awesome.
Quake: Uhh, what do we do with the serpent?
Telepathy: Don't worry. *raises his hand up and makes the serpent rise* I got it.
(Gibberish, I know)
The Glass Serpent Turned into a light ball and went under Telepathy's spell book
Telepathy: *closes the book* There.
Sand: Hehe, sorry for stealing.
Telepathy: It's okay San. We've dealt worse.
Yaya: Really, what were we doing for the rest of the years?
Solar: Honestly, you're all still the same. You and Ying are still the smartest, Gopal still our friend and still didn't pay Tok Aba yet. And Fang still has a crave of red carrot doughnuts.
Emerald: Seriously, What's up with your obsession over red carrot doughnuts, Fang?
Fang: It's just I like it, Okay?
Emerald: Uhh, okay.
Blaze: Actually, Thunder?
Thunder: *looks away*
Cyclone: *looks at Thunder* *Hugs Thunder*
Thunder: *secretly blushes*
Quake: Awwww, cute.
???: *takes a picture of the two*
Cyclone: Huh, Solar?
Solar: Hehe, I'm never going to delete this.
Dark: Yeah.
Thunder: *whisper* Why now?
Sand: Oh Hi Dark.
(Know this meme? Only me? Okay)
Dark: Hey.
Quake: Wait, now everyone is here.
Cloud: Really?
Cyclone: Yeah.
Ice: *still asleep*
Thunder: (-_-") Still.
Dark: Don't mind him.
Shadow: *counts* Yep, everyone is here.
Cyclone: Uhhh, T. P?
Telepathy: Yeah?
Cyclone: Can I open this bottle of yours? *shows a very weird bottle*
Telepathy: Uhh, sure.
Cyclone: It says "4 random" *holds the cap*
Telepathy: Oh 4 ra- Wait, 4 random!? Don't-
Cyclone: *opens bottle*
The Bottle produced multi-colored magic dust from the inside, the dust flew out of the bottle and surrounded the 16 siblings. The Siblings were coughing so much when the dust surrounded the brothers.
Gopal: What the?
Time immediately turned from afternoon, to the night
The 16 siblings' form turned, rather dog like
The 16 Siblings: *deep breath* Awooooooooo!!
Yaya: Are they?
(Yep You guessed it)
Blaze (Werewolf): Haha, howling is fun.
Ying: Aren't wolf people just folklore?
Cyclone (Werewolf): Nope.
Telepathy (Werewolf): Once again, Cyclone's curiousity messes up stuff.
Quake (Werewolf): Grrrrrr, great.
(Their voices are a little deeper by the way)
Cyclone (Werewolf): Wait, why is it night already?
Telepathy (Werewolf): It is because you just opened up the 4 random bottle.
Thorn (Werewolf): *sits down on the ground* What is that?
Telepathy (Werewolf): The 4 random bottle contained the dust that casts random spells from the previous days.
Quake (Werewolf): I'm guessing this is the night time spell. The spell that turns the day into night time for 24 hours.
Yaya: But how does that explain, "that"?
Telepathy (Werewolf): This? This is normal for us at night time.
Quake (Werewolf): Ever since, the "Great Accident" occured.
Dark (Werewolf): Every night.
Quake (Werewolf): We turn into, "this".
Thunder (Werewolf): We are getting used to this. 'Cause of the fleabag Blaze.
Blaze (Werewolf): What did you say to me!?
Thunder (Werewolf): I said, you are a freakin fleabag.
Blaze (Werewolf): *growls*
Thunder (Werewolf): *growls too* You wanna.
Quake (Werewolf): You guys, shut up. *roars*
Blaze & Thunder (Werewolf): *whines*
Cyclone (Werewolf): Beast mode Quake, I don't wanna handle that.
Yaya: *whispers* Wow, they look cute.
The siblings (WW): *hears it* We heard that, Yaya.
Yaya: Oh.
Magnet (Werewolf): You do know that wolves have a better senses, right?
Yaya: Yes.
Magnet (Werewolf): Okay.
