Cloud's Birthday (P-1)
(I'm so slow.... Sorry. ._.)
October 19, 2018, 6:00PM
While the 16 were eating dinner
Emerald: Mm, another dinner, full of taste. Great job, Quake. You too Dark.
Quake: Thank you.
Dark: Yeah. Ever since Quake taught me some stuff on cooking and baking. I've gotten better. I even once tried making a donut.
(Muffet: Huehuehue~
Author: Okay, shut up you little miss Muffet. 😑)
Emerald: Yes. For it has that sweet and savory taste, with a mix of other flavors, very well mashed into your dishes of food. It is grand more than just good.
(Okay let's have a little talk about that. 😐
Emerald.... Is a critic, and was a judge
So he has that tone of judgement that seems... very logical and reasonable.
Not like..
"Ugh!! This dish is horrible!"
No no... He is a very calm minded person. 😐
And a very mature one. 😑
"Ugh... The dish you served was not delightful with it's taste. Let alone it's odor and texture."
Yeah, he's like that. 😐
... Or he might be eating mashed up spoiled food.
He has done that... And he never liked it.... ever. ._.
Okay back to main chapter!)
Quake: Thank you, Emerald.
The others: *agrees, but are still eating*
(What'd you expect? They can't eat with their mouths full. ._.)
Cloud: Hmmm.... Do any of you know what day it is tomorrow?
Dark: *nom nom nom nom, gulp* Oh! Yeah.
Magnet: Yes we do.
Emerald: Of course, why would I forget?
Blaze: Uhh..... What day will it be tomorrow?
Emerald: You do not know?
Magnet: Tomorrow's Cloud's birthday.
Quake: It is? Well, advanced happy birthday.
Cloud: Thank you.
Quake: Oh. And remember, rule 28. Birthdays equal special day to the birthday person.
Magnet: Right. Actually, Telepathy? Didn't you say you have a spell that can separate the Alters temporarily?
Telepathy: Yes, I did. It lasts for hours. But it will take some time.
Cloud: I hope it will be safe.
Telepathy: Do not worry. It is safe.
Quake: Hmm, Telepathy? How is Lunarel?
Telepathy: Oh right, she is doing well. My old friend is looking after her for a while.
Quake: That was convenient.
Telepathy: Yes it is.
Magnet: Heh. Cloud be ready.
Cloud: Why?
Magnet: Because. You, and me. Will have a little battle.
Cloud: *stares at Magnet* Okay. *stood up* Well. See you outside, Magnet. *goes to the living room and then outside*
Telepathy: Do you regret anything?
Magnet: Not at all.
Telepathy: Okay then.
Magnet: *finished* Well, I'll go too. *goes outside too*
Solar: I have a bad feeling about this.
Quake: I have the same feeling too.
Magnet: *looks around* Heh.
Cloud: Are you ready, Magnet?
Magnet: Huh? *turns around*
Cloud: *behind him* Will we start?
Magnet: *slowly grabs his iron baton* Heh. Okay.
The iron baton smacked Cloud in the chest, making him crash into a tree
Magnet: Nice. Huh?
Cloud: *panting aggressively, looking at Magnet*
Magnet: Well well. Are we going to have some time? *grabs another baton*
Cloud: *flips up his hoodie*
But then...
His right eye darkened more than his left, his hands glowed like a flame, and his clothes changed from light blue, to black and grey
(Oh mighty, cue in Megalovania!!)
Magnet: Huh.. heh. *grinned* This is new.
Suddenly, arrows began to fly towards Magnet
He successfully dodged each one
Until, Cloud tackled, and the arrows pinned Magnet, mostly on his right side
Magnet: Urgh, you'd think that would hold? *breaks free* Welp, time for it to become harder. Hyah! *attacked up close*
Cloud: *blocked it with his hand* And that will be over soon.
The two fought intensely, weapon to hand
Magnet, after a while, felt tired
Cloud, on the other hand, wasn't
Magnet: *panting, on the floor* Well, you win, Cloud.
Cloud: *slowly, his eyes turn back to sky blue* Okay then. Well, it is time to go back inside. Tomorrow is a busy day to the others, and you.
Magnet: Okay. *gets up*
They both went inside, and noticed Dark on the couch
Dark: Hey.
Magnet: Oh uh, Dark. I thought you would be sleeping by now.
Dark: Yeah, I will. Just in an hour.
Magnet: Umm.. okay.
Dark: See ya.
Cloud and Magnet went upstairs
Cloud: Good night to you, Magnet. *goes to his room"
Magnet: Good night, Cloud. *goes to his room*
Time skip,
The next day~
October 20, 2018, 5:30AM
In the birthday boi's room, /Cloud's room
Cloud: Zzzzzzzzzzz... *looking adorable, hugging his teddy bear*
Knock knock knock
Cloud: *makes inaudible noises* Mmm, come in.. *shifts to a sitting position on his bed, looks at the door*
It was Dark
Cloud: Oh, Dark. Good morning to you. Did you sleep by any chance?
