5's Secrets (#1)
This part of the book will be serious
This thing will change the 16's lives
This is about....... Cloud....
So.... I am sorry..... but it is about..
His innocence... and a little bit of his past
Thursday, 3:00pm
All seemed normal
10 of them were in the living room, watching TV
Magnet was outside, tinkering with things
Quake was in the kitchen
Telepathy was in his room
Cloud was also in his room
Silver was in his workshop
And Emerald was in the cave
Everything looked normal.... but..
~In Cloud's POV~
*was cleaning his room*
Why is my room so dirty again?
I thought I cleaned my room an hour ago
Hm... I guess Blaze or Cyclone trashed my room again
*looks down under his bed*
Hey, what is that goop thing doing here?
*the goop pounced at Cloud's face*
Ahh! Get off me!
*struggles to remove the goop off his face*
*the goop phased through Cloud's eyes*
Ergh! AHHHHHH!!!
~Back to the narrator~
Dark: Huh? Cloud?
Cloud: *still in his room* ...I...
The 10: ???
Cloud: I..... am...... alive.........
Thunder: ? *raised an eyebrow*
Cloud: I..... feel..... empowered......
Thorn: °-°
Cloud: I....... am... sorry..... broth-
The 10: ...? •~•
Cloud: ...........
Solar: What?
Cloud: Hehe......
Dark: Um....
Cloud: Say goodbye....
A sound of glass breaking was heard
Dark: Huh? *stands up, goes upstairs* Cloud? *gasp*
Quake: *came out of the kitchen* What happened?
Dark: Cloud! Where are you!?
Quake: Huh!?
The others went upstairs to Cloud's room
Quake: What happened?
Dark: Cloud...... left?
Solar: What is wrong with him?
Dark: Hm, we need to find him. Now!
All except Dark: Okay!
In a forest,
~Cloud's POV~
What? What happened back there?
Huh? What was that?
*turns around*
*It turned out to be a flashback of Cloud's memory
Bully: Hahaha! You're weak! *pushes Cloud's past self*
Past Cloud: No.. No I'm not. *cries*
Bully: Then why are crying? Hahaha! You're a weak cry baby.
Past Cloud: *cries*
*cries too*
???: "One day, I will show them that I am not weak."
Past Cloud: *stopped crying* *facial expression turned from a frown, to an aggresive furious face*
???: "I will one day...... become stronger than they ever know!"
*Cloud's thought of memory faded back to his mind*
Hehe, I was right.... I trained hard, helped out
But, I.......
*facial expression changed to aggressive*
I was still angry
......I was holding.... this aggression..... for so long
Haha, now....
*closed his eyes*
*voice now sounds cold and harsh
It is time.
Say goodbye to your loving and caring brother....
And say hello....
*opens his eyes, eyes turn from light grey, to a darker grey color*
To a new friend.
*angry facial expression*
"Savage Cloud"
I will show them.... I will show them all.
*multiple arrows appear in the sky*
That I am not weak like what they say.
Time to show them.
*a long spear appears on Cloud's hand*
"What I'm really made of!"
~Back to the others~
Silver: So, Cloud ran away?
Dark: Yeah, we heard him scream and the window broke in his room.
Thunder: Hm....
Quake: Thunder? Didn't that happen to you before?
Thunder: ...... Yeah, actually.
Thorn: What happened?
Thunder: Well...
Months ago, at night
I was asleep
Then, I had a nightmare
The nightmare didn't make me afraid
It made me angry
What I didn't know, is that I was sleepwalking
After long hours, I woke up
Not knowing what happened, all I saw in front of me was Magnet and Quake
I guess they have heard me from my room, while the others were asleep
I followed Magnet and Quake back to the house, and went back to sleep
~End of Flashback~
Cyclone: Oh.
Magnet: Hm. It was just because his own mind can't handle that much aggression in his nightmare. Since we were trying to make him a little more happy with us. But I guess he still needs more handling.
Emerald: Wait, so what does that say about Cloud?
