chapter 4
Tam sat outside a small cafe in Atlantis waiting for Biana to arrive. He still wasn't sold on Linh’s plan or how it would affect the relationship he and Biana were building, but he would bring it up and see what she thought.
It was just a few minutes later that she arrived looking fabulous as ever. Elf's didn't really age past a certain point and she looked just as youthful and amazing as she did when he first saw her.
They quickly ordered and Tam paid for their lunch and watched as a young couple wandered by holding hands and a matchmaking scroll in the other.
“Life was so easy than,” Biana reflected. “I remember how excited I was to get my first list with my top tiers. Who knew that before I could even host a winnowing gala we would be caught up with the Neverseen to the point I worried it wouldn't matter. You were pretty high up on that list.” A big smile came over her face as she remembered just how high Tam Song was and how excited she had been.
“Yes and I for one was glad you didn't have a winnowing gala,” Tam said with a smirk. “I wasn't big into parties and formal events.”
“And you are now?” Biana said with a hint of a giggle in her voice. “I am sure Della would love to give me the party she always dreamed I would have.”
“No, still not. I prefer our lunch dates to dancing,” Tam said without thinking of what implications would come from his date slip and before Biana could get a word in their lunch appeared.
They ate in silence that wasn't awkward but rather comfortable and safe. They were almost done when Tam knew he needed to bring up why he had asked her to lunch so last minute.
“I need to ask you a favor,” Tam casually mentioned not noticing that Biana’s face lit up at the thought of Tam asking her for a favor. “Linh has something she wants to show everyone tomorrow at sunrise at Calla's panakes tree. I am hoping you will come and that you will talk to Fitz about coming. Linh is meeting with Dex and Keefe today about being there.”
“Do you know what it is she wants to show us?” Biana asked barely louder than a whisper.
“Yes but I promised her I wouldn't tell you to sway you one way or the other. Please come, even if you can't get Fitz to come. It would mean a lot to me if you came.” Tam said giving Biana pleading look of hope that she would agree.
“How could I say no to you,” Biana said as Tam let out a sigh of relief. “I can't make any promises about anyone else but I’ll be there.” She quickly reached over and grabbed Tam’s hand that was resting on the table giving it a quick squeeze.
They sat there for a few minutes before getting up and making there way out of the cafe, Biana still holding on to Tam’s hand. They walked towards the spot where they could catch a bubble taking them to the surface again.
“I'm meeting Fitz tonight, I will make sure he is there tomorrow morning. I’ll see what he can do to get Sophie there.” Biana said.
“Thanks, Linh will be grateful for that.” Tam said as they jumped into a bubble still holding hands.
“After tomorrow maybe we can go on a proper date,” Biana said with a wink as the bubble popped and she let go of his hand so she could use her Pathfinder to leap home.
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