Chapter 26: We've Pissed Him Off
Stark pushed an old large building from the sky down onto Thanos. "Piece of cake, Quill." He said over to Star-Lord.
"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off." Quill replied as he put his mask on and flew with Stark. Everyone else prepared themselves while those two and (Y/N) hovered in the air. A purple explosion went off underneath where Thanos was crushed. Thanos used the reality stone to turn all the flying rubble and debris into birds that chased to chased Stark throughout the broken buildings.
Meanwhile, Peter webbed Thanos's eyes shut and Drax jumped past him, slicing his leg. Drax and Dr Strange fought Thanos until he kicked Drax away and held Strange's magic sword. He kicked away the wizard and was blasted in the back by Quill's blasters. Strange created platforms in the sky for Quill to run on. Quill flipped over Thanos and placed a small bomb on his back and fell backwards into a portal. "Boom!" He exclaimed with his middle finger raised. The bomb went off and electrocuted Thanos, but only enough to push him down for meer moments.
(Y/N) flew around him. Each time she passed his face, she hit his head firmly with her wing.
"Don't let him close his fist." Dr Strange quietly ordered his cloak while (Y/N) continued to distract Thanos. Peter travelled through Strange's portal and landed hits on Thanos repeatedly.
"Magic! More magic! Magic with a kick! Magic with a-" Thanos caught the boy midair and slammed him to the ground.
"Insect." Thanos insulted before he threw Peter into the air. (Y/N) caught him and placed him next to Dr Strange. Thanos ripped the cloak off his wrist. Explosions from Tony circled him and Thanos used the glove to draw in all the fire from the explosions and released at after Tony. Peter used his web to pull down Thanos's arm that wore the glove but the villain pulled Peter by his web and threw him aside. A pod from Thanos's mothership flew into the atmosphere and crashed into him. He stood up and found Nebula standing in front of him, her sword drawn, ready to fight. "Well, well."
"You should've killed me." She warned.
"You would've been a waste of parts!" Thanos insulted back. Nebula fought her father with fury and no mercy.
"Where's Gamora?" She growled before being thrown away. Dr Strange held Thanos's gloved hand with magic whips. Drax kicked his right leg down so he was kneeling. Quill kept his left arm locked a gravitational pulling device that he placed on the ground. Peter webbed him so he leaned to the right, away from his glove. Mantis dropped through a portal above Thanos's head and sat on his shoulders. Thanos fought against them all and growled. Mantis placed her hands on either side of his head and made him fall half asleep.
"Is he under? Don't let up." Tony ordered as he continued to pull on the golden gauntlet.
"Be quick. He is very strong." Mantis warned.
"Parker, help! Get over here. She can't hold him much longer. Let's go." Peter let go off the web and ran over to help Tony. Quill and (Y/N) flew over to the scene.
"I thought you'd be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan. You're not so strong now, huh?" Quill taunted. He spoke directly in font of Thanos's face. "Where is Gamora?"
"...My... Gamora." Thanos groaned.
"No, bullshit! Where is she?" Quill continued. (Y/N) noticed he started to speak more aggressive. She stood near him in case she needed to calm him down.
"He is in anguish." Mantis informed.
"Good." Quill said dryly.
"He... He mourns."
"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax strained.
"Gamora." Nebula said quietly.
"What?" Quill asked softly as he looked to the female cyborg. (Y/N) looked at Nebula, having a hunch of what she was about to say.
"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone. But she didn't." Nebula revealed. Quill stared at Nebula before he slowly turned back around to face Thanos.
"Pete, listen to me." (Y/N) started with his nickname, an effort to remind him that his friends were there for him.
"Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now. You understand?" Tony added. "Don't, don't. Don't engage. We almost got this off!" Quill didn't move. "(Y/N), do something!"
"He won't listen-!" (Y/N) replied desperately.
"-Tell me she's lying." Quill pleaded to Thanos. "Asshole! Tell me you didn't do it!"
"I had to..."
"No, you didn't. No, you didn't." Quill shook his head as his heart started to race. He raised his gun and hit Thanos on the head. "No, you didn't!" He screamed.
"Quill, you have to stop!" (Y/N) cried as she tried to pull him away.
"Quill!" Stark joined. "Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop!" Quill ignored both of them and kept yelling in both anger and sadness. "Hey, stop! Stop!"
"It's coming, it's coming. I got it, I got it!" Peter called out as the glove almost slipped off. Thanos threw Mantis high in the air and Peter went after her.
"I didn't think this through!" He yelled as he fell with Mantis in his arms. (Y/N) caught them so they had a softer landing. Thanos threw everyone aside and made Quill, Drax and Nebula fall asleep. He used the power stone and space stone to pull meteors from a plane next to Titan fall to the surface. Everyone flew into the air from the impact of the meteor. Peter and (Y/N) caught everyone from floating away. "I got you! I got you!" Peter said as he caught Mantis and Drax. "I'm sorry, I can't remember anybody's names!" He apologised. He gasped as he saw a meteor heading for Nebula and Quill who floated above. (Y/N) soared by them both and threw them over to Peter so he could web them in place. She flew out of the way of the falling meteor and stayed beside Peter. "Thanks for saving me, twice." Peter recalled.
"No worries, kid." (Y/N) replied kindly.
Meanwhile, Thanos had Dr Strange by his throat. "You're full of tricks, wizard. Yet you never once used your greatest weapon." He said as he ripped the eye-shaped medallion from Strange's neck. He crushed in his hand, to reveal there was no stone inside. "A fake." He acknowledged before he threw Dr Strange down. Iron Man flew in front of him.
"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it." He challenged.
"Stark." Thanos replied.
"You know me?"
"I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge."
"My only curse is you." Tony finished before he released mini missiles out of the back of his suit.
"Come on!" Thanos yelled as they made contact with him. Both Stark and himself planted hits against each other. They blocked some hits and took some others. Thanos kneeled down after a firm punch from Tony and felt a small cut on the side of his face. "All that for a drop of blood." He flipped Stark and pummelled him to the ground and blasted him back with the power stone. Tony's suit started to come apart as Thanos came closer. Tony made a sword out of the suit to stab him but Thanos only grabbed it, snapped it off, and stabbed Stark in his stomach. Tony groaned and panted as he backed away and sat on a large piece of rubble. "You have my respect, Stark." Thanos complimented. "When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you." Blood dripped from Tony's lips as Thanos rose the glove. The stones glowed, preparing to end Stark's life.
"Stop." Thanos looked over to the voice to see Dr Strange. "Spare his life... and I will give you the stone."
"...No tricks." Thanos demanded. Dr Strange shook his head. The glove was now pointed towards Strange.
"Don't." Tony stopped them. Dr Strange rose his hand and the stone appeared between his fingers. He made it fly over to Thanos for the man to place it in his glove.
"One to go." Thanos concluded before Quill's blaster shot the glove. Thanos simply backed away into a cloudy portal, transporting to his next destination, wherever that was. Peter flew past the portal as it disappeared and pointed his blaster once he took his mask off.
"Where is he?!" Quill cried. Stark used a substance from his suit to patch up his wound. "Did we just lose?" Quill asked, even though he already knew the answer. Tony looked to Dr Strange.
"Why would you do that?" He asked weakly. Dr Strange sighed.
"...We're in the endgame now."
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