Dark: Morning, and yeah. Of course I slept... Well, just for a couple of hours, from nine to.. probably three.
Cloud: That seems enough to pass by. Actually, why are you here?
Dark: I just wanted to say happy birthday to my lil cinnamon roll.
Cloud: Oh. Thank you Dark.
Dark: Hehe. It's no problem.
Knock knock
Cloud: Huh?
It was Telepathy
Cloud: Oh, good morning, Telepathy.
Dark: Morning, T.P.
Telepathy: Good morning to both of you. And Cloud.
Cloud: What is it?
Telepathy: It is time..
Cloud: Oh, right. *stands up*
The two went downstairs, followed by Dark
Cloud: *sat on the ground*
Telepathy: Oh, you want to do it here?
Cloud: Yes.
Telepathy: Okey then. *hands began to glow* *says gibberish*
Five symbols began to appear around Cloud
His physical body began to wither away, and 5 other beings began to form from light
From the shortest being 5'7, and the biggest being 7'1
When the physical bodies finished forming, they turned into the beings of the Five Alters
They had different expressions on their faces
Strato: Good morning, Dark. Good morning, Telepathy.
Dark: Morning you 5.
Cumulus: *starts bumping into things*
Telepathy: Huh... You are bigger than expected.
Cirrus: Uhh... *compares the doors, to Cumulus* Yes... Cumulus is pretty much bigger than the doors. :l
Strato: Just sit down, Cumulus.
Cumulus: *sits down, with arms crossed*
Stratus and Nimbus: *sitting on the couch, resting their heads on each other*
Dark: Heh. *ruffles their hair* Happy birthday.
Stratus: Thank you, Dark.
Nimbus: Y-yeah... W-we appreciate.. i-it.
Then, Quake and Magnet came down
Quake: So t- *noticed them* ...... Huh, well that's a problem..
Cumulus: *sighs, avoid eye contact*
Telepathy: Actually, I have something that can help. *hands glowed*
A golden pendant appeared
Telepathy: Here Cumulus. Use this. It will teleport you.
Cumulus: *gave Telepathy a look* I do not trust your antics.
Telepathy: I promise. I am not playing games with you.
Cumulus: ... Fine. *takes the pendant* Huh?
Cumulus: *growls*
Strato: Is something wrong?
Cumulus: *grumbling*
Strato: Oh, do not worry about it, Cumulus.
Cumulus: *sighs*
Telepathy: Go and try.
Cumulus: *looks at the pendant*
The pendant began to glow...
Then, Cumulus disappeared from the living room, and reappeared in the backyard
Cumulus: :T .... *lies down*
Strato: *came to the backyard* Cumulus?
Cumulus: ...?
Strato: *summons a rain cloud* Come on Cumulus.
Cumulus: *stays shut and still*
Rain fell on Cumulus' head, making his hair all wet
Strato: *is just washing him up*
Cumulus: *makes a chill looking face*
Dark: *came out* Uhhm, is Cumulus okay?
Cirrus: Yeah, he is usually like this.
Cumulus: *grumbling*
Nimbus: *summons a raining nimbus cloud*
The raining nimbus cloud made Nimbus and Stratus wet
Strato: Huh? Oh, heheh. Oh Nimbus. *makes the clouds disappear* Cirrus? Would you mind getting towels?
Cirrus: Sure thing! *dashes inside*
Strato: *pats Cumulus' back* Does the vest feel tight for you?
Cumulus: *grumbling*
Strato: Oh. Well. Do not worry.
Cumulus: .... *still looked chill*
Cirrus: *has 4 towels* Here Strato!
Strato: Oh.. I only needed one towel. But, can you help Stratus and Nimbus dry themselves..?
Cirrus: Of course! >:3 *gives Nimbus and Stratus a towel each*
Strato: *gets a towel, dries Cumulus' hair*
Cumulus: *still looks chill*
Strato: Hehe, oh Cumulus. *done drying, grabbed a brush from his pocket and began brushing Cumulus' hair* Is that satisfying?
Cumulus: *nods*
Strato: Oh. Heh. *finished* You maybe scary. But you are an angel to me.
(Okay... Strato's really becoming a mama)
Cumulus: *growls but like a purr*
Quake: Dark! Come on, it's breakfast time!
Dark: Okay- wait. What about you 5?
Strato: It is okay, Dark. Just bring the breakfast here. Because we need to keep an eye on each other.
Dark: Oh okay then.
Meanwhile, in the dining room
Some were already eating, a few already finished.
Dark: Well. Time to eat. *sits on a chair*
Knock knock knock
Thunder: I'll get it.
He went to the living room and opened the door
Maria: Hey. :3
Karensa: Hello Thunderp! >:3
Thunder: Don't call me Thunderp!! >:(
Thunder: *cough* Anyways, hey.
Maria: Hey Thun. Is Cloud there?
Thunder: Yeah. You knew about his birthday?
Maria: Yeah.
Karensa: And I got them gifts!! *shows 5 gifts*
Emerald: *came by* Oh, how did you know Cloud will split?
Karensa: I have my ways.
Emerald and Thunder: :T ....
