Chapter 1: I Missed You
(Y/N) Your Name
Picture above are (Y/N)'s wings. This picture was found on Pinterest. Credit to the artist/creator! I don't own this art!
"I. AM. GROOT!!!"
Flying robots hovered around Groot while they shot at him repeatedly. Groot stretched out his wooden arms and created a shield to protect himself from the flying bullets. He smacked some of the robots out of the air and they smashed onto the ground, exploding near his feet. Rocket ran across the floor on all fours. He made his way over to Groot and climbed up his body up to his shoulder and back.
"You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?!" Rocket yelled before Groot protected both of them from the flying bullets with his wooden shield.
"The animal's in control! Fire on my command!" A soldier yelled to five others who aimed their guns. They were about to shoot before they were all knocked down by a large muscular man covered in red tattoos. Drax laughed as he fought the soldiers with ease.
He picked up a machine gun from one of the unconscious men and yelled, "creepy little beast!" He threw the gun up to Rocket.
Rocket caught and cocked the gun. "Oh... yeah." He said. He and Groot yelled as Rocket, the trigger-happy raccoon, shot around the whole prison. Everyone, prisoners and guards alike, ducked for cover. The moment of freedom stayed for a few seconds until the bullets ran out.
"Rocket!" A woman yelled from a balcony on one of the walls of the prison. Rocket looked back to see Gamora, a green assassins with black and red hair, who threw a small device through the air over to him.
Rocket yelled to Groot, "move to the watchtower!" Groot followed his instructions and began to walk to where Rocket pointed.
Rocket focused on the device in his hands before his ears flicked up. He smelt the air and mumbled to himself, "is that...?" He looked around, trying to find the source of the struggling yells he was so certain he recognised. They came from one of the hallways deeper in the prison. "I... I know that voice... Groot, go down there!" Rocket pointed down the hallway. Groot, thinking he recognised the voice as well, ran down the corridor and saw four soldiers holding down a figure who seemed to be tied up. The person grunted as they continued to struggle against the hold of the soldiers, trying to keep them down detained.
Rocket observed the way the person was being held, and somehow, it proved his theory. Groot stretched his arms through each of the soldier's hearts, holding them still until their movements ceased. The four men dropped to the floor, dead, and the person looked down from where they were kneeling on the floor, up to the people who helped her. She gasped, seeing the raccoon and tree. Her old friends. They were here!
"Rocket?" She whispered. Rocket smiled and jumped off of Groot's shoulder, freezing for only a second before he ran over to the girl. He smiled and hugged her tightly, unsure of what to say, unsure if she was real. He looked her in the eyes, gently holding her face.
"(Y/N)..." He gasped. "Holy shit, (Y/N), I thought you were... I've missed you so much." He held her again before reluctantly letting go as he saw the chains that bound her arms and wings behind her back. He found the lock and used his claws to hastily break the chains.
"I've missed you, too." (Y/N), the woman said as she moved her arms around, the aches slowly dispersing. She stayed kneeling on the floor, staring into Rocket's eyes. She held his face, feeling as though he could've been a dream. She sighed, realising he wasn't. Noticing the guards and prison mates running around in the distance Rocket and Groot, she stood up. As she dusted herself off, she stretched out her gorgeous black wings to their full wingspan. "I've had these tied up ever since I got in here, over a year ago now. Been a long time since I've seen you guys." (Y/N) smiled before she looked to Groot. He grinned and hurriedly held her close. Of course, he missed her almost as much as Rocket did. He smiled as (Y/N) hugged him back. "I've missed you both."
Rocket didn't want their reunion to end, but he knew they didn't have much time. "We're escaping now. If we hurry, we can make it."
"So, you're the one who caused this." (Y/N) stated, gesturing to the chaos just down the hall. "I'm not surprised, you've escaped... what, like, twenty-something prisons?" She followed her friends as they led the way.
"Twenty-two. Now, let's go!" He said as he climbed back up Groot's back and onto his shoulder.
"Let's go." (Y/N) nodded to herself, excited to leave her capturers. The three of them ran through the hallway and back into the main area, beelining for the watchtower to met with the others. (Y/N) finally felt the freedom of flying after a whole year of her being tied up and kept in confined spaces. She was a little rusty with the aches in her joints limiting her abilities, but she was able to reach the the entrance to the watchtower, along with a group of criminals whom she hadn't all met.
