8. No Place Like Home
Nola had to get her mind right.
After meeting Tori and getting her makeover, she needed to be around some of her family. Since she was at the mall, she might as well go see her closest sister.
Kitty lived less than a mile from the mall because when she bought the property for the mall, she bought the land around it and included property for their house...mansion she meant. It was a little over the top how huge it was, but hey, if they had it, spend it.
Kitty started building her empire by working for Icee, running his new hip-hop, rap-inspired clothing line, KStyle Fashions. That was not enough for her sister. With a loan from Icee, she built what would probably be her legacy, Ice Kingdom Mall.
The mansion was called the Ice Palace. It literally looked like a castle to her, complete with two separate maid's residences. If she ever decided to not live in the Kelly family home, she would move into the Palace.
It was gated with security, but each sister had the passcode to come in freely. There was a twenty-four-hour security team on watch and the best aerial security thanks to Victor's company TEAM. Even though that psycho and his sister were dead, there still were a lot of crazies out there that might try something.
Once she pulled through the gates, she still had a drive to get to the house. They were crazy rich for this.
Finally, she made it to the front of the house and parked in the circular driveway that could fit twenty cars. She left her things in the car, grabbed her phone, and headed to the door. Once she rang the doorbell, Deanna the house manager opened it.
"Hello Nola, nice seeing you again."
"Thanks. My sister home?"
"With those babies."
She headed upstairs to the nursery and sure enough, Kitty was there with the soon-to-be one-year-old IceeJay and the almost four-month-old twin girls, Kayley and Kaycee. It was one thing to get back-to-back pregnant after having one baby, but then, she had the twins early so now they were super close in age. Three babies under one? All in pampers, all still using bottles. IceeJay was an early walker, so that was good.
That little boy was running around the nursery screaming for no reason while Kitty sat on the floor with the twins laid out on the floor on a blanket. Kitty was singing a song to them, and maybe IceeJay thought he was singing along.
"Hey, little man!" She grabbed IceeJay up and hugged him, kissing his cheek as he giggled.
"Hey baby sis," Kitty said to her. "What brings you over?"
Kitty turned to look her over. "On one hand, the face is facing...on the other, how do you leave the house dressed like that? You did not get the fashion gene from me or my twin, huh?"
She tossed her sister the middle finger.
"Actually, I just left your mall and bought it up. I'm doing a makeover for myself. I still can't be like you or Kryssy, let me be me."
Kitty looked her over again and grinned. "That's good to hear. You've been in a funk lately."
"Yeah" She wondered why her sister was not after all she had gone through. Being kidnapped and nearly killed by that monster. Losing their sister. Kitty was moving on with her life as if it did not happen.
Nola put IceeJay down and then sat down on the blanket with Kitty. "How are you doing?"
"Peachy keen."
She laughed. "Don't say that. Doesn't sound like you at all. Really, talk to me, how are you doing?"
"What do you want me to say." She handed one of the twin girls a teething ring, but Lord help her on being a bad auntie because she could not tell them apart at all. "That I still have nightmares about what happened? That I still see his face sometimes out of nowhere? That I don't even remember the birth of my little girls because I was out of it? Yeah, depressing. And on top of that...I don't have one of my sisters anymore. Annnnnd, my twin and best friend has moved so far away I cannot see her every day."
Sheesh! She was not the only one suffering. Kitty sure knew how to put on a happy face.
"But look at this," she motioned around to her babies. "I can't stop living and live in that state when I have them."
"Are you seeing someone? Getting some help? To talk to."
"Sure. I have therapy twice a week. I still talk to or text Kryssy every day and check on her. I have Ginger to talk to. I have Fayme. Icee is my everything right now. I don't think I would have made it through without him sometimes."
Yes, her sister was truly blessed. She was not looking to fall in love, have a relationship, or marriage, but when she did, she wanted a guy like Icee.
"And you have me."
"You're not that easy to talk to."
"I know, I know, but I...all of this affected me in a bad way. It's why I changed my major. It's why I train so hard, to protect myself and any of you if I have to."