Magnet: Hm. If Thunder had that aggression from a nightmare, then what about Cloud?
Dark: Actually, I have never seen Cloud, very furious and aggressive at someone.
Magnet: That's it!
Quake: What's it?
Magnet: Cloud was holding that feeling for a very long time. Just like when Quake holds in his anger.
Quake: But, I am no longer like that, that happened months ago.
Magnet: So that means... Cloud has been holding it more than any of us.
Telepathy: Hm, that's actually a problem.
Cyclone: What is?
Telepathy: The more someone holds in their emotion, the less likely they will control it.
Emerald: Good point, since Blaze and Thunder freely express their anger, they were able to control it sometimes.
Thunder & Blaze: Yeah.
Ice: They were also more likely to interupt.
Emerald: '-' That, actually is a good point too. Since their anger blinds them.
Magnet: Aggressive Blindness. The point where they can't see the madness they did.
Thorn: Will that also affect Cloud?
Magnet: Hopefully no-
Lightning struck and the clouds turned grey
All: Huh?
Cyclone: Thunder?
Thunder: It wasn't me.
Magnet: Thunder is right. His lightning is red, that was just normal lightning.
Dark: What made the sky grey all of a sudden?
Lightning stuck behind Cyclone and a figure appeared
All except Cyclone: Huh?
???: *deathglares at them with "dark grey" eyes*
Lightning struck again and the figure disappeared
Cyclone: What? What? *looks aound*
Thorn: Was that...?
Blaze: It can't.... It can't be.
???: They say you all are better than me.
All: Huh?
???: They were pathetic. How ironic.
Blaze: It can't be him.
???: They say I was weak. But they were weaker than me.
Thorn: *scared*
???: They really think I am weak. Weaker powers than my own bros.
Blaze: Weak?
???: They were never there for me back then. Getting tortured.
Dark: ... Wait....
???: Do I even need to call them brothers? After what they'd done?
Quake: C-Cloud?
???: Do you even need to call me that?
Dark: Cl...Cloud...?
???: No......
The figure appears on a tree
???: Who needs to know? Anyone? But. No one...... understands.
The figure teleported down and walked forward
???: Pain? Everyone has had that? Yes. Aggression? Has anyone felt that? Yes. But....
It went up to Thorn and stared at him
???: Has anyone felt the feeling of no purpose and support? Well, little have....
He glared at Thorn
???: And I am one of them.
Thorn: Cl.... Clou-
???: Shhh..... Shut up.
*a lot of arrows appear in the grey sky*
???: Or say goodbye. *deathglares with a furious facial expression*
Magnet: *looks at him, secretly grabs his baton*
???: You thought that I will never be as strong as my older bros, but I think you were-
Magnet tried to smack him, but the figure blocked it with his hand and grabbed Magnet's baton
???: You were a little too off.
The other 14 summoned their weapons
???: Well. Now say goodbye. *throws Magnet by his baton*
Magnet: *smacked into a tree*
Dark: Clou-!
???: No more games! No more fun! No good times are left!!
Dark: Stop! We don't want to hurt you!
???: Hahaha. You really think that I would fall for that trick again! Pathetic for you to do so.
Blaze: Hyah! *throws his chakrams at him*
???: *sways his arms*
Arrows flew and pierced through Blaze's chakrams, making them stop it's path to him
???: Who even uses those things anymore? I guess you were too old for new weapons.
Blaze: Old!? Why you little-
???: You still tease, huh? I had enough of all of your words! *screams turns to roars*
Something was resonating in the sky
The figure disappeared
A giant dragon made of dark grey clouds formed and roared as loud as lightning
Magnet: Cloud's anger is making him too blind from wrath. He can't hear us.
Thorn: How can we help him?
Magnet: There is only one way to help. We need to stabilize his feelings.
Blaze: How will we do that?
Magnet: We need something.. Like my Stabilizer armband.
Cyclone: When did you have that?
Magnet: I made it just in case. For something too serious.
Blaze: How can we put it on Cloud?