Gamora, Drax, and a human with curly hair, Peter Quill stood in front of the rooms open doors, which had control panels and a man yelling, "we need all available guards in full combat gear...!"
Another alarm went off, alerting the man of the intruders. He slowly turned to face the six beings who stood in the doorway. He stood up and raised his hands in surrender before being pulled out by Groot's vines, and thrown over the railing and onto the ground below. Rocket immediately got to work with the control panels, taking control.
Gamora looked to Drax with a glare. Drax glared back. "Spare me your foul gaze woman!"
Gamora looked over to Peter and asked annoyedly, "why is this one here?"
"We promised him he could stay by your side until he kills your boss. I always keep my promises, when they're to muscle-bound whack-jobs who will kill me if I don't. Here you go." Peter explained as he put a prosthetic leg in front of Rocket.
"Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things." Rocket admitted.
"What?" Peter froze with wide eyes.
"No, I thought it'd be funny. Was it funny?" Rocket turned away from the controls, grinning at his own joke. "Oh, wait, what did he look like hopping around?"
"I had transfer him thirty thousand units!" Peter argued, clearly not understanding any part of Rocket's humour. Rocket, on the other hand, snickered at his own prank. (Y/N) stood beside Groot and laughed quietly as they both rolled their eyes, familiar with Rocket's antics.
"How are we gonna leave?" Drax asked as bullets were shot at the windows, barely creating a single crack.
"Well, he's got a plan. Right? Or is that another thing you made up?!" Quill asked angrily.
"I have a plan, I have a plan!" Rocket exclaimed, rolling his eyes at the terran's panicked state.
"Cease your yammering and relieve us from this irksome confinement." Drax ordering, observing the confined space the group was trapped in.
"Yeah, I'll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one." Peter agreed, looking around, before finding Drax staring at him.
"Do not ever call me a thesaurus."
Peter backed up a bit, raising his hands in defence, "it's just a metaphor dude."
"His people are completely literal, metaphors are gonna go over his head." Rocket informed, still flicking multiple switches over the panel.
"Nothing goes over my head." Drax replied. "My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it."
"I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy." Gamora admitted, seemingly accepting her fate. She then turned her attention towards (Y/N) and noticed the unfamiliar face.
"An old friend of Rocket and Groot's. I'll explain later." (Y/N) mentioned. They were interrupted by soldiers aiming their large bazooka guns at the watchtower windows.
"Those are some big guns." Peter said, his panic surfacing.
"On my command! Number one!" The leading soldier yelled. The first soldier shot their gun at the window, creating a tiny crack.
"Rodent, we are ready for you plan." Gamora said harshly.
"Hold on!" Rocket exclaimed, making his way around the entire panel, completing his escape plan.
"I am Groot." Groot said quietly to (Y/N), leaning down near her ear.
"I know he hates it." (Y/N) replied back while keeping her gaze on Rocket.
"Number two!" Another hit to the glass, the cracks spreading slowly.
"I recognise this animal. We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh is quite delicious." Drax shared his interesting fact with a smile.
"Not helping!" Rocket growled, attempting to keep the pressure at bay.
"Number three!" Another hit. The glass cracked more. The group glanced at the windows, worrying if they'd even be getting out of here. "All fire on my command!" The soldier yelled. "Three! Two! One!" Rocket hurriedly connected two cords just before the soldiers could shoot. He smirked, waiting for his plan to activate. Slowly, everyone started to float in the air outside the watchtower, while the group inside stayed on solid ground.
"He turned off the artificial gravity... everywhere but in here." Gamora laughed quietly as she looked to Rocket impressed. Rocket flipped a switch making the top of the watchtower, the part that they were in, detach, float and fly downward.
"I told you I had a plan." Rocket said smugly, controlling their flight pattern through a part of the prison with no guards, hitting the walls a few times before they stopped completely. Rocket closed the doors behind them, locked everyone else out so they couldn't be followed.
"That was a pretty good plan." Peter admitted, clearly impressed, even if he tried to hide it. Rocket faced everyone and nodded, proud of himself. And why wouldn't he be? He stole a quick glance from (Y/N). It wasn't a dream, she was real, and she was here, and they were getting out.
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