chapter 13
As the group twinkled into the majestic cave they could see that nature had a way of taking care of itself. The vines had become overrun, the trees grown taller and more full but the magnificent tree houses stood side by side untouched by the forest, it seems just waiting for the original inhabitants to walk back in from a picnic in the forest.
While Alluveterre had been hard there had also been so many good memories meeting Calla, the crazy Blackswan disguises, returned memories, trust, Sophie learning the correct way to count age, the group coming together for their missions, even the crazy PJs brought a smile to their faces.
The group slowly broke apart and started to explore. Lihn and Wylie ventured into the girls side of the treehouses. It was there that Wylie had started his recovery from being kidnapped. They had bonded over his light tricks and her water show. They had started to really talk about their childhoods. Linh telling the horrors of her parents and the isolation they had caused her. Wylie talked about losing his mom and how even though he had been adopted it wasn't the same. They both knew what it was like to be lonely but then they were ripped from a safe place again. Luckily Linh and Tam had moved in with Tiergan and they continued to be friends. The water had run to a trickle and the reveriebells had faded but the feeling of comfort was still there.
Dex wandered along the river remembering how he had collected rocks and twigs to create the twiggler and how the Blackswan had praised his ingenuity. He also remembered meeting the Blackswan collective and not realizing his own mom was one of them.
A few minutes later Keefe made his way over to the River by Dex.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Keefe asked quietly.
Dex nodded
“I know I was a huge jerk back then. I single handedly destroyed the greatest thing we had going for us all back then. I let my own feelings get in the way and made huge mistakes that I shouldn't be forgiven for but I am asking you to forgive me and maybe we can get back a piece of what we had back then.”
“You were a jerk back then, and you did make some huge mistakes but I got over it a long time ago. You really think we could all be friends again?”
“Well I hope so, I know I’ve got a lot of begging to do with the Vackers but hopefully.”
“I think they'll forgive you. You're not the same kid you were. You’ve made a lot of good changes for our world. Look at what you and Ro have done for the Orges and Elves. Plus me personally, my kids would grow up with the stigma of a bad match for parents if you hadn't changed the matchmaking process. When we get back why don't we plan a dinner at Ironwood so you can meet my wife, Emlinel, and the kids. They would love to meet you, my son thinks you are a super hero and can't wait to pull pranks like Councilor Keefe.”
“Deal, thanks for being so understanding Dex.” Keefe said as he pulled him into a hug before making his way to the treehouse.
Biana and Tam had made there way to the boys side of the treehouse still holding hands.
“Remember the last time we were here?” Tam asked giving Biana a sideways glance.
“Yes, we came after Wylie had been kidnapped. . .” Biana said pausing before continuing. “I hadn't seen you in forever.”
“I was so glad you came that day, we hadn't really had a chance to talk much before with the limited contact at Exilum. I figured Keefe was trouble at the dividing and that he was responsible for you guys being there. When I saw you the day at Wildwood, I wanted to talk to you but wasn't sure how. Then we went to Ravagog and I was seriously impressed with your bravery and knew I needed to get to know you.”
Tam smiled and nodded before telling Biana how he had figured they would be able to talk more once he learned about the skills lessons at Foxfire and how excited he had been. When they showed up that day to see Wylie he had wanted to be so smooth but everything came out all wrong. That brought a giggle from Biana. She shared her thoughts and how excited she was when later they had searched the tower and figured it out and then going to Nightfall together and how when they went to Choralmere and she finally understood what he had endured growing up there. They talked a little while longer about how life had gotten them to where they were now never letting go of each other's hands.
“So Biana, I have been wanting to ask you for a while. When are you going to let me take you on a proper date?”
Biana smiling so big replied, “I guess when you decide you are up for what it takes to date me, I have had a long time to build up what dating me is going to be. I'm not a silly teenager and I know what I want.”
“Well then I guess we'll just have to get together sometime soon so you can tell me everything I am in for.”
“Umm sorry to interrupt you guys but can I have a moment with Biana?” Keefe said as he walked into the boys common room with his hands out and up by his head. “I promise no funny business, I just need to hopefully make amends for some past mistakes.”
“Anything you need to say to me, you can say with Tam here.” Biana said the smile on her face dropping to a straight line. Tam moved closer to Biana and they both gave Keefe a look that said, this better be good.
“I know I made a lot of mistakes back then, and Biana I had no right to. . .Well I owe you the biggest apology of all. I knew that you had liked me for a long time and I knew the right things to make you like me even when I had no real interest. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair to you. I can explain why I did it but it won't change that it was wrong, I betrayed your feelings and trust and that was wrong. I hope you can find it in you somewhere to forgive me.”
“Keefe you were awful. I know you were hurting but that didn’t make it ok. What you did really hurt me and my family. You were like a third son to my parents and when you played with my feelings like it was just another prank. It hurt, it hurt a lot. I’ve had like a hundred years to think about all the things I would say to you and I have played this conversation over and over in my head rehearsing what I would say when I finally had a chance and. . .”
Keefe sat there bracing for what fury was going to come out of Biana's mouth next while Tam just sat there eyes wide open gawking at this side of Biana. He knew she was assertive but he never thought she would actually let Keefe have 100 years worth of pent up rage.
“. . .it's not worth it. I am at a good place in my life and I am finally ready to start a real relationship with an amazing guy who I hope is ready to do the same. So yes I forgive you for what went down between us. Consider it ancient history and as long as you keep your pranks to elixirs and whatnot and don't hurt people's actual feelings again, we are good. Maybe my parents will even invite you over for family dinner occasionally.”
Tam looked at Biana with an excitement, she had just said she wanted a relationship and that he was an amazing guy. Keefe however was at a loss for words, he figured she was going to be the hardest to get to forgive him, and that she would at least drop him like she had when they played bramble back in the day. Time really had been good for her.
“Tam, I know we were never really close. . .”
“Keefe it's all good, no hard feelings here. I'm just looking to the future,” Tam responded simultaneously wrapping his arm around Biana.
“She’s one of the best,” Keefe said eyeing the pair. “Don't screw it up like I did.”
Keefe turned to head over to the girls side of the tree house to again ask Linh and Wylie for forgiveness. This time it was surprisingly easy as the couple didn't seem to want to bring up the past but were playing with the water and lights and laughing like old times.
That just left Fitz and Sophie. He knew Fitz could get angry and Sophie, well he could feel just how torn she was about him being there without even seeing her. He set off in the direction he saw them take off to explore, hoping it wasn't where he figured they'd go.
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