Emerald: Um, okay. You may come in, you two.
Karensa and Maria: Okay.
Quake: Hello you two.
Karensa: Hi Quakers.
Quake: :T
(Okay, I was thinking of oats. ._.)
Emerald: Hmm, since the five are in the backyard, and we will be going out. Can you two bring them breakfast?
Maria: Sure.
A while later,
In the backyard
Maria: Hoi!
Strato: Huh? Oh. Maria and Karensa. Good morning to you two.
Maria: Morning.
Karensa: We got dem foodie! *puts the plates on the ground*
Cirrus: Oi! *turns into a doggie, eating his food*
Nimbus & Stratus: *sat down, eating their food*
Cumulus: *doesn't do anything..*
Karensa: I also it gifts!!
Cirrus: ..! *turns back* Nani?
Karensa: *slams the gifts down* Open dem gifts!!
Strato: *opens his gift* Oh, a small notebook. This might be useful.
Cirrus: *opens his gift* *le gasp* A little bell. *makes it ring* And a shirt for meh tem!!! *turns into a temmie, with shirt* Hoi!!
Stratus: *opens his gift* Huh, a hat. *puts it on* And a book. It seems interesting. *curious look*
Nimbus: *opened his gift* O-oh... A-a teddy bear of m-my own! *smol innocent smile, hugs the teddy bear* T-thank you.
Karensa: *about to faint* K-... K-kawaii.
Cumulus: :T .....
Strato: Are you going to open your gift?
Cumulus: *grumbling*
Strato: Oh. Let me open it for you. *opens Cumulus' gift* Oh... A pair of glasses.
Cumulus: *tilts his head*
Strato: Here, let me put this on. *tries to put the glasses on Cumulus' face, succeeded*
Cumulus: *looked around, gave a thumbs up and tongue out*
Strato: Oh, Cumulus is satisfied with the glasses.
Cumulus: *nodded*
Dark: *came out* Hey, Nim!
Nimbus: Huh? Y-yes?
Dark: Two people came for a visit.
Nimbus: W-who?
Dark: Check for yourself.
Atalanta: Hey Nim.
Nimbus: A-Atalanta, H-hi!
Atalanta: *hugs Nimbus* Happy birthday.
Nimbus: T-thank you. *hugs back*
Maria: Oh... Nimbus, you had friends..? •w•
Nimbus: ..... *sniff, about to cry*
Maria: Oh crud, I'm a bad person..
Cumulus: *growling at Maria*
Maria. •^• .... Oh crad..
Karensa: ... Run.
Maria: Okay! *ran and never came back*
Cumulus: *growls*
Strato: *pats Cumulus' back* Shhh, do not be angry, Cumulus. Nimbus is fine.
Cumulus: *looked at Strato, sighed*
?????: Hi Cumulus. *levitated up and pats Cumulus' head*
Cumulus: Hello.
Nimbus: R-Raine. H-hi! *sniff*
Raine: Hi Nim. Wait, did you cry?
Nimbus: *sniff, nodded*
Raine: It's okay, Nimbus. *hugs Nimbus too*
Nimbus: T-thank you.
Stratus: At least, you have good friends, Nimbus.
Nimbus: Y-yeah.
Cumulus: *growling*
Nimbus: Cumulus.. N-no.. They d-do not want to hurt me.
Raine: Yeah, who wants to hurt such a cinnamon roll?
(????: Me~ Huehuehuehue~
Cumulus: *growling*
Karensa: *grabs a bazooka* Don't kill cinnamon rolls!! >:( )
Nimbus: *sniff*
Cumulus: *grumbling, sighs* Fine then. *lies down like a cat with scarf wings on his side*
Strato: *strokes Cumulus' hair*
Cumulus: *looks chill*
Karensa: Phew, at least he's chill. 🤣
Strato: Yes, he is. Cumulus is very comfortable with people he trusts. Like us 4 and the three of you... mostly to one of you, though.
(Not telling who.... But I'm not assuming things..)
Strato: Besides, Cumulus is calm at times, bu-
All: Huh?
Cumulus: *growls*
Atalanta: What was that?
(To Be Continued~)
Cloud's 18 years old now!
Well, Okay.
Sorry for publishing this late....
Since, his birthday is on October 20. ._.
I'm doing this in two parts..
'Cause... I'm a chubby, lazy, and sensitive buwito...
'Cause I am one... Meh chubby and I like being a little chubby
I was trying to be as quick as possible...
And I didn't add somethings because I was slow..
And I'm gonna re-update this soon..
And I'm also a dumb @$$ who's life is a lie and is horrible at everything..
*sits in the little corner*
Modoro: ....Okay...?
The second part will probably will be longer than this. ._.
Happy birthday to Cloudy!!
Atalanta is Eau_de_Glace
Raine is Rai_Chan07Anime
And KK Karensa is ImLonely11307
I hope you three are fine with this.
(And I hope you three had a good day after your exams.. or whatever.. I just heard it from Atalanta and Raine.. I'm just guessing you have too. :T)
See y'all!!
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