Just randomly, who liked donuts?
Well, this is just fantastic I though as I walked through the hallway to the bathroom. I was soaked head to toe in paint out of everything it could have been, it was paint. I walked to the end of the hallway and turned the corner to enter the bathroom, I looked behind me to face the hallway. Naomi and Chase were still laughing like crazy on the floor. Chase was baging his fist on the floor so hard I though he might break his wrist any second. Naomi on the other hand was going balistic, she was rolling all over the floor clutching her stomach. I though she was going to stop any second, but she kept rolling on the floor for a while, untill Chase finallly stopped laughing and got up to help her, while he was still clutching his side.
I walked to the bathroom, took a quick shower to get all that atrocious pink paint off of me, I then put on my favorite pair or pjs and went to inspect my clothes. My jacket was covered in paint, my leggings had only a few spots here and there, but that was really it. I went to the washing machine and put my clothes in it, I set it to warm and left the room. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard giggling and quiet laughter. I crawled down the hallway to see what they were laughing at, I poked my head from around the corner of the wall and was horrified to find them laughing at a picture on Naomi's phone, I peered over their shoulders and saw them staring at a picture of me falling onto the box of paint. My face was blurry and it looked hillarious, I admit, and I snickered a bit, untill I heard Naomi say she was going post it on her tik tok account.
" No, you are NOT going to post anything, nothing at all. " I yelled as I got up from behind the wall to face them. " Oh, um. oops? " Naomi said, as she clicked a button on her phone screen. She did not just do that did she? I though. No, no, no, no, no, no I though she couldn't have posted it! Did she? I looked at her, I felt my face heat up, I strolled past them and walked out to the balcony, trying to breath. I looked outside at the snow, luckly we had a roof over our balconyor else I would be covered in snow, but I didn't care about the snow, I didn't care it was freezing outside and I had no jacker on. How could Naomi do this to me! Wasn't I her friend? Maybe I wasn't and she actually hated me. pretrending to be my friend, I looked out at the snow again, getting my breathing under control again.
After 15 min or so, I shuffled back into the aparement, Naomi and Chase were still standing where I last saw them. " Are you ok? " Naomi asked, I was still iritated at her but I calmed myself down, took in a few deep breaths before speaking. " I'm fine Naomi. " I replied trying to talk to her the least amount possible. Naomi continued " Why did you go out in the bacony? Are you crazy? It's the middle of winter, you're lucky you didn't get sick or frostbite or something. " " Look Naomi, you might think you're the boss of everyone, well guess what! You're not, why do you even care about other people in the first place? You're not my mother?!"I yelled. I was glad I got that out, I had been mad at Naomi before, but never this much.
The last time I had ever gotten this mad at her, I had a valid reason for it, last Halloween, me and Naomi had been in a haunted house, they got to the part where people come out of nowhere and scare you. I had been holding on to Naomi's arm for dear life and Chase was walking along in front of us, unfazed by the people comming out of nowhere and screaming, and if he was scared, he hid it extremely well. Naomi and Chase kept walking calmly ahead of me, quietly walking in silence, as I screamed at every single skeleton, mummy or anything of the sort. We went through the haunted house slowly, seeing as since I stoped every 5 seconds to calm myslef down. We were at a maze of some sorts when I felt something hit the side of me head, hard. I looked down and saw a shoe on the floor, Naomi looked behind her to see what was the hold up. When she saw the shoe, she grinned at me as I saw her eyes glint with mischif she picked up the shoe and aimed at something above us.
I looked up and saw her aim the shoe over a black piece of wall, it didn't reach the ceiling and was just standing there. up close, it looked like it could fall down any second, but since people were usally running past screaming like lunatics, they didn't notice. I was going to ask Naomi what she was doing when she threw the shoe over the wall, hard. We waited, 1 second, 2 seconds, 4, 5, 7. It seemed like an enternity when we suddently heard a. thud, followed by; " Ow, someone threw a show at me! Who did that!!! " The voice sounded angry, who knew it hurts to get hit in the head with a shoe? I was furious at Naomi for the rest of the haunted house, I didn't even scream as much when people jumped out at me because of how mad I was.
" Hello? Raven!!! " I heard someone say my name, bringing me me back to reality. " Piggly Wiggly! " I yelled, Naomi and and Chase just looked at me in confusion, but they also looked like they were holding in a laugh, which they probably were. " Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to say that. " I apalogised, it was probably one of those gibberish words people say when they're spooked. " So, anyways, Raven, why were you in the balcony? " Naomi asked. " Well, i wanted to get some air, after you posted that humilliating video. " I said, Naomi said nothing, she remained silent. Good, I though she should be ashamed for what she did.
A long chapter from yours trully, have fun reading it. As always, have a good day/night.
- your friendly neighbourhood tissue :D
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