Chapter Five: The Storm Rages On
While Sirius made friends with the various farm hands under their employ, Hermione utilized their joint-study to pour over Owl Order magazines for Christmas gifts. The study had easily become one of Hermione's favorite places in the house, largely due to the fact that she could revise for exams in there without Sirius interrupting her. It was a beautiful room, with tasteful floral wallpaper, cherry wood furniture, and two desks pushed opposite one another. The floor was dotted with more Parisian carpets, with a simple chandelier hanging from the center of the beam-exposed ceiling. The walls were taken up by impressive cherry wood bookshelves, which were carved periodically with the Black family crest. However, some of the spaces upon the shelves themselves were covered in various photographs and antiques that both Sirius and Hermione had selected from the Black family vault at Gringotts.
Hermione rolled her shoulders, knowing that she was cutting her shopping schedule for the upcoming holidays a bit fine. Typically, she would have had the selection process done by the start-of-term, and the shopping completed by Halloween, but this year had been different. Combined with constantly revising for her NEWTs, the half-term exams, and planning her wedding to Sirius, shopping had somehow slipped her mind completely. Determined to revise that fact, and make use of the beautiful tawny owl that Sirius had presented her with, she had set to work.
Looking up, Hermione smiled automatically at the great yellow eyes of Iris, her silver plumage gleaming in the winter sunlight of the window behind her. "It's not too cold today," she cooed up at her, and Iris hooted softly at her. "You haven't been to Diagon since Sirius purchased you from Eeylops. Perhaps a return trip will do you good."
Iris ruffled her feathers, eyes crinkling, almost as if she was excited for the prospect of potentially seeing some of her old friends.
Hermione pursed her lips; although she adored Iris already, and the owl and Crookshanks had certainly hit it off, she wondered if the owl herself was lonely. Pursing her lips, she scoured the magazines, and saw an informational ad for Eeylops. Knowing she would be purchasing plenty of treats for Iris for the upcoming holiday season, her breath caught at the magical photograph of what was described as a black-banded owl. In the past, Hermione hadn't seen such a creature advertised at the owl emporium, and she smiled to herself, lifting the magazine upwards to show it to Iris.
"He's handsome, isn't he?"
Iris let out a mournful hoot, her yellow eyes taking on a sad look.
Hermione lowered the magazine, shocked at the demonstrative behavior. "You know him, don't you, Iris?" she asked.
Iris lowered her eyes, hooting softly, her entire body seeming to curl inwards on itself, as she fully demonstrated devastation to her keeper.
"That settles that, then," Hermione said, adding a purchase of that specific owl to her list, hoping that no one else had wanted him previously.
Other items on the list featured a male-pregnancy book for Harry, plus a Quidditch mobile; a rare potion collection and book from the apothecary for Severus; the latest broom maintenance kit for Ron; books on knitting for Tonks, as she'd expressed an interest; a Muggle book on worldwide Christmas celebrations for Mr. Weasley; an assortment of alpaca yarn for Mrs. Weasley; a vacation to a villa in France in close proximity to Fleur's family for Bill and Fleur, who were celebrating their sixth-month wedding anniversary in February; the latest book on dragon training with new techniques for Charlie; a book on the latest courtship guidelines for Percy, who was working up the nerve to propose to his girlfriend, Audrey; cookbooks for Fred and George that wouldn't involve them blowing up their tiny flat; the latest soap, hair tonic, brush and comb set for Puffeskins for Ginny; some sketching parchment and colored charcoal for Draco; a pair of Oxfords for Neville that he had had his eye on; a new text on Care of Magical Creatures for Luna; an variety of teas for Mr. Lovegood; some multi-colored socks for Headmaster Dumbledore; a new set of quills of various birds for Professor McGonagall; an hodgepodge of rare root vegetables for Hagrid; and a wizarding plush dog toy for Fang, which would be spelled Impermeable so as to prevent him from chewing on it, as well as the capability to bark and lick, which, according to the ad, was beneficial for positive interaction.
Smiling to herself, Hermione added a final item to her list. Along with some nursery decorations and baby clothes, although it was far too soon to tell if she as truly expecting, Hermione wanted to give something special to Sirius for Christmas. Although he would likely take up ownership of the new owl, she was really getting him for Iris more than anything else. The nib of her quill scratched at the parchment; this gift could also count as something for Crookshanks as well, even though he would be spoiled rotten the day of, as Hermione had decided he was now going to wear a proper collar.
