Oh mighty....
I think of cuteness from the 5 Alters too much. ._.
Even Cumulus...
I'll explain later!
Strato: *mindlessly brushing Stratus' hair*
Stratus: *purring, while rubbing his head against Strato's chest*
Strato: *chuckles, with a smile on his face* Oh Stratus.. my sweet little brother.
Cirrus: *panther form, next to Cumulus*
Nimbus: *next to Cumulus, hugging Stratus' teddy bear*
Cumulus: *didn't do anything..*
Maria: Guys!
Strato: Huh!? Oh, Maria. What is it?
Maria: Cumulus!? Drink this! *shows a weird potion*
Cumulus: *growls* Why..?
Maria: Just do it! If you won't! Then I'll splash it on you!
Cumulus: *sigh* Fine then.. *took the bottle, poured some on his hand....... Then he drinks like how a cat does...*
Maria & Karensa: Huh..? •-•
Strato: ... What? That is how Cumulus drinks without a cup or glass. He uses his hands and licks it like how a cat drinks.
Suddenly, Cumulus turned into...
A chibi version of himself!!
Cumulus (Chibi): *smol chubby chibi* ...........
Maria: Haha! Now you're small. Now who's the toughest one now.?
Cumulus (Chibi): .....! *panting* You did not just do that..!
Maria: See, you're sm- Hng! *gets pushed, and was lifted up by the back*
Cumulus (Chibi): You think I am still weak!?! I am not!! *throws Maria into space*
Maria: Waaahhhh-!! *disappeared out of sight*
Karensa: o-o ........ Well... Now I know why I should never tease Cumulus, no matter what. •-•
Cumulus (Chibi): *enraged, panting*
Strato: *pats Cumulus' smol head* It is okay... Do not be mad.
Cumulus (Chibi): *calmed down, and sat down*
Karensa: I like it much better when you look harmless.
Cumulus (Chibi): .........
Karensa: :T ..... Do something cute.
Nimbus: H-huh..?
Karensa: Come on. Do it.
Nimbus: *sniff* *does the cute innocent face with a smile* O-okay....
Karensa: *inhales* *suddenly hugs Nimbus* You're a cinnamon roll.
Nimbus: ... *hugs back, purrs like a little kitty* I-I like hugs.
Stratus: *joins the hug* I want a hug too. *purrs softly*
Karensa: *starry eyes* *hugs them both*
Cirrus: *changed back to his normal, little chubby self* :3
(Yeah, Cirrus is a little chubby, so that he could be more comfortable to cuddle with)
Cirrus: *joins in on the hug* :3 Meh like hugs.
Karensa: Meh too. :3
Strato: *giggles* Oh you four.*arms crossed* So wonderful to see you like this.
Cumulus: *just gives a normal look* :T .......
Karensa: *mumbles* "Join us."
Strato: Huh? Oh, no. I do not want to ruin the moment. *gave a wonderful smile*
Karensa: Okay. -w-
Cumulus will be a chibi for a while.. ._.
If anyone wants a hug, there's Nimbus and Stratus over there.
But! It will cost a price!
You will have to embrace the cuteness overload, Nimbus and Stratus gives out! >:3
And Cumulus will be there too. :3
Not the big one, but just his chibi self.
'Cause I think it's cute. -w-
He's a smol chibi.
See y'all
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