Tomorrow. Tomorrow was today now. Katsuki wouldn’t stop asking, and the pressure is getting unreal — especially when Izuku has other people to worry about, like whoever the fuck is Midorikumo. “What about Azuku do you want to know?”
“Where the fuck did he come from? I’m not buying this ‘separated twin’ shit,” Katsuki stated, rather bluntly, actually.
Izuku shifted his weight from leg to leg, “We’ll have to talk about this fully at home,” He said. They were currently out — at the café on Fricker Street, where Himiko and Azuku had visited earlier. Well, where he sent them off to, anyways. He had been planning to use the café’s wi-fi to learn to hack, but his plans quickly went south when Katsuki came in — asking about something Izuku didn’t want to tell.
“No,” Katsuki looked somewhat annoyed. He took out a chair and took a seat, gesturing to Izuku to take a seat next to him. “You’re going to ignore it again. I’ve had enough of your motherfucking antics.”
Izuku sighed, resigning to his fate as he took a seat next to Katsuki. “You want to know where he came from? This is gonna be a long story.”
Katsuki glanced at his phone, and grinned, “Good thing I reserved all day for this then.”
Fuck, there was no way out of this. “Whatever I say, you have to believe me.”
Katsuki looked confused, “Are you about to sprout some bullshit right now?”
“No, Kacchan, I’m serious,” Izuku frowned, “It’s going to sound unbelievable. Unbelievably stupid, actually, but you have to believe everything I say.”
Katsuki raised a brow, “Do you have any way to prove whatever you’re going to say?”
“I will, give me a few days,” Izuku said, “But you haven’t even agreed to the terms.”
“‘I have to believe everything you say,’ blah, blah, blah, I get it.”
Izuku took a deep breath, “I’m not Izuku.”
“What? Did you and Azuku switch places?”
“No, I’m—” He ran his fingers through his head, or attempted to. His curly hair actually wouldn’t let it pass. “I’m not your Izuku, of this world, anyways.” That part was said a bit quieter, it was confidential information, anyways. “And I have no idea how I came here. Just that I have to get back.”
“What the fuck.”
“And Azuku’s your Izuku,” He said, “And I have… a few concerns about him.”
“What the fuck, genuinely,” Katsuki said, “Out of everything… I did not expect this.”
Izuku laughed dryly, “Didn’t expect it either but here we are. Analyze, Adapt, Overcome, Plus Ultra. Now you know the information, what will you do with it?”
“Try to process it because what the fuck, Izuku.”
Izuku merely shoved his head between his hands, tired. “I know. I know it seems, ‘out of this world.’”
“Did you just make a fucking pun?”
Izuku dropped his hands, grinning, “Yeah, and?”
Katsuki only sighed, “Okay… regardless of how fucked up this seems. I’ll believe you. Everything’s suddenly making sense, anyways.”
“Okay, but I’m not done explaining.” Izuku said, “We have to get to my house, yeah? It’ll be safer to say stuff over there.”
Izuku locked the door, “All Might’s quirk — the first one — is the ability to manipulate other dimensions. This means, he can reverse the effect, and instead of sending himself into other dimensions, he pulls people from them.”
“Or at least, that’s what Nedzu said,” Izuku said, “And I’m obligated to believe him, except — nothing is making sense.”
Katsuki raised a brow, “Why isn’t anything making sense to you?”
“All for One has millions of quirks,” Izuku said, “In reality, the fact that he’s ‘not strong enough to take down All-Might’ is bullshit. Something’s going on, and Nedzu’s pulling me by the strings, and making me think I know everything, but I know better than that.” He locked the windows, “I have a hypothesis of what’s going on, but it also doesn’t make sense.”
Izuku took a deep breath, “But, I can tell you who Midorikumo is.”
“Back up, explain everything again,” Katsuki said, “I’m too confused for this shit.”
“All-Might — your All-Might — has a quirk that can pull people from other dimensions, and manipulate said dimensions too.” Izuku said, slowly. Once Katsuki nodded, signaling he understood, Izuku continued. “In my world, and this one too, there is a quirk that can be passed down, One for All. One for All gets more powerful the more people it is passed down to. It’s stockpiled.” Another nod from Katsuki. “All-Might dragged another universe’s All-Might here, probably with the intention of stealing his quirk, or rather, convincing All-Might to give it to your All-Might, because One for All can’t be stolen. But that All-Might already passed it on.”
Katsuki looked like he was having a stroke trying to understand that sentence, and honestly, Izuku would’ve had one too. “I was dragged into this universe for unknown reasons. My hypothesis links with the fact that I know who Midorikumo is.”
“Okay, so who is Midorikumo?”
“Azuku,” Izuku answered. “All-Might must’ve not realized that I wasn’t the exact same as Azuku and refused to see that. So, I was dragged here, and All-Might was surprised to see that I have One for All instead.”
“How do you know it’s Azuku?” Katsuki asked, “He doesn’t…”
“...seem like the type?” Izuku said, “Yeah, he doesn’t. I never would’ve found out if it weren’t for Hisashi insinuating I’m a villain or for —” Eri. Eri was one of Midorikumo’s victims. “And considering I look exactly the same as Azuku, you can infer who had to take over the work and pick up the slack.” Izuku walked over to his desk, opened a notebook and began scribbling, “What I don’t understand is why All-Might is after Azuku. Hisashi and All-Might are on the same side, and if anything, Azuku’s All-Might’s successor, so I don’t understand.”
“Nothing’s making sense,” Katsuki said, “And you’re saying that Nedzu is misleading you?”