"Think it's a good idea?" Hermione asked, holding up another section of the magazine then, and stared at Iris, waiting for an avian reply.
Iris hooted, which was reassuring.
"Good," Hermione said, authorizing the parchment with her signature, as well as her Gringotts vault information. As soon as they had married, Hermione's vault had merged with Sirius's, and she had been told she could use it for anything and everything she wanted. She had gone to the closest town nearby, via Apparition and the use of Polyjuice, and had purchased wrapping paper, bows, tape, and a new pair of scissors for the wrapping process. Getting to her feet and shrinking the letter, Hermione summoned some twine and tied it gently to Iris's. "You be careful out there, you hear me?" she said gently.
Iris hooted in agreement.
Hermione smiled at her and crossed over to the window, while Iris fluttered her wings, obviously eager to begin her journey. "No need to rush—we've got days yet," she encouraged her, and swung open the window, smiling to herself as Iris swooped closer and landed on her arm. "Just have fun."
Iris hooted once more before taking off, flying into the white sky streaked with sunlight.
Hermione stood and watched her for a moment, smiling to herself.
Quickly, Hermione yanked the window shut and vanished the Owl Order magazines, and managed to spell off any offending ink from her fingers. Turning around, she hastily put the ink pot and quills to rights, before she plastered a grin onto her face, heart hammering in her chest as her husband came into view.
"There you are," the man said warmly, crossing the room and kissing her deeply. "Everything all right, love?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes. Just sent a reply to Harry; he really wants to bring Severus over to see the cottage," she said softly.
Sirius rolled his eyes. "I shall attempt to behave myself," he muttered.
Hermione grinned, pushing herself more deeply into her arms. "The last thing anyone would want to see is me bringing you to heel in front of the Head of Slytherin..."
Sirius's fingertips gently grazed the small of Hermione's back. "Iris out?"
"A hunt, I think," Hermione replied, not wanting to give away the surprise, although the end-of-month statement from Gringotts would certainly tell Sirius what was really going on. "How were the workers?"
"Lovely, all of them," Sirius assured her, his fingers continuing to move lower. "They keep asking me where my lovely wife is, and I told them you were quite busy studying..."
Hermione laughed, gently swatting his shoulder. "I hope you told them that I was properly eighteen and you're not committing a crime here..."
"They know," Sirius assured her. "Although some of their wives have already asked you 'round for tea. Naturally, I thanked the men, but said that it was ultimately your decision. Thankfully," he went on, gently moving to cup her backside, "you were raised by Muggles, so you would at least know how to act properly, and have things to discuss with them."
Hermione wetted her lips, attempting to keep control of herself, although her insides swam with desire as Sirius continued caressing her in this vein. "I shall get back to them forthwith. They cannot be all bad..."
"No," Sirius responded, "they can't be."
Hermione's breath entered her throat as Sirius caressed one of her buttocks before moving it around, and ouching her gently between her legs. "I find that I missed you today," he said softly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Despite that rather wonderful way to wake up," he went on, and Hermione's cheeks flushed at her brazen behavior, despite the fact that her husband clearly enjoyed it, "I find that I want to show you how much I love you."
Hermione lowered her eyes then. "You don't owe me a thing, Sirius..."
Sirius's hand moved away from between her legs, and gently tilted her chin up. "This is not about owing anything, Hermione," he told her softly. "This is about me loving you, and wanting to show you how much. If you don't want to, then we'll do something else. However, if you do want to..."
Hermione launched herself towards him then, molding her mouth to his, her heart hammering in her ears as his mouth quickly opened beneath hers, and she daringly slashed her tongue out, meeting his in the battle that was always performed. She took great delight in Sirius's hands upon her, and she put slight pressure upon his shoulders in order to wrap her legs around his waist, pulling him lengthwise against her. As he moved to back out of the room, however, she gently pulled back, staring at him with lust-filled eyes.
"Sweep the desk of everything," she whispered.
Sirius blinked. "What?"
"Sweep it off, like you've not got a care in the world," she told him. "I want you to have me upon the surface of your desk, Sirius..."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. "Do you?"
Letting herself down from his grip, Hermione effortlessly transfigured her sweater, skirt, and stockings into her Hogwarts robes, although her button-down was unbuttoned just enough to expose the swell of her breasts. "I've been so naughty, professor," she said, and Sirius's eyes darkened with desire. "I need a proper detention... Perhaps you should hold me down upon your desk and teach me a lesson..."
