Chapter Three: Consolation Prize
Hermione kept ahold of Sirius's arm as they stepped out onto Charing Cross Road and hailed a taxi to take them to her parents' house. She gave the address quickly, thankful that Odbert was able to give her the proper amount, including tip, in pounds, which she had exchanged from Galleons back at Gringotts. Once the cab arrived at Knightsbridge, Hermione paid the driver and piled out with Sirius, staring up at the beautiful, terraced house she'd called home full-time for the first eleven years of her life.
"Don't be afraid, if you are," Hermione said, speaking softly to her fiancé as they went up the set of four stone steps. "Mum and Dad will love you."
Sirius smiled. "I'm not afraid, love, but I am nervous..."
"No need to be," she assured him, rapping at the door, before standing back. "Dad!" she cried out once it had opened, leaving Sirius's side to fly into his arms.
"Come in, come in," Colin Granger said, smiling over his daughter's shoulder at whom he believed to be her fiancé. "Demeter is just getting tea and biscuits ready." Once inside, Colin turned Hermione loose, who went off in search of her mother, and saw that Colin was shaking Sirius's hand.
Bodes well for the future if there's such a positive introduction, Hermione mused to herself as she stepped into the galley-type kitchen, seeing her mother placing freshly-baked biscuits on one of her finer platters. "Mum!" she crowed, grinning as her mother turned towards her.
"Oh, Hermione, darling," her mother cooed, as her daughter dashed forward and into her welcoming arms. "Is there any way you can take an antidote while you're here?"
Hermione laughed. "Yes," she said, using the vial Professor Snape had given her, which she was sure Sirius was drinking himself in the next room. She drank it down, shutting her eyes at the acidity of the flavor, before she opened her eyes again, which were brown once more. "That better, then?" she asked playfully, tossing her bushy hair.
Demeter laughed at her daughter's antics, pulling her close and looking her over. "You look so happy, sweetheart," she asked. "Is the betrothal going well?"
"Yes," Hermione said, and deliberately lowered her voice. "Sirius says he'll not take me to bed, nor kiss me, until our wedding day."
Demeter looked amazed at Sirius's vow. "He's interested, isn't he?"
Hermione flushed. "Mum!"
"It's just that you're eighteen, love, and I certainly wouldn't have a problem if you wanted to kiss or make love before you become Mrs. Black..."
Hermione sighed. "He says he's interested, but that's not the issue..."
"There's an issue?"
Hermione bit her lip. "I never slept with Ron, Mum."
Demeter raised her eyebrows. "Not once?"
Hermione shook her head. "No. I was pining after Sirius for the entire time. Even though I thought him to be dead, I knew it wouldn't have been fair to me, or to Ron. I could never love Ron in the way that everyone expected us to. It would certainly be more convenient if we'd fallen for one another, of course, I'm not denying that. But I knew Ron too much, and we were too familiar with one another."
Demeter smiled at her daughter's honesty. "And Sirius?" she asked.
"I was attracted to him from the time I was fourteen, and the seriousness of the crush had developed by the time I stayed at Grimmauld just before fifth-year," she said quietly. "I never encouraged him, of course, but I did always wonder if he felt anything for me..."
"Of course you did, darling," Demeter said, smiling at her daughter. "You mentioned in your letter that Harry and Ron were betrothed as well?"
"Yes," Hermione confirmed, relieved to be talking about her two best friends, as she had been expecting an interrogation, despite the fact that her parents had arranged the betrothal on her behalf. "Harry to Professor Snape, and Ron to Tonks, the Auror that Ginny and I befriended at Grimmauld before my fifth-year."
Demeter turned as the kettle went off, and proceeded to pour four cups of tea, which were positioned around the platter of biscuits on a tray, a small pitcher of cream, a bowl of sugar, a small honey dispenser, and a dish of lemons. "You didn't let on much over the summer, but I could sense that there was something deeper to Harry and Professor Snape's relationship," she said quietly.
"You knew?"
"I could easily wager a guess that the two of them weren't merely comrades in arms," Demeter told her daughter. "Some people would gawk at the age difference, I'm sure, but Harry knows his own mind. He's unlikely to walk into a situation blindfolded."
"Yes, exactly," Hermione said, nodding.
Demeter regarded her daughter. "Does Harry love him?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes."
"Does Professor Snape love Harry?"
"Harry says he does, and, from the look in his eyes whenever they're together, I can see love behind them."