"How's that going?"
She shrugged. It was what it was.
"You know you need a life outside of school and all that fighting you're learning. Breaking up with Tone, what was that all about?"
"Kitty, he just wasn't for me, that's all."
IceeJay came over to sit on her lap and she cuddled with him and kissed his cheek.
"My lil fatman loves the attention. I wonder where he takes that from."
"This boy looks more and more like his father they will look like twins when he is older."
"I think the twins are a mix of us both."
"Yeah," she said. "I need to come around more. I will. I'll watch the kids for you, I know you are itching to go back to work."
"Not really. I mean, not in the office work. It's the mall, I can walk up there every day if need be and do all the rest of my work here in my office. I can take them there, or have them in my office. It happens like that when you're the boss."
"What is Icee up to?"
"Work! Promoting his new movie so he is doing some traveling, but when he is home, he is here working at the home studio. Working on Tennille, or CJ, or Ginger's album."
"When is he coming out with another banger?"
"He thinks he is retired from music, but I know better."
It was wild to imagine that Icee started as a rapper, turned into a singer, and now was an actor. His movie was great that he was in and soon he would have more offers and become a big-time Hollywood star.
"You don't want to travel with him?"
"Sure. I will. Waiting on these two little ones to not need me as much. We have two nannies, but I still don't like leaving my babies for that long."
"It's not like y'all need the money, Icee can slow down."
"Ha! The workaholic, iceaholic?"
Nola laughed at that. "How many diamonds has he bought the twins so far?"
"More than they will ever need. I'll have to show you their rooms when they get old enough to leave the nursery. It might blind you."
"So, what's really going on with you? You okay?"
"Uh...yeah." She knew her sister would not buy that.
"Talk to me."
"Nothing. Just...I wish I could have the life that you and the others have. Doing great things!"
"And you will! You're still in school, what the hell do you expect?"
"I guess. It's just that, I really don't like living in the Kelly shadow. People know who I am. I try and stay incognito, but they notice me anyway. And if I...when I join the FBI, I don't want it to be because of some famous family that I am in. Maybe this isn't the right field for me."
"Listen, when you switched your field of study, I understood it. Do you think I thought this would be where my life would be? After I finished college I was a personal trainer, which I never dreamed of growing up as the fat sister. All I knew was that whatever I did, I wanted to be the boss."
"I want to help people. Not have them go through what we went through."
Kitty stood up and then bent over to pick both the twins up.
"Come on, I need to feed them, hold one."
She grabbed one of the girls who wriggled in her arms. They were so pretty and looked like the baby dolls she used to play with. Head full of curly hair, deep dimples, and that baby smooth dark brown skin was perfection.
"You want more of these?" she asked her sister.
Kitty did not say anything for a moment. She sat in one of the rocking chairs and pulled out her breast to breastfeed the baby she was holding. What was she supposed to do with this one?
"I wanted more...want more..."
Kitty didn't say anything else. She did not know what this was about and maybe she should not have asked.
"Icee and I agreed we wanted five...a big family like I had growing up, and Icee wanted that too because it was pretty lonely for him, his brother did not live with him. But with the complications of the twins, Icee saw me suffering, he didn't want me to go through that again."
"What are you saying?"
"That man went and got a vasectomy...without talking to me about it."
"I know right? I wanted to hurt him so badly. He said he did it for me. We argued about it because he did not even tell me till about a month ago, even though he had it done while I and the girls were still in the hospital. Anyway, I saw his point and moved on from it. If it's meant to be for us to have more kids, we will."
Damn, that was brutal. On one hand, childbirth was a killer. That's why many celebrities had surrogates. Maybe that was what they would do because surely Icee froze some of his sperm on standby. On the other hand, Kitty was the type of woman that enjoyed the whole pregnancy thing.
At least Icee's decision did not destroy them.
A/N: What do you all think about Icee's decision to get a vasectomy without discussing it with Kitty? I believe marries couples should discuss that first. Yes, Kitty had tough pregnancies/deliveries but Icee could have waited.
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