~ Venice Chase & Meeting the North Wind ~
Kitty and the penguins got out of Dave's submarine and they were standing at the edge of the submarine in their battle stance.
"Alright, guys, it's just like Cuba. Taxi!" Skipper called out as they jumped from the umbrella to umbrella and landed on a canoe.
"How about some music? Something chase-y."
Kitty gave the man a silver coin as he started playing the chasing music while the boys started to paddle with Kitty on a lookout.
"Here they come!" she warned.
Three octopuses were spotted as they chase after them, causing the boys to start paddling faster and Private ushered them to go even faster.
"Stroke! Stroke! Stroke again! Stroke some more! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Sorry! Stroke! Stroke! We got baddies, six o'clock."
Kitty looked to see the three octopuses control the poor paddler man as they quickly paddle towards them.
"Kitty, Kowalski, battle formation."
Kowalski jumped onto Kitty's head as Skipper jumped onto Kowalski's flipper with the paddle oar in his flipper.
"So you squeegees want to do the gondola mambo? Let's dance."
Suddenly, the black ink squirts into Skipper's eyes as the two octopuses high fives each other.
"Mother-of-pearl, that stings! I've lost visual. Kowalski, be my eyes."
"Uh, left. Right, right! Up! Duck." Kowalski guided as Skipper ducks and the man opened the window angrily, hitting the octopuses.
"I think I got 'em."
"They are down, sir."
"Skipper!" Private shouted, causing Kitty to look back to see the octopus swimming closer.
"They're back up!"
"And we are running out of canal." Kowalski added.
"Parker Posey! Go all-terrain."
The penguins quickly lifted the boat up with the oars before the octopus could reach them and started using them as walking sticks to move across the people who are sitting in a table. Then the octopus took the oar from Skipper.
"We've lost engine one!"
"And two and three." Kowalski said as the other oars are taken away.
"Four!" Private exclaimed as his last oar was taken and the boat took air and landed on the mope head.
"Switch to emergency power." Skipper said.
"Aye, aye, Skip!" Kitty said, starting the engine and moving along.
"We've got melons! Dead ahead!" Private warned.
"Rico!" Kitty said.
Rico coughed out a fish and she uses it as a boomerang and tossed it, unlocking the back as the melons started rolling and they used it as a ramp as they went flying in the air. The canister came out of Rico. The sock cleaned Skipper's eyes from the ink.
"I can see. Rico, the glowy thing!"
Rico quickly grabbed it and swallowed it again, shocking the octopus who's about to get the canister and didn't expect him to do that. The sock covered Skipper's head.
"Venetian blinded again!"
They bounced off the canapés before landed back on the mope head as the octopus landed in their boat.
"We've been boarded." Kowalski said.
"Initiate self-destruct sequence."
They ran into another mope head as it crashed into them, breaking the boat into pieces. The boys landed roughly on the ground while Kitty quickly landed on fours with the man landing on the seat as it slide towards the wall of the alley and the ukulele landed in his hands. He began to play it with a dramatic whistle that takes place with cowboy versus cowboy movie.
"Frankly, I'm surprised we had a self-destruct sequence."
The penguins got into their battle stance along with Kitty with her sword out, hissing at the octopuses.
"Alright, guys, battle stance."
"We're already in battle stance, Skipper." Kitty said, removing the sock off from his head.
"Oh. Okay, good. Now we uh, spring our trap." Skipper said, getting into his battle stance.
One of the octopuses took the man's ukulele and smashed it, causing him to run away.
"I'm not sure they're the ones that are trapped, sir." Kowalski said.
"Kowalski, remember our little talk about true but unhelpful comments?"
"Yes, sir."
"Sometimes we just have to wing it."
As if on cue, the female white owl flew down and grabbed the octopus and flung him into the window. Kowalski gazes up at her.
Then pops out of the ice cream was a little seal and throws something to the ground, making the octopus curious and was then the devices exploded the octopus away to the wall. Then out of nowhere, the telephone booth unravels a polar bear who disguises himself and shot at something with the gun and electrocuted the last octopus, causing it to slip between the bars and fall into the sewer. The three animals got into their pose as the female owl landed on the polar bear's arm.
"Sorry for underestimating the plan, Skipper." Kowalski said, gazing lovingly at the female owl.
"It's okay, Kowalski. Just don't ever doubt me again. Now, what the heck is going on?!"
The flying jet hovered above them and down the rope came a familiar wolf. Kitty immediately recognized him as Classified landed in a hero pose and stood up.
"Remain calm, penguins. You are now under the protection of the North Wind."
He hold out a card with the North Wind symbol on it.
"You're wel... come."
His eyes trailed up to meet her blue ones. As if one cue, they immediately recognized each other eyes wide and didn't say anything as Classified cleared his throat.
"You are to come with us back to head quarters. Please climb up to the jet."
The boys hopped onto Kitty's shoulder as she slowly sheathed her sword to the side of her belt, staring deadly at Classified before climbing up the rope up to the jet. The female owl who noticed this interaction asked him.
"Sir? You know her?"
Classified who seemed in daze snapped out of it.
"Um... It's a long story. Let's just go."
Eva said nothing, but nodded. After they all went into the jet, they fly off.
"Oh my gosh. You guys are so cute. You guys are just so, so cute!"
The polar bear picked the boys up and hugged them.
"And cuddly."
The boys groaned with uncomfortableness while the polar bear just smiled in a dreamy state as he sniffed them and sighed, making them cover their beaks from the bad breath. Skipper began to slap the polar bear's jaw with his flippers.
"Hey, get away! No more hugs!"
This didn't faze him as he made an annoying noise and had his mouth opened as he's being slap in the cheeks. Kitty shook her head amused at the scene while Classified pinched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment and called out to the polar bear.