Magnet: That's going to be a little impossible. I need to latch it onto Cloud's arm. Then, he will immediately go to rest.
Emerald: That is hard.
Quake: But, we will try.
???: Now, feel my pain that was kept for so long!
Quake: Cloud! Stop this now!
???: Cloud? Your weak friend you all call Cloud is not in the mood of seeing you. Say hello to his 2nd self! Savage Cloud!
Sand: He really is blind.
Savage Cloud: crybaby, loner, weak, that's what he all hears!! That gives him less faith for himself. And that gives me the chance to seeing all of you.
The dragon, the size of probably 2 whales
Flew down and stood beside the Cloud of Savage
Savage Cloud: To see you all suffer of what you had done to him and I.
Dark: Stop! Now!
Savage Cloud: As of what I said before.
Arrows flew from all directions and pinned all 15 of the siblings to different places, nearly almost killing them
Savage Cloud: Shut up, or say goodbye!
The dragon blew sleeping gas on the 15, and made them fall asleep
Savage Cloud: ........
Cloud: What? What happened?
Savage: No one ever came.
Cloud: Wait? No.. *cries*
Savage: Stop it. I am here because of you.
Cloud: I.. *sobs* I know.
Savage: What am I suppose to do? Huh?
Cloud: Bring them any place, possible.
Savage: That will do.
~Back to Reality~
An hour later
The 15 woke up
On top of a mountain?
Quake: Wha- What are we doing here? We were suppose to be in the forest.
Magnet: I don't know. But, we need to find Cloud again.
Telepathy: Yes, the longer he stays away from us. The more harder it is to get close to him.
Blaze: Where did he go anyway?
Emerald: Hopefully, not in the city. But we need to find him before it's 7:30pm.
Neo: Which is actually, 20 minutes. Since it's 7:10pm.
Quake: Oh, that isn't enough time. Quick.
Ice: Can we just go home?
All except Ice: -_-
Quake: *sigh* Fine, Ice. But we need to go home before the time.
Telepathy: *snaps his fingers*
The 15 got teleported back to the house
All except T.P: •-•
Telepathy: There.
Quake: Okay..? Let's go.
Pain, hatred. Why those feelings!?
Hated, too weak!
It turns out to Savage Cloud talking
I hate them, No Sympathy! No Empathy!
*punches a tree, made it break in half*
*Heavily breathing*
I can't do everything they do.
I can't be strong, I can't be powerful like his siblings.
*looks at the moon*
But... I will change that!
Feelings of wrath fuel me, energize me
Time struck! 7:30PM
My powers is his. And he gives me it for free.
*transforms into a werewolf*
I.. *grunts* I am not here for just hatred
I am here. *grunts even more*
Because of him.
*his appearance is more furry and big*
*Clothes are a little torn up*
*Wolf transformation complete*
I will avenge his past self.
And nothing will get in my way.
*Howls loudly*
~The Next Day~
The 15 were in the dining room
Thunder: How will we be able to get Cloud?
Magnet: We don't really know. Since Ice said that he wanted us and him to be asleep.
Ice: What? I was sleepy.
Blaze: Ice, you're always sleepy.
Ice: Hehe.
Quake: Really. We need to get him back. He must be furious by this time.
Telepathy: Not good at all. It has been 20 hours since he became that.
Blaze: Yeah, that might mean he is already a savage.
Magnet: Hm. *grabs an armband from his pocket* This is the thing that can help Cloud. It needs to be protected from his attack.
Thunder: True, since what I remember. Furious emotions strengthens someone full of anger.
Cyclone: Come on, let's just find him.
Quake: Let's go.
The 15 went out back to the forest where they saw Cloud
Quake: Ready your weapons. We have to be ready for an attack. *summons his rock fists*
The other 14 summoned their weapons
???: Help!
Quake: Huh? Someone needs help.
The 15 rushed to the sound of distress and found a girl and a boy, horribly injured
Quake: Huh? What happened? Who are you?
???: I'm Alex, this is my boyfriend, Jake.
