Chapter 2: I Am Not A Princess!
Photo above is (Y/N)'s main outfit! This photo was found on Pinterest. Credit to the original artist. I don't own this art!
(Y/N)'s weapons are swords (like the ones in the photo), other length swords and a gun (a weapon of your own design).
They got out of the small flying vehicle and ran over to a small room with chests with everyones things. Peter ran over to the window that looked into a much larger room and said, "yeah! There it is. Get my ship. It's the Milano, the orange and blue one over in the corner."
"They crumpled my pants up into a ball. That's rude. They folded yours!" Everyone grabbed their stuff and headed for the Milano. Gamora and Peter stayed in the room with the prisoners things a little longer while Drax, Rocket, (Y/N) and Groot made their way over to the Milano.
"So how do you, bird-lady, know these creatures?" Drax asked (Y/N).
"I've known them for a long time. Got captured a year ago and was brought here."
"Ah, I too was trapped in that dreadful place for just under a year." Drax replied. (I actually don't know how long he was in there for but just pretend). They had finally gotten into the spaceship, Gamora had caught up with them.
"Well, how's he gonna get to us?!" Rocket asked angrily as he sat in the front seat.
"He declined to share that information with me." Gamora replied.
"Well, screw this then! I ain't waiting around for some humie with a death wish. You got the Orb right?" Rocket asked.
"Yes." Said Gamora as she looked into Peter's bag. She sighed when she saw the Orb wasn't there.
"Are you kidding me?!" Rocket complained.
"What is this Orb thing anyway?" (Y/N) asked.
"I am groot." Groot replied.
"You guys don't know what it is?" (Y/N) asked. Rocket faced her.
"No. But the guy who does is willing to give us a lot of units for it." He explained. (Y/N) nodded in understanding before Rocket faced Gamora.
"If we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits."
"No!" Gamora argued. "We're not leaving without the Orb."
There was a few seconds of silence before they all heard Drax say, "behold." He was looking out the ship window and saw Peter flying through space with rocket-shoes and a mask. He came onto the ship from below and was helped up by Gamora and Drax. "This one shows spirit." Drax noted. "He shall make a keen ally in the battle against Ronan. Companion, what were you retrieving?" Peter handed Drax his walkman and his headphones. Drax looked at them then said, "you're an imbecile."
Time skip brought to you by Hooked On A Feeling
Rocket hummed as he took parts away from Quill's ship to create his own devices. (Y/N) leaned on a wall near him and watched, and of course, Rocket didn't mind. "Woah, woah, woah! Yo, Ranger Rick! What are you doing? You can't take apart my ship without asking me!" Peter complained. "See, what is this?" He asked as he was about to reach down to pick something up that Rocket made.
"Don't touch that." (Y/N) said without looking.
"It's a bomb." Rocket added in.
"A bomb?" Peter asked.
"Yup." Rocket nodded.
"And you leave it lying around?" Peter asked again.
"I was gonna put it in a box!"
"What's a box gonna do?!"
"How about this one?" Rocket suggested as he picked up a small box with wrapping paper on it.
"No! Woah. Hey! Leave it alone!" Peter exclaimed.
"Why? What is it?" Rocket asked.
"Shut up." Peter interrupted him. Rocket scoffed and shook his head. "What is that?" Peter asked as he pointed to another thing on the floor.
"That's for if things get really hardcore." Rocket smirked.
(Y/N) added, "Or if you wanna blow up moons."
"See, she gets it!" Rocket exclaimed.
"No one's blowing up moons." Gamora argued.
"You just wanna suck the joy out of everything." Rocket mumbled.
Peter walked over to the the table and holographic map as (Y/N) followed to where Gamora and Drax stood on the sides of the table as well. "So, listen, I'm gonna need your buyers coordinates." Peter told Gamora.
"We're heading in the right direction, for now." She replied.
"If we're gonna work together, you might try trusting me a little bit." Peter suggested.
"And how much do you trust me?" She asked with a bit of humour in her tone.
"I'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this was." Peter explained. "Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon." He said before putting the Orb down on the table.
"I don't know what it is." Gamora said.
"If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan." Drax said as he picked up the Orb.
"Put it down, you fool! You'll destroy us all." Gamora 'ordered' Drax. Rocket walked over to the conversation.
"Or just you, murderess!" Drax yelled.
"I let you live once, princess!"
"I am not a princess!"
"Hey!" Peter yelled at the two of them. "Nobody is killing anybody on my ship. We're stuck together until we get the money."
"I have no interest in money." Drax said as he threw the Orb over to Peter.
"Great!" Peter said. Drax walked past him to another part of the ship. "That means more money for the three of us."
"I am groot!" Groot said behind Peter.
"For the four of us." He scoffed.
Groot shook his head and said, "I am Groot."
Rocket translated, "he's saying 'the five of us'."
"Five?" Peter asked.
"(Y/N)'s here too. She can be very helpful." Rocket informed with a fake smile and high voice, although he was being honest. "She deserves her split." He added firmly. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." He said. "For the five of us, partners."
"We have an agreement, but I would never be partners with the likes of you." Gamora said with sass. "I'll tell the buyer we're on out way. And Quill, your ship is filthy." Then she walked up the stairs of the ship to the cockpit. Peter was checking her out as she walked away.
"Oh, she has no idea. If I had a black light...this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting." Quill said while smirking. Rocket shook his head.
"You got issues, Quill."
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