Chapter 15: Deepest Darkest Secret
Drax and Quill chuckled as they sat in a white and yellow futuristic room along with Mantis and (Y/N). "Hey, can I ask you a personal question?" Quill asked Mantis.
"Oh? No one has ever asked me a pesonal question." Mantis said curiously.
"Your antennae, what are they for?"
"Their purpose?" Mantis asked, doubling checking if she knew the answer.
Gamora walked into the room and stood next to where (Y/N) sat. She gave her a look as if asking 'what are they doing? ' and (Y/N) only replied with a shrug because she too had no clue to what the boys were up to.
"Yes. Quill and I have a bet." Drax said to Mantis.
Peter sighed, "dude. You're not supposed to say that!"
"I say, if you are about to go through a doorway that is too low, your antennae will feel this, and keep you from being decapitated."
"Right. And if it's anything other than you specifically not being decapitated by a doorway, I win."
"They are not for feeling doorways." Mantis said in a lower voice as if it was the dumbest theory in the galaxy, which it most likely was. Drax leaned his head back and sighed in annoyance.
"Ha, ha!" Quill laughed loudly.
"I think, they have someting to do with my empathic abilities." Mantis thought out loud.
"What are those?" Gamora asked.
"If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings."
"You read minds?" Quill asked.
"No. Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions." She explained. "May I?" She asked as she reached her hand out to Quill.
"All right." He agreed. Mantis touched Peter's hand. The tips of her antennaes glew.
"You feel... love."
"Yeah. I guess I feel a general, unselfish love for just about everybody-"
"No! Romantic, sexual love."
"No. No, I don't."
"For her!" Mantis exclaimed and pointed at Gamora.
"No! That's not-" Quill was cut off by Drax laughing louding.
"She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret!"
"Dude, come on, I think you're overreacting a little bit!"
"You must be so embarrassed!" Drax continued laughing and laughing. "Do me! Do me, do me!" He chanted to Mantis. Mantis touched Drax and joined his extreme laughter.
"I have never felt such humour!" They both laughed as they pointed to Peter. (Y/N) just chuckled quietly.
"So unbelievably uncool..." Peter said to himself as his eyes flickered to Gamora. Mantis stood up and walked over to Gamora. As she reached out her hand, Gamora grabbed her wrist and said, "touch me, and the only thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw." Mantis' laughter stopped as she faced the others.
"I can also alter emotions to some extent."
"Yeah, like what?" Peter asked unamused.
"If I touch someone who is sad, I can ease them into contentment for a short while. I can make a subborn person conpliant. But I mostly use it to help my master sleep. He lies awake at night thinking about his progeny." She said. Peter looked down in thought. Drax's eyes looked up to Mantis.
"Do one of those on me." He said.
"Please do." (Y/N) mumbled loud enough for Gamora to hear. She nodded in agreement. Mantis placed her hand onto Drax's forehead and whispered, "sleep." Drax's head fell backwards as he began to snore. Mantis faced the others.
"We have a couple of hours till we reach our destination. Would any of you like a place to sleep?" She offered. Gamora declined before she chose to wander around the oval-shaped ship. Quill also declined, he just chose to listen to his walkman. On the other hand, (Y/N) accepted (I feel like I did this because I'm tired lmao). She fell asleep on one of the beams above.
~Time Skip brought to you by "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone~
The white oval-shaped ship landed on a colourful planet. The front yellow door opened and the six people floated out on a hovering platform. The platform soared slowly over the ground of the planet. Peter, Gamora, (Y/N) and Drax were fascinated by the beautiful view. Ego looked around with a smile while Mantis constantly switched her gaze from the sky to the ground.
"Welcome, everyone, to my world." Ego introduced them with his arms out.
"Wow. You have your own planet?" Peter asked.
"Come on. No larger than you Earth's Moon."
"Humility. I like it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble." Drax complimented himself. (Y/N) looked at him confused. Multi-coloured bubbles floated over them. Drax popped one and it expanded into multiple smaller bubbles. He laughed at the assuming transformation. The bubbles past them as they neared a beautiful building. They landed and walked into the front yard. A fountain stood in the middle.
"You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you exactly?" Gamora asked Ego.
"I'm what's called a Celestial, sweetheart." Ego explained as he and Mantis continued to walk closer to the building. The other four stayed back.
"A Celestial, like a god?" Peter asked.
"Mmm, small "g" son. At least on the days I'm feeling humble as Drax." Ego said with a smile and a chuckle. He led them all into the gorgeous place. They all observed the walls and ceiling in awe. "I don't know where I came from exactly. First thing I remember is flickering... adrift in the cosmos utterly and entirely alone. Over millions of years I learned to control the molecules around me. I grew smarter and stronger. And I continued building from there... layer by layer... the very planet you walk on now. But I wanted more. I desired... meaning. "There must be some life out there in the universe besides just me," I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created what I imagined biological life to be like, down to the most minute detail."
"Did you make a penis?" Drax questioned with no hesitation.
"Dude!" Peter exclaimed.
"What is wrong with you?" Gamora asked rhetorically.
"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her!"
Peter groaned, "I don't need to hear how my parents..." He stopped talking and made a gesture saying "did it".
"Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice."
"That's disgusting."
"It was beautiful! You Earthers have hang-ups."
"Yes, Drax, I got a penis." Ego admitted.
"Ha! Thank you!" Drax exclaimed with his arm extended out as he looked to Quill.
"It's not half bad." Ego continued. Drax nodded as he made an understanding "oh" sound while Quill made a sound of disgust.
"I've also got pain receptors, and a digestive system and all the accompanying junk. I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human as I set out amongst the stars... until I found what I sought. Life."
Sorry that the songs aren't in order lol
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