Chapter 1: Can I be a Hero?
A green-haired teen was backed up against an alley wall, knocking over a trashcan. The one pinning him was a blonde his age, amber eyes boring holes into the shorter.
"Hey, Quirkless!" The blonde sneered. "Stumbling around and being a natural f**king nuisance like usual?"
The green-haired teen swallowed, looking past the blonde to the other pair of bullies behind him. The shorter brought his green gaze back to the blonde, smiling nervously.
"H-Hey, Kacchan." He sweated slightly. "How are y-you doing?"
'Kacchan', or Bakugou Katsuki, sneered at the green-haired teen.
"Hah!? Is that all you have to say, Deku!?"
'Deku', Midoriya Izuku, swallowed, more sweat pouring down the side of his face, green eyes darting about nervously.
One of the other bullies piped up from behind Bakugou, nasally voice amused.
"Hey~Bakugou, just bust his face in! I wanna go home early for some grub, don't you?"
Bakugou tsked, glancing over his shoulder before shrugging, looking back at Midoriya with a wide, demonic grin. The blonde cocked a fist back, the light of the sunset glinting in his eyes, giving it a fiery glow.
"Fine. Hope you won't mind growing back a few baby teeth, Deku!"
Midoriya flinched and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the bl--
"Hey, Bomb-Boy."
The cool, calm voice startled Izuku and he snapped his eyes open. He flinched back at the fist that was a millimeter from his face, but then noticed that something was holding it back--or rather, someone.
"My, my...I was wondering why Izuku-kun was a little late." The newcomer stated lazily. "But now I see that you boys are holding him up--literally."
Bakugou looked up to the side with furious eyes.
The newcomer tightened his grip on the teen's wrist warningly, cutting the younger's rant off.
"Bomb-Boy, if you know what's good for'd leave with your friends. Walk away right now...and no one...get's hurt." A small smile made its way to the adult's lips, but there was no warmth in it. A chameleon made himself known and crawled onto the newcomer's shoulder, sticking his tongue out at the blonde teen. "Capiche?"
Katsuki merely glared up into icy, brown eyes. The blonde tsked and wrenched his arms from the taller's grasp.
"What-f**king-ever." He turned to look at his companions. "I'm hungry." He glared back at the brunet. "I'm letting you off, b*****d! You haven't won at all!"
The blonde teen stomped off with his two followers behind him. Midoriya watched them go before turning to his savior, looking anxious and guilty.
"Ah...s-sorry for making you wait, Rene-san."
'Rene-san' had chestnut-brown, gravity-defying hair. His right ear was pierced with a unique earing--they looked like a bunch of mini daggers clustered together with a ring. He had a scar running across the bridge of his nose and one running through his right his eyebrow. The brunet was wearing a black blazer, a white undershirt, grey jeans and black converse.
Rene inclined his head at Izuku, a small upward tilt of his lips present as he ruffled the younger's hair.
"It's no problem, kid. Let's head home now, okay? Your mother's concerned."
"H-Hai!" Midoriya smiled back nervously.
"Hwaah! Thank you for protecting my boy again, Rene-kun!"
A slightly rounded, green-haired woman hugged the brunet, her height only reaching below his chin. Rene chuckled softly, reaching up to pat her shoulder.
"Eh, don't worry. You are letting me live here after all, Inko-san..."
The woman, Midoriya's mom, huffed at the tall brunet, swatting at his chest.
"Knowing you, Rene-kun, you would've done it anyways! You've already picked up every stray animal in this neighborhood and made them your friends!"
Rene blinked his brown eyes, looking slightly surprised.
"...Have I now?"
Inko giggled, pointing to the side.
"Why, a few of your friends have come to meet you!"
Rene followed her finger to a crowd of four cats, who were staring at him with curious eyes, purring softly. The brunet blinked and sighed, walking over to the felines. He crouched down and moved a hand up above them.
"Hey you four." He smiled slightly when one of them purred and brushed up against the palm of his hand. "Seeing me so soon?"
Inko giggled as she watched the other cats rub against him too.
