Cloud's birthday (The last part..?)
Before starting this up...
I'm sorry for the little incident with Nimbus, you four....
Even Raine..
And... Sorry for making you worry... For putting scars on my arm...
And um... Basically making you sad..
So umm....
To cheer up the mood..
Here's a little kitten we had..!
... Actually. That was from last year. Here she is now..!
He's cute. :3
But let's start this..!
*trying to do stuff * :T
*A new PM notification*
Nani?? .... Riya..? <:3333
Umm... Okay... Let's s-
:T ....... *looks at a notebook with the complete story*
...... Umm... Okay!! I guess I have to rewrite that part...
Here we go...!
Knock knock knock
Karensa: Nani?
Strato: Hm..? Come out.
Riya: Hello.
Karensa: Riya!! OwO
Raine: Hi Riya!
Nimbus: *sniff*
Riya: Huh..?
Raine: Is something wrong, Nimbus?
Nimbus: N-no... N-nothing is wrong... B-but.... *small smile* I-I appreciate you all coming here. Even Riya.
(Someone else: Yeet! Yeet!! Yeet!! Yayeet!!)
Cumulus: ..... Hm. Come on, Nimbus.
The girls and Nim: ...?
Cumulus: *summoned a spear* Let us. Do our sparring.
Karensa: Waiwaiwaiwait... You spar..?
Nimbus: ... I-I do... But... I do not normally... Be good in it...
Atalanta: Hm... I'm a little worried for you. Nim.
Nimbus:... I-I... Will be fine. I-I promise.
Atalanta: *really worried*
Cumulus: *stands straight and stern*
Nimbus... Couldn't summon a weapon... He doesn't own one... He. Summoned a shield
Nimbus: R-ready... *Looked like... He isn't*
Cumulus: Alright. *He walked backwards and dashed forward to immediately punch Nimbus' shield
But... Nimbus already immediately smashed into a wall... By his large force... And it did not... Look so good
Cumulus was panting
And Nimbus... Did not... Look so well
Cumulus: Come on, Nimbus. What happened with all the things I have taught you?
Nimbus: *sniff* .... I-.... *sniff*
Atalanta: *Mama time :)* Cumulus stop hurting Nimbus.!! You already hurt him enou-
Nimbus: N-no... A-Atalanta.... M-maybe... Cumulus is right... Maybe... I-I...
But.... Nimbus had something.... In his hand
It... Was Cumulus' corrupted rage... In the black orb
Cumulus: Huh!? Nimbus! What are you doing with that?!
Nimbus: .... M-maybe... I... S-should... Force myself... E-even more...
Crack..! .... The orb started cracking
Karensa: ...!! Nimbus! Stop!!
Raine: Yeah!! Sto-!
Nimbus: N-no..! .... Like Cumulus said.... I need to be strong...
Then... The orb completely f*cking shattered
The sky went grey... The clouds went dark
The Corrupted did not go towards Cumulus.... It went towards Nimbus
Nimbus: ...!!
He grunted... And then screamed in appalling and extreme pain.... As the corrupt... Dug into his skin...
All: Nimbus!!!
Then... Lightning... Struck down...
Thankfully, the Alters are resistant to electricity.... And Riya and Karensa created a big forcefield for the four girls
Atalanta: Nim!! *Against the forcefield looking towards the direction of Nimbus*
Atalanta: ...!! Nimbus!?
But, as soon as the light faded.... They already knew... It was not Nimbus
Cumulo was here.... And doesn't look so happy
Cumulo: ..... Did you. Expect Nimbus. To be stronger than you? After all you did. Right now?
Cumulus: Erh...
Cumulo: Or, did you expect him to magically be able to battle you? Is that Good for you? Is that Good for Nimbus!? It is not!!
Karensa: Nani-
Cumulo summoned a Kampilan.... With its handle being mostly black
Cumulo: .... You may not have felt his pain... But I can give it to you, myself!!
He immediately dashed towards Cumulus, looking like he was about to slash him..!
Cumulus, fortunately, blocked it with his spear
Cumulus: Urgh..
Cumulo went backwards, growling, clenching onto his Kampilan
Cumulo: No use of your antics then.