“That what it seems,” Izuku was frustrated, so obviously so. “He gives me information, but it’s so contradictory. How would All for One be weak if he’s been taking quirks since The Reformation? Why’s he doing this? It seems more like child soldiers than a hero course. The Hero Commission doesn’t even exist anymore, so who’s giving Nedzu the authority to do this?”
“Do quirks make All for One weaker?” Katsuki asked, “Maybe that’s why Nedzu wants to make heroes, to lessen the quirks he’s holding.”
“But then that doesn’t make sense because All for One would’ve been a vegetable if he couldn’t hold the quirks he’s gotten,” Izuku said, “That’s the whole reason why it’s speculated that All-Might went insane with the addition of One For All. I’ve seen it first hand too. Unless your body is accustomed to it, holding more than one quirk factor immediately renders a person brain dead. One for All is a special case, although it doesn’t seem like it in this universe. And supposedly, All for One is supposed to be a special case too.”
Katsuki sighed, “So again, nothing’s making sense. We need more information.”
“How will we get more information?” Izuku asked, “I literally ran away.”
“But Azuku —”
“Might not tell us anything. He can fight, and that’s actually pretty obvious. If he is Midorikumo, he’s a literal serial killer and I’d rather not risk that.”
“We’re being taught quirk analysis in the course, right?” Katsuki asked. Once Izuku nodded he continued, “If you can convince Nedzu to let us analyze All for One’s quirk then—”
“I can get the drawbacks… and then we can find out exactly how many quirks he can hold and if it actually affects him. But would Nedzu really let us? Nedzu isn’t stupid. I have no clue if he still has his quirk, but he’s not dumb.”
“What was his quirk anyways?”
“High Specs, intelligence quirk.” Izuku answered.
Katsuki whistled, “Damn, we’re fucked.”
“This universe doesn’t make any sense…”
“We’re missing information, but what are we missing?”
Izuku suddenly had an idea, “We should look more into the Reformation. Why it happened in the first place, All-Might #2 apparently came here because of it. Or well, he was dragged here anyways.”
“I’m assuming he told you that?”
“Yep,” Izuku answered, popping the ‘p.’
Katsuki rubbed his temples, and Izuku already knew a headache was forming for him, “If I’d known Azuku was this complicated, I wouldn’t have touched this shit with a 10-foot-pole.”
“I know,” Izuku sighed, ripping a doodling page from his notebook and throwing it into the trash. “I don’t want to do this shit either.” He opened his computer, “Believe me, none of this shit makes sense. I have notes on the situation, I’ve written down inconsistencies, but still, nothing’s matching up.”
“Sounds to me like you’ve been needing a second perspective for a while.”
“I have,” Izuku admitted, “It’s much better that you annoyed me about it and not vice versa.”
“It also sounds like you need a fucking break,” Katsuki said, getting up from his comfy seat on Izuku’s bed to stretch. He grinned at Izuku’s grimace from all his bones popping, “And honestly, I need time to fucking think. Additionally, I have an idea.”
Izuku turned around in his rip-off gamer chair, “Which is?”
“I say we catch the vigilantes and ask them what the fuck is going on.”
Izuku hummed, “I can’t say I wouldn’t do that. But how do you think we’ll go about this? With All-Might hunting me down and practically on my ass, I don’t think I’ll be leaving the house anytime soon. I also don’t think you’ve ever taken up martial arts.”
Katsuki raised a brow, “And how the fuck did you know that?”
“Next question. How do you think we’ll do this?”
“They’re vigilantes, so they work with the police, right?” Katsuki said, “Easy, you know how to hack?”
“Give me three days and I will.”
The surprise washed over Katsuki’s features, “Three?”
“It’ll distract me from this headache of a situation, and every distraction is welcome,” was Izuku’s dry reply.
“Point taken,” Katsuki said, “Three days. Okay, I can do that. Three days, and we’ll track down Siren, Vulcan, and Bellona.”
“I have a bad feeling about this. What makes you think they’ll have any info?”
“They may not, but you’re forgetting one thing,” Katsuki stated, “Vigilantes don’t care about the law. If anyone can get the info, it’s them.”
Izuku considered that for a moment, before realizing Katsuki’s statement had some truth to it. “I don’t get why you’re betting so much on these vigilantes but, I’ll do it. And this —” Izuku gestured around them, to the notes on the walls, the multiple computers, everything, “—stays between us.”
“I don’t think you’ll need to be killing anyone with this headache of a situation anytime soon.”
Izuku smiled, I hope not.
Just three days, Katsuki reminded himself. He’s feeling antsy. He has to help Izuku out of this situation somehow, because he promised himself he would.
He’s not even my Izuku, or Deku, but… knowing the information he knows about this world Izuku, for once, he’s somewhat glad. I feel obligated to help him, why?
Without realizing it, he had wandered into the cemetery. Straight in front of a certain grave.
Bakugou Mitsuki.
Katsuki clenched his fist. Izuku — no, this world’s Izuku — Azuku, had killed her. A drop of water dropped onto his face, and there was a belated realization that it was going to start raining. Katsuki didn’t move an inch.
But… I can’t bring myself to want revenge. He’s mad, fucking raging — but there’s more shit to do then mope with his shitty feelings. He has to help Izuku get back to this world, and he has to stop All-Might.
Katsuki has to be a hero.
“I have to be a hero,” His voice was empty, hollow, as if he couldn’t believe it. “I have to be a hero.” He repeated. “I’m sorry, old hag, but your revenge is going to have to wait.”
“I have to save someone first.”
We’re going to figure this shit out, Izuku.
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