Jake: We need help. A guy, the size of my girlfriend Alex. Came ravaging and hurting us like an animal.
Quake: Animal?
Emerald: When did that happen?
Alex: It happened hours ago, we called for help for 3 hours.
Magnet: Don't worry, we'll bring you to the hospital.
Quake grabbed a rolled bandage and wrapped it around Alex's arm
Alex: Thank you. When did you have that?
Quake: I keep a bandage with me just in case one of us gets hurt.
Alex: Hm, that's nice.
Magnet: *lifts up Alex*
Alex: Wow, you're strong.
Magnet: Thanks.
Quake: *lifts up Jake*
Jake: Woah, how strong are you guys?
The 15 started walking back to the house
Blaze: Actually, those two and that one in grey clothes are very strong.
Alex: Oh really now?
Cyclone: Yeah. They do a lot of work.
Alex: * "simper"smile*
Jake: '-'
Alex: *feels* Mmm, so tense.
Magnet: Uhh, please stop.
Alex: *feels some more* Do you have a girlfriend?
Magnet: Well, me and my bros have friends who are girls, but the ones you are probably referring to. Then, no.
Alex: Are you busy?
Magnet: Yeah. I need to fix a neighbor's television, help another one with his car, and I also need to fix my brother's computer.
Alex: Are you really that strong?
Magnet: Well yeah, with my 2 bros.
(This became something that I didn't really expect. '-')
Alex: *feels more* Then, why don't you have a girlfriend?
Magnet: Please, stop. You're making me feel uncomfortable.
Alex: *feels* You're just. A great man.
(Dude, my 16 siblings are teens, not adults yet '-'
Magnet: ...... *still continues to walk*
Alex: I mean, your body, your personality. You are a good person to anyone.
Magnet: ....Still, stop it.
Alex: Why? No one has ever done this to you?
Magnet: Well, some girls say that I and my 2 brothers, are perfect men. They also touched us in any place possible.
Alex: Really?
Magnet: Yes, we are okay with that. It's just not very appealing when someone does it to us 3.
Alex: Of course, you 3 are buff. A girl can fall for you.
Magnet: Yes, it seems.
(What's wrong with me today? -.-)
They finally returned to their house
Quake and Magnet laid Jake and Alex on the couch
Blaze grabbed his phone and called a nearby hospital
Receiver: Hello, what can I do for you?
Blaze: Well, um. Two people in our house are horribly injured and needs help.
Receiver: Right away. An ambulance will come to your house.
Blaze: Our house is-
(I wanted to shut it, just for no reason)
Receiver: Okay.
Blaze: Thank you.
Blaze ended the call
Quake: So, an ambulance will be coming?
Blaze: Yeah.
Magnet: Great. You two will be better soon.
Jake: Thank you, so much.
Telepathy: It's our pleasure.
Solar: Hm, what thing attack you, aside of you describing it as an animal?
Jake: Well, it actually had torn up clothes.
Dark: What color?
Jake: It had blue and white.
Quake: Hmm, okay?
Jake: It also looked like it had a hoodie too.
Quake: Hm, okay.
After what seemed like 10 minutes,
An ambulance came and brought Alex and Jake to the hospital
Quake: Great, time to return to the forest.
The 15 returned to forest, still trying to find Cloud
Dark: Cloud...?
Thunder: Hm, why is he so-
???: *mumbling sounds*
All: Huh?
???: Once again. Here to come and get him.
Quake: Cloud!
???: Shut it! He needs no bullies around him! I will make you all suffer under my wrath. I will avenge his past! No one can. Except me and him alone!
Magnet: Please, stop it now! You're blind!
???: I don't want to hear any more of your teasing and hurtful words!! I will give pain! I will give no mercy! I will never spare anyone like you!
Blaze: His normal self isn't responding to our words.
???: No more pain! No more sorrow! For him and I! No one....
He appears beside a tree, it was Savage Cloud
Savage Cloud: No one has ever seen his pain except me. I've been through all his pain. No one needs to know his pain. His hidden pain is the only thing that keeps me hidden. And now.