He this time went behind Cumulus, hitting the back of his neck, and then punching his back
Cumulus: Urgh.! Stop it now."
Cumulo: ... No.
Then.... Spikes rose up, piercing through Cumulus' clothes
Cumulus: ...!?
Cumulo: Not after what you have done. To. Nimbus!!
Atalanta: Stop! Stop it, Cumulo..!
They were still in the forcefield by the way
Cumulo: No..!! I do not want to bear that feeling of pain..! From Nimbus..!
But then... Stratus' whip wrapped around Cumulo
Stratus: Cumulo... L.... Listen to them... This... Is not right.
Cirrus: Yeah.
Cumulo... Didn't seem to listen...
Cumulo.... Was just panting... Twitching... As black veins.. began appearing on his arms...
Cumulo: .... No... No.. no...
Then... He seemingly began... To grow..?
Cumulo: Not after what he was doing... After all that!!
He broke free.... And... The same black spikes... Trapped the other three Alters except Cumulus
Cumulo: *panting* You. Do not. Want. To know. What you have given me.
Karensa: Umm.. great. :o
Riya: Oh no. What are we going to do..?
Atalanta: .... Nimbus..
Raine: Oh geez. We should go help them.
Cumulo: Do you think you are a brother to Nimbus!? If you do such things..!?! No..!
Stepping closer and closer to Cumulus... Looking more pissed...
Cumulo: You would not understand.!-
Then... Singing...
All except someone: Huh?
Atalanta... Was singing a tune...
Which... Made Cumulo stop... Dead silent
Atalanta kept on singing....
Cumulo turned his head towards Atalanta... And started... Walking towards
Like.... He was in a trance...
("... A... Atalanta...")
Atalanta... Just kept on singing... But... Looking like she was holding in something
.... Cumulo went close to the force field.... Cooing at Atalanta
The forcefield, slowly disappeared
(''... At... Atalanta..")
Atalanta looked at Cumulo, and touched her hand against the forcefield, over Cumulo's
("At... A-Atala-")
Cumulo: Atalanta..
When the forcefield completely disappeared.... Cumulo just hugged Atalanta
Atalanta.... Hugged back... Singing a tune that sounded like it can be enjoyed with like a lullaby
Cumulo purred... Just like Nimbus
(Holy f*ck Mama Atalanta time, bois and gals.)
Atalanta: ... Nimbus.
Raine from behind gave a hug too
Atalanta: ..?
Raine: What? I want a hug too..
Cumulo honestly didn't care anymore.... So Karensa and Riya followed along
Cumulo: .....
("Cumulo... G-go rest.... Please..")
Atalanta stroked his hair
He... Really like that, with his eyes closed and a smile
Atalanta: Nimbus... Please come back...
Nimbus: O-of course, Atalanta..
From black eyes back to blue..
Atalanta: Heh. Hey Nim..
Nimbus: *coos, as he rubs his head against Atalanta's hair*
(Considering.... Nimbus is 6 feet... While Atalanta is at least 5 feet)
Atalanta: *smiled*
Riya:. Yeay. :)
Karensa: Hey Nim. :3
(Heh. Nice.)
Tem skip: Few minutes later-
Nimbus looked happier... So do the other four..
Strato: Hm... It is almost time to go.
Cirrus: Aww.. :(
Strato: It is okay. We can still have contact with them.
Nimbus: ..... - O-oh. I-I just remembered... I... Want to give them something...
Karensa: Nani?
Atalanta: ...? What is it?
Nimbus: .... First.... I want to give something to Karensa...
Karensa: Wha-
Karensa: Nani!? Owo
A small puppy corgi wearing a collar with a small crystal pendant
Nimbus: I... Remembered you liked Corgis..... So.... I want to give you a small puppy.
Karensa: (Insert reaction here: Do you accept? How do you react?)
A few minutes later
Nimbus: .... Now... For Riya.... I... Want to give you... This.
His hands glowed... And a small topaz and black pendant... Appeared on his palms
Nimbus: Here... A special pendant... I have had for a while now...
Riya: ..... (Reaction is missing)
A few minutes later
Nimbus: .... Then... Raine..
Raine: ...?
