41. Birthday Girl
On what would have been Ashley's thirty-first birthday, they all went to the Bahamas again, where she enjoyed her thirtieth birthday. Ashley loved the place. At some point, she knew her sister knew the end was near, and that's why she wanted to go.
One of her two boyfriends proposed to her there. She told him no, but that man never gave up trying.
They only stayed the weekend. Tennille was booked solid for shows since winning and performing at the Grammys. Everyone wanted to work with her. She was even getting movie offers and Tennille never had an interest in acting.
Sarena was booked and as busy as ever, as Ginger Hollands' manager, with her solo career kicking off and going well. Sarena was traveling all around the world with her, all while handling Tennille and her brother's career.
Krystle was doing phenomenally well in Italy. Starting up an Italian branch of KStyle Fashion in Milan put them internationally. It also got her creative juices going. She was doing more high couture fashion but kept it hip-hop. She was always in high demand after Grammys with everyone wanting her to design something unique for their appearances.
Kitty was back in the office, working, but still running her house and keeping up with those babies. She could not believe the twins were nine months old now. Time was flying by. They were already some superstars too, appearing in several magazine articles and the face of KStyle Kids along with Kerrie.
CJ was a few weeks away from releasing his debut album. He still thought he ran the world.
As for her, she stayed out of the limelight. She did a preliminary application for the FBI and they were very interested in her. She still had to keep her record clean, stay out of trouble, and be the best that she could be.
She amped up her training, focused on her shooting, and continued to study outside of her coursework. She was looking to have an intern in D.C. in the summer. She was ready for the world.
Except for her love life.
Nothing was going on there. She had not seen much of Ronan or Drew in weeks. She was sure they forgot all about her and moved on to someone who could give them what they wanted.
She did like hanging out at the mall with Tori.
"What do you mean your birthday is this weekend? How come you didn't tell me?"
"It's no big deal," she said, stabbing at her salad. "Twenty-two is nothing great, it's not like my twenty-first birthday."
"Every birthday is a great one. We're here, we're alive."
She did not like hearing those words, not after celebrating her sister gone too soon. They were born in the same month, and to her, that always meant they had a special bond.
"So, what are we doing for your birthday girl? Let's get into some trouble."
"My family's throwing me a party," she stated. "You want to come?"
"Hellllll, to the mother fucking yeah! Hang with the Kellys? Hell yessssss, baby!"
She was a little too excited for her.
"Tori, you have to treat us regularly, not like we're anything special."
Her party at the Ice Palace was insane. Since she did not have that many friends, again, the party was not about her. All her family, her family's friends, and her one friend. Since she could not very well invite both her guy friends, she did not invite either.
She dressed in the nines in a red body suit and red pumps. She had Jolene do her hair and then she did a photo session in Kitty's foyer with a professional photographer. Any guest could have a photo session too and Tori was going crazy with it. They took a lot of pictures together and it was so much fun.
"Girl, how are you meeting random people and making new friends?" Krystle said after she introduced her. She was holding Kerrie, and it was the first time she saw the baby in a month. She looked nothing like Krystle. Those Italian genes were kicking in. She looked like a white baby if it was not for her headful of sandy brown curls. She had grey eyes like her father.
"Because I can. Aaaw! Look at my niecey-poo, I missed her." She went to take Kerrie from her arms. "Now you can play with your cousins you never see. Wish your mom would move back home so I could see you every day."
"Birthday girl, you don't even see the twins every day, don't play with me."
Tori was still taking pictures, so she continued to hold and play with Kerrie.
"Birthday diva! What's up with you!" Tennille walked into the room, looking more like a Diva than Beyonce herself. Dressed as if she was about to hit a stage to perform in a one-legged body suit with one ass cheek out, dramatic over-the-top makeup, and a dark, black wig that came down to her knees. Everything that girl did was above and beyond.
"NiNi, are you booked to perform at a show today?"
"Huh? Why did you say that?" She looked herself over as if she saw nothing wrong. "I'm here for my baby sister. I love you girl! Let's go kick it with your grown-grown self now. Hey, boobski!" She started to play with Kerrie. "Aye! This baby white, Kryssy who baby dis?"
Krystle grabbed Kerrie for Nola's arms.
"Are you serious right now?"
"As mom would say," Nola started to say as the other two chimed in. "Love the skin that you're in."
Her mother hated when one of her girls hated their skin color because the twins were so dark, Ashley so light, and the others somewhere in between. She admitted sometimes she was envious of her sister's darker complexion, as it always seemed to look better than hers. Ashley always wanted to be brown-skinned like their mother and Tennille wanted to be lighter.
One talk with their mother and they realized they had to love the skin they were in.
"My niece going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older, just watch," Nola said and went off to look for Tori. She was not still taking pictures, where had she gone?
Nola looked around for her a bit then went to where the bulk of the party was, the grand ballroom. Brandy and Monica rushed over to her and hugged her.
