Chapter three
Third person because I suck at writing first person stuff
Dave shifted in his seat on the floor, leaning his head back against the wall, lightly closing his eyes, picturing the whole scene out in his head. He suddenly opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling before lowering his head. 'what if I'm going too far?' he questioned himself. Before he could change plans and pack up, he heard someone open the door.
Dave could see a bit of orange walk past the crates infront of him, sighing and taking a seat on the floor. A long smile crept up his face as he prepared himself mentally to jump up and surprise the tangerine male. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?
Well, Dave certainly didn't think so as he jumped up in front of sportsy, standing over the tangerine below. "Dave- w-what the hell!?" Jack had one of his arms stabilizing him from falling into his back, his other arm was up near his face, chest moving up and down at a fast speed. Catching his breath, he let the aubergine explain himself. Dave inhaled before speaking.
"Well, sportsy, I thought you'd be lonely all alone in here!" The aubergine kept the smile on his face. "An-" before the aubergine could add whatever else he had to say, the tangerine interuppted. "Dave, maybe I wanted to be alone." He refused to meet the eyes of the aubergine skinned male. As for Dave, he couldn't look away from the tangerines eyes. "Sportsy, you've gotta be kidding me," he inhaled once more.
"Sitting around, drinking booze-" the tangerine looked down to the bottles of beer. " -in an empty room by yourself for hours, that's just- sportsy! That's just sad" jack slowly lowered his arm, shifting in a more comfortable position. "I have time to waste, might as well waste it on something enjoyable" he paused grabbing a filled beer bottle he brought and opened it up before continuing. "And why would you care?"
Jack sighed under his breath, ready to leave already as he waited for some sort of answer. He would've started drinking but he was even tired of that. "Because, sportsy, you're my friend. Friends stick with eachother." Jack stood, slightly shaking his head. "Are we?" Jack, keeping his eyes towards the ground, felt another attack taking control of him slowly, he needed to get out of that room immediately.
"Ofcourse we are, old sport!" Jack finally just started chugging down the beer, proceeding to drop it on the ground after it was empty. "Sportsy," dave paused to look around at the amount of beer bottles on the ground. "Maybe you should stop drinkin' so much." Worry filled dave, but he didn't know why, 'it is sportsy after all!' dave stated in his head, using that as an excuse for his feelings.
The tangerine began making his way to the door. "Why do you care how much a drink? Don't you drink every other day?" Jack tried his best to not let his voice break, becoming successful in the end. "Its not healthy, sportsy!" Dave received no answer after that, just the tangerine twisting the door knob and beginning to open the large metal door.
"Where're you goin', sportsy?" The aubergine began to follow. "Leaving." Jack walked across the clear floors he had done last night, making his way to the front doors of the building with the aubergine following from behind. "Why? Its still early, sportsy!" Jack tried to steady his breathing before it became noticable.
"sportsy?" Dave asked, seeing as they were now heading through the doors. "Dave just stop." The tangerine didn't dare turn around, he couldn't take looking at his aubergine friend. "I-I'll see you tomorrow just leave me alone" he slightly raised his voice. He hoped he wouldn't have to see him again, but on the other hand, the aubergine smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow then, sportsy!" Dave headed back inside, turning back to look at sportsy once and then continuing to walk. Meanwhile for the tangerine, he needed to get home desperately. He didn't want to have another breakdown in the streets. He quickly ran home.
Attempting to open the door to his house he quickly noticed he was smart and locked it, shakily trying to steady his breath he soon enough began panicking and fidgeting with his keys to find the one to his house. He heavily sighed in relief when he saw it before quickly unlocking the doors and rushing inside, quickly closing them and relocking them.
He moved his arm up to cover his mouth as he dropped the keys onto the hard wooden floors. He made his way to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He looked at all of his flaws as thick tears flowed down his face like a river lightly flowing down a little hill underneath the woodland trees, creating shadows atop of the water.
He hated everything about himself. His height, his hair, his smile, his missing tooth, everything. He even hated the sound of his voice. Normally he'd just let Dave do the talking. He hated how awkward he was, how selfish he (thinks he) is. He hates it all. Not being able to settle his breathing he quickly made it into his bedroom. Not making it to his bed, he sat down, back against the bedroom door, holding in sobs.
Without being able to tell the voices in his head to shut up or him being able to breath or at least steady his breaths, he eventually passed out after two hours of having the panic attack, longest one he's ever had. Usually his lasts half an hour but two is a whole different number. Perhaps he's got a big day tomorrow, bigger than he'll be expecting. But that's just a theory,
Opening his eyes, he was quickly met with a sore back and a thumping headache. Groaning, he forced himself up and walked over to the door. Not bothering to change, as, once again, he was already in uniform. He decided he'd change when he gets back tomorrow. Picking up his keys, he turned on his phone before walking out the door.
He checked the percentage on it, "sixty percent isn't that bad.." he mumbled, sliding it back into his pocket. He couldn't afford a car, so he had been walking to work for about a week now. His place was also quite a mess. He's also been getting warnings about being evicted. He just had to live with it. Ofcourse he was scared, where would he live? He had contemplated asking dave but just couldn't get the courage.
Pushing open the doors, he looked around from where he was standing, about to head down a hall and start work, phone guy interrupted by running up to him. "Employee! You left work early yesterday w-without saying a thing! I'm taking money off your n-next payche-" the aubergine interuppted the phone guy who interuppted the tangerine from working.
"Sportsy here-" he gently placed a hand on the tangerines shoulder causing anxiety to rush into the tangerine. "-wasnt feelin' well yesterday" he put on the best worried expression he could. "Oh?" The phone guys raised a brow. "Yes. Sportsy here had a horrible virus. But he's feelin' much better now, aren't you, sportsy?" The tangerine nodded lightly.