Nimbus: .... Here...
His hands glowed again... And a necklace... Made with string and colorful beads... And hanging a ruby pendant... Shining
Nimbus: Raine... A special pendant necklace... It is just a small accessory... For you..... If you want to wear it... Here.
Raine: (Response here. Do you accept? How do you react?)
Tem skip: Few minutes later
Nimbus: ... Now... Atalanta... It may not be the not be the greatest gift... But it is one... So special to me...
He puts his hands together... As winds howled...
He crouched down, as something grew from the ground...
A black rose... Glowing as white as clouds on a sunny morning
Nimbus carefully picked it by the stem, showing it closer to Atalanta
Nimbus: Here... Atalanta... A special black rose... From a special place only a few have been in...... It never withers so long as you remember good memories... From friends... From family.... From... Me and my brothers...
Atalanta: (Your Response, Atalanta. Do you accept? How do you react?)
Another Tem Skip: few minutes later
Nimbus: A-alright...
Then, the 5 began fading...
Strato: Ah... It's already time to go...
Three did say 'See you'
... Until they all fade away... And someone else took their place
It was Cloud... And he was standing at 5'2
(Yes. The Alters may be tall... But Cloud is... Short.... Reee)
Karensa: Hey, Cloud. :3
Cloud: Heh... Hello all of you.... I am happy that all of you came here.
Riya: Anything for a friend.
Cloud: Right... Well... Thanks a lot for coming.
Then portals appeared
Karensa: Oof- well. I think it's time to go... I'll be watching some Anime.
Karensa went towards a portal
Raine: Hey. Wait.!
Raine followed Karensa into one of the portals
Riya went into another portal
Riya: See you soon, Cloud
Cloud: I wish to see you too.
And Riya went through
Atalanta went last but not before ruffling up Cloud's hair
Cloud: ...? *Pouts*
Atalanta: Hehe. See you soon, Cloud..
Cloud: .... See you soon as well... Atalanta...
And Atalanta went through... Leaving just Cloud... Alone
.... He stayed silent... Before sitting down...
Then.... He took off his jacket.... Took off his shirt
..... Sprung up was a pair of white feathery wings on his back... With black on the tips
Rain began pouring down...
As petrichor filled the air after drops of rain fell on the soil
"... Rainy day... Is it not..? Days that may seem of sorrow... Days that may fill the mind of sadness.... As the clouds turn grey and the skies turn darker
But... The sorrows will not stay forever... There will be a rainbow after rain... Although...
A rainbow can come before the rain...
However... It is not my decision... To choose what you are... What you pick... And who you will be....
I am not that kind of person to be entitled to everything in front of me..
That is for you and you alone...
You may have been protected from the start... But you have to eventually let go and be independent....
You can be a leader... A fighter... Anything...
But that's for you...
Many possibilities. Your decision."
Winds howled... Lightning struck behind and thunder clashed
But... He honestly didn't care
The smell of petrichor was very pleasant...
It was time for this to end
An Anti Climatic End
Finally done!!
.... Maybe...
I really did this late...
Very frucking late...
Oh. Also.
*looks at something *
"9 rare clouds types*
ツ ...... You know I'll look at dem...
._. Even though I won't add any more Alters....
..... I really wished I called...
Strato..... Mammatus...
It... Really sounds.... Like a Mama...
But.... Meh...
And... Riya...
I don't know where she is... .___.
And also.... Thanks Atalanta...
For making me fooking cry. ;-;
Because of your singing.
It's amazing. 👌👌
... And the last time... I cried because of someone singing. Was from my Tatay/Grandpa... And that was years ago. ;-;
You could even hear a bit of sobbing from my recording after the three voice recordings you sent.
I didn't even know why I cried.. it literally. Reminds me of something sad... That I don't know of...
Thanks for that crying session, Atalanta. 👌
Actually... The real reason.. why I published this by this time of year.
Is because I want to. .__.
There is another reason. But I don't wanna.. *sulks*
People here...!
Riya: @riyathefighter
(She's not found. :'( )
( :I )
And Atalanta: Eau_de_Glace
At least it is over....
Or is it...?
Don't know honestly.
See y'all..!
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