Demeter smiled. "Then, that's all that matters," she said, fetching some serviettes and placing them upon the tray. "And Ron and Tonks?" she asked, peering over her shoulder. "Do you think they'll be a good match?"
Hermione smiled. "Yes, I think so. Tonks is so youthful, and she always made Ron, me, and the rest of us laugh. Plus, she's an Auror, and Ron wishes to be one."
"Well," Demeter said, lifting up the tray, "they'll certainly have a lot to discuss when they're married, then."
Hermione followed her mother out into the sitting room, biting her lip when she saw that her father had brought out the photo albums, and was proceeding to tell Sirius about various events of her childhood. "Must you bring those out?" she asked, trying her very best not to whine, as she sat beside Sirius on the couch.
"Honestly, Colin," Demeter said, placing the tray upon the table, and turned to Sirius. "So nice to see you again," she said warmly, offering her hand.
Sirius set aside the photo album and got to his feet, taking Demeter's offered hand and bowing over it. "The pleasure is mine, Dr. Granger."
"Demeter, please, as we're to be family shortly," she said, squeezing Sirius's hand for a moment before she set to work preparing the tea. "How do you take yours, Sirius?"
"Cream and three sugars, please," Sirius said. "But you shouldn't have to..."
"Demeter honestly enjoys catering to our guests, Sirius," Colin informed his soon-to-be son-in-law with a smile. "She's also a fantastic cook. Taught Hermione everything she knows."
"You cook?" Sirius asked, sitting down beside Hermione with a smile.
Hermione returned the smile. "Yes," she replied.
Sirius looked interested. "What's your best dish?"
"I'm hardly one to say," Hermione said, turning to her parents. "What with all the conventions and lectures Mum and Dad attend in the summer, I'm frequently here, cooking up a storm, to ensure they have a hot meal when they come home."
"It's lovely," Demeter reported, handing Sirius his tea, Hermione hers (a splash of cream and two sugars), Colin's (a wedge of lemon and a generous amount of honey), and began preparing her own (a splash of cream and one sugar). "Plus, last summer, she wasn't nearly so exhausted by the end of it, because she could clean the kitchen by magic."
"What's your favorite meal Hermione prepares?" Sirius asked, sipping at his tea. "Oh. That's delicious," he said fondly.
"I've always enjoyed her lasagna," Colin said with a grin.
"As for me, it's cottage pie. I've a fondness for lamb," Demeter said with a smile.
"As do I," Colin replied, "but Hermione is very particular about her meat consumption."
"How so?" Sirius asked, turning to look at his fiancée.
"I will eat white meat and the occasional fish, but I won't touch lamb or veal," she said softly with a shudder. "Beef is all right, though, and I enjoy it immensely."
"Pork?" Sirius asked.
Hermione wrinkled her nose. "No," she said.
"Always insisted upon a breast of chicken during the holidays," Demeter said, smiling at her daughter. "Couldn't abide the taste, or the smell, of ham."
"It's gotten better over the years," Hermione said, sipping her own tea. "I would be only too glad to cook it for you, Sirius, if that's what you wanted..."
Sirius took her hand. "I would never willingly make you uncomfortable."
"Professor Flitwick taught Smell Extinguishing Charms for reason," she replied, smiling. "If I don't smell it, I'm all right."
Sirius dragged the pad of his thumb over her knuckles. "Very well, then."
"How did the meeting at Gringotts go, then?" Colin asked, leaning back in the love seat he was sharing with his wife, and placed an arm around her shoulders.
"Hermione told us that many of the older families are assigned their own personal goblin," said Demeter, her eyes bright, obviously fascinated with the prospect. "Is the Black family one of those families?"
"The Sacred Twenty-Eight," Sirius responded, "which is made up entirely of Pureblood families, are all assigned an individual goblin. I am a part of that list."
"Amazing," Colin breathed. "You mentioned you'd be looking at potential properties today, right, and would be relinquishing Grimmauld?"
"I relinquished Grimmauld, thank Merlin," Sirius said with a shudder, which only abated when Hermione leaned against him. "And we got a good look at the properties available, all of which have impressive warding systems in place." Sirius turned and gazed at Hermione. "I won't have anything happening to Hermione."
"Did you find a place, then?" Demeter wanted to know.
"We did," Hermione glowed, pressing a kiss to Sirius's cheek before turning back to her parents, excitement evident in her expression. "It's a lovely cottage in Chipping Norton."