"Heehee, you're such an animal tamer, Rene-kun!" She then looked over at Midoriya, frowning worriedly. "Izuku, after you take a bath, I'm going to patch up those wounds, alright?"
Midoriya smiled weakly at her, nodding his head.
"Dinner was lovely, Inko-san."
Rene stood up from the dinner table, taking his plate of food along the way to the sink. As he washed it, Inko looked over at him, smiling worriedly at him.
"Ah, teaching so late again?"
Rene glanced over his shoulder at her, rinsing his dishes and setting them in the rack. He smiled tiredly at her.
"Hai. I think I'll be able to make it in time for dinner tomorrow, but..." He wiped his hands off on a towel. "You don't have to make dinner for me."
Inko huffed, setting her chopsticks down.
"Nonsense! I'll just leave it in the refrigerator for you, and you can heat it up if you're coming in late!"
Rene chuckled softly as he headed for the doorway, grabbing his black blazer from the chair he was once seated in, slipping his arm into one of the sleeves. He called over his shoulder to Midoriya, a small smile on his face, his earring glinting slightly from the indoor lights.
"Stay safe, kid. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, alright?" The brunet also waved his hand carelessly at a green chameleon, who was sleeping on the edge of the wooden table. "And take care of Leon for me please."
Izuku blinked before smiling at the older, who turned back around, opening the door.
"Of course! Stay s--ah, Rene-san, you forgot...!"
The green-haired teen swiped an object off of the table and ran after Rene had one foot out of the door. The brunet turned around before widening his eyes in mild surprise. Slowly, he softened his gaze and gently grabbed the object, feeling the worn silk of it.
The object was a black fedora with an orange ribbon wrapped around it. But the fedora was tattered, and it made Midoriya wonder why the brunet hadn't bought a new one yet.
"Thanks, kid. I almost forgot that I left it here today." Rene said, voice soft. "Make sure you go over those study questions I set up for you, yeah?"
Midoriya sweatdropped slightly at the mentioning of the extra homework.
"I-I will..."
Rene chuckled and ruffled the younger's hair before walking out of the door. He moved the object, his black fedora, on top of his head.
"G'night. Don't fuss over the problems if they're too hard, alright?"
The door closed behind him. Midoriya stared at it for a while before turning around, heading back to the dinner table.
"H-Hey, Kacchan! Um, th-this isn't f-funny anymore!"
Midoriya had his arm pinned behind his back painfully as his face was forced into the ground. The young child whimpered when he moved, pain jolting up his arm. Bakugou smirked darkly at the shorter.
"It is to me, Deku!"
Katsuki's friends cheered the blonde on, sending insults to the victim on the floor. Midoriya squeezed his eyes shut. Hoping that someone would come and help him.
Everything went silent. Bakugou whipped his head around to see a tall figure standing a few meters away.
'When did he get here?' "Ah!? What the f**k do you want!?"
Midoriya tried to see who was there, but he was pinned to the ground. Movement was limited, so he couldn't push himself up.
"Well..." The voice said. "For starters, I'd like you to get off of that kid there. I dislike bullying." He stated pleasantly.
Bakugou snorted, but he got off of Midoriya, turning to glare at the newcomer.
"Humph!" He dashed toward the adult. "YOU CAN'T BOSS ME AROUND, B*****D!"
Midoriya scrambled up to turn around and watch, worried for the well-being of his savior and his friend.
"Kacchan, don't hurt hi--!"
Midoriya watched with wide eyes and a dropped jaw as Bakugou was sent flying backwards into his pair of friends. The group of bullies went tumbling past the green-haired child.
"Kids like you..." The adult walked forward, shaking his hand out slightly. "Really need to chill, ya know?"
Katsuki sat up, and Midoriya sighed with mild relief that the blonde child was fine. There wasn't a single scratch on him. Midoriya heard footsteps and he turned around in time to get something stuffed onto his head, blocking his view. The child made a small yelp of surprise and removed the object.
It was a battered fedora, and he stared at it with wonder before raising his gaze to the brunet adult standing between him and his bullies. The stranger crouched down to get with Bakugou and the bullies' level, gaze blank.
"Just go home. Alright?"
