25. The Encounter
The nightmare was over!
He bought a dozen pregnancy tests and stood with Bryony as she took each one. All negative. That bitch was not having his baby.
And all his STD tests came back negative. What the hell was she thinking? How many guys had she tried that with?
He was glad Tennille fired her and that he would never have to see her again.
That was a close call. He did not even want to fuck with any of his regular honies after that. Venetia was calling him nonstop. Liza and Malika in L.A. wanted him to take another trip out there to get some more dick. All the girls that offered him the panties in class he ignored them.
Fucking with bitches almost got him in trouble, as his sisters said.
Maybe he should be like Tone and wife up a chick.
"Hell no!" he shouted out.
This was only a momentary step back. He would be back to fucking and ducking in no time.
He focused his mind on his music. He tried hard to not write a song about his experience with Bryony, but he still did. He wondered if he would record it for his album and keep it for someone else. He had already written about twenty songs, only recorded two, and had a long way to go.
He was at Da Factory Hitz a lot, working through beats that would touch his soul. He was a perfectionist when it came to his music.
"There you are." It was Sarena, walking into the recording studio he was working.
"Here I am," he said.
"You have anything I can listen to?"
"Nothing, just messing around."
"You need to fly out to L.A. to shoot the video so Icee can stop breathing down my neck. Get it in the can before Riyah starts to pop out."
He forgot about that video to the "Don't Look Down" remix. There already was a storyboard of the video and the concept was dope. He only was in a small part of the song but he wondered how the video would turn out.
"Okay, whenever, I can make up any classwork."
"First thing tomorrow morning, you're taking Icee's jet."
That's what was up. Now he was traveling like a superstar. The jet was on another type of level. Tennille and her peeps were on it with him and she sipped champagne as one of her flunkies massaged her feet.
"Family is nice, but I can't wait to get my pretty brown ass back to L.A."
"L.A. is nice but I am glad it's only a visit for me."
"And now I need a new fucking assistant thanks to yo' ass."
He was not going to tell his sister what went down with Bryony, he was embarrassed enough after he told Nola and she laughed at him. He might tell his boy Tone when he hooked up with him, he knew he would not laugh. It was a serious situation.
"I need a new assistant that worships the ground I walk on...not you, nor just wanta be around the Kelly name or trying to be a bigshot themselves. These bitches trying to give me a wrinkle worrying about their asses."
"So you want a groupie fan to be your assistant, is that what you're saying?"
"Something like that." She smiled at him. "What about that cutie at your mom's house."
"What? Ishii. Cutie what?"
"Oh you know she's cute. Like a little Chinese doll."
"She's Japanese, like me."
"Boy, you're Black."
"Half Black."
"Still Blackity-Black, just light skinneded."
He rolled his eyes at his sister and her made-up words. Not that he ever looked at Ishii that way. She damn sure did not need to work for his sister, that was a no-no.
Soon as they landed in L.A., Tennille went on her way with her crew and he was rushed to the set where they were already filming. This was his first-ever video shoot. If this went well, people would hear his voice and see his face all over the world.
He was nervous. This was what he wanted, but this was the point of no return. He had to kill it.
After two days of nonstop work, he was back in Springfield and tired as fuck. He slept for a whole day. There were so many custom changes and changes to his hair, it was bananas to him. He hoped it all turned out.
Again, nothing to eat in his house, he showered, changed, and headed to his mother's. He texted her that he was coming, but she was out of town. She did not even tell him she was leaving. Well, he still had his key, he was welcome there anytime
Maybe Ishi was there. Maybe she was there with a boy...or a girl. He was not sure if the girl liked boys or girls, despite his sisters saying she had a crush on him.
How could they tell that?
When he got to the house, he was kind of disappointed she was not there. At least he would have someone to talk to. He went into the kitchen and saw there were stacks of leftovers, miso soup, several cuts of sashimi, and his mother's best dish kare-raisu, better known as curry rice. He hoped it was food his mother made and not Ishii. The girl's cooking skills were lacking.
He warmed them up, whipped up a spicy sauce, for his sashimi, spread it all out on a platter and took it to the living room with a Sprite, and cut the television on.
Feet up and relaxed, he heard someone at the door. It was Ishii. She looked at him and said nothing at first.
"Can't speak?"
"Why are you here, you do not live here."
"My deadbeat sperm donor bought this house for my mom and me, so it still is my house. Where were you? On a date?"
"No!" she quickly said as she took off her shoes by the door. "I was at your mom's restaurant working."
"I did that one summer, never again. Not for me."
"It wasn't so bad," she said. "I need the extra money. Your mom lets me stay here for free, and my mother sends me some money, but it's never enough. College is so expensive."
She sat down on the couch with him.
"Hungry? I have plenty."
"No, I ate there. What are we watching?"
"I am watching Final Destination. I love those movies."
"Oh yeah, me too."
That's why he liked talking to Ishii, she was cool. They talked throughout the movie marathon. Both getting grossed out on certain kills. He thought they both were sick for liking some of the kills.
It was late by the time they started the last movie and he was asleep before the end. He did not know how long he was asleep, but when he woke up as the movie ended, he felt Ishii right up next to him, sleeping on his shoulder.
What happened next he did not understand.
He kissed her forehead.
Why was he kissing this girl he was not attracted to? It wasn't that he found her ugly, he just never was attracted to girls like her. She was too plain for him, too boring. Too Asian.
Still, he kissed her forehead again, and then put his arm around her.
He fell back asleep, holding her in his arms. This was just like he was hanging out with his sister, right?
He woke up again and had the desire to kiss her again. This time, he moved in and kissed her lips. She woke up, didn't seem to mind and he kissed her again. She kissed him back. He kissed her again. She kissed him again.
They sat there on his mother's couch and kept kissing each other, little soft pecks. Then he kissed her deeper, tongue in the mouth. That woke up something in him he should have kept at bay.
Ishii's hand touched his stomach and then went down, caressing his hard length that stretched his pants.
"Wait," he told her, moving her hand.
She put her hand back there and caressed him again. Then she slid it inside and continued to do so.
"That feels nice."
She gave him another kiss and then she put her head in his lap and licked the head of his dick. Damn, he did not think the girl had it in her. She sucked and licked on his head before stretching her mouth open to take more of him.
He relaxed on the couch and let her keep sucking him. She knew what she was doing. This was not her first time. She sucked on him for what seemed like an eternity and he loved every moment of it. Head in the living room of his house, it did not get any better than that.
When he was about to bust, he tapped her head so she could move, unless she wanted to swallow. She slid her mouth slowly for him, then continued to lick it as he erupted. Licking up as much as she could.
"Damn Ishii!"
That shit was hot. That was some good-ass head and he needed it. Stressed out over the Bryony situation, and then worn out from the video, that was just what he needed.
He grabbed some paper towels he had by his tray and used them to wipe himself.
He looked at Ishi as she wiped her mouth with her shirt sleeve. Was she ashamed of what she had done? He did not mean for it to happen. He was not trying to get with the girl like that. In fact, he did not like her at all.
He jumped up from the couch.
"I need to go."
"Okay," she said softly.
He rushed to the door, not even turning around to look at her, and rushed out of the house. He could never show up at his mother's house again.
A/N: Y'all! What? This boy! But these two together are about to be fire!
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