"Oxfordshire?" Colin asked.
"Precisely," Sirius responded.
"It's got a massive fireplace, and it's already on the Floo Network," Hermione explained. "Since Headmaster Dumbledore got the Order of the Phoenix to ward your own property, and your person, I'll be able to come and visit regularly, if you want."
"And you'd be welcome at the cottage anytime," Sirius said, smiling at the Grangers.
Colin took Demeter's hand. "Well, I'm quite positive you'll make our Hermione a very happy woman, Sirius."
"Will we be grandparents one day soon?" Demeter asked, which directly caused Hermione and Sirius both to choke on their tea.
Hermione mentally went over the calendar again in her mind, marveling that she had time in between wedding preparations to squeeze in an appointment with Madam Pomfrey. Ron and Tonks had gone the day following their betrothal, while Harry and Severus had been yesterday while Hermione and Sirius had been visiting her parents. Her head momentarily pounded as she slipped off her uniform; she had been excused early from charms that day, as the Head of Houses knew about the betrothals now, and Professor Flitwick had been quite accommodating towards her when she casually mentioned the appointment to him.
"Are you ready, Hermione?" came Madam Pomfrey's voice.
Hermione hastily grabbed the provided gown and yanked it over her head. "Yes, I'm ready, Madam Pomfrey," she replied, pulling her hair out from the collar and hopping up onto the bed, relieved that privacy screens had been put in place.
Madam Pomfrey smiled as she moved on of the screens' panels, stepping inside and closing the flap behind her. "No need to be nervous, dear."
Hermione sighed, lying back onto the provided pillows and placing her hands palm down onto her stomach. "The headmaster has a plan," she said softly, watching as the matron ran her wand from her head to her feet. "What if I can't...?"
The matron gave her an easy smile as she finished the initial diagnostic. "Well, dear, I can tell you right now that you're perfectly healthy—a good weight, likely from the balanced diet you eat, plus all the treks around the school, and the heavy lifting of all those books you read. That's an excellent start."
Hermione sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. "Will there be further investigation?" she asked, her voice soft.
"Yes, I'm afraid so," Madam Pomfrey told her. Murmuring some words, she was able to pull up a gritty image in mid-air, above Hermione's pelvis, and nodded to herself. "Your internal organs appear to be in working order, and healthy." She vanished the image and moved down towards the edge of the bed. "I have to do a proper internal examination now, Hermione."
Hermione wanted to hid her face, but somehow managed to remain still. "Will it hurt?" she asked, hating that her voice trembled.
"If you tense up, definitely," the matron responded. "I'll let you know what I'm doing, as I'm doing it, to ensure that you're prepared."
"I don't..."
Madam Pomfrey raised her eyebrows. "The headmaster didn't explain the full benefits of giving you all this exam?"
Hermione shook her head. "No. I just thought we all needed a physical or something before we got married..."
Madam Pomfrey sighed. "Well, that's a part of it, certainly, but..." She pursed her lips. "He did mention that the three couples needed to produce heirs, didn't he?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes."
"And in order to produce an heir, you, Harry, and Tonks will have to become pregnant," Madam Pomfrey said slowly. "And, in order to achieve pregnancy..."
"I know I will have to make love with Sirius, as Harry will have to with Professor Snape, and Tonks with Ron," Hermione said quickly. She wasn't a complete idiot, after all...
Madam Pomfrey gave her a small smile. "Before the wedding can take place, Hermione, we all have to ascertain if you're all able to have children."
Hermione choked, her cheeks flushing; she hadn't considered that. Her mother's younger sister, her aunt, Hestia, had been unable to have children naturally, so she and her husband had adopted her cousins—Morgan, Seymour, and Tristan. She had read somewhere that difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth could be inherited; her father was one of five children, but her mother could only conceive her, while Hestia couldn't conceive at all...
"Is there medical history I should be made aware of?"
Hermione sighed, knowing she had to tell the truth. "My father, Colin, was the third of five children," she said softly, wanting to begin with the good news first. "My mother, Demeter, only had a younger sister, Hestia. My mother had difficulties in conceiving me, and I wasn't born until she was in her mid-thirties. As for Aunt Hestia, she couldn't conceive naturally at all, and so adopted my cousins, Morgan, Seymour, and Tristan, with her husband, Lionel."
"Ah, I see," Madam Pomfrey replied with a nod. "Well, there are three options here in order to get you an heir."