Sirius strode across the room then, his hand slashing through the air, which sent everything off from the surface of his desk and onto the floor. Next, he yanked Hermione's school robe off from her shoulders, and pinned her down upon the desk, holding her wrists above her head. "Do you know what you're asking of me, Miss Granger?" he asked, and Hermione shivered at the sensation of the forbidden nature of what they were doing.
"Yes," she whispered back, "I do."
Sirius growled low in his throat then, before shredding her stockings and watching heatedly as Hermione, with a mere raise of her eyebrows, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers. "I will never be able to convey to you how hot that is," he whispered.
Hermione grinned up at him. "Perhaps you could show me," she replied.
Sirius managed to maneuver himself out of his trousers, while all the while encouraging Hermione to wrap her legs around his waist. "Are you ready?" he whispered.
"Please," Hermione moaned, "please, I need you..."
Sirius slammed into Hermione then without ceremony, and Hermione cried out in ecstasy, her eyes simultaneously rolling backwards into her head, and her toes immediately curling from behind Sirius's back. "Merlin..." Sirius groaned.
"Fuck," Hermione said, and Sirius promptly stiffened inside his wife as the expletive fell from her lips.
"Gods," Sirius said in response, pumping his hips at a brutal pace, while all the while Hermione egged him on.
"I've been so naughty, professor," she cried, trembling beneath him. "You'll have to take points from Gryffindor for sure!"
"You're earning them back," Sirius managed to say through his teeth.
"Deeper...harder...faster," Hermione said, each word a prayer, as she attempted to move with him as much as possible. "Please, sir, please..."
Sirius continued, knowing that he was close and, as evidenced by Hermione's behavior beneath him, so was she. "Are you close?" he grunted.
"Yes," she whispered. "Yes..."
Sirius quickened his thrusts and, quite soon, both of them were shouting their completion, and he lowered his eyes as Hermione trembled from the aftershocks of their lovemaking. He released her wrists and gently pulled her upwards, and she promptly wrapped her arms around him, shuddering in his ear. "Are you all right?" he whispered.
"I am," she assured him, and pulled back, face slightly flushed. "That was amazing," she said, and Sirius noted that she was still shaking.
He gently rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "Cold?"
"Just intense," she told him, biting her lip.
"Hermione?" Sirius pressed, knowing that she was holding something back.
She looked up at him then, and her brown eyes were shining with joy. "All the books Madam Pomfrey gave me about pregnancy and childbirth had an overlapping theme to them..."
"Which was?"
"Anyone, witch or wizard, that becomes pregnant will be able to feel it intuitively," she said softly to him. "Muggles call it a quickening, when they can feel the child inside the womb. It is similar to that, but it can be felt immediately after fertilization, so to speak."
Sirius stared down at his wife, awestruck. "What are you saying?" he whispered.
"I'm saying that the books were correct, and that we've done it," she said brightly, wrapping her arms around his waist and grinning up at him. "I'm pregnant."
Hermione stirred the pot of soup that she was cooking on the stove; it was now Christmas Eve, and she was delighted because she and Sirius were hosting a dinner party for those that were closest to them. The cream of tomato soup was thick and smelled wonderful, and would be paired with fresh, crusty bread for the first course; the second course was to be a green salad with lemon vinaigrette dressing; for the main course, a lovely traditional roast paired with boiled potatoes and roasted vegetables; for pudding, a plum pie with ice cream.
While Sirius flitted about the house, making sure that the decorations were just perfect—with the massive evergreen in the main parlor, plus the boughs of holly along the staircases and other pieces of furniture, as well as various baubles (bought from the local village and brought from the Black family vault)—Hermione was in the kitchen, humming to herself, her hand stroking her stomach. She was unsure if the pair of them should reveal her pregnancy that night, although she was quite positive Headmaster Dumbledore would easily figure it out, due to his enthusiasm surrounding his invitation. Along with the headmaster, Harry and Professor Snape had confirmed, along with Ron, Tonks, and her parents; Ginny and Draco, Neville and Luna, plus Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would be coming along as well. With Bill and Fleur in France for their first Christmas as a married couple, Charlie working through the holiday in Romania, Percy whisking Audrey away to potentially propose, and Fred and George invited to the Spinnet and Johnson homes respectively, the Weasley parents were more than happy to come to Hermione and Sirius's Christmas celebration.
