Random (#1)
Time to go random
Let's start
In the living room
Blaze: Hey. *snickered* Ice?
Ice: What now?
Blaze: *shows a glass of water* "Water" you doing?
Ice: -_-
Neo: Wow.
In the living room again
Cyclone: *pokes Magnet* Magnet? Magnet?
Magnet: *asleep on the couch*
Cyclone: *keeps on poking Magnet* Magnet? Magnet?
Magnet: *wakes up* What?
Cyclone: Have you seen my phone?
Magnet: Oh. It's on my desk in my room, Cyclone.
Cyclone: Why is it there?
Magnet: I don't quite remember.
Neo: Magnet?
Magnet: What?
Neo: Have you finished?
Magnet: Finished what?
Neo: Finished fixing my computer.
Magnet: Oh, almost done, Neo.
Neo: Oh.
Cyclone: *still poking Magnet*
Magnet: What is it this time?
Cyclone: I just want to poke you.
Magnet: Um, why?
Cyclone: The others are busy. And you weren't.
Neo: Wait, why aren't you busy, Magnet?
Magnet: I was suppose to help a guy with his bike. But I was. "Two-tired". *shrugs*
Cyclone & Sand: Nice one.
Down in the caves
Thorn: What do you do here, Emerald?
Emerald: Sometimes, I just rest for a few hours. But I sometimes search around for any crystals or gems.
Thorn: Oh.
Emerald: Unlike you, I like to look at the sparkling gems and shining crystals.
Thorn: What do you mean?
Emerald: You love to look at flowers, plants, and a few other botanies.
Thorn: Oh.
In Telepathy's room
Quake: *opens his door* Telepathy?
Telepathy: *meditating on his bed*
Quake: Oh, oops. I'll leave you to that. *closes the door*
Blaze: Well!?
Quake: I didn't see a ghost. You must be seeing things, Blaze.
Blaze: I swore I saw a ghost.
Quake: o-o
Blaze: What?
Quake: There is one right beside you.
Blaze: Wait... what? o-o *turns to his left*
Ghost: Hi.
Blaze: ○-○
Mag, Sil, Qua, Em, Tel: *on the couch* *asleep*
Blaze: Is something wrong with them?
Ice: *on the floor* No, they are just sleeping. *then, feel asleep*
Thorn: Why are they asleep?
Dark: Really? Magnet had to help Silver with his work. Emerald and Quake had to fight the robbers alone. And Telepathy needed rest because he used his energy and magic too much from yesterday.
Blaze & Thorn: Oohh.
Solar: We should leave them be.
Ice, Blaze, Dark, & Thorn: Okay.
Ghost: Hi again.
Ice, Blaze, Dark, Thorn, & Solar: ○-○
Sand: Can someone kill this thing!?
Cloud: *shot it with his bow*
Sand: Thank you.
Cloud: It was just a tarantula. But I killed it.
Sand: Yeah.
A few minutes later,
back inside the living room
The 5 woke up
Neo: You're finally awake.
Quake: Yes, what's wrong?
Neo: Blaze made the kitchen catch on fire.
The 5: Wait what!?
Blaze: Sorry.
Quake: How did you almost burn the entire kitchen?
Blaze: Well, I was watching Neo make something. Then, I thought it would be a faster way to help bake it. So.....
Quake: So?
Blaze: I set the oven on fire and it caused...
Magnet: Yeah, we got that, Blaze.
Blaze: Hehe. Sorry.
Quake: It's fine, Blaze. We can fix the kitchen later.
Blaze: Heh....
Neo: Bros, Iook.
Blaze: What?
Neo: *bottle flips on the table, succeeded* *dabs*
All except Neo: •-•
In the living room again,
Thunder was just listening to music on his phone
Cyclone, Blaze, Sand, and Neo were playing Minecraft PE
Ice was already fast asleep
Solar and Dark were checking their phones for anything
Silver and Shadow were watching stuff on youtube
Cloud and Thorn were playing something on Magnet's computer (Magnet has one)
Emerald and Magnet were watching the 4 play minecraft
And Quake and Telepathy, well.
They were the only ones who weren't in the living room
Blaze: Sand Temple!
Neo: Come on, let's get the loot below it.
Magnet: Be careful, isn't there a tnt tra-?
Sand: Goin! *goes straight down*
SansPlays fell from a high place
Blaze: Um..
Emerald: San, you had low health.
Sand: Oh yeah. I forgot.
Blaze: Hey, what are you doing?
Cyclone: I'm watching Magnet.
Magnet: *stacking small wood blocks to make a tower*
Blaze: Oh cool. Can I help, Magnet?
Cyclone: Magnet said he is okay.
Blaze: Okay, I'll just watch with you, Cy. *sits next to Cyclone*
Magnet: *completes the tower* Finally. All done.
Blaze: What are you going to do with it, Magnet?
Magnet: I don't know, you can knock it down if you want to.
Blaze: *pokes the bottom*
The tower fell down
Blaze: What will you do now?
Magnet: I'm going to go to Emerald's little cavern.
Blaze: Oh.
(That was boring)
Neo: *listens to dubstep*
Blaze: Neo, what are you doing?
Neo: *can't hear because he is using his wireless headphones*
Blaze: *inhales* Neo!
Neo: Huh? *turns it off* What?
Blaze: What were you doing?
Neo: I was listening to dubstep.
Blaze: Oh, okay.
In Thorn's garden,
Thorn: *waters his plants*
Cloud: *helps Thorn*
Thorn: Thank you for helping me, brother Cloud.
Cloud: You're welcome, I like helping you, Thorn.
Birds were flying around
Cloud & Thorn: Huh?
One bird sat on top of Cloud
Cloud: What is the bird doing?
Thorn: Wait. *gets leftover seeds from his pocket*
The bird saw the seeds and flew up to Thorn
Cloud: Oh, he is just a little hungry.
The bird flew away
Cloud: Oh, bye bird.
Thorn: Bye bye, birdie.
The bird: Bye bye.
Cloud & Thorn: ○-○
That was just random shenanigns that were in my head
This was for making up to you from the previous story, which was sad
I'll do more of this, if I can
Like I said,
This is the Random Book
And it means I'm random :p
See ya
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