Dark (Werewolf): The good news is, there is nothing here that can anger us. The bad news is, we are right infront of bystanders and friends.
Emerald (Werewolf): Is that a good or bad?
Dark (Werewolf): It is either way.
Blaze (Werewolf): The fun part is, we act like dogs.
Quake (Werewolf): For example. *grabs a dog whistle* If I blow this. *blows the whistle*
All the siblings except Quake (WW): *looks at Quake* *barks uncontrollable* *then stops and cover their mouths*
Quake (Werewolf): *stops blowing* They bark.
Blaze (Werewolf): *tongues out*
Quake (Werewolf): *noticed* Oh Blaze, come here.
Blaze (Werewolf): *walked towards Quake*
Quake (Werewolf): *surprise scratch Blaze* Who's a good bro?
Blaze (Werewolf): *tail wags, still tongue out* I am.*pants like a dog* I am. *falls on the with one foot in the air*
Quake (Werewolf): *stops scratching Blaze* See, we do this.
Blaze (Werewolf): *stood back up* Haha. That was great of you.
Quake (Werewolf): Thanks.
(I'm getting tired of writing Werewolf, so I will just write W)
Dark (W): As the 8th oldest next to Solar, I should know as much, but Quake knows a lot more things than all of us.
Neo (W): Yeah, he knows everything about us all.
Blaze (W): He has like a library in his head.
Adudu: Oh really? *grins*
Telepathy (W): *senses "something"* Oh, don't even think of it. *growls at Adudu*
Adudu: Huh?
Quake (W): Hm, Telepathy knew what you were thinking. So, don't even think of what you're thinking.
Thorn (W): Hey, why don't I get some attention? *cute dog face*
Quake (W): Aww, I will never forget you. *surprise tackle, scratches the back of Thorn's head and Back*
Thorn (W): *dog sounds*
Dark (W): Telepathy, how long do these things last?
Telepathy (W): It lasts from a few minutes to 30 minutes.
Dark (W): Oh, okay.
The 16 siblings started to glow, after a few seconds
It became the afternoon/ the normal time again
Ice, Dark, Cloud, Magnet, Emerald, Shadow, and Telepathy are normal when the dust disappeared
Dark: What the?
And........ Quake, Cyclone, Blaze, Solar, Thorn, Sand, Neo, and Silver are Girls!
Fem. Quake: *faints*
Fem. Blaze: It's the gender spell.
Dark: Well, at least it was just for the dare.
Yaya: Eh? What dare?
Fem. Cyclone: Well, we were dared to play "7 minutes in heaven", but we were all boys. So, Blaze thought of asking Telepathy to turn 8 of us into girls.
Fem. Sand: That was an experience....... We will never forget.
(You know what Sand means, its the uncomfortable one)
Telepathy: Yeah, that was.
Fem. Quake: *wakes up* Uhhh, Okay.
Magnet: How are you bored?
Fem. Blaze: You know I forgot to bring my phone, right?
Fem. Silver: Uh, you know you can ask Magnet to borrow, right?
Fem. Blaze: Oh.
Magnet: Actually, sure you can use it.
Fem. Blaze: Can I use your computer, Magnet?
Magnet: Yeah.
Magnet puts his backpack on the ground, unzips the zipper, grabs his PC, puts the PC on the ground, zips the zipper back, and puts the backpack back on his back (a tongue twister for me, geez)
Fem. Blaze: *sits down, opens the computer* Woah, you have so many things here.
Magnet: Of course I have, you're not the only that gets bored.
Fem. Blaze: Can I play?
Magnet: Sure, as long as you don't break my computer.
Fem. Blaze: *opens folder* *presses a search engine* *searches "game of the year 420BlazeIt"
Fem. Silver: 420BlazeIt?
Fem. Blaze: Never heard of that game? It's Sand's, Cy's, and my favorite game to play in the internet.
Fem. Quake: Uh, we never heard of it.
Fem. Cyclone: It is a shooting game, where you have to defeat the Illuminati, you will have to eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew.
Fem. Sand: The Game is full of internet memes. That's why we like the game.