Multiple arrows appear in th sky
(Just like when Sans summons in a ton of gaster blasters)
Savage Cloud: I will exert all the pain and anger he and I had kept hidden for years. And exterminate all of you!!
Thorn: What does "exterminate" mean?
Magnet: It means to kill or destroy something or someone completely.
Sand: *summons his sand hammer* That is never good.
Blaze & Thunder: Uh. Crud.
Arrows flew in all directions, but the 15 were having difficulty dodging, because of the amount of arrows
8 out of 15 of them were already pinned to the ground and hurt very badly
Telepathy: Cloud, stop!! Now!
~In Savage Cloud's perspective~
??? (1): Haha. You missed us completely.
??? (2): You're still as weak as you are. Hahaha.
~Back to reality~
Savage Cloud got angrier, his clothes turned from white and sky blue, to dark grey and blue (the same one as Cyclone's)
Savage Cloud: Now, you made me angry. *has an even more intimidating and angry facial expression*
Magnet: He still can't hear us. We need to latch this armband on Cloud's arm before it gets worst.
Sand: But, now everything is making him angry.
Telepathy: This is a huge problem.
Savage Cloud: Stop it! I warn you! One last word. And I will give you pain!
Telepathy: *in his mind* "Something is off. I think Cloud isn't blind. He is looking at a different perspective."
Quake: Stop.
Savage Cloud: What did I say!? *points his hand at Quake*
Arrows flew at Quake, putting cuts and wounds on Quake
Savage Cloud: One last word, or I will give you pain!
Telepathy: Guys! Retreat now!
The 15 were teleported in a different area of the forest
Savage Cloud: No mercy.
~With the 15~
Magnet: Quake. *helps Quake to get up*
Quake: Thanks.
Blaze: He really is blind now.
Telepathy: He isn't blind.
Thunder: Then what?
Telepathy: He must be looking at a different perspective.
Magnet: Hm, that's another hypothesis.
If Cloud isn't blind from rage, then he is blind from the real world and looking at a different perspective. Because he couldn't hear us from where we are.
Thorn: Wow, you're smart.
Magnet: I know this when I make hypotheses about problems. Including this one.
Emerald: But, how can we use that?
Magnet: Seems impossible, because he is not looking and thinking straight. The only way is-
Dark: Tell it!
Magnet: Sorry. The only way is to make him snap back to reality. With this armband.
Quake: Hm, he couldn't sleep, that's problem one. He also can't give mercy to us, no matter what. That's problem two.
Magnet: We have to pin him to an area and latch it on his arm ourselves.
Blaze: That sounds promising.
Quake: I have an idea.
~Back to Cloud~
Savage Cloud: Weak! Why him and I!? Why not the others!? *punches a tree multiple times, hands are not in pain*
Why, why, why!? They made him suffer! *punches the tree again* They gave me pain! *punches it again* And I will never forgive them for what they have done!! *punched it one more time, the tree broke*
Quake: Earth trap! *punched the ground*
Cloud got trapped by pillars of rocks
Quake: Stop this now!
Savage Cloud: No! You made him suffer! And I will never let that happen again!
Arrows broke Cloud free from the trap
The 15: *gasp*
Savage Cloud: I will not forgive you from what you all done!!
Arrows peirced through the ground, almost killing Quake
(Like when Undyne summons a ton of spears from the ground in Undertale)
Quake: Cloud!
Savage Cloud: Stop!!
Quake: Magnet, now!
Magnet came from behind and latched the armband on Cloud's right arm
Savage Cloud: *snapped* *falls to his knees, then to the ground*
Quake: Don't worry, Cloud. It will be over soon in no time.
Savage Cloud: *fell asleep*
4 days later
At 3:00pm
All 16 were in the house
Cloud.... looked normal
Cloud woke up, lying on his bed, in his room
Cloud: *sat down, groans, rubs his head* What? What happened? *looks around, found an armband on his arm* What is that?