"Yes?" Hermione asked.
"Naturally, if you're able to carry a child," Madam Pomfrey told her. "The second is blood adoption; there's a potion needed, which Severus will be more than happy to make for you. As for the third option, there is a pregnancy potion, which is reminiscent of invitro fertilization. You would become pregnant, regardless of your womb or eggs."
"And if Sirius cannot reproduce?"
Madam Pomfrey smiled a little sadly. "His results came back with flying colors."
Hermione sighed, falling backwards on the pillows behind her. "So, if we cannot have an heir, then, by process of elimination, it would be my fault?"
"Let's not get too hasty here, Hermione," Madam Pomfrey told her gently. "First, I have to do the internal examination. Then we'll see if either potion is necessary."
Hermione was tense throughout the entirety of the examination, and was relieved that Sirius had further business in London that day—the last thing she wanted was him asking her what Madam Pomfrey would report. Yes and no answers were a Merlin-send, and Hermione always answered the matron in clipped tones whenever something was asked of her. She was relieved when Madam Pomfrey told her she was finished, and left her to get dressed.
Hermione removed herself from the bed, putting her uniform back on. It was soon lunchtime, so she would have plenty of time to breathe before herbology later that afternoon. Harry and Ron had gotten the day off from classes, because Harry wanted to look through his vaults for a gift for Severus, while Ron had received special permission to look inside the Prewett vaults for a gift for Tonks.
Grabbing her bookbag, Hermione slipped out from the hospital wing, her heart falling somewhere near her feet when she saw that Ginny was waiting for her. Rushing forward, it was a relief to Hermione when the youngest Weasley automatically opened her arms and embraced her, while Hermione wept onto her shoulder. Ginny gave her a moment, before gently easing her backwards and looked her over.
"Come on," she said gently. "You have herbology next, and I have Hagrid. We'll ask Dobby to bring us lunch in your rooms, all right?"
Hermione nodded through her tears. "All right," she blubbered.
Ginny easily led her through the crowds of students hurrying to lunch, and guided Hermione to the Head Girl's rooms. Looking up at the portrait, she smiled at the fellow redhead. "Good afternoon, Athena," she said.
"Oh, Ginny!" Athena cried out, obviously pleased to see her, while her owl hooted from her shoulder, and her gaze shifted over to Hermione. "Oh, dear. She had her examination with Madam Pomfrey today, didn't she?"
"I'm afraid so," Ginny replied, rubbing Hermione's shoulder.
Athena sighed, her shoulders sagging inelegantly. "I remember when Madam Hygieia gave us our examinations after our betrothals were announced to the Inner Circle," she said softly.
"The what?" Hermione managed to get out.
"Trusted individuals that know about the betrothal," Ginny said gently, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbing at Hermione's eyes, which had gone puffy.
"Zeus was headmaster then, at the now-defunct Athens Conservatoire of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Athena explained with a shudder. "He agreed to my match with Hephaestus, but I vanished from the bed via a Summoning Spell. The little twit Gaia, who always wanted my darling Hephaestus, arranged with Zeus to have herself cleverly hidden, thus impregnating herself with his seed. She gave birth to Erichthonius, forcing Hephaestus to annul his marriage to me—as I was cleverly hidden away at time. Gaia's son was considered somewhat of an enigma and, because of this, was thought to be special. He became Minister of Magic in Greece when he was old enough."
"Merlin, I'm so sorry," Hermione whispered. Holding herself together, she said the password and went inside her rooms with Ginny, flopping down onto her red velvet couch.
"Dobby?" Ginny called, hopping onto a finely-upholstered easy chair, with Crookshanks automatically hopping into her lap.
Dobby appeared and swept bows to them both. "Mistress Ginny has called for Dobby?" the house-elf asked, his ears flapping excitedly.
"Lunch for two, please, Dobby," Ginny said, gently tangling her fingers into Crookshanks' orange fur. "A platter of bread, cheese, cold cuts, and fruit, if you can manage it."
"I'd like Gillywater, please," Hermione said softly.
"Ooh, yummy. Make that two, please, Dobby," Ginny told the elf.
Dobby clapped his hands. "Dobby will do this for Mistress Ginny and Mistress Hermione!" he cried out, before snapping his fingers and disappearing back to the kitchens.
Ginny sat back on the chair, smiling down at Crookshanks, who had made himself right at home in her lap, purring softly. "Did Madam Pomfrey upset you?"