Fem. Blaze: *already started playing, shot a guy*
Game: YOLO!!
Fem. Blaze: Yeah, YOLO Bro. *keeps shooting*
Fem. Sand: Hey, let me play too.
Fem. Blaze: Later, after me Ded Bruh.
Fem. Thorn: What does that mean?
Fem. Blaze: It means if I die in the game.
Shadow: Uh, when was the last time you actually played?
Fem. Blaze: Uh, a month ago. *found doritos, pressed F to eat it, saw a guy and shot him*
Blaze goes forward and opens a door, a face appears in front
Fem. Blaze: Oh gosh, I remember this.
He goes forward, explosion sounds were heard, he was in a room with so many bad guys
Fem. Blaze: Oh snap, Die Die Die, you scrubs!! *shoots the guys*
Game: *on screen* MLG PRO, Duck hunt dog, YOLO Guy
Fem. Blaze: Yo, Too much. Too much "Ice" you scrubs. *keeps shooting*
Ice: Ice?
Fem. Sand: Uh, we won't explain what he just said, it's too much to understand.
Game: * dubstep bass intensifies*
Fem. Blaze: Yeah, the drop. *still shooting*
Game: *dubstep bass drops*
Fem. Blaze: Yeah, that dropped so hard.
Shadow: It dropped as low as your IQ, Blaze.
Fem. Blaze: Shut up, Shade.
Fem. Sand & Cyclone: *LOL!!*
Ice: Mm, Burned.
Fem. Blaze: Please Shut Up. *shoots 5 more guys*
Game: *dubsteps fininshes, on screen* Legend, Eddie Wally
Fem. Blaze: Yeah, I'm a Savage you frickin scrubs.
A while later (Lazy)
Fem. Blaze: *opens door*
Shrek: What are you doing in my swamp!?
Fem. Blaze: Aw snap, the Ogre king has came. *shoots Guys around Shrek*
Health point: 50 and decreasing
Fem. Blaze: No no no, I'm so close to the end.
Game: *player dies, sad air horn sounds*
Fem. Blaze: Aw c'mon, I almost beat the living hell out of Shrek!
Fem. Sand: Hey, can it be my turn to play?
Fem. Blaze: Fine.
The 2 siblings switched places and Sand started to play
Emerald: Actually, I've seen "San" almost defeating Shrek, he just needed to kill the bad guys around him.
Fem. Sand: Yeah, that was true. *shoots a bunch of guys*
(SKIP TIME) Still Lazy :p
Shrek: What are you doing. In my Swamp?!?
Fem. Sand: Aw flip, time to shoot some. *shoots like 5 people*
Skip time again (Still too lazy)
Game: *Shrek defeated, sad horn sounds*
Fem. Sand & Fem. Blaze: Eh? Spooderman?
Spoderman: Actually it's Spoderman.
Fem. Blaze: Oh.
Spoderman: The Illuminati took me and put into mecha-Shrek.
After a few words later
Spoderman: If I am kill-
Fem. Blaze: Uh. °~°
Spoderman: Then who, was, fone.
Game: *illuminati triangle appears, X-files*
Fem. Sand: Ah, Shoot! *tries shooting*
Game: ..........*ends*
Fem. Sand: ................. Frick.
Fem. Blaze: Woah, never expected that.
Dust appeared on the siblings, again.............
Suprisingly, Neo, Telepathy, Shadow, and Quake are normal, but.........
The Rest of the siblings are Frickin Babies
Neo: Bruh, not again.....
Yaya: They're babies?
Ying: Hehe, so cute.
Baby Blaze: Ngeeeh! *crying out loud*
Quake: *picks up Baby Blaze* Shhhh, please. *smiles at Baby Blaze's fiery orange eyes*
Baby Blaze: *calms down* *smiles, cuteness over 9000!!*
(Imagine it, it's sooo cute)
Baby Thunder: Meh, meh. *lies on his back*
Quake: Hehe, this is why they call me "Mama Quake" sometimes. *sits on the ground* Because I can be strict to them. *puts Baby Blaze down* Or I can be soft to them.