Dark: *opens the door* Cloud?
Cloud: Dark!
Dark: *gasp* Cloud! *ran at him and hugged him* Cloud, I missed you. *cries*
Cloud: *cries* Brother, you're making me cry too. *hugs back tightly*
Dark: Sorry, Mist. I just missed you. But.
Cloud: *lets go of the hug*
Dark: Cloud, why haven't you told me, Quake, Magnet, or Telepathy? We could have helped you.
Cloud: It's just.... *cries* You might not understand.
Dark: Cloud, the 4 of us will understand. *sits next to Cloud* Come on, I'm your brother, you can tell me. I won't judge.
Cloud: *sob* I was scared for myself that I would hurt someone for years. None of you noticed. All of you were not there for me and the pain I was given. People near me teased me about my power and personality. They bullied me, they teased me. But I didn't want to get mad. But the thoughts of teasing in my head got to me for years. Knowing one day........
Dark: One day, what?
Cloud: I would be blind from rage like Blaze and Thunder.
Dark: Oh, Cloud. *hugs Cloud again* You were one of the happy brothers that we loved and cared. We share our empathy, we loved one another, even if we sometimes don't get along, we always stay brothers till the end.
Cloud: *cries again* *eyes closed*
Dark: Shh, please. *pats Cloud's head* *hums soothing, but familiar tunes*
Cloud: *stops crying* *smiles* You really are there. *sobs*
Dark: Yeah.
Cloud: *opens his eyes and his eyes turn dark grey* *looks at his door* And you are still with me, Savage. Always ready.
It turns out to be Savage Cloud leaning on the door
Savage Cloud: Yes I am. And I will never leave your side, Cloud. *fades away*
Cloud: *closes his eyes, nods*
Dark: Cloud?
Cloud: *opens his eyes and it turns back to light grey* Yeah?
Dark: Oh, nevermind. Heh.
Cloud: *slightly giggles*
Magnet: *enters the room* Cloud?
Cloud: Magnet?
Magnet: Oh thank goodness you are feeling all right, Cloud. *sits next to Cloud on the opposite side*
Cloud: I am, but what is this thing on my arm?
Magnet: Oh, that helps stabilize your feelings. But that really took longer than I thought.
Cloud: W-why?
Magnet: Cloud, you were asleep for 3 days. We were so worried about you.
Cloud: R-really? *almost about to cry*
Magnet: Yes, but don't worry, Cloud. I was able to monitor and observe what was happening to you. And gladly, you were all right and still alive.
Dark: Yeah, we were so relieved when Magnet told us that. Quake and I were worried badly about you.
Cloud: *tears fall*
Magnet: Oh Cloud, please don't cry. We are here for you. The all of us are ready to listen.
Cloud: *sobs, still crying**
Magnet: So, please. Stop crying and come downstairs with us.
Cloud: *wipes off his tears* O-okay, Magnet. You know what is good for me.
The 3 went out of Cloud's room and went down to the living room
Cloud: G-guys...?
All except Dark, Magnet, and Cloud: Cloud!
Quake: Oh my gosh, we were so worried. *hugs Cloud*
Cloud: I know. And I'm sorry.
Emerald: What do you mean? We should say sorry.
Cloud: I.... I hurt you.
Quake: It was because we weren't there, Cloud. You should come to us.
Cloud: I-I know. *sobs* I was scared and afraid.
Blaze: Hey Cloud?
Cloud: What?
Blaze: It happens to the best of us.
Cloud: Heh, I know.
Moments later
They stopped hugging
Quake: *puts his hand on Cloud's cheek* Next time, Cloud. We will be there for you. To save you.
Cloud: Heh, as my own bros.
Quake: Yeah. *smiles*
Cloud: ....Guys..?
Dark: Cloud?
Cloud: I.... want to ask...
Quake: What?
Cloud: Can... can we... sleep together tonight? I feel lonely....
Quake: Hey, why not? We will. If that makes you happy?
Cloud: Yeah.... I want all of you with me when I sleep.