Two of the bullies nodded and scrambled to their feet and ran away. But Bakugou stayed, glaring at the adult.
"I. Never. Run."
The brunet drew in a sharp breath, seeming surprised by the blonde child's boldness. The adult sighed before turning over his shoulder to look at Midoriya.
"Why don't you head on home?" His gaze softened. "I won't hurt him."
Midoriya looked at the other with surprise.
'How did he know...?'
But the child blinked and stood up, looking at the adult with determined eyes, grasping the fedora in his hands tightly.
"I-It's not Kacchan's fault! Please leave him alone!"
The brunet raised an eyebrow and stood up, turning fully to look at Midoriya.
"Look, kid, I told you already that I'm not going to hurt hi--"
Bakugou punch-bombed the back of the brunet's head. Midoriya widened his eyes with shock and worry.
'A direct hit! His skull must be fractured!' "KACCHAN, NO! HE--!"
"Wow...that hurt...a bit...."
The smoke dissipated, revealing blank, brown eyes that looked calmly at Izuku. In blur of black, the stranger caught Katsuki and restrained him.
"Ow! Let go of me you f**king creep!"
"Yeesh, I don't think kids like you should be swearing so much." The brunet said with bored tone. "Can't you just--?"
In Bakugou's wayward flailing, he used the back of his hand to smack the adult in the face, the hand exploding once skin met skin. The adult's head jerked back and he released Bakugou. Katsuki tsked and rolled across the ground, getting up to his feet immediately to glare up at the adult, who was calmly waving the smoke away with his right hand.
"Okay, okay..." The brunet smiled with a hint of amusement at the blonde child, his face completely injury-free. "I see that being a pacifist won't calm you, Bomb-Boy."
Bakugou glared darkly at the adult, confused and more angry.
"'Bomb-Boy'? What the f**k is that!?" 'I thought I would've busted his face in by now! What the f**k!?'
The stranger smiled.
"It's my new nickname for you. Bomb-Boy...isn't it fitting?"
"F**K YOU!"
Izuku sweatdropped at the sudden turn of events. The stranger was surprisingly...patient with Bakugou. The brunet even took all of the rampant child's blows with a small smile on his face for goodness sake!
Suddenly, the stranger was clocked directly in the head by Katsuki. Midoriya watched with horror as the brunet fell to the ground like a chopped tree, unmoving.
Bakugou ignored the other as he grinned wolfishly at the downed brunet.
"Heh. I always win," He muttered, starting to walk away from the scene. "F**kin' weirdo."
Izuku was shaken but he quickly ran over to the stranger.
"Mister! Mister, are you alri--"
"Haha, that kid is really something." Midoriya stared in disbelief as the brunet sat up, not a single wound on him. The stranger sighed as he tilted his head, joints popping and releasing tension. "He needs to work on his manners."
Izuku sweatdropped.
The brunet then turned to look at Midoriya, expression neutral as he held out a hand.
"The name's Sinclair Rene." Midoriya shakily shook the adult's hand before letting go. "And thanks for watching over my fedora and Leon."
Midoriya blinked in surprise, mouth open.
'And he's introducing himself!? What the heck!? And--wait. Who's Leon?'
Suddenly, something wet went into the inside of Izuku's ear and the child squealed, throwing the fedora up into the air. Rene quickly snatched the fedora out of the air, chuckling softly.
"Leon, don't mess with the kid. He's had enough for today."
The wet feeling disappeared and Midoriya quickly covered his ear, looking at his shoulder to find...a green lizard?
"Leon is a chameleon. Not a lizard."
Izuku jumped as he whipped his head back to Rene, who was looking at the child with amusement.
'Did he read my mind!? Is that a Quirk of his or something?! But wait, how is he fine!? He just got blast in the face a bunch of times...'
"I don't exactly have a Quirk, kid. Also, you were talking out loud."
"I-I was? S-Sorry...!"
Midoriya lowered his head, face burning with shame. Rene reached out and surprisingly pat his head.
"Nah, it's interesting, kid."