Baby Sand: *crawls towards Quake* Meh Meh. *opens his arms at Quake*
Quake: Oh Sand. *picks up Sand*
Baby Sand: *touches Quake's face with his cute baby hands*
Baby Cyclone: *gets on top of Quake's head*
Quake: Oh. *puts Baby Sand down, grabs Baby Cyclone from his head* How did you get up, Baby Cy? *puts Baby Cyclone down*
Baby Cyclone: *crawls towards Baby Blaze, Baby Sand, and Baby Thorn*
The 4 began to play around Neo
Telepathy: Still very playful.
Boboibot Neo: *bends down* Hey, babies.
Baby Dark & Baby Solar: *tongues out* *faces each other*
Yaya: But, how come you 4 aren't babies.
Quake: *stands up* Because, we weren't casted by it.
Telepathy: We 4 were not in the house when the spell was casted down.
Ying: Eh? If you weren't there, then how was it done?
Telepathy: Oh, Blaze accidentally used my spell book.
Baby Blaze: *tongues out*
Boboibot Neo (Human): *picks up Baby Cloud*
Baby Cloud: *hugs his small teddy bear tightly*
Boboibot Neo (Human): Haha, you are just the cutest Mist.
Baby Cloud: *tongues out*
Boboibot Neo (Human): Haha, there you go. *puts Baby Cloud down*
Baby Magnet: *topples over*
Shadow: *picks up Baby Magnet* Serious, but still sweet. *puts Baby Magnet down* You know what. Let's play.
Baby Emerald: Ngeh?
Shadow plays with his hands and made 16 familiar figures appear
Shadow: I forgot to introduce you guys.
Yo, these are the Shadow Siblings.
They are as playful as Blaze and Cy, as fast as Thunder, and as sneaky and sly as me.
Baby Blaze: Haha, Sheduws.
Blaze (Shadow): *dashes over to Baby Blaze, bends down* *plays around*
Baby Blaze: Heheheh. *claps with his cute baby hands, topples over from laughing*
Shadow: Haha, Blaze. *picks up Baby Blaze*
Baby Ice: *asleep*
(He's a baby, What did you think he was doing?)
Telepathy: They're mostly happy when we are around.
Baby Thunder: Meh.
Quake: Mostly, when I'm around. *picks up Baby Thundy*
Baby Thunder: Meh. *touches Quake's face*
Quake: Haha.
Shadow: Okay Shadows, time to dissapear.
Shadow snapped his fingers and made the shadow siblings dissappear
Baby Blaze: Meh. *puts his thumb in his mouth, lies down*
Boboibot Neo: Hm, what could be the next spell?
Dust appears on the siblings, again.......
But this time, they all look normal...... But.
Blaze (???): Ah, my head.
Blaze touches his head with his Flam-Ice Hand!?
Blaze (???): What the!?
Yaya: Eh, what's wrong?
Emerald (???): Uhh, why is my...?
Telepathy (???): Oh no, I remembered this spell!
Emerald (???): What is it?
Telepathy (???): It's the mind swap!
All the siblings: What!!?
Cyclone (???): I'm in Thunder's body!
Thunder (???): And I'm in yours.
Quake (???): Well, here comes the confusion part.
Sand (???): Yo, I can manipulate Gems, sweet.
Boboibot Neo (???): Uh, let's figure out who is who.
Quake is Telepathy
Telepathy is Quake
Cyclone is Thunder
Thunder is Cyclone
Blaze is Ice
Ice is Blaze
Thorn is Cloud
Cloud is Thorn
Solar is Dark
Dark is Solar
Magnet is Me
I am Magnet
Sand is Emerald
Emerald is Sand
Shadow is Steel
And Silver is Shade
Cyclone (Thunder): Okay, now I remember.
Ice (Blaze): Oh no, the powers are messed up. You know I can't control Blaze's Fire power, right?
Sand (Emerald): Ohhh, Yeah.
Emerald (Sand): And that's why they call Blaze here the Frickin Fire Arsonist.
