Chapter 2
Can we just take a minute to appreciate this picture I can't even<3 Anyway moving on.
Sebastian's P.O.V
I thought she was gone, I thought, I thought I saw her- nevermind, that doesn't matter now, she's here again, after all this time she is finally back and we can start over, but there is an issue the spider is here now he will surely try to take her from me, she seemed unsettled, was that because of me or was it because she could sense him I could sense him as well which didn't frighten me but made me tense and angry. After all I am a butler of Phantomhive manor I do not get frightened so easily, at least I didn't then she was there right in front of me, I surprised myself in not letting my guard down in front of her. I swear to myself and everything I am that I will protect her. No matter what.
Ciel P.O.V
Hm.... Sebastian has been awfully quiet, I wonder what that's about and the envelope he holds what could it be? He seemed tense and angry at the docks but why? He was fine and then that girl and her maid showed up, she was fairly pretty- NO! No Ciel focus you have no time for such worthless things.
The ride home was silent it wasn't that bad because Sebastian was finally keeping his mouth shut. We exit the carriage and walk inside.
"Oh no-" I was cut off by my betrothed Lizzie engulfing me into an agonizing hug.
"I WAS ONLY GONE FOR AN HOUR LADY ELIZABETH" I screamed back, I swear this girl really does annoy me at times
"Ciel I thought I have already told you it's just Lizzie"
She released me and looked at me disappointedly.
"Right, Lizzie, and if i've already told YOU don't scream or squeeze me to death, honestly." I spat at her
"Sebastian i'm going to my study take care of Lizzie while I finish work."
"As you wish my lord" and with that he escorted Lizzie away leaving me to walk to my study. I walk in and sit down.
"Finally peace and quiet" I was relived to say the least.
"Huh? What's this?"
On my desk sat two envelopes, one with another crest on it that I didn't recognize and another, this wasn't sealed with any sort of seal just tucked in.
I picked up the one with the crest first it read:
Dear Ciel Phantomhive,
I cordially invite you to a costume party at the Trancy Manor. The head of the house Alois Trancy, is throwing this party so he may get to know the people he will be working with, as it becomes he to be the new owner of the Trancy House. We hope to see you there, the party will be next Friday at exactly 6:00. Be sure to wear your best costume.
Head Butler,
Claude Faustus
Interesting, the Trancy Manor hmm i'll have to ask Sebastian about it.
I place this envelope down and pick up the next.
You are not betrothed to Elizabeth. You are betrothed to the heir of Nightmare Manor. The Midford's wanted to take control of everything after Lady Nightmare disappeared but now that she is back, their "contract" no longer holds in place. I hope this finds you in good health. Ciel Phantomhive.
There was no signature, i let the letter fall from my hands and onto the desk, how can this be?
A few moments pass and he walks in
"Yes my lo-"
"NOT NOW JUST GET OVER HERE AND READ THIS!" I cut him off he does as I say and picks up the letter gently and reads it over. His eyes grow slightly wide, then return to normal.
"Well? What do you have to say about this Sebastian?"
"I'm afraid it is true my lord."
"When Tanaka was in his usual state he told me of some journals he left behind before the fire, before your parents died. I found it quite surprising myself when I read it, but you sound upset, surely you're not upset about no longer being betrothed to Lizzie?"
"WELL OF COURSE I'M NOT! Can you imagine what it's be like having her around forever it'd be a Nightmare."
"Aww Ciel that's so sweet of you to talk about me."
I looked around Sebastian, and standing in the doorway was Lady Nightmare and the same maid from earlier.
"How the bloody hell did you get in here?" I stated slightly shocked she was here.
"Through the front door." Lady Nightmare said in a "duh" expression.
"Ciel who is this here?" Behind her was Lady Elizabeth, she walks toward me and looks questioningly at them.
"Are they your friends?" She asks hugging my arm.
"I'm afraid i'm not his friend, i'm his betrothed though." The room fell silent.
