Group Chat (#1)
Okay, time to do something else aside from stories
How about group chat?
Sounds legit.
Let's Start
Quake- BrotherQuake (I was lazy)
Thunder- FuriousLightning (sounded legit)
Cyclone- WindyCy
Blaze- BlazingBro
Ice- PolarIce
Thorn- InnocentLeaf
Solar- SwagSol (Lol)
Dark- TheDarkness (Why not?)
Sand- NaughtySan
Magnet- IronMagnet
Emerald- ShiningCrystal
Cloud- MistyCloud
Silver- SteelBro
Shadow- CunningShadow
Telepathy- TelepathicNecro
Neo- NeonBeat
I literally just mashed 2 words I can think of into one just for the names...
There will be more when I think of more people to come in the group chat
OCs will come in next time
(Everyone joined the group chat)
BrotherQuake: Hey, where are you guys?
FuriousLightning: I'm in my room, reading a book.
PolarIce: I'm in the living room with BlazingBro and WindyCy.
IronMagnet: I'm outside, doing a little work with SteelBro.
MistyCloud: I am with InnocentLeaf, in his garden.
TelepathicNecro: I'm in my room, looking out the window.
CunningShadow: I am outside, with NaughtySan.
ShiningCrystal: I'm down in the caves.
TheDarkness: I am at the park, with SwagSol.
BlazingBro: Haha. XD
FuriousLightning: What?
FuriousLightning: Oh. LOL!!
WindyCy: LOL.
BrotherQuake: What happened?
BrotherQuake: Oh my gosh! LOLOLOL. XD
InnocentLeaf: What? What happened?
BlazingBro: When we were watching TV. A big white dude was running in a park and said, "Oh ####, I forgot my ####### white dog." Then, a black dude came up to him and said, "the dog is too white. You can no longer see him, because he is too white.
CunningShadow: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
SteelBro: Wow. XD
ShiningCrystal: Racist black guy. Being racist and all.
[Basically, everyone is going laughing mode, right now]
BrotherQuake: Wow, Oh. Neo, where are you?
NeonBeat : I'm with some friends.
BlazingBro: Wait, you have friends?
NeonBeat: #Triggered. Ò~Ó
SteelBro: OOHHHHH!!!
NaughtySan: OH DANG!!!!
FuriousLightning: Ohhh, Wow.
BrotherQuake: ..........
PolarIce: °<° WOW!
WindyCy: OHHHHH!!
TheDarkness: WOW.
SwagSol: WOW!!
IronMagnet: Wow.
ShiningCrystal: Wow.
CunningShadow: Bruh!!!
TelepathicNecro : That's going to hurt.
NeonBeat: Yeah, it did. Really, I am with friends.
BrotherQuake: Okay.
InnocentLeaf: Why is there a blop of goop in the yard?
IronMagnet: Wait, what color is the goop?
InnocentLeaf: Black.
IronMagnet: Oh No. #### #### ####.
(IronMagnet logged off)
InnocentLeaf: Umm....
SteelBro: What is happening?
InnocentLeaf: Why is Magnet on the ground?
InnocentLeaf: And not moving!?!
BrotherQuake: WHAT!?
FuriousLightning: What!?
WindyCy: Wait, What!?
BlazingBro: WHAT!!??
PolarIce: What!?
SwagSol: Wait, What!!??
TheDarkness: What!?
NaughtySan: What!?!
ShiningCrystal: What!?!?
SteelBro: What!?
CunningShadow: WHAT!?
TelepathicNecro: What!?
NeonBeat: Wait, what!?
MistyCloud: Um... we ran away. And we didn't see anything else...
(IronMagnet logged on)
FuriousLightning: Oh s###.
NaughtySan: F###
BlazingBro: #### #### ####.
Quake: 0~0
IronMagnet: ........
WindyCy: Um, M.T?
IronMagnet: .......
MistyCloud: Um....
IronMagnet: ......
SteelBro: What is he doing? ○-○
IronMagnet: .....
InnocentLeaf: What is he doing, really?
IronMagnet: ....
FuriousLightning: Magnet, this isn't funny.
IronMagnet: ...
ShiningCrystal: I notice the periods are decreasing by one.
IronMagnet: ..
BrotherQuake: °~°
FuriousLightning: •~•
WindyCy: ○~○
BlazingBro: ●~●
PolarIce: ○-○
InnocentLeaf: ●-●
SwagSol: -□~□-
TheDarkness: o-o
NaughtySan: °-°
MistyCloud: ▪~▪
ShiningCrystal: •-•
SteelBro: ○~○
CunningShadow: °-°
TelepathicNecro: •-•
NeonBeat: °~°
IronMagnet: .
IronMagnet: Hęłłø.
BlazingBro: •~•
InnocentLeaf: Hello?
IronMagnet: Dön't yøů ķňœw mə¿
BrotherQuake: Um....
IronMagnet: Îţ į§ mĕ. Mąģńəţ .
BrotherQuake: Uh, okay.
IronMagnet: Ęřŕøř.....¡¡
(IronMagnet logged off)
InnocentLeaf: Guys, Help!!
(Everyone logged off)
I'm sorry, I had to do that.
I did this in one day, which was cool
And I'll do another one next time
That's all.
See Ya
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