Blaze (Ice): At least your powers are easy to control.
Cyclone (Thunder): Your not the only one Ice, I can barely control Thunder's power.
Solar (Dark): And it's hard to control Dark's power too.
Telepathy (Quake): Hey, let's assume almost all our powers are hard to control.
All except Telepathy: Okay.
Sand (Emerald): *secretly grabs Emerald's Phone from the pocket and searches stuff*
Emerald (Sand): Hey, what are you doing with my phone?
Sand (Emerald): Uh, my phone is in my pocket and my pocket is with you so I will use your phone.
Emerald (Sand): Uh, you know I can just give you your phone, right?
Sand (Emerald): Oh okay.
They both handed each other's phone
Sand (Emerald): *does stuff to his phone*
Thorn (Cloud): Wait, I remembered the last time this happened, we had to switch our clothes to help know.
Quake (Telepathy): Oh yeah, We did.
Dark (Solar): But......... There was one problem.
Thunder (Cyclone): Uhhhhhh..... Ohhh, that.
Dark (Solar): Yeah, we actually had to take our clothing off.
Sand (Emerald): And we were at home, so we were able to do that.
Shadow (Silver): And actually, I don't feel like taking Silver's clothes off.
Silver (Shadow): And I don't feel like taking yours off either. *arms crossed, secretly blushes*
Telepathy (Quake): Uhhh.
Quake (Telepathy): Actually, why not just take off our hat and our jacket?
Blaze (Ice): Oh, that's actually a good idea.
Thunder (Cyclone): I think so too, let's do it.
A minute later
Telepathy (Quake): Okay, so we have to look at our top instead of bottom.
All the siblings: Yeah.
Blaze (Ice): Uhh, Neo....
Boboibot Neo (Magnet): What?
Blaze (Ice): look behind....
Boboibot Neo (Magnet): *turns around and sees a knife flying towards him* Oh My Gosh!!! *successfully dodges it* Who even used a knife here, outside!?!
Magnet (Neo): Uhhh, I don't know how that happened.
Boboibot Neo (Magnet): *glares*
Magnet (Neo): Uhhh, my powers are magnetic, kay? You need to control it in order to make it stop.
Boboibot Neo (Magnet): *eye rolls*
Magnet (Neo): Hey, what was that eye roll for!?
Boboibot Neo (Magnet): Oh I don't know, maybe because your power almost killed me!!
Magnet (Neo): And what do I have to do with it?!?
Blaze (Ice): Hey.
Magnet & Neo: What!?
Blaze (Ice): *points at Quake*
Quake (Telepathy): *smirks and deathglares at Magnet and Neo*
MagNeo: °-°
Emerald (Sand): *whispers at Magnet & Neo* If there is one more argument between the two of you, then you two will get it.
MagNeo: ○-○
Dark (Solar): And even worse, Quake has Telepathic powers.
MagNeo: 0-0
Quake (Telepathy): Would you do it again? *creepily smirks*
MagNeo: Uhhhh, N-N-No Sir!
Quake (Telepathy): Okay.
Sadly, Blaze and Thunder will only have the fun. *smirks*
Thunder & Blaze: ○-○
Emerald (Sand): Well, have some fun you two. Telepathy.
Telepathy (Quake): Oh well, have some time you three.
Thunder, Blaze, and Quake were teleported somewhere
Quake (Telepathy): Well then, time for some fun. *smirks like jeff the killer*
Blaze & Thunder: Noooooooo!!
~Where the others are~ (I have no idea where they are....)
Emerald (Sand): Oh Gosh, they won't be okay........ To be honest.
Magnet (Neo): Phew, Good thing me and Neo aren't apart of it.
Neo (Magnet): Yeah....
Solar (Dark): To be honest, every single one of us was always under Quake's wrath.
Telepathy (Quake): And we are, for real. Always under Quake's wrath, no matter what element we are, we are with Quake.
BBB. Love: *appears from a portal* Hey guys.
Telepathy (Quake): Oh my gosh, Love!! You scared me.