Rene spun his worn fedora on his index finger before stuffing it onto his unruly, brown locks. The adult reached a hand out again; this time, Leon, the chameleon, hopped off of Midoriya's shoulder and onto Rene's palm. The chameleon blinked his eyes curiously at Midoriya once before crawling up Rene's arm, settling on the brunet's shoulder.
" that I--..."
Izuku blinked in confusion. Why had the adult stop talking all of a sudden? Did something happen? Raising his head to peak at the other's face, Midoriya blinked before sweatdropping.
Rene's head was tilted downwards, but Midoriya could tell that the adult...was asleep.
Teen Midoriya blinked his eyes open and yawned, sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes. He tilted his head contemplatively.
'Huh...I dreamed about the first time I met Rene-san...'
Back then, after the brunet had fallen asleep on Midoriya, Inko herself had found her son and Rene. At first she felt a little threatened by Rene's presence, but Midoriya explained that he was saved by the brunet. Inko had surprisingly carried Rene home; the brunet was lighter than what an adult should weigh.
Eventually, Rene woke up in their humble home and apologized for falling asleep so suddenly. The brunet was about to leave before Inko asked where he was staying. Rene looked nervous before mumbling the truth: he had no place to stay.
Inko didn't ask for anymore details and allowed the brunet to stay for the night. But who knew that Rene would stay for days, weeks, months and eventually 3 years? Inko and Midoriya found the brunet's presence comforting. Rene would help with chores and tutor Izuku on his studies. He even kept Katsuki at bay sometimes.
And Leon...the chameleon was no problem, really. The green reptile had the habit of pranking Midoriya in the morning, sticking his tongue in the green-haired child's ear. Soon it became rather normal, and Midoriya became slightly grateful that the chameleon always woke him up on time.
Rene had stayed with the family of two for three years...yet they couldn't uncover any of the brunet's past. He always knew how to direct the conversation elsewhere perfectly. Rene was an enigma; he was a hard person to read. However...he was still a nice person. He never got angry--not even irritated. All in all, he was accepted into the family. Inko saw Rene as some sort of little brother while Midoriya saw him as an uncle.
Back to the present, Izuku yawned again and slipped out of bed, preparing himself for school
//(After school because that's what really happens in most anime and manga)//
Midoriya was walking through his neighborhood, a glum expression on his face. Bakugou had blown his notebook up. And it wasn't just any notebook; it was the notebook he had on heroes and pretty much every person he knew--they were notes on their Quirks. Izuku sighed again.
'...At least I memorized it...'
Midoriya jumped in surprise and whipped his head around. He widened his eyes with horror as some sort of sluge was heading towards him.
The mass of goop turned his gaze to Izuku. The sludge looked confused for a second before he grinned darkly at the green-haired teen.
"A citizen, huh? Hmm...I need a Quirk if I'm gonna escape him of all heroes!"
Midoriya flinched and stepped backwards, horror filling his face. He felt too frightened to run; his muscles were locked into place and he watched in terror as the goop-monster got closer and clos--
"I AM HERE!" Three English words boomed out into the open.
Izuku watched with shock as the sludge was chopped into by a large, callous hand. The blob immediately splattered against every surface; the threat was neutralized. But what surprised the teen the most was the person who had saved him.
The man was a buff blonde, his muscle stretching his white t-shirt and his green cargo pants thin. He had an ever present grin as he turned to look at Midoriya, waving a hand in the air. Two antenna-like strands of blonde hair stuck up from his head.
"Everything is alright now! For I am here!"
"A-A-All M-M-Mi-Mi--!"
Midoriya's mind couldn't handle it--All Might, the Number One Hero, was standing right in front of him--and he fainted.
"...y...Bo....y....Boy? Young la--ah! You're finally awake!"
Izuku slowly became aware to a light slapping on his face. He snapped his eyes open and sat up.
'Was it a dream, or--!?' The teen lifted his gaze before his jaw dropped, speaking openly. "IT WASN'T A DREAM!"
Midoriya stared and gaped openly at All Might, who was standing there, laughing brightly. The teen then scrambled for his bag.
'A-An autograph! I need to get a--!' He found a random notebook in his bag and flipped it open before he widened his eyes when he found one page with a certain hero's signature. 'HE SIGNED IT! I HAVE ALL MIGHT'S SIGNATURE!'