Hermione shook her head. "No."
Ginny nodded. "She gave you the internal examination, didn't she?"
Hermione swallowed. "Yes."
"Did she find anything out of the ordinary?"
"Well, she didn't say so, but..."
Ginny leaned forward. "Then, what's got you so upset?" she asked.
Hermione nibbled her lip. "Are you and Draco betrothed?"
Ginny sighed. "Yes. Since he's defected from the Death Eaters, Professor Snape has assumed guardianship as his godfather. Of course, the betrothal can't be announced until August, when I turn seventeen..."
"And Luna and Neville?"
"Yes," Ginny said again. "Their betrothal can't be announced until February. But his grandmother and Mr. Lovegood have approved the match."
Hermione sighed. "There was a purpose to the examination..."
Ginny's brows knit together. "I thought it was just a formality..."
Hermione shook her head. "No." She wrapped her arms around herself. "It's not just the marriages that need to happen, Ginny..."
"What do you mean?" Ginny breathed.
"Ron has to impregnate Tonks, Professor Snape has to impregnate Harry, and Sirius has to impregnate me," she whispered.
Ginny blinked. "That's not so unusual. In old Pureblood families, it was always mentioned that an heir of some form or another was beneficial..."
"Not just because of that, Ginny."
Ginny sat back. "Then, I'm afraid I don't understand..."
Hermione's eyes locked with hers. "The next prophecy... It's about three virgins having children, blood of their blood, to ensure that the Death Eaters will be kept at bay."
Ginny shook her head. "How do we know Tonks is a virgin?"
Hermione sighed. "Apparently, either parent can be the virgin. It's not the vessel that the virginal status is directly applied to."
Ginny wrinkled her nose. "Makes you sound like a Ming vase..."
Hermione shuddered. "It wasn't long ago that women were considered property to be bought and sold," she said darkly. "Why do you think this arrangement was made in the first place?"
"I thought Kingsley amended it..."
"Doesn't matter," Hermione said, cutting her off. "It's the origins that stick."
Hermione stood upon the hassock in the back room of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, looking at herself in the trio of floor-length mirrors around her. Sirius, Harry, and Ron were getting fitted for dress robes in the room for men, Tonks was refurbishing her mother's robes, and Professor Snape was getting his robes from a company nearer to Hogwarts. Hermione swallowed; behind her stood Ginny, Luna, and Molly Weasley; she had been disappointed when her own mother was unable to make it, but resolved to do her best with her two closest female friends and surrogate mother.
"Let us see you properly, dear," Molly said with a smile.
Hermione bit her lip and turned around slowly, not wanting to catch herself upon the long skirt and go tumbling off the hassock. This was her favorite gown of all; it was strapless, with a ballgown skirt, and, while simple, she felt utterly radiant in it. "Well," she said softly, even though she felt reminiscent of a lamb being led to the slaughter, "what do you all think?"
Ginny squealed with delight, clasping her hands. "Merlin, Hermione! It's even nicer than your dress from the Yule Ball!"
"You look like a fairy, with an orb of light shimmering around you," Luna said with a small smile, although her eyes spoke the truth.
"I think that's a wonderful choice, Hermione dear," Molly said, dabbing at her eyes. "Now, we must select a hair piece and style to go around it, and your shoes."
Hermione, once she was permitted to get back into her Muggle clothes, felt relieved. The only addition to her wardrobe now was the elegant engagement ring that Severus had bestowed upon her the day before, after they had left her parents' house. It was a band of platinum, with a beautiful oval-shaped diamond in the center, surrounded by smaller diamonds all around it. It was a beautiful piece, and Hermione had fallen in love with it. She felt a sense of relief when she traded the impressive white heels for her trainers, and stepped back out into the main room of the shop, grinning as she spotted Sirius.
"Find anything?" he asked indulgently, pulling her into his arms without hesitation and kissing her forehead.
"Yes, everything," Hermione confirmed. "Although, I'll readily admit to taking trainers over those heels any day," she said, smiling cheekily.
"You could wear a combination of things from a rubbish bin, Hermione, and I would still marry you each time," Sirius said fondly.