Wistfully, Hermione continued stirring the soup; her parents had gone to New Zealand for a dental conference, and wouldn't be back until after the start-of-term. However, they had invited Hermione and Sirius to their seaside residence in the Lake District for Easter. Hermione and Sirius had enthusiastically accepted, provided that the goblins at Gringotts could arrange for curse-breakers to go to the property beforehand to install new wards. Colin and Demeter had readily accepted, not wanting anything to happen to their daughter and new son-in-law. By that time, of course, Hermione would be showing, so, naturally, anyone would be able to get the information back to the Death Eater stragglers that she was well and truly pregnant.
Hermione placed a Stasis Charm upon the soup before moving to wash and chop up the greens for the salad, wanting to ensure that nothing untoward had crept in there from the time she had harvested them from the garden. Humming to herself, she washed them and shook them, relieved to know that nothing was hiding in there, and placed them in the serving bowl. She mixed up the dressing and tasted it, nodding in approval before setting it aside, not wanting to serve soggy leaves to her guests.
"How are you doing, love?" Sirius asked, coming into the kitchen behind her, just as he was tucking his wand into his sleeve. "Not working too hard?"
"Oh, hush, you," Hermione replied indulgently, letting out a small giggle as he pulled her into his arms, from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck as he cupped her belly. "No one's arrived yet, have they?"
"No, love, but we've a quarter of an hour before the arrival time yet," he told her patiently. "I think we'll be in plenty of time."
Hermione hummed absentmindedly within her husband's embrace. "Just glad all their gifts arrived in time," she mused. "Wouldn't want them to show up, only to have their hosts be empty-handed..."
"We are providing them with good hospitality, which included food and drink," Sirius told her, mock-indignantly, and pulled her closer to him. "They should be only too glad to sample some of your food... Have they?" he asked, suddenly curious.
Hermione wetted her lips. "That summer when we were all at Grimmauld, when you had many order meetings," she said quietly, "we would sneak downstairs long after bed, and I'd whip us up midnight snacks. Mostly sandwiches, and I'd grill them if we were especially daring," she said with a grin, looking over her shoulder at her husband.
Sirius grinned down at her. "Thank Merlin you've got a mischievous side, my love," he said, and pressed his lips to hers. "Last thing I'd want is a completely straight-laced wife."
Hermione pulled herself away from him then, crossing her arms and staring at him openly, her eyebrows raised near clear to her forehead. "Need I remind you that our first child was conceived on a desk, during a game of roleplay?" she asked him pointedly.
Sirius grinned, his eyes darkening with desire at the memory. "No, you need not remind me," he said, and walked steadily towards her, watching as she grinned up at him, and pulled her against him, Hermione cupping his cheeks as he lowered his head, kissing her deeply. The sensation of having her so close was a heady one, and he yanked himself away before he had her against the wall of the kitchen.
"Why did you stop?" Hermione whispered, somehow managing to speak through her gasps, and was pleased to see Sirius equally affected by her kiss.
"Because," he said simply, reaching out and caressing her face, "we're to have company shortly, and I wouldn't have the adequate opportunity to satisfy you until you're a crumbling mess, all but begging for me to get in you."
"Pot, kettle, love," Hermione said, smirking at him. "Although it's my oral orifice that you seem to always want upon you," she said with a grin.
Sirius growled affectionately, before he lifted his nose into the air, humming with approval as he returned his gaze onto his wife. "Smells delicious, as always."
Hermione flushed becomingly, tugging ever so slightly at her frilly apron; her mother and father had gotten her a few as wedding gifts, while she had gone into the local village and had sprung for a few holiday-themed ones. "Well, I'm pleased to know it meets with your approval smell-wise," she said, smiling up at her husband.
"Anything I need to do?" he asked, always eager to help.
Hermione smiled, enjoying the fact that Sirius fussed over her, but never took it too out of proportion, like she had heard other husbands doing. "Well, you'll be helping bring the dishes to the table, and lifting the roast from the oven, as well as carving it," she said quietly. "I set out the formal linens, china, and silver onto the table, along with the silver candlesticks. Of course, this is only the Christmas Eve meal, so the more formal affair, with corresponding dishes and whatnot, will be reserved for tomorrow..."
Sirius stepped forward and pressed a gentle kiss onto Hermione's temple. "I had the table set appropriately before I came in to check on you," he assured her. "There's also the sherry and the red wine, for those who want it, pumpkin juice for Harry, butterbeer, Firewhiskey, and the Gillywater as per your request... Was there anything else?"