BBB Love: I'm sorry, I didn't know that, I am just looking for my brother Game, Have you guys seen him?
Ice (Blaze): Uhhh, I think Blaze knows where he is, but Blaze isn't here right now.
BBB Love: Why?
Ice (Blaze): Uhhhh, Quake business.
BBB Love: Oh okay, I'll go ask Starlight.
Neo (Magnet): Okay, when you found Game, tell him that I said Hi, Love.
Cyclone (Thunder): And tell Starlight that I said Hi.
BBB Love: Okay Cy & Neo, see you guys. *goes back inside the portal, disappears*
Yaya: Err, what was that all about?
Emerald (Sand): Oh, that was just Love, a sibling of ours.
Gopal: Wait, you said that you were 16 not 17.
Solar (Dark): Haha, we are 16, in here.
Fang: What do you mean, in here?
Dark (Solar): He meant is, we are 16 in this world. But we are more in different worlds.
Yaya: Eh?
Telepathy (Quake): I Telepathy, knew that the first time I met them. *grabs a different book from his sidebag*
He opened the book and a hologram of different worlds and realms
Telepathy (Quake): Those dots aren't just dots, they are different worlds.
Shadow (Silver): And with different worlds, it means different people, like us.
Silver (Shadow): We were the only ones who found out.
Dark (Solar): And actually, we became friends with them.
Solar (Dark): We were friends with 4 of them.
Sand (Emerald): And to be honest, their names aren't elemental. They were just from different stuff.
Telepathy (Quake): And actually. Quake, Neo, and I have a journal about every sibling, including the ones we met from different worlds.
Cyclone (Thunder): And to be real, 1 of them almost killed us, even if we're almost related.
Ying: Wait, what are their names?
Magnet (Neo): Okay, please don't be weirded out.
Dark (Solar): There is Boboiboy Lunar, he can manipulate the moonlight and he is not as lovely as you may think.
Solar (Dark): There is Boboiboy Love, you've already met he- I mean him, he is more feminine than usual.
Thorn (Cloud): There is Boboiboy Starlight, he is very cheerful and happy, he can control the wonderful stars.
Neo (Magnet): And there is.....
Magnet (Neo): *voice deepens* Boboiboy Game.
Yaya: Eh?
Telepathy (Quake): Game, by the name, he is a mastermind of the gaming world.
Before we fully knew him, he hurt us. Not that much.
Shadow (Silver): He could turn the entire world into his game realm.
Gopal: Woah, he makes you play a game, what kind?
Cyclone (Thunder): Oh different kinds, his favorite kind to use is RPG, and we like it too.
Thorn (Cloud): Actually, when we knew more about him, he became friendly to us and let's us play more of his games.
Dark (Solar): But, he still is mostly silent and stoic most of the time.
(If you don't know what stoic means, search it up)
Telepathy (Quake): *hears something* Uh, Oh Yeah!
Quake appears
Quake (Telepathy): Hey guys.
Cyclone (Thunder): Uhh, where's Blaze and Thundy?
Quake (Telepathy): Uh, they needed a little time.
All the siblings except Quake: °-°
MagNeo: Uhhhh.
Yaya: What does that mean?
Silver (Shadow): You don't wanna know.
Blaze and Thunder are lying on the ground
And Knocked Out/ K.O ....
~Back to the others~
Cyclone: Uhhhh.
Solar: Even if we are brave, we still get kinda scared.
Magnet: I actually counted everytime one of us argue with each other. And the most is by, Cyclone, Thunder, Blaze, and Ice. No matter what order, they argue the most.
Ice: But, I argue only with Blaze and Cyclone, not Thunder.
Magnet: Oh yeah, my bad Ice.
Ice: It is.... *yawns* Fine. *falls asleep* Zzzzzzz
All the siblings except Ice: -_-" *sweatdrop*
Then, dust appears, and the siblings return back to normal
Telepathy: Okay, we're finally back to normal.
Cyclone: T.P? Can you bring Thunder and Blaze back here?
Telepathy: Uh Okay Cy.