Hermione's next week was spent taking her mid-term examinations, so she hardly had an opportunity to think about her wedding to Sirius. Thankfully, both she, Harry, and Ron had agreed on private, individual ceremonies, each selecting different places around the castle. Ron and Tonks were to be married high in the air of the Quidditch pitch, which Hermione thought suited them just right. Harry and Professor Snape had decided upon the Great Hall, with Harry whispering to Hermione that he wouldn't mind being taken by the man upon the high table. As for Hermione and Sirius, Hermione was pleased that he had agreed to having their ceremony in the library, and Madam Pince had actually agreed to it as well.
Hermione concluded her final mid-term examination on Ancient Runes, before making her way back to her room. Her plan for the evening was to have a simple meal, clean her quarters, and have her and Crookshanks' things together for their departure. Now that all the paperwork was signed, Sirius and she had been granted ownership of the cottage, and they would be spending the Christmas holidays there. She wondered if Crookshanks would enjoy their new home, but, she reasoned, given how much he loved both her and Sirius, she suspected he would.
Ordering from the kitchens from Dobby that evening, Hermione dined on roast chicken and potatoes before she set to work on cleaning. Utilizing the Cleaning Charms that Molly had taught her over the years, she was practically finished in no time. She then packed up her and Crookshanks' belongings, and took a shower, before downing the vial of Dreamless Sleep that Professor Snape had given her. Rolling her shoulders, she got into bed, whispering, "Nox," knowing quite well she would need as much energy as possible for tomorrow.
Hermione awoke at the appointed hour, showering again before she put on the specialty undergarments that Madam Malkin had made for her. The tap at her door didn't scare her, and she opened it, allowing Ginny and Luna inside. Ginny had the use of a time-turner that day, as she needed to be present at both her wedding as well as Ron and Tonks's. "Thank you for being here," Hermione said, taking them back into her room and allowing them to assist her with her dress, hair, and makeup.
"You look lovely, Hermione," Luna said; she was resplendent in a soft lavender dress for the occasion, and looked quite pretty.
"I only hope to look half as lovely as you when Draco and I tie the knot," Ginny said wistfully as she pulled her own green gown into place. "You're ready."
Hermione was pleased that Dobby arrived shortly thereafter, holding the three bouquets from Professor Sprout. Hermione's was red roses, while Ginny's were cornflowers and Luna's sunflowers. Ginny and Luna walked ahead of her along the most direct route to the library, and they ran into her parents along the way.
"Good morning," Ginny and Luna twittered.
"You all look lovely," Colin Granger informed them all.
Demeter leaned in and kissed Hermione's cheek. "I just wanted to see you before we all went in there," she said, trying and failing to keep from crying. "You look beautiful, Hermione, and I love you very much."
"I love you, too, Mum," Hermione replied.
Demeter walked into the library shortly thereafter, with Ginny and Luna following, taking their places as Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid respectively.
"Are you ready?" Colin asked his daughter as he offered her his arm.
"Yes," Hermione whispered, taking it.
Colin steadily walked his daughter into the library, and she found that she was shocked to see Harry standing beside Sirius.
"Time-turner?" she mouthed to him, and Harry grinned, nodding.
Looking around, Hermione noticed that not many people were present. Draco was there, making mooning eyes at Ginny, and Neville sat beside him, with her mother on Draco's other side, still weeping. Determined to focus, she allowed her father to lead her towards Sirius, and got a good look at her fiancé for the first time that day. She hadn't seen him since Thursday night, given the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding day.
Heart beating somewhere near her throat, she permitted her father to kiss her cheek, before she was handed over to Sirius, who looked resplendent in black robes.
"Dear friends and family," the headmaster said, easily calling everyone's attention to him, "we are gathered her in the Hogwarts Library to celebrate the bond of love, between Sirius Black and Hermione Jean Granger." He turned to Sirius with a smile. "Sirius, do you take Hermione to be your lawfully bound magical partner? To bond yourself to her, forsaking all others, in mind, magic, body, and soul?"
Sirius smiled down at Hermione. "I do."
"And do you, Hermione, take Sirius to be your lawfully bound magical partner? To bond yourself to him, forsaking all others, in mind, magic, body, and soul?"
Hermione grinned. "I do."
"By the powers of Merlin, Circe, Godric, Helga, Rowena, and Salazar," Dumbledore went on, "I now pronounce you bonded as wizard and witch forevermore. Sirius, you may now kiss your bride," he said fondly.
Sirius stepped forward, taking Hermione by the waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed her. Hot, branding fire and scintillating cool ice flowed through Hermione's veins at the press of his lips to hers, and she leaned forward, permitting him to taste her for the first time, and all was magical. Finally, Sirius broke away from her, grinning, before he turned to the headmaster, who held a gleaming parchment and two phoenix feather quills.