"Not for tonight, no," Hermione confirmed.
Sirius nodded. "And for tomorrow?"
"I've already begun the plum pudding for tomorrow, and it's stowed away in the cooling cupboard," she informed him, knowing that Sirius was very passionate about his love for Christmas pudding, and had done her best, making gingerbread as well, for Christmas could never have enough sweets. "The turkey is currently brining, and the cranberry sauce is put away appropriately, all prepared. The bread dough will rise overnight, and I've excavated enough potatoes from the yard to mash, along with the asparagus and green beans, and I bought the butternut squash from the village to make that soup to serve at the beginning. As for breakfast, we have the croissants and the cranberry rolls from the village, and the hens have provided us with plenty of eggs, and I went down to the butcher for sausages and rashers, as per your request for meat in the morning, and I've an assortment of fruits to go along with it, as well as fruit juice and Gillywater... Was there anything else you wanted?" she asked softly.
Sirius stepped forward then and pulled Hermione gently into his arms. "Only to tell you that you're wonderful, and I love you. And to please ask me if, at any time, you need me to help you with something, anything at all. I told you this marriage would be an equal partnership, Hermione, and I meant it."
Hermione grinned up at him. "Trust me, when I'm further along into my pregnancy, and complaining about being the size of a massive Dirigible Plum, as well as from the pain of swollen ankles and an achy back, you'll have your work cut out for you. I heard my mother had particularly odd cravings, so we're quite lucky to live in the magical world."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. "And calling on a house-elf is allowed, then?"
Hermione laughed aloud. "As long as the house-elf in particular is Dobby, then I certainly have no problem with you seeking him out," she assured him. "Harry wrote me, and told me that he's now under his and Professor Snape's employ. They're paying him generously, so, perhaps, if one came along..."
Sirius looked stunned. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that, if a house-elf loves to work, and we weren't treating him or her like a slave, and paid them well, then I may consider having one in our lives," Hermione told him. "I mean, I don't know all there is to know about raising babies—yet—but I do know how much of a natural caregiver the species is reported to be..."
"Perhaps we may acquire Winky," Sirius said fondly, and Hermione smiled at him. "I hear she misses Dobby very much, and would rather serve a proper family than continue her work in the Hogwarts kitchens..."
"We'll speak about it with the headmaster tonight, then," Hermione responded diplomatically, as the Floo flared in the next room. "Oh! They're arriving," she said, breaking away from Sirius. "I will continue in here, and you go ahead and greet them."
"All right, love," Sirius responded, pressing a kiss to Hermione's forehead before he slipped out to greet the first of their guests.
Hermione turned back to the meal, checking that the soup was secure beneath the Stasis Charm, and removed the crusty bread from the miniature bread oven, located just beside the stove. She placed it upon the bread platter and sliced it with a spell, steam wafting up into the air after she had done so. Vaguely hearing the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in the living room with Sirius, Hermione smiled to herself, re-setting the alarm upon the oven, before automatically dashing her palms briefly upon her apron. Making sure her hair was in place, she stepped out of the kitchen and into the parlor, putting a smile onto her face as she looked at their guests.
"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," she said politely. "Happy Christmas."
"Oh, Hermione, darling," said Mrs. Weasley, dashing forward and enveloping her into her arms, and Hermione felt immediately at ease. "Look at you," the Weasley matriarch continued, pulling back and looking her over. "Wedded bliss looks wonderful on you."
Hermione flushed becomingly at the compliment. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."
"It's 'Molly', of course, dear," the woman said firmly, although her brown eyes were kind. "Oh, and I do believe I smell something delicious..."
"Just dinner cooking, Molly," Hermione said softly, watching as Mr. Weasley handed over a few parcels, which Sirius promptly put underneath the tree. "I've been spending all day on it, and it's been wonderful to use the kitchen."
"And how's our Hermione doing?" Mr. Weasley asked, clapping Sirius upon the shoulder as he turned to face the younger woman. "Ah, Molly's right. You do look wonderful."
"Thank you, Mr. Weasley," Hermione responded. "I hope your holidays are going well? You're getting time off from the ministry, I trust?"
"Until the day after New Year's," Mr. Weasley confirmed with a nod. "And please, Hermione dear, call me Arthur."