Blaze and Thunder were teleported back
Blaze: *touches and rubs his head* Adu, what, what happened?
Thunder: Yeah, I don't remember anything that happened.
Blaze: Quake punched us and everything went white, that is what we only remember.
All the siblings except Thunder, Quake, and Blaze: •~•
Neo: Is that what you really remember?
Blaze & Thunder: Yeah.
Sand: Oh my good-
???: *on top of a streetlight* Hello Blaze.
Blaze: Oh Shoo- Oh, Hey Game.
Game: *waves at them*
Neo: Oh Hey Game, Love was looking for ya, where were you?
Game: *points to the ground*
Neo: You were here?
Game: *nods*
Neo: Oh.
Blaze: Game!
Game: *looks at Blaze*
Blaze: Can we play? A game?
Game: *nods*
Quake: Wait, what game exactly do you want to play?
Blaze: "Battle 1605"
(When saying the name, it is Battle 16-0-5, seperate the number 16 from 0 and from 5)
Sand: Yo, do you mean the game that changes our clothes and gives us weapons, guns, and stuff?
Blaze: Yeah, I wanted to play that.
Cyclone: Wait, doesn't the game effect the bystanders?
Neo: Oh yeah, we had to choose our clothes and pick our weapon to use. But since we are in the past.
Blaze: We can't play, awww.
Neo: But when we get home, we can.
Blaze: Yey.
Shadow: Game, aren't you suppose to go to Love?
Game: *necessary movement*
(I have no idea how to explain, but he looks like he's saying, "Hmmm, oh yeah)
Neo: Still doing the silence?
Game: *nods*
Blaze: *rumbling tummy* Aww, I'm hungry.
Quake: Hungry? It's a good thing I brought my backpack, I got chocolate filled pastries.
Cyclone: Did you just say?
Blaze: Pastries filled with chocolate?
( Chara: Give Me!
Author: Not now Chara. Get out!
Chara leaves and brings with her a bar of chocolate)
Quake: Uh yeah.
Dark: Usually prepared like Magnet.
Quake: Hey, we came here very early, we barely ate.
Neo: Yeah, we came here like 6 in the morning.
Quake: And remember I baked the pastries?
Blaze: You baked the pastries? Give me!!
Quake: Woah woah, calm down Blaze, I baked like 30 pastries.
Shadow: *whispers* It's a good thing Yaya didn't make it.
Yaya (Past): What?
Shadow: Uhh, nothing.
Ice: *wakes up, yawns* Did someone say pastries?
Quake: Uhh, yeah. *grabs the box of pastries*
Blaze: Ngeh! *grabs a pastry*
Quake: Oh geez.
Blaze: *bites into the pastry* Mmm, so yummy.
Quake: Well, at least you only took one. *grabs a pastry from the box and eats it*
Gopal (Past): Pastry? Can I have?
Quake: Uhh, sure.
Gopal (Past): *Grabs a pastry and eats it* Wow, so yummy!
Quake: Thanks.
Dark: Hey, how 'bout us?
Quake: Oh haha, sorry, I'll place the box here. *puts the box down* You can only take one. You can have one too Game.
Game: *Comes down, grabs a pastry, eats it, and enjoys eating it*
The other 14 siblings grabs a pastry and eats it
Sand: You really are good at baking, Quake.
Quake: Thanks, it's funny how Blaze is.... breadful for it
Blaze: Yo, that was a pun, that was sweet.
Ice: -_-
Sand: Haha, puns.
Cloud: To be honest, we can cook.
Sand: But Quake's is hard to beat.
All the siblings except Quake: Yeah.
Yaya: What do you mean? How about my cookies?
All except Yaya: *that shocked face when Yaya talks about her cookies*
You know like this:
(Exclude Yaya)
Telepathy: Uh, your cookies are..... indescribable.
Love: *appears in a portal* Hey gu- oh there you are, Game.
Game: *waves*
Love: *smells something* Oh, Quake, did you bake some pastries?
Quake: Yeah, you can have the pastries. *gives the box to Love* Besides, I can make more when we get home.