"Your marriage contract which, once signed, will go into the Hall of Records at the Ministry of Magic," he reported, banishing it onto a nearby table.
Hermione and Sirius stepped forward, pricking each other's fingers with the sharp nib of the quill, before signing their names in their blood. Ginny and Harry stepped forward as well to sign the witness lines, before the parchment rolled up on his own, and popped into oblivion. Sirius took Hermione by the hand, and Hermione smiled at him.
"Now, you may go and enjoy the Christmas holidays," said the headmaster, snapping his fingers, and Dobby appeared, holding two suitcases, and their traveling cloaks, with Crookshanks in his little cage beside him, looking most put out.
"You're taking us, Dobby?" Hermione asked.
"Dobby is to be taking Master Sirius and Mistress Hermione to their beautiful cottage," Dobby replied excitedly, ears flapping.
Hermione smiled, watching as Sirius picked up Crookshanks' cage. "Do we have time to say goodbye?" she whispered to them both.
"We always have time for that, love," Sirius informed his new wife.
Hermione turned around immediately and embraced both her parents, followed by Ginny and Luna, a quick wave to Neville and Draco and, finally, turned to Harry. She rushed forwards then, hugging him gratefully. "You will write me, won't you?"
Harry nodded, holding Hermione tightly. "I will. Perhaps we an arrange a visit as well. And, don't forget, we still have second-term."
"I know," Hermione said, tears filling her eyes. "I know you'll be happy with Professor Snape. I can see how much he loves you."
"And I know you'll be happy with Sirius," Harry whispered back. "But don't expect me to ever call you my godmother."
Hermione laughed through her tears, squeezing Harry one final time before breaking away from him, and turned to the headmaster. "Thank you, sir."
"Of course, my dear," he replied. "Now, run along to your honeymoon, now."
Hermione grinned at him, before she turned towards Sirius and Dobby, and moved forward, taking one of Dobby's hands, and her trunk in her free hand. "Ready."
Dobby focused then, his house-elf magic coming to the forefront of his psyche, so as to bypass the ancient magic of the Hogwarts wards, and the three of them cracked away. Upon arrival, Dobby and Sirius managed to retain their balance completely, but Hermione's legs nearly gave out from under her. Looking around, she saw that they were in the beautiful living room of their new cottage, and turned to Sirius with a grin.
"Dobby must return to Hogwarts now," said the elf from between the two of them, gently setting down Sirius's trunk. "There are plenty of provisions in the kitchen, and the Floo and the wards have been opened to those with express permission. Dobby will see you later," he said with a bow and, with a flourish, popped away.
Hermione immediately bent down and unlatched Crookshanks' cage, and the angry ball of orange fur proceeded to run about the house, growling and hissing as he went. Hermione looked up at her husband and smiled. "I think he likes it here."
Sirius stepped towards her and took her hand. "Not as much as I do, Mrs. Black."
Hermione shivered at Sirius's use of her new surname; it was quite difficult to believe that the man before her was not only alive, but now her husband as well. She permitted herself to be led into his arms, and bit down hard upon her bottom lip. "I know we have to fulfill the marriage contract as soon as possible..."
"New blood for the cause," Sirius said softly. "You, Harry, and Tonks must be pregnant by the end of second-term."
Hermione swallowed. "What if I can't?" she whispered.
Sirius held her against him. "Poppy told us both that there should be no difficulty in you becoming pregnant, love," he said softly, rubbing soothing circles up and down her back in an effort to bring her comfort. "Apparently, you inherited your father's genes in that regard."
Hermione pulled back slightly, so as she could look up into her new husband's face. "Do you actually want children?" she whispered. "Or are you just doing this because, you know, the headmaster asked it of you?"
Sirius stepped forward, gently taking ahold of Hermione's face into his hands. "I didn't accept because Albus asked me, or because I need an heir. I accepted because I love you."
Hermione's eyes shone with tears. "You love me?"
Sirius took the pads of his thumbs and gently wiped Hermione's tears away. "I do," he replied, smiling down at her. "I think I always have..."
Hermione closed the distance between them then, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you, too, and know that I always will," she whispered, tilting her face up to be kissed, and felt the fire and ice in her veins once more as Sirius pressed his mouth to hers.
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