The Floo flared from behind the Weasley patriarch then, and Hermione grinned as Draco and Ginny, plus Neville and Luna, all stepped through together.
"Happy Christmas, everyone," Luna said lyrically, leaning into Neville's embrace, her pale blue eyes alight.
"Hi, Luna," Hermione said, approaching her, and giving her a hug, followed by Neville. "Happy Christmas to you both. Are you both well?"
"We are," Neville confirmed, nodding. "Gran's settled down this year, likely because it's our final Christmas before we're married."
"Traditionalist, through and through, your gran," Luna put in.
"But you're looking forward to it, aren't you?" Hermione asked.
"Of course," Neville told her, smiling. "I love Luna, and she loves me, and I'll work day and night to ensure her happiness."
"Not that you don't do so already, darling," Luna told him gently, before turning towards the adults within the mixed company. "Dad sends his best, but he's on a deadline for The Quibbler, and was looking forward to an empty house tonight."
"He's still expecting me for tea in a few days, is he not?" Sirius asked.
Luna smiled at him. "Of course, Sirius. Dad's looking forward to it."
Hermione dashed forward towards Ginny, who broke away from Draco, the latter chuckling to himself, and flew into the redhead's arms. "Are you doing all right?" she whispered.
"Better than all right," Ginny whispered back, pulling off her glove—likely knitted by Molly at some point recently—and showing off a beautiful diamond ring. "Draco proposed this morning, all with Mum and Dad's approval. We're due to be married next summer."
Hermione let out a gasp, pulling Ginny back into her arms. "That's wonderful!"
"You'll be Maid of Honor, won't you?" Ginny asked quietly.
"Matron, and yes," Hermione confirmed, "of course." She pulled away from Ginny and smiled at Draco, who bent forward and kissed her on the cheek.
"And how is marriage to my dear cousin going so far?" he asked, automatically wrapping his arm around Ginny's waist, who seemed to purr at the affection, and nuzzled close.
Hermione smiled at the display. "Yes, it's all lovely," she confirmed. "Managing my own home has been the most amazing process. Only took a bit of getting used-to, likely because of your mum's willingness to show me household spells," she told Ginny.
"Don't say it too loudly," Ginny told Hermione with a grin. "It could set her off."
The Floo flared again, and Ron tumbled out, immediately turning around and holding out his hand for Tonks, who temporarily came crashing through before he swept her up into his arms, a grin upon his face. "Steady on, love," he said gently.
Tonks's eyes sparkled. "So glad you're there to catch me."
"You're my wife," Ron said, mock-affronted, and pressed a kiss onto her lips. "Other than the fact that it is my duty, it is also an honor to do so."
"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione scolded lightly, and the pair promptly straightened themselves, and Hermione put a Cleaning Charm upon them. "Leave off the heavy snogging, thank you. I don't particularly want to be put off my meal."
Ron grumbled temporarily under his breath, embracing his sister, clasping Draco's hand before enfolding him into a half-hug, which he also bestowed upon Neville, and kissed Luna warmly on the cheek. Looking around, he kissed Hermione's cheek as well, greeted his parents properly, and said hello to Sirius. "Where's Harry, then?" he asked, looking around.
"Harry and Severus were dining with Albus earlier," Sirius informed the company. "They were instructed not to fill up, but they did mention they'd be arriving together."
It was at that moment that an elegant plume of smoke erupted from the Floo, and the Headmaster of Hogwarts himself seemed to glide out of the fireplace. He banished the ash and soot from his flamboyant scarlet and silver robes, and smiled at everyone. Stepping away from the fireplace, he turned slightly to watch as Severus came through a moment later, and remained there to catch Harry, who flew into his arms. Looking on indulgently, Severus himself charmed the ashes from his husband's person, and pressed a loving kiss upon his lips.
"Don't see you telling them to stop," Ron muttered, crossing his arms, and Tonks promptly swatted him upon his elbow.
"That's because they're sweet," Hermione said with a huff. "Plus, Professor Snape can still take house points from me until June. And besides," she said, leaning back into Sirius's arms, knowing he would need a distraction, "I'm Head Girl. I have a reputation to protect, and that involves relations with staff members, as well as students, at Hogwarts."
The potions master took that opportunity to stop kissing Harry, and turned to Hermione with a pleasant smirk. "I'd say twenty points to Gryffindor, Miss Granger... Excuse me, Mrs. Black, but I am afraid that school has broken for term," he said, smiling down at Harry, who burrowed into his side.
