Chapter Two School
I've been in private school since well,it happened.My name is Hope,Hope Millza.A girl without a voice.I had one till I never used it again.I walk the halls of my private school,alone,without a care in the world.Girls would pick on me I wouldn't budge.My wet hair no longer wet.This morning was spent two in a half hours under water.Focusing the 'abilities' I was given by my father,The Lord.He's said 'to no longer be sinned you must replace what's been stolen.'I don't know what he means."She's so creepy."Muttered a girl."I agree."Another replied.I could really care less what they have to say about me,as long as they don't make me mad I won't kick them up.I walk to my second period."Hope!"Yelled a ghostly appearance.Literally she can appear from anywhere.She squeezes me tight from behind.I turn and she hands me her palm."I..A..M..G..L..A..D..T..O..S..E..E..Y..O..U."I trace into her palm."You to,Hey did you here a new guy has come from another school and I,being the bestest friend in the entire universe thinks you should meet him."Desirée Stated.I point to my throat."I know you can't but at least.."She traces letters into my palm."See ya!"She yells.I could hear her voice as she left."T..R..Y."
A new guy huh?
I reach Mrs.Spells class before the two minute warning bell."Hello Hope."Said Mrs.Spells.I do a two finger flick and sit down.I held my cross in my palm.With concentration I levitate the cross four inches into the air.Then down again.My graded papers hit my desk at once.Many ninety sevens one lone hundred."Oh my gosh,the new guy totally hot."Yelped a blonde.Typical."Totally bagged."Muttered a brunette."I think he's in this class now."Said a strawberry blonde.Just then a 5'11 boy with black hair and brown,almost black eyes walks in.He wore a business suit with a black undershirt and tie.He looked as much as Naru from ghost hunt."Hello you must be Mr.Lopez,Welcome to Texas."Said Mrs.Spells."Thank you.I appreciate your welcoming to your classroom."He said with the English accent from London."Why don't you sit next to.."She pauses to look around the room."By Hope."She said.
What,why me?
"Thank you."He replies again."Hello Hope I'm Samuel."He said his voice changed to a normal American tone.He gently grabbed my hand.The next thing he did was the most surprising thing ever.He kissed my hand.I wasn't grossed out,well,maybe a little,but,it just surprised me."Know that Mr.Lopez has introduced himself we'll review the slope in a line."She said.She passes a packet around."Hope,can you help Mr..."She was cut of by Samuel."Please Mr, makes me feel old,Samuel however will do just fine."He said.Nice way to make yourself cool about the name change."Oh my apologies,Hope can you help Samuel find his classes."She said pausing slightly as she would pronounce Samuel's name wrong.I nod.He looked at me with a strange yet concerned look only seen when your 'girlfriends' are worried about drama.I examine the schedule he has.We have every morning class and lunch together,as in I'm stuck with a dude for,four hours."Your Hope right."Asks the blonde who mentioned Samuel earlier."Can you tell us what class's he has?"She asks batting her eyes like a Bambi cartoon.I shake my head.In truth I couldn't tell them even if I wanted to.But I won't just to make them squirm.The girls she was gossiping with gasped loudly.Everyone quieted down."Excuse me,you must be mistaken but do you know who I am?"She asks calmly but I could easily hear the death in her tone.I nod and a smirk plastered my lips."I could sue you ya know."She stated to me like I was a kid in a sweet delicate voice.I gave her my famous look.'I don't care.'She took it offensively.She held a punch back,she released.Before my head could be stricken I grabbed her wrist.Digging my nails into her skin.She whimpered."Nice try,I've never had someone try to punch me before,"Fear filled her face she began to tug only permitting my nails to scratch her up."I would advise you to be careful how you attack."I release her arm and she falls to the ground stunned,full of fear.She stood and walked back to her seat.An sat calmly down.Pale as a white peach.I thought it was amusing how me communicating to her brain and her freaking out was historical.I took a Hershey's drop,cookies and cream and popped it into my mouth.Mrs.Spells,Samuel and everyone else looked at me with shock.I flip my black,shoulder length hair in front of my eyes and worked.
More is coming soon
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So I need your opinion
Past it on.....
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