"Honestly this girl is such a nuisance. Luna remove her from this manor at once."
"Yes young mistress."
And with that her maid Luna picked up Elizabeth and left the room.
"Who are you exactly? I understand you're my betrothed and all but"
"Well my name is Loli Nightmare, i'm 12 and I have a maid named Luna, What else do you want to know?"
Luna comes back in "The girl is taken care of mistress."
"Good I don't need her to be a distraction for this, anyway Ciel I believe you have been informed of the topic at hand presuming the letter and everything."
"Indeed I have, you are my betrothed and not Elizabeth, from the letter can I assume you sent me? I have indeed been informed but I would like to know of why it was that the Midford's decided to cover this sort of information."
"Well from our birth you and me had been betrothed, the Midford's wanted a son as their first born but got Elizabeth instead, now they wouldn't have thought it as a bad thing but they wanted power. They feared that when Elizabeth came of age to take the place of their status she would be the laughing stock and unable to handle the tasks. So when I disappeared they took this as the perfect opportunity to steal that place of power for themselves, but now that i've returned things go back to the way before."
It makes sense, after all the time that i've known that wretched family anytime they spoke of me and Elizabeth they gave sly looks to us it was especially weird that we were cousins as well. Besides if i'm being honest i'd much rather marry Lady Nightmare than Elizabeth. Speaking of i've been calling her Lady Nightmare all this time I wonder what her name is.
"If you don't mind me asking what exactly is your first name, i'd rather address you by so instead of Lady Nightmare forever."
"It's Loli"
"Loli, that's kinda cute if I must say"
"Excuse me did you say something?"
CRAP I spoke out-loud
"Oh uhm nothing just thoughts, anyway, Loli are you attending the party at the Trancy Manor?"
"Oh you got an invitation as well? Yes I will be joining, it may be fun."
"Say Sebastian shouldn't you be making dinner? And what happened to Elizabeth?"
"Lady Elizabeth is no longer on this property my lord. To make it clear I sent her home." Luna spoke softly but strictly, she seems to be a very productive maid, but there's no one compared to Sebastian.
"Yes my lord it would appear to be time to begin preparations for dinner." Said Sebastian I watched him he took a glance at Luna which she returned and I watched as his eyes glowed pink for a second and then stop, I turned to look at Luna and she gave a slight nod.
"Well, Loli would you mind accompanying me to the library for a game of chess until dinner, feel free to stay the night it would appear to late to return to your mansion."
"Of course I would love too."
And with that we left the room.
Luna's P.O.V
"Well well well, after all this time I never thought i'd see you again Sebastian." I said with a hint of darkness in my voice.
"It is always a pleasure to be in your presence my love, where exactly have you been escaped to all these years?" Sebastian replied
"Were you worried about me Darling?"
He came up to me and embraced me
"I will always be worried when it comes to you" With that he leaned down and kissed me, oh how I missed his touch, his soft lips. This wasn't a kiss of passion and it was slightly short lived but it was enough for now he had things to attend to.
"Sebastian dear, you need to prepare dinner we can talk later."
"If you insist, but you know i'd rather enjoy your company."
"I do but Ciel and Loli come first for now."
"Very well"
With that we left the room and disparaged
Oh Sebastian how long indeed it has been.
20 Years Earlier
"Luna behind you!"
I turned around to see what was going on
I came face to face with a reaper.
(Blasted things)
"Of course you lot would show up to ruin a good time."
"And we're not alone" he had glasses I remember that and using his death scythe to pin me down it was awful, I looked behind him and saw the king he had been tracking me down for years, because I refused to marry him.
The king came to me
"Now you little slut you will marry me and become my queen or watch all of your friends and so said family die"
He was bluffing the most he would do is steal me he wouldn't kill me if he did he'd have done that already.
The king grabbed me and started pulling me away
"Sebastian HELP!"
I reached out to him but he was knocked off the building by the spider.
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