A Random Story?
Okay, here we go!
In a late morning,
It was very cold, because there was a snowstorm
Since they weren't in Pulau Rintis .-.
Me, Cloud, and Thorn were in the living room.
The other were outside
They weren't important, yet
~In the Living room~
Maria: And that's what it means.
Thorn: Ooh, so I'm not suppose to say those words in front of anyone.
Maria: Yeah, do you want it be mean?
Thorn: No, I don't want to. 😟
Maria: Good, because you're a cute innocent cinnamon roll. *pats Thorn's head*
Thorn: 😝
Cloud: Zzzzzz. *asleep on the couch, in a sitting position*
Maria: Heh. I don't know who's my favorite anymore. You're all my favorite.
Thorn: Hehehe. 😁
~knock knock knock~
Maria & Thorn: Huh?
Maria got up and opened the door
???? & ????: owo?
Maria: Huh..?
???? (1): Hello. •w•
???? (2): Hi. •w•
Maria: I thought I saw you two before.
???? (2): Of course you have. -w-
Maria: Oh wait. You're Mika and Luna!
Luna: Yep. -w-
Mika: Hello.
Maria: Hey. What are you two doing here?
Luna: Mika wants to see them. And also, it's freezing here.
Maria: Well, okay.
Mika & Luna: *gets inside*
Thorn: H-hi! 👋
Luna: Hello Thorny.
Mika: *saw Cloud* owo !?
Luna: *noticed* -^-
Maria & Thorn: *noticed too* *doesn't do anything*
After a while, they all sat on the couch
Luna: What is Cloud doing? *sits next to Mika*
Maria: *sits on the left side of Cloud* Nothing, just. Staying there... *strokes Cloud's hair*
Cloud: *makes purring sounds*
Mika: *sits on the right side of Cloud* Since when does he do that? owo
Maria: Uhhh... I don't remember when. But it's fun.
Mika: Let me try. *scratches instead of strokes Cloud's hair*
Cloud: *leans closer to Mika, while making sounds like a dog panting*
Mika: owo!?
Luna: -w-
Cloud: *wakes up* !?
Mika: Hi.
Cloud: *looks at Maria* Who are these 2?
Maria: They're Mika and Luna. Some people I know.
Cloud: Oh.. Hello. * waves*👋
Maria: Actually, they both know you a little well. Because of me. Mika was a little sad about you, Cloud.
Cloud: ..... *lowers his head*
Mika: It's okay, Cloudy. *pats Cloud's head*
Luna: Heh.
Maria: Do you need a little hug, Cloud?
Cloud: M... Maybe.
Mika: Don't be sad, Cloud. *hugs Cloud*
Cloud: *feels a little better, smiles, hugs back*
Maria: Hehe.
Thorn: Aww, I want a hug. ó-ò
Mika: *gives Thorn a hug, while still hugging Cloud*
Maria: (mind: #Lovabletrio)
Mika: *let's go of hug*
Cloud: ..... Th.. Thank you..
Mika: You're welcome, Cloud. 😊
Cloud: *hugs again, snuggles*
Mika: ....!! * (maybe) blushing*
Luna: Heh. -w-
Maria: Anyways, do you want something? Quake made some chocolate cake.
Luna: OwO!?
Maria: Knew it. Yeah. There's some cake left. If you wanna eat them.
Luna: *gets up and ran towards the kitchen*
Maria: Hey! *ran after Luna*
Thorn: Do you want cake? Mika? Cloud?
Cloud: I will eat later.
Mika: I don't feel like eating yet.
Thorn: Oh. Okey.
(Wait.. If Thorn loves plants? Does that mean he's not vegan? Or he is an all eater? I just thought of that)
Maria: *comes back* Welp, Luna's eating cake. *sits down* So Cloud? Do you need to say anything..?
Cloud: *avoids eye contact* .......
Mika: Please? (´◦ω◦')
Cloud: ...... Okay, I have a problem when meeting other people. I am too scared if you will hate me.
Mika: What? I'm not gonna hate you. *hugs Cloud* I won't.
Cloud: .........
(In his mindscape)
Cumulus: Hmm.....
Strato: She seems fine.
Cumulus: Fine then. I will not hurt her. Unless she hurts Cloud.
Strato: I have a feeling she will not.
Cumulus: Hmmm...
Strato: If she shows you. Then can you trust her?
Cumulus: ..... Fine, of course.
(Out of the mindscape)
Cloud: ...... Huh? *sensed something*
Mika: What?
Thorn: Yeah, what's wrong?
Cloud: *looks left to right* *gasp* Watch out!! *clenched onto Thorn and Mika, and got down*
After that, an explosion occurred
Cloud was protecting Mika and Thorn using...
Mika: *gasp*
Cloud: Shhh. Between us, okay?
Mika: Hehe, okay. ^^
Thankfully, Luna was in the kitchen, and Maria hid behind the couch
Cloud: *hid back his #####* *turned around to see who did it*
A man, in a metal costume, was the one who did it
Maria: Who in the world are you!?