Ice: Why not sleep here? In the living room.
Quake: That sounds like a good idea, Ice.
Ice: Thank you.
Cloud: Yeah..... sounds awesome. *smiles*
Hours later,
It was night time, seven in the evening
The living room was turned into a sleeping spot
The TV, tables, and other huge objects except the couch were moved to the side
And little beds of foam were in the middle
Ice: Wow. *lies down on the bed*
Quake: Tonight, Cloud. You'll feel comfy, won't you?
Cloud: Yeah. But, I want to tell.....
Telepathy: Tell us what?
Cloud: I wanted to tell you a story from years ago. Before I met you all. I wanted it to be like this, so that you can hear my story.
Quake: Oh? Well, let us hear it then.
Cloud: *inhales, exhales*
(Cloud is narrating this)
Long ago. Before when I even got to know you guys, I was all alone
Staying in the same forest where I almost killed all of you
I would watch people come to the forest, lurking as if I was invisible
No one saw me
But, that made me lonely
Everyday, I would sit by a tree as I watched teenagers or kids play
The kids were nice to watch, but... the teenagers weren't
They would bully me, taunt me, call me names like crybaby, loner, or anything
I felt sad
No one was there to help me
But then, a snap of thought in my head appeared
I saw another someone, he looked a little bit like me. But he acted differently
He would encourage me to fight, he was full of aggression, hatred. And he wantd me to hurt them
But, I kept it all to myself, swearing to not do what he wanted unless I needed to
Months passed, and teenagers still bullied me
But then,
I snapped
I felt rage and wrath engulfing my innocent heart, as I hear the thoughts of tease and pain
My self was very fragile
Savage was his name, and he swore to not only to hurt them, but to make sure the bullies never returned
I would talk everytime I tried to warn the bullies, but they wouldn't listen
Savage feeds off my anger that was kept for months, and now years
One day,
I enraged so hard, Savage took over my own self and mind
I couldn't see, nor hear anything from where Savage was seeing
All I see was plain white, nothing in sight
But then again,
I was able to talk to him, he at first was able to talk, now I can
He said to me that one day he will make sure that I would be happy, while he could still be alive
From then and now, he is still lurking around me, watching.
I felt a little happy that I have a little companion
But, I lacked something
Real family and support
I would cry everytime that thought came to my head
But then again, a joyous thing changed my life entirely
When I was still lurking on the tree branches
I saw, 13 people walking by
And guess what, it was you guys
I didn't know who you guys were at first, so I just watched
Then, Dark noticed something and looked at the trees
He saw me, watching
I got scared and flew off
I ran very far, I couldn't look back
I found a cave and I hid inside the cave
Then, voices were heard
"Hey, who did you see?"
"I don't know, I thought I saw someone ran by here."
"Then, he is a great importance, isn't he?"
"He is, I can feel it."
I shut my mouth and listened even more
Footsteps and talking were what I heard
Then, something was making me feel tingling inside
Like, I know them, or they know me
I peaked out a little to see who were they
There I saw, Quake, Thunder, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, Solar, Dark, Sand, Emerald, Magnet, Shadow, and Silver
I was curious to what they were doing
A boom sound came and I got scared
All I saw were you 13 and 10 people who seemed bad
I turned into a cloud and watched
You appear to be loosing,
I felt... worried for some reason
I grabbed my Cloud bow from behind and shot an arrow out
It hit a tree and the tree fell on 5 of the bad people
The 13 of you looked surprised
I shot one more arrow and it this time trapped the 5 remaining bad guys
And again, you 13 looked shocked
I saw Thunder snap his fingers and lightning struck the 5 trapped bad guys, which made them faint
The 13 of you looked around to see who did it
I still felt shy and scared, so I fleed again
Another few days had passed,
I was at the lake nearby the forest, to watch the deers drink the water
I loved how nature and the animals looked, I was rather fascinated than love
Then, once again
I felt a tingling sensation and hid again
Peaked out again, and guess who it is.