"Hey Tee-Tee, happy birthday," Brandy said to her.
"Yeah, you don't even look old," Monica said.
She smooshed her in the head. She could recall being a kid herself and babysitting the two of them and changing diapers. She played with them moreso like a cousin than their auntie.
"Yeah, when you two get my age, watch, gray hairs and wrinkles."
"What?" Brandy touched her bushy curls. "No way!"
She chuckled at them and then made her way to Kitty wiping something from Iceejay's shirt, Looked like he had gotten into the birthday cake already.
"Uh oh! What did he do?"
"Sowwy!" IceeJay immediately said.
"Yes, tell your auntie you are sorry for getting into her cake."
He babbled off something, still not formulating his words enough for her to understand. Kitty nodded as if she knew what he was saying.
"What did he say?"
"He said the cake was good and he wants some more."
She squinted her face, not believing that's what the boy said. It sounded like he was speaking a foreign language not invented. So it was true only mothers knew what their babies were saying.
"Where are the girls?"
"With Icee somewhere."
Then CJ walked over and picked her up in his arms and swung her around.
"I have the best little baby sister ever. Happy birthday!"
"Boy, put me down." She laughed but was mad at him at the same time. "I'm still older, by two months, remember that."
"As if you will ever let me forget."
"That's right!"
"I bought you something." He handed her a wrapped gift.
She took it and shook it. "A bomb?"
"You're the secret agent, not me."
She ripped the paper off, nevermind it was not time for her to open her gifts. Inside the box was a framed picture of the two that they took at the Grammys. It read, "Best friend, Best Sister and Best Everything.
"Aaw CJ! I love it!" She hugged him.
"I know you have everything, so I just wanted to give you something to let you know how much I'm here for you, and always will be."
That's when she noticed the little Asian girl standing beside him. She was short and small, like really short, especially next to CJ's tall frame. He knew this had to be the girl that was staying at his mother's place, but in all this time she had not met her.
"Oh, sis, this is Ishii Li. My friend, lives with my mom so we...hang out a lot."
"Hang out a lot?" Kitty raised her eyebrow at him, looked at Ishii, and back at him. "That's what they call it now?"
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you." Ishii immediately went to hug Nola and she was not down for that. She did not know this girl and CJ was bringing her around the family. Had Victor done a background check?
"Yeah, I don't do hugs girl, unless you're family," she said to her as she held her off.
"Sorry." Ishii looked at Kitty. "Kitty, it's nice to meet you as well. What you and your husband do for the city is incredible. We studied it in my Economics class, the impact of Icee, Fact Iz, and yourself, on the Springfield economy."
"Oh really?" Kitty said. "I had not heard they were doing anything like that."
"You did win the Businesswoman of the Year award two years in the running and Icee won it, several times, right?"
"Yes," Kitty smiled at her. "I like her."
Kitty only liked her because she was kissing her ass. It would take more than that to suck up to her.
Tennille rushed over to them and grabbed Ishii in a hug.
"Ishii girl, where have you been? I told my brother to bring you around more often, hiding you away. You know I need my biggest fan."
"Oh, I brought my mother too, if that is okay," CJ said.
She had met his mother but had not gotten to know her.
"Sure, it's a party, with my family...and I guess she is family...sort of."
Icee finally strolled in, with the twins in a twin stroller. He was the life of the party and it seemed as if it was his party the way everyone gave him their attention. She could not be jealous of that. Icee was the man.
"Birthday girl!" he shouted out. "Where are you, let me give you my gift."
Icee always gave the best gifts, so she was ready for this. More diamonds for sure. A watch, a bracelet, earrings, something. Not that she ever wore any of it but it was nice to look at.
Tori finally came over to her and whispered to her.
"Girl that man is fine! Kitty better watch out."
That was exactly why she could not bring people into her family. Why would she say that about her sister's husband in her sister's house? So disrespectful. What if she approached Icee and tried to have groupie sex with him? Not that Icee would fall for it, but she would still have to break the girl's neck for trying.
Icee walked over to her and handed her a small box, only grinning at her.
"What's this?"
"Open it."
She opened the box and saw keys with a big "T" on it. A Tesla. No words escaped her. Icee leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"You deserve the very best, sis."
"Okay well, I am taking this bad boy for a spin. Come on Tori, I'll drive you around." And then drop her off. She did not want anyone like that around her family. Messed with the aura.
As they were about to leave, Victor walked over to her with a present in his hand.
"Let me give this to you first, I don't want you to open it around everyone else." He kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday, No."
She did not open the box until she dropped Tori off at her home and claimed she was not going back to the party, she was going home. A dumb lie, but she did not protest. She drove off and opened the box while she was at a stoplight.
A diamond-plated 357. Victor knew her well.
A/N: I'm with Nola on keeping people like Tori away from family. She sounds like she wriggled her way into a friendship with Nola to get close to Icee and their fame. One friend out, how many more to come?
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