"Corporal! Corporal!"
Corporal then puts the penguins down, giving them a heart shape with his paws and went back to work on the computer.
"Chart a course back to North Wind headquarters. Eva, inform them that we're bringing in witnesses." Classified said to the white owl Eva who nodded.
"Private, Dibble me." Skipper said.
Private opened Rico's mouth and pulled out a bag of Cheesy Dibbles. Skipper grabbed it and hopped in front of Classified to stop him whatever he was doing to the machines.
"We're not going anywhere with you."
Skipper took a bite of the Cheesy Dibble.
"We don't even know who the heck you are."
"The North Wind is an elite undercover interspe..."
Skipper took another bite from Cheesy Dibble which causes Classified to repeat his sentence.
"The North Wind is an elite under..."
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble again while interrupting Classified's words.
"An elite undercover interspecies..."
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a second time interrupting Classified again. Kitty silently giggled, knowing he was just doing that to annoy Classified.
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a third time when interrupting Classified.
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a fourth time, causing Classified to speak his words.
"Dedicated to help..."
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a fifth time which causes Classified to get angry.
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a sixth time.
"Dedicated to helping..."
A crunch is heard causing Classified to get frustrated, growling.
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a seventh time. Classified quickly sped up his words.
"Dedicated to helping- animals who can't help themselves."
Skipper eats Cheesy Dibble a final time.
"Like penguins." Classified said, finishing his last sentence.
Kitty could tell and translate what Classified is saying about the North Wind is an elite undercover species task force, dedicated to helping animals who can't help themselves. As he said about penguins.
"Really? And you are?" Skipper asked, crunching the bag and tossed it away.
"My name is classified."
"Classified, eh? What is that, Dutch? Can't really hear the accent."
"Excuse me?" Classified asked in his English gentleman accent.
"There's the accent."
Kittty giggled, covering her mouth.
"No, my name isn't Classified. My name is classified because I am the leader of this strike team. The seal is Short Fuse, weapons and explosives."
The seal named Short Fuse made his seat go up and gave them a serious dramatic glare, showing the rocket underneath his seat. This made Kitty worried about that.
"The bear is Corporal, he's our muscle."
Corporal waved at them with a smile.
"And the owl is Eva, intelligence and analysis."
Eva just look at them with a blank look as she's controlling the jet. Kitty gave her a smile which she smile at her back a little before Kitty look at the window while listening.
"Well, Agent Classified, we happen to be an elite unit, too."
Skipper accidentally stepped on the red button, causing the alarm.
"Self-destruct sequence activated."
Skipper stepped away from the button.
"You know, you should really label these things."
"Wow. Nice warning..." Kitty muttered, rolling her eyes.
"In three, two, one..."
Classified just stare at Skipper and pressed the button to cancel it. Skipper shook his paw finger.
"The name's Skipper. I run this outfit. Back there is Kowalski. He's the brains of our operation. Say something smart, Kowalski."
Kowalski wasn't paying attention as he was having goo goo eyes at Eva, which made Kitty smile and shake her head.
"See? He's working on a whole 'nother level. And Rico, he's our demolition expert."
Rico jumped next to Short Fuse and started pecking through his seat and destroyed it.
"He destroyed that chair for the sheer fun of it. No reason at all. And then there's Private."
Private who was waving his flipper at Kowalski's face to get his attention and when he was called, he quickly saluted with a smile.
"He's... he's sort of our, you know, secretary/mascot."
This made Private stop saluting and look down sadly. Kitty frowned at that.
"Cute." Classified commented.
"And cuddly." Corporal said with a smile, but when Classified turn to him he quickly went back to work. "Oh, sorry."
Classified turned to Kitty.
"And uh what about you, my dear?"
Kitty turned to him.
"Kitty. Kitty Softpaws."
"She's cool and sleek. She knows how to be alluring without ever being a damsel in distress. She is incredibly sneaky, suave and alluring to all. She's also not just ordinary thief." Skipper explained with a proud smile.
Kitty takes off her glove she was wearing the whole time from her paw to reveal that she has no claws and it puffed out soft.
"She's really Softpaws. The softest touch in the world."
Kitty brought out the utility belt.
"That's a lot of gadgets in this thing for a guy, don't you think?"
Classified looked at Kitty in confusion and looked down to see his utility belt gone.
"Wha? How?"
"Ohh!" Short Fuse awed.
"Wow!" Corporal gasped in amazement.
"Impressive." Eva commented.
Kitty smiled and tossed the belt back to the surprising Classified who caught it and puts it back on around his waist.
"Well, let's see how well 'cute and cuddly' handles this next bit."
Classified pushed up the lever, causing the jet to speed forward towards iceberg. They got to the front and the doors opened to reveal a secret entrance as they went inside.
"Nice doggy door." Skipper said, causing Classified's smirk to loose which Kitty giggled at that.
They now enter the room full of jets as the jet slowly fly down.
"Wow. Look at this." Private gasped as the boys gawked at it with Kitty impressed, making Classified's smirk return.
"Well, well, well. Not a bad place you got here, Classified." Skipper said as Kitty nodded in agreement.
"Thank you. That's not my name."
"Then what is your real name then?" Kitty curiously asked.
"That, you'll never know, my dear." Classified smirked.
"We'll see about that." Kitty chuckled.
"Arrival at pad 17." Announcer said throughout the room as the jet landed in the spot they're supposed to be.
The door opened for them.
"Right this way." Classified said as they got off the jet.
Kitty flipped over the stairs and landed gracefully as she tapped her heels of her boots a little, impressing Classified.
"Show off." Skipper rolled his eyes.
"Jealous?" she smirked.
Skipper playfully whack her tail.
"Let's go."
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