Matt's Birthday
April 24th, 3... In the frickin morning
Yeah.... Matt really has a complicated schedule for sleep. :/
Though... He does get an average of at least 5 hours of sleep...
As usual. He's up and at it.
Considering.... He is now. 20.
An adult person. -w-b
Now. Considering he's a different kind of person other than an element....
I can tell the differences. From before... To now.
Magnet. Before. Was a frail kind of guy. Though nerdy. He loves and was interested in sciences and math. He wasn't the strongest kind of people. Though he was intelligent. He was shy. Maybe a little anti-social... Though. He likes talking to others.
Though. Now. Magnet. Or you could just call him Matt if you wanna. He's now like a gentle giant kind of guy. Kinda a buff dude, tall.. all that. Always ready to help. Interested in more things, though still is with science and math. Though likes to experiment with mechanical work and robotics. Owob
To summary,
Magnet before, a frail, shy, intelligent, and kinda a nice guy. 10/10.
Magnet (Matt) Now. A gentle giant, more extroverted, still has the intelligence.... Basically had both brain and brawn..... And a nice kind of guy. -w-b
(Not those kinds of 'nice' guys I heard of from Reddit.. ._.)
Though. The reason I call him a gentle giant.... Is because he is half Human. Owo
He is also. Half Titan. owo
Though.. He is usually in his human form... In which he is different in height... And not much in appearance...
In his Titan form.... He is like.... At least 30 feet tall... Owo
He's half Titan... Titans are huge. :/
Though.... In his human height.... He's just 5'9.... Yee.
That's tall. Alright.?
I don't even know my own height.. .__.
I just know that I'm around the 5s.... But not exactly... ://
So, here's some stories
..... That randomly popped up in my head....
Featuring, Matt. Of course.
(And.... Seldomly featuring.... The seven siblings... Cause I'm drained of writing about them.. :'|)
April 24, 5:00AM
2 hours after Matt has woken up..!
He was just wandering the hall..
Steel's door open
"Huh? Oh. Ey. Good morning to ya, M.T. ''
Steel gave Matt a high five... And... Matt immediately react back
"Hey. Good morning to you, too. Steel."
And gave a chuckle
"Geez, man. As usual. Freaking impressed by ya. Hah. Even the dogs might be scared of you if you bark back at them, eh?"
In which, Matt just chuckled
"Oh shut up with that Australian and Canadian kind of slang and accent, would you?"
(Please don't get mad.... I'm neither of those ethnicities.... I just make stuff up..)
"Hehe. Alright, mate."
Then, Steel walked off..
The irony.... Was that Steel was holding onto Shade... Shade was just as always... Looking chill..
In which, Magnet just chuckled and continued walking
But, he knew, what would happen if he passed by Samato's room
Oh boi
Matt... Immediately dodged a shard that came from the door
Heck..... That shard missed Matt... And pierced the wall next to him... Half way
Double heck.... That wall... Is Thorn's. :'|
R.I.P One of Thorn's walls. :'/
"... I knew you would do that."
Matt whispered. And continued walking
But then. Once again-
Neo just randomly gets teleported from the ceiling. And slammed into the floor
"..! Oh geez. Nate.!"
Neo did try to stand up. But he looked like he was drunk and passed out
"... Umm. Alright then."
And then just continues on, walking down the stairs
Where, Ice always sleeps on the couch... Like 4 hours a day
"Oh. ", Matt said before he sighed, "As usual, sleeping with no idea of what is happening in the real world.."
(Betch.... I just wanna be happy. :<)
Then, walks towards the door, outside
Seeing Samato, with Emy
"..?", Matt raised a brow, then shrugs it off
As, he is just going to roam around the house
Nothing too exciting, but at least it is not too bland
.... Yeeeaaah.
I don't have anything else to think of.
So it is a little boring
But, I'll try to think of something interesting next time, kay?
See y'all
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