"I-I'll mark that off a-as one of your sick days, e-employee. You're free to go this t-time." The phone guy wandered off. The tangerine shook off the aubergines hand from his shoulder. "Thanks..dave" the tangerine scratched the back of his neck. "So, sportsy! I was thinkin' you and me could go for a walk after work. What do ya think, sportsy?"
Jack forced his smile down his throat. "I-I guess I don't have anything else planned.." he wanted to stop every word that came from his mouth. He didn't know how he would handle being near Dave again. He couldn't stand the thought of having a panic attack right infront of the aubergine.
Dave smiled widely. "I'll see you here after work, sportsy!" Dave walked off to go get his own work done. The tangerine slightly smiled but shook it off his face and quickly went to the supply closet and grabbed a broom. Sweeping gently down the halls, making sure to get every bit of trash lying on the floors as well as the crumbs hiding against the side of the walls. He decided to distract himself with work for the time being.
The tangerine smiled proudly of the clean windows and floors. Plus the coins he found while cleaning. Although they were pretty worthless besides being able to use them on the arcade games. Which, he liked to play when he got bored. He began making his way down the hall to the front doors. Before stopping. If he went out that way, he'd most likely have to take a walk with the aubergine.
He didn't mind it, he was just anxious to look him in the eyes. Let alone be near him, it triggered his panic and anxiety attacks. He inhaled deeply and began walking one step at a time to the exit. "Sportsy!" The aubergine stood in front of the doors. "You ready sportsy?" The tangerine just nodded in response.
The aubergine kept the smile that rested on his face as he opened the door for the tangerine. He walked through the door, the aubergine then stepped outside afterwards. It was getting close to sunset, when the sun would cast long shadows onto the ground. A warm, orange feeling would erupt from the sky with heavenly colors. A beautiful sight, really.
The tangerine loved sunsets just as much a she loved the bright stars that would shine above the grassy grounds. You couldn't see them well in the cities, ofcourse. But if you travelled out into the lovely, grassy, open-fields and laid below the stars, your get an amazing view. The tangerine fidgeted with his hands as they walked.
"Its been a while since we've hung out, ay sportsy?" The aubergine looked towards the tangerine as he nodded. "It has.." the tangerine kept his eyes towards his shoes. "Y'know sportsy, you've been actin' differently" he aimed his eyes infront of himself. The tangerine, still looking down at his shoes, sighed under his breath, now looking more to the side.
The aubergine led the tangerine to a small grassy hill. "We're here, sportsy!" The tangerine looked up, the beautiful orangy colors filled the sky. It made him feel so small to be in such a a beautiful world as such an "ugly" person.
The aubergine sat down on the edge of the hill and gestured for the tangerine to sit with. He slowly walked over, sitting down beside the aubergine. "I know it's probably none of my business, sportsy." Dave sighed, looking up at the orange sky which always reminded him of Jack. "But I care about you sportsy. And I-I'm sorry whatever I've done to hurt you and make you avoid me." The aubergine looked down.
"d-dave no it's-" his heart, already pounding harshly due to anxiety, began thumping in his ears. "I-it's not you" he tried his hardest to shove it all down for the sake of the aubergine but it was all too much for him. "I-I've been dealing with things lately an-" he stopped. "I've been too scared to l-look you in the eyes" the aubergine looked up, tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
"I-I can't even bear to look at myself" wet tear droplets hit his hand, he hadn't realized he'd been crying. "You're" he paused placing a hand up to his eyes, rubbing off the tears. "Sportsy.." the tangerine continued. "You're everything" he stated, voice breaking slightly in the process, tears picking up their pace as they race down his face.
"I-I can't even get my life together I-I" he tried finding the right words. "I'm s-sorry d-dave" he choked. "I-I can't stop thinking about you a-and I k-know you don't feel the same b-but I like you like- like like you and I-I-" he stopped as dave moved him onto his lap, pulling him into a hug. "Shh..sportsy it's okay" the tangerine cried into the aubergines chest. "Its okay.." the aubergine smiled slightly, this wasn't what either of the two were expecting to happen today.
he began rubbing circles on the tangerines back comfortingly in attempt to calm him down. "Its okay" the tangerine continued crying into the aubergine comforting him. Slowly, the crying began to slow down, less sobs. The beating in his chest was still loudly thumping in his ears but atleast his breathing became steadier than it had been a few minutes ago.
"I-I'm sorry Dave.." he softly apologized, the words slightly muffled. "Its okay, Jack." For the first time in a long time, Dave had called him by his actual name. The tangerine had calmed down enough to realize just how close he was to Dave as a light pink came over his orange face. The aubergine looked up at the sky, the sun had gone down by now. The night sky was illuminated by the millions of stars spread out.
The cold, yet warm wind gently brushed against the leaves of nearby trees causing them to fall loose and gently fall to the ground, landing on the soft, green, grass. The two enjoyed eachothers presence for what seemed could go on for infinity, until dave broke through the silence.
A/n: Ayo Ayo Ayo it's been awhile since I've touched this book, huh?
Well I hope you all can adapt to me hopelessly trying to be more detailed and failing miserably.
Anyways, I pretty much wrote and left this book back in September of twenty twenty so,,
I forgot entirely what my plans were for this book. I may start making new davesport books if you guys are interested. Wouldn't that be kool?
Well, either way leave a vote if you want me to continue this book and leave a comment if you have any suggestions (this isn't a oneshot book. So it's not like I'm taking full thought out one chapter ideas.
Ofcourse, I might mix together ideas so you could still have a big part in it and you'll get tagged if your ideas are picked y'know) anyways, enjoy :]
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