???: Oh hello there. *flirts with Mika and Maria*
Maria: 😐 (in her mind: What the frick?)
Thorn: Who are you?
???: Hahaha, I'm Terence.
Maria: (In her mind: Is he drunk or something?)
Cloud: Get out. This is not your house. *stands in front of Mika*
Terence: Haha. You ain't making me leave. They're my girls.
Maria: Yep, he's drunk. 😑
Mika: I don't know you.
Terence: Hey, don't be like that, girl.
Cloud: Get.. out! *becomes a bit angry*
Terence: Not until my girls come with me.
Maria: No. We don't know you. So we have no reason for coming with you.
Terence: Hah! *knives were being thrown*
Cloud: *gasp, grabs the table, blocks every knife*
Terence: *out of knives, pounced at Cloud*
Thorn: Cloud!
Cloud: *bang into the wall* Errh..
Terence: Heheheh. *grabs a knife*
He was about to stab Cloud, but Mika was stabbed instead on the shoulder
Mika: *feel to the floor* *bloods coming out of the wound*
Cloud: *gasp*..!!
Terence: Whoopsie, my bad. I'm gonna try this one-
Cloud: .... *panting, savage mode activated* Now you made me angry. *growls*
Terence: O-O
Cloud: *roars, attacks bare handed*
Terence: Ow ow ow ow ow! *keeps getting hit*
Luna: -w- *comes back from the kitchen, noticed what's happening* owo!?
Cloud: Rarh! *punches him in the face*
Terence: *flies into a wall*
Luna & Maria: *just watches*
Cloud: *growls* Do you have anything to say?
Terence: Hahaha, this. *punched Cloud in the face*
Cloud: *faced to the left, and then looked back at him with a glare* You did not just do that?
Terence: Eep...
Cloud: *lifts him up with one hand and threw him towards a wall*
Mika: *wakes up* Huh? *gasp*
Cloud: You will pay for what you did!
Mika: Cloud! *gets up and walked towards him*
Cloud: Huh? You are....
Mika: I'm fine, really.
Cloud: *looks at the wound* You do not-
Mika: Please, I can heal myself.
Cloud: ...... *gave a concerned look* Are you sure?
Mika: *nods*
Cloud: ...... *hugs Mika, purrs like a cat*
Mika: OwO !!
Cloud: *savage deactivated* I heard this makes people less stressed. Is it working?
Mika: .. Yeah. It is.
Terence: Hey! You stealin' my girl!
Maria: We are not your girls, you b######!
Cloud: *roars* Now! Get! Out!
Mika: Yeah!
Terence: ...... *tries to intimidate them, failing*
Mika: You didn't hear what he said? He said get out! *summons a katana, stabbed him in the leg*
Terence: Ahh!
Mika: *removes the katana*
Cloud: *punched him in the face and grabbed him by the neck*
Terence: *high pitch voice* Eep...
Cloud: *glares* Now. Get out of our house! *throws him outside through the big hole Terence made*
Thorn: Vine barrier!
Vines cover up the hole
Thorn: Well, I hope he doesn't come back.
Maria: Hoping that too.
Cloud: *panting slowly*
Mika: Are you okay, Cloud?
Cloud: ...... Yeah. Good enough to pass. Is your umm... Oh. It is healed.
Mika: Hehe. See, I told you.
Cloud: Surprising.. *cocked an eyebrow, with a slant smile* You are such a beautiful surprise.
Mika: Hehe.
Luna: -w-
After a while, they were all sitting on the couch
Luna: So, he does that?
Maria: Yep.
Mika: Oh.
Maria: Very surprising huh?
Luna: Yeah.
Maria: Well, don't worry about it.
Cloud: *looked through the window* Hmm, the snow is subsiding.
Luna: Oh yeah, we were suppose to go.
Thorn: Go where?
Mika: It's nothing you need to know.
Cloud: *cocked an eyebrow* Hmm, okay.
Luna: Anyway, say thanks to Quake for me about the chocolate cake. *goes up to the door*
Maria: Okay. I'll do so.
Mika: Bye, Thorn. Bye, Cloudy.
Thorn: Goodbye. 👋
Cloud: *goes up to Mika*
Luna & Mika: owo?
Cloud: *final hug, purrs* Not a good bye. But a see you next time.
Mika: QwQ Okay, Cloudy. *pecks a little kiss on his head*
Cloud: Heh, I really liked both of your company.
Luna: No prob. -w-
Mika: Yeah.
Cloud: See you next time. *waves*
Luna & Mika: See you soon.
The 2 left
Maria: Hmm, you liked their company?
Cloud: Yeah. And I am not lying. I got a feeling that we might see them again.
Thorn: Really?
Cloud: Yeah. I know we will see them again.
Next time
mikageaikawaa as Mika
LunalaStarlight as Luna
I wanted to do that, okay?
Also Luna, don't make this like a ship or something, okay?
I'm kidding, do whatever
Mika, I might of changed something about your OC, but just guess it...
Mika and Luna, thanks for allowing me. 👍👍
Still surprised with the 300+ comment though
Okay, done with it.
See ya
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