Random (#4)
Okay, time for another random chapter.....
... Here we go!
Friday, 8: 20PM
It was time for sleep..
Maria was with the 16
Maria: Hehe. *goes upstairs*
At this point, a few were already asleep
Maria: I gotta do this. *goes to Cloud's room* Clou- !?!
Cloud: *literally had no top clothing* Huh..?
Maria: Uhhh...... I didn't know you weren't in pajamas yet.... Nor you didn't have a shirt yet. ._.
Cloud: *sigh* It is because Shade, Silver's and Shadow's dog. Chewed up my pajamas...
Maria: Perfect timing!
Cloud: Why?
Maria: Because I have this! *shows him.... A cat onesie*
Cloud: A cat costume..?
Maria: Not exactly... But it's a onesie.
Cloud: Hmm, I have heard onesies are adult jumpsuits... And it is for relaxing and sleeping.
Maria: Exactly, put it on.
Cloud: Okay then..
He puts on the cat onesie.
Maria: Awww, now you're a cute cat. *strokes Cloud's hair*
Cloud: *purrs*
Maria: And a real good one.
Cloud: Hehe. Thank you.
(I just thought of this because of what LunalaStarlight said)
Blaze: Okay, Quake said that we need to clean this place up.. So.. Let's do it because I'm bored.
Cyclone: Okay.
(Okay, that was short. ._.)
(Okay, the other three random parts are just stuff locked in my head, I got used to BlIce, ThundClone, and Tholar ships.
So here are the three.
By the way, I'm not really gay, so I'll brotherly love)
In an ice rink,
Blaze: Ice! Can you teach me how to skate?
Ice: That's the reason why I brought you here. *wearing ice skates made of ice*
Blaze: Oh. *wearing normal ice skates*
Ice: But here. Take my hand. *gives him a hand*
Blaze: Okay. *held onto Ice's hand*
They began to walk on the ice
Ice: Now. Slowly walk. *normally walks*
Blaze: *tries, doing good*
Ice: Great. Now. Let go and try on your own this time. *lets go*
Blaze: Eep... *tries skating, but keeps sway and shaking left and right* I-I am doing it.
Ice: *thumbs up* Nice one, Blaze.
Blaze: Hehe- *trips and falls*
Ice: Oh! *caught him before falling* Be careful.
Blaze: *laughs sheepishly while scratching his head*
Ice: Y' know what? I'll help you for another minute until you can do it yourself.
Blaze: Thanks bro! *hugged Ice*
Ice: Heh. No prob, Blaze. *pats Blaze's back* Now, let's continue on.
Blaze: Yeah!
(This is my second favorite ship)
In the living room,
Thunder: *sigh* Why does Quake have to make me do the chores?
Cyclone: I can help! *comes out of nowhere*
Thunder: Waah! Cyclone! Stop scaring me like that.
Cyclone: Sorry.....
Thunder: It's fine... Can you at least help me with this?
Cyclone: Okay! >:3
3 minutes later
It was all done
Thunder: *sigh* Finally. Thanks.
Cyclone: No problemo bro bro! :3 *hugs Thunder*
Thunder: *didn't expect it..... then smiles and pats Cyclone's back* Heh.
Cyclone: Actually I wanna ask. Can I call you Thundy..?
Thunder: Hmm.... Well why not. But just you. Because you're actually my favorite.
Cyclone: Yeay! owo Thank you! *very happy*
Thunder: Hmm... *kissed him in the forehead* Just for you, Cy.
Cyclone: *chuckles*
That wasn't gay either -3-
But I know someone who would ship ThundClone recently •3•
(ThoLar, last one)
This one's a little longer....
In the living room, in the morning
Solar: *reading an encyclopedia*
Thorn: Solar?
Solar: Huh? *looks at Thorn* What is it?
Thorn: What is Schadenfreude?
Solar: Oh...... That's the feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about other people's troubles, why?
Thorn: W-well, remember I was with a friend...?
Solar: Yes? Why?
Thorn: She.... was a toxic friend.... She laughed at me when I said I lost my favorite shirt that you gave to me... It made me sad..
Solar: Then she shouldn't be your friend. If she doesn't care about you, then you don't have a reason to be with her too. And also, don't worry. Besides..... I found it. *shows Thorn a shirt*
It was colored green, it had thorny vine designs surrounding a symbol, which was Thorn's symbol
Thorn: *gasp, was given the shirt, hugged it* Thank you, Solar!
Solar: Hehe. No problem, Thorn. Besides, I wouldn't forget you. Nor you wouldn't forget me, right?
Thorn: Of course not! You are smart! You are strong too! And mostly!
Solar: Mostly wha- !! *gets unexpectedly hugged by Thorn*
Thorn: You are my number one favorite! I'm happy you're here.
Solar: *.... smiles* Heh. I'm happy you're here too. *kissed Thorn in the cheek*
Thorn: *giggles*
Who actually liked that?
I mean, I'm getting used to gay
I can do this again,
(Just in the right mood)
So, yeah
3 more!
(Until I can get into a thousand words)
While Cloud was wearing the cat onesie,
Cloud: Mew.
Magnet: Haha. You look cute in that Cloud.
Dark: Really good, Mist.
Cloud: Mraow. *lied down like a cat*
Emerald: *chuckles* *scratches Cloud's hair*
Sand: Yeah bruh. It's legit.
In the living room, 10:00AM
Magnet, Cloud and Solar were minding their own business
Thorn: *looks at what they were reading*
Magnet: * wearing glasses* Huh? Oh Thorn, Cyclone, Sand.
Thorn: Hi. :3
Cyclone: Hey M.T.
Sand: Hey, bro.
Magnet: Hmm, what are all of you doing here?
Sand: I'm just bored.
Cyclone: I was with Thorn.
Thorn: I was in my garden.
Cloud: Oh, you never told me that.
Thorn: You were....... busy.
Cloud: Oh..... right.
This one's connected to the Tholar one
All 16 were asleep, in their rooms
Thorn: *went to Solar's room, opened the door*
Solar: *groans, woke up* Thorn? Why are you awake?
Thorn: I had a nightmare.
Solar: Oh.... It must be real bad, huh.
Thorn: *about to cry* I saw.... you..... Quake... *sobs* The others.... *sobs* I don't want you to die..
Solar: Oh...... Come here, Thorny.
Thorn: *walked forward to Solar's bed, sat next to Solar*
Solar: Don't worry about us, Thorn. If you always think of those kinds of things. It will pull you back. Let go of that, see a bright future. Alright?
Thorn: Okay.
Solar: You can sleep with me, since you were terrified.
Thorn: Thanks, Solar. *lied down next to Sol*
Solar: Besides, you have a lot to learn. *chuckles*
Then, they both slept.
Okay, that's done.
So...... Yeah...
I have no idea what's next. .--.
See ya!!
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