"It's the thought that counts, professor," Hermione told him.
"While I am in your home, Mrs. Black, I would appreciate it if you would, along with the rest of you, call me 'Severus'."
"Of course, Severus," Hermione replied, "but only if you call me 'Hermione'."
"Done," Severus said, squeezing Harry's side for a moment before gently pushing him away from him. "As much as I love your willingness to be physical towards me in front of your family, love, I do think the polite thing to do is greet them."
"Er, right," Harry said, grinning up at Severus, a lovely blush appearing upon his cheeks. "Sorry about that." He immediately went to greet Sirius and Hermione first, as they were the hosts, and it was considered customary that he do so. "Sirius," he said warmly, and his godfather caught him up into an embrace, while Severus greeted Moly and Arthur. "Hermione," Harry said, the name of one of his best friends tumbling from his mouth next.
"Harry!" Hermione cried, throwing herself into his arms.
"Let the man breathe, 'Mione," Ron joked.
Hermione mock-glared at Ron from over Harry's shoulder, retaining her grip upon him for a moment before easing him away from her, and playfully shoving him at Ron. "He's missed you quite a bit," she informed him.
"Has he?" Harry asked, moving towards his other best friend.
Once all the greetings were out of the way, Hermione rushed back into the kitchen, Sirius at her heels, and brought the roast, plus the potatoes and vegetables, out from the oven. They placed it beneath a Warming and Stasis Charm, and then Sirius went to call everyone to the table, while Hermione put the soup into the tureen with the accompanying ladle. Next, she put the gravy to work with the drippings from the roast, and set it to finish cooking on its own, and to put itself into the gravy boat afterwards. She then dressed the salad and put it on a close side table, so she would be able to hastily get up and grab it without leaving the table for every long.
Levitating the tureen towards the table in the large dining room, Hermione carried the platter of bread almost reverently in her hands. Once she stepped over the threshold, everyone applauded her appearance with the first course. Flushing becomingly, she sent the tureen off to serve everyone on its own, and floated pieces of bread over onto everyone's plates. Hesitating for a moment, Sirius indicated that they would wait for the main course before toasts, and Hermione was relieved, due to the fact that hunger pangs had already set in for her.
As per tradition in the older families, Hermione sat at the foot of the table, while Sirius occupied the head, for, as Head of the House of Black, he served an important role in the dinner party, as well as in Wizarding Society. Headmaster Dumbledore sat to his right, as he was considered the guest of honor, while Arthur sat across from him, as the next senior member of the night. It was Molly who sat beside her husband, then Ron and Tonks sat beside her, followed by Ginny, and then the foot of the table. On Hermione's other side was Luna, who sat beside Neville, Draco in between Neville and Harry, and, finally, beside the headmaster, sat Severus.
"Oh, this is delicious, Hermione," Tonks cooed from her place close by. "You must give me the recipe, of course."
Hermione nodded. "Of course, Tonks. The secret is fresh tomatoes. Your flat has a balcony, doesn't it?"
Tonks nodded. "It does."
"I can help you get some seeds," Neville said softly, and Luna beamed at him. "Plus, a breakdown of instructions. All plants have different needs, you see. Some require more sun than shade, others need a specific amount of water."
"I suppose my marks in Herbology weren't that great," Tonks said with a laugh, and Ron leaned over and pressed his lips to her temple.
"That's why it's great to have Nev around," he told her.
"Ronald!" Hermione scolded.
"Not just because he's a walking Herbology encyclopedia," Ron said, rolling his eyes at Hermione, while Molly glared at him, smacking his hand. "Oi! Anyhow, Nev's also a really good guy, and he's wicked brave," he went on.
"I casted a Patronus Charm over the holidays, a corporal one," he said softly, and Ron's jaw dropped, while Ginny and Hermione squealed with delight, Draco smiled, and Harry let out a crow of happiness.
"Well done, Nev!" Harry said approvingly. "What form did it take, then?"
"A beautiful European hare," Luna said dreamily, covering her hand with Neville's, who looked pleased at the display of affection. "It dearly loves my arctic hare, Pruina."
"I've called mine Lewis, after Lewis Carroll, creator of the character the March Hare," Neville said softly.
Luna turned towards Hermione. "Neville borrowed my copy of Alice in Wonderland that you gave me last Christmas, Hermione," she said brightly.
