chapter 6
The Vackers had a standing family dinner once a week and luckily for Biana it came the same day as her lunch date with Tam. Well it wasn't a proper date, but Biana had wanted it to be a date and Tam seemed to be coming around to the idea the more she hinted at it. He was either oblivious or not interested she still couldn't figure him out after all the years.
Tonight she couldn't think about what was or wasn't happening with Tam. She needed to convince Fitz to join everyone the next morning and to hopefully get Sophie to come along, and she didn't even know what she was trying to convince them to go and see or do. She needed a plan but how do you convince someone to see the group of friends that meant the world to you but now you can't even talk to them let alone meet up to see something that knowing Linh would bring back more memories. Hopefully good memories and maybe after all this time they could start to knit things back together.
Plans were not Biana's forte, no those had always been the workings of Sophie. Sophie was the glue that brought the group together, she had bridged Dex with Keefe, Fitz and herself. Sophie even made the connection with Tam and Linh in Exilum. She was the moonlark but the Blackswan didn't even know that the rest of them were going to be a part of it when they dreamed up what she would be. Somehow they all fit together, even their abilities fit together giving them what they needed the exact moment they needed it.
As Biana sat there she didn't know what she was going to do or say to convince them to come but she knew they all needed to be there tomorrow for whatever Linh had planned. Luckily they were meeting at Havenfield and Calla’s panakes tree, this was a safe place for Sophie but would she be willing to risk a safe place for an unknown. It was time to head to Everglen for dinner and she still had no idea what she was going to say to Fitz.
When Biana walked into the kitchen at Everglen she was not expecting to see her parents already sitting there with Fitz deep in conversation, she thought she heard briefly something about new assignment and building a home but was still caught up in her own head to pay much attention. She thought she would at least have time to ask her parents for advice on asking Fitz to come and that they could come up with a plan to convince Sophie to come along. No, this was not starting off well at all. She had no plan so when there was a pause in the conversation she went for it.
“I was having lunch with Tam today and he asked me. . .” Biana started to say before the interruptions came.
“Are you and Tam engaged?” Della squealed.
“What do you mean you had lunch with Tam?” Fitz asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“How is he doing these days?” Alden asked.
Biana paused, she had definitely got their attention.
“I will answer all your questions just give me a chance to breathe. Mom no we aren't engaged, we haven't even gone on a proper date. Fitz we have been meeting up for lunch in Atlantis over the years and Dad he is really good. Linh has something she wants to show us. All of the old group together at Calla's panakes tree tomorrow at sunrise. She is reaching out to Dex and Keefe and Tam spoke with me today and here I am. Fitz, he asked me to make sure you were there and implied you should bring Sophie with you.” Biana answered not sure what everyone's response would be.
“What do you think it is,” Fitz asked trying to figure out what would be so important that after 100 years they would need for everyone to get together.
“Your guess is as good as mine, do you think Sophie will come?” Biana inquired.
Fitz sat there trying to put it all together before saying, “I have no idea.”
The Vackers ate their dinner with polite small talk the rest of the night, Biana told Fitz all about their lunch dates and how she had started to feel things for Tam but couldn't figure out what he was thinking. When it was time to say goodnight Della handed Fitz a plate of mallowmelt for Sophie. Fitz knew it was her favorite and was glad he had a treat to take her.
“Mallowmelt makes everything better,” Della said with that ever present twinkle in her eyes. “I would love to be able to share some with a grandchild some day.”
Fitz had a panicked look on his face as he picked up the plate.
“I'm sure there is nothing to worry about” was the response from Alden. Even after all these years he knew what needed to be said.
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