The 13 of you guys
I didn't know why were you back
I still kept an eye on you for a while
Somehow, I was able to stay invisible to your eyes, because you weren't able to notice me
When the 13 of you left, that was when it was almost night time
I didn't know what you were looking for, but I just ignored and went back to a cave that I go to for rest
For 2 months,
I still see you guys, coming in the forest
Trying to find something, but I still didn't know what
Then, I heard Thunder shout
"It has been 2 months and you still want to find something here!"
Then I heard Dark say
"It is just I know someone is here, I can feel it. It is just he wouldn't show."
I didn't know who was Dark referring to, but I guess it didn't matter
~End of Flashback~
Cloud: For months. I was wondering. What were you looking for?
Dark: Oh Cloud. I was looking for you.
Cloud: Really?
Dark: Yes, as soon as I saw you. I wanted to know you more. But you were too shy, weren't you?
Cloud: Yeah... I guess.
Dark: Come on, Cloud.
Blaze: Wait, you were the one who shot those arrows?
Cloud: Yeah. I still remember.
Blaze: That's awesome.
Neo: But then, how were the 13 able to find you? Since me and Telepathy weren't there.
Cloud: Oh, well. That's another story. We can talk about next time.
Ice: Zzzzzzz *asleep*
Quake: Oh, Ice is already asleep.
Magnet: Hm. *checks the time* Well, it is 8. So, I guess we should sleep too.
Cyclone: *yawns* *lies on his stomach*
Quake: Yeah, we will be busy again tomorrow, right?
All except Ice (who is asleep) and Quake: Yeah.
Quake: Come on then. Let's go to sleep.
After what seemed like 10 minutes,
Almost everyone were asleep
Well, Quake, Cloud, and Magnet were awake
For a reason
Cloud: So, what do you mean?
Magnet: Cloud, your story that you told us earlier gave me more insights on you.
Quake: That means he knows more now, and so do we.
Magnet: Cloud, you 2nd person, Savage. Is a little threat to us. Not to you, but to us. We need to keep you stable.
Cloud: What does that mean?
Magnet: We will have to keep that armband on your arm.
Cloud: Does that mean I can't talk to-?
Magnet: No, Cloud. It actually doesn't mean you can't talk to him anymore. You can still talk. But please.
Cloud: What?
Magnet: Do tell him that you and him need to stay with one another. You were able to make friends with him. And you can help him with his own feelings. Just, don't make him change.
Quake: Wait, why, Magnet?
Cloud: Yeah, why?
Magnet: That person inside you can not change. Though forced, nor persuaded. It is who he is. Make him more adaptable with his friends.
Cloud: But, I'm his only friend.
Magnet: Exactly, make him what he really is. A true protective savage.
Cloud: Okay. *closes his eyes*
Magnet: We are going to sleep, Cloud. Good night.
Quake: Yeah.
Cloud: Good night bros. *opens his eyes, turns dark grey again* Good night to you too, Savage. *smiles*
Again, Savage Cloud was leaning on a door, the door that goes from the living room to the kitchen
Savage: Yes, good night to you.
Cloud: I know you are always there. You for me, me for you. Promise that?
Savage: Of course. I am here because of you.
Cloud: Well, I guess we both were blind.
Savage: Hm, yeah. We were.
Cloud: Heh. Hehe. Well, see you again, Savage.
Savage: See you next time, Cloud. *fades away*
Cloud: *eyes turn back to light grey* Yeah. I will always be here.
To keep myself, you, and my brothers. Safe from anything
Sorry for ruining the innocent Cloud
That was the reason why Cloud was no longer innocent like Thorn
He is now rather different
And now, the armband is still worn by Cloud to this time
Sorry if I ruined him, if he was your favorite out of the 5
But, forgive me. It has to come like this.
I am sorry, readers.
This will affect future stories in the other books
Differently, but still in my idea
That is not the only secret the 5 have
No, there are more.
Coming soon
The Savage finally broke the chains
And the innocence no longer remains
See ya
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