Love: Thanks Quake.
Game: *teleports to Love*
Love: Hey brother dear.
Thunder: -_-
Game:..... *still being the silent one*
Love: Thundy, do you think of me being innocent?
Thunder: Uhh, yeah.
Love: Why?
Thunder: It's the way you are.
Love: What does that mean?
Thunder: It means you're being you.
Love: How am I being me?
Thunder: *getting a little mad* I don't know ask yourself that!?
Love: How can I ask myself?
Thunder: *getting more angry* You are you, just think!
Love: How can I think of myself being me?
Thunder: *so furious* Oh my gosh, you son of a ######! Your such a- *gets smacked, K.O*
The 16 siblings except Thunder: *stares at Thorn*
Thorn: *holding a piece of wood* What? I don't want Thundy to go on a rampage again.
Love: *staring at Thunder* What's wrong with Thundy?
Quake: As usual, very mad.
Love: Uhhh, we got to go now.
Game: Okay. *dashes through the portal*
Love: See ya. *goes back through the portal*
The portal disappeared
Quake: Uhhh.
Blaze: *stares at Quake*
Quake: What?
Blaze: *kawaii face* Can I?
Quake: *sigh* Fine. *cross arms*
Blaze: *summons 3 fire balls and plays around by juggling*
(The flame is so hot, the color of the flame is blue)
Quake: -_-
Blaze: Hahahaha. *still playing around*
Sand: Hahaha, bro. Let me play too.
Quake: Okay.
Sand: Blaze, play hot potato. *puts on a pair of gloves made of sand*
Blaze: *still juggling* Hot potato? Yo Cy, catch!!! *throws a fire ball at Cyclone, and continues to juggle*
Cyclone: *catches* Oh hot, hot, hot, hot! *throws the fire ball to his left hand and does it again on his other hand* So Hot!! *throws it at Thorn*
Thorn: *catches it* Ahhhh!! Hot!! *does the same thing and throws it at Dark*
Dark: *catches it, holds for a few seconds, eyes widen, takes a deep breath, and-* AHHHH!!! HOOOTTT!!! *throws it at Sand*
Sand: *catches it* ..............
His Sand gloves melted of Sand's hand and turned into glass went it hits the ground
Sand: *no gloves* Hot!!! Bad Idea Bad Idea!! *throws it back at Blaze*
Blaze: *throws his other 2 fire balls up, catches the one being thrown, throws it up, and continues to juggle*
Sand: How did that not work? *almost burnt hands*
Magnet: It needs to cool down first before it could turn into glass, Sand.
Cyclone & Thorn: Ow, our hands.
Ice: Come here you 4.
Cyclone, Dark, Sand and Thorn walked towards Ice, Ice summoned 4 snow balls and placed one snow ball to each siblings' hand
Dark: *refreshed* Oh, thanks Ice.
Ice: Your welcome. *sits down on the ground*
Quake: Next time, Blaze. Throw an orange fire ball, not a blue one.
Blaze: Sorry, I will.
Magnet: Yeah Blaze, a blue flame is the hottest kind of flame.
Quake: Besides, the only ones that can actually resist the heat is you, me, Ice. And you know, our robot counterpart.
Blaze: I'll try to remember that. *makes the fireballs disappear*
Blaze: Hey hey T.P.
Telepathy: What?
Blaze: Can we go now?
Then, with a snap of a finger, they're back at memory lane
All except T.P: o-o
Okay, that is the end of a part, this story will have one more part coming
Boboiboy Starlight is from, GGGPhoenixia
I will use Starlight in future stories, don't worry Shaz
That's not the end for Starlight,
Boboiboy Love and Boboiboy Game is from Farah_Arts
Thank you Farah for letting me borrow your OCs
I will use those two again in later in a very long story
I barely finished it and I'm 2% finished.
And I have no idea where Boboiboy Lunar was from
The 4 are from different people
So, yeah.
The spells will be in seperate stories, it will come soon
But seriously, it took 4 months to finish and a few days to finally publish it
Hope you like what you've read
See Ya
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