Izuku lifted his head, eyes shimmering with tears of joy.
"Th-Thank you...!"
All Might laughed again, grinning widely.
"You're welcome, young man. Now," The blonde hero patted his pocket, where Midoriya noticed that a plastic bottle was tucked in there. The sludge villain was unconscious, stuffed within the bottle. "I must turn this one in to the authorities. I've been tracking the sludge villain down for a while!"
Izuku froze, his heart stopping for a moment as All Might seemed to turn around in slow motion.
'No...! I still have so ask him!' "Wai--!"
"I shall be off now! I'm sorry!" All Might cut in; he hid a cough under his breath. "I must turn this villain in quickly!"
All Might leapt into the air, feeling the wind whip across his face. He sighed mentally.
'Huh...I was really cutting it close this time.' All Might glanced over his shoulder slightly, feeling a bit sorry for leaving a fan behind so abruptly like that. 'My hours were almost u--ASDFGHJKL!?'
Midoriya was clinging onto All Might's leg, face trembling against the wind as he held on tightly. The blonde hero sweated, yelling over the wind that was rushing past them.
Izuku winced, eyes growing dry with how much wind was getting into them. He blinked and tried to speak.
"I s-still h-h-have qu-questions f-f-f-fo-for you!"
<<(Meanwhile, below the flying pair)>>
A motorcyclist tilted his head up as he watched something dart across the blue sky. He blinked in mild surprise before screeching to a halt on the side of the road--conveniently, he found himself in a parking spot. He slipped the visor of his black helmet up and narrowed his brown eyes.
"...Izuku-kun?" He muttered under his breath. "...And All Might?"
He removed his helmet completely, gravity-defying hair standing up once it was gone. His earring jingled slightly as he shook his head, sighing softly as he looked down at his left wrist, adjusting a purple bracelet decorated with silver clouds, before turning his gaze to his watch.
He sighed once he read the time. The brunet tapped a finger on his helmet thoughtfully, before hopping off of his motorcycle after parking it. He payed the parking meter with with some loose change, ignoring the squeals of women behind him. He left his helmet on the seat before he walked away, stuffing his keys into his pocket, jogging towards a building.
"What the heck, kid." He sighed. 'I think I saw those two land on that building...'
<<(With Midoriya)>>
The green-haired teen panted for breath, hands on his knees. A nervous laugh escaped his lips.
"Th-That...was scary...!"
All Might himself was looking at the teen with a stern look, gaze shadowed.
"Boy! That was very reckless of you!" The blonde checked his pockets before sighing. "And it seems that I've lost the villain! I need to search for him again!"
Midoriya flinched at that, taking a deep breath before straightening himself.
"I-I'm sorry about that! But I really needed to ask you some more que--!"
"I'm sorry! Not now, my boy!" All Might coughed, turning away from the teen, preparing himself to jump. 'I really need to leave now!'
"PLEASE! I JUST NEED A MOMENT!" Izuku's voice trembled, and it made All Might pause. "A-At least answer one of my questions!"
All Might sweated when smoke started to surround him; Izuku was keeping his gaze on the rooftop floor so he didn't notice.
"I...I-I'm Quirkless..." His green gaze grew watery as he said that, but he continued. "B-But...!"
He swallowed, lower lip trembling slightly, head bowed in All Might's direction.
"Do you...think that I can become a hero...!?"
Silence greeted Izuku and he winced. He took a deep breath and glanced upwards slowly, afraid to see a sneer of disgust and hear a condescending laugh.
The smoke slowly blew away with the breeze that went by, revealing a blonde with a lanky, skinny body. He was wearing the same clothes as All Might, but they sagged around his form. The blonde darted his green-blue eyes towards Midoriya and winced slightly, sweating under the teen's gaze.
Blood gushed out of his mouth and Izuku freaked.
Just then, the rooftop door opened and a brunet stepped out, scanning the area before letting his gaze fall on the blonde and the teen.
"Oh geez..." Rene murmured. "Looks like the secret's out."
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