"As well he should have," Hermione declared with a nod. "I hope your gran didn't mind you reading Muggle literature, Neville."
"She's certainly calmed down a lot," Neville said quietly. "I think her weekly teas with Arabella Figg, courtesy of Harry, really help."
"How's your Patronus coming along, Draco?" Harry asked, after grinning at Neville in gratitude, before he turned to the former Malfoy heir.
"Swimmingly," Draco replied.
Ginny gazed adoringly across the table at him. "Don't be so modest, my dragon," she told him, her voice loving with the endearment, while Ron mimed vomiting from down the table. "Tell them how it's going."
"Very well, my fair one," Draco said indulgently, his cheeks turning a slight pink, which directly caused Severus to leave his conversation with Molly and Arthur, plus the headmaster and Sirius, so as he could listen to his godson.
"I, too, am interested in your progress, Draco," Severus put in.
Draco turned to face his Head of House, before he finally nodded. "All right. Well, its finally shaped up into a proper form now, and I'm quite pleased with it." He drained his bowl of soup, which led Hermione to realize that everyone was finished.
"Please, excuse me," she said softly, getting to her feet, while Sirius banished the bowls, tureen, and soup spoons into the kitchen. Hermione dashed out of the room, retrieving the salad bowl and serving spoons, before she hastily made her way back inside the dining room. "Terribly sorry for making you wait," she said, and instructed the serving spoons to serve everyone at the large dining room table.
"Nonsense, dear," Molly said quickly, flashing Hermione a kind smile. "It's your very first dinner party as Mrs. Black. Surely, it cannot all go off without a hitch."
"Molly's first meal for my mother and father and my brothers, plus her own parents and brothers, was a roast pheasant," Arthur said with a smile.
"Everything went wrong," Molly said, shaking her head in bemusement. "The wild mushrooms for the stew I'd prepared were off, then the pheasant wasn't cooked enough, and the strawberries I'd sliced for the pie for pudding danced merrily away out into the lake." She gave Hermione a quick smile. "Trust me, dear. Making us wait in comparison to my disastrous first try is truly a blessing in comparison."
"The strawberries, that must've been your brothers," Ginny said thoughtfully, flashing her mother a smile.
"Bad as Fred and George, they were," Ron put in.
"Back to Draco's Patronus," Severus said softly.
"Oh, yes!" Hermione squeaked, turning towards the young man in question. "I am sorry, Draco. I won't interrupt you again."
Draco smiled. "It's all right, Hermione, really," he told her, before sighing, letting his shoulders relax themselves as he picked at his salad. Lowering one of his hands into the sleeve of the formal robe he wore, he drew out his wand, while Ginny nodded encouragingly at him. Draco let out a sigh before he said, "Expecto Patronum."
There was the typical silver mist that came forth from the tip of the wand, whitening as it evolved from the mist and took shape. The sleek and small animal landed directly in the center of the table, looking around curiously. It was, to everyone's amusement, some kind of ferret, and Harry and Ron covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing.
"Thank you ever so much for continuing to poke fun at a traumatizing event in my life," Draco said softly, banishing the animal.
Ginny glared daggers at Ron, her eyes crackling as if they were on fire. Severus gently clipped Harry around the ear, while Tonks stepped on Ron's toe, and Molly smacked him upon the head quite hard.
Hermione straightened in her chair. "I, for one, think it's a perfectly lovely Patronus," she said, and everyone turned to look at her. "They have keen eyesight, due to their historical position as rabbit and other rodents. Good hearing, I'm told, must adhere to the animal as well. They must also be quick on their feet, and are as loyal as any cat or dog," she said plainly, and both Harry and Ron looked quite humble at the proclamation. "Now, I won't hear of any of you dismissing Draco's Patronus as 'funny', because he was able to rise above what Crouch Jr. put him through, and turn it into something capable of saving all your arses."
Ginny leaned over and clasped Hermione's hand. "Thank you."
Harry immediately lowered his eyes, truly understanding what it was like to feel traumatized, in large part due to his upbringing. "Sorry, Draco," he said softly, and Severus nodded in approval at his young husband, rewarding him with a kiss upon the very ear he'd just clipped.
Ron, however, didn't apologize, and stared inquiringly at Hermione. "What's going you so bloody emotional tonight?" he demanded. "Oi!" he shouted as he as elbowed on either side of his ribs, by Tonks and Molly respectively.
"Now, wait a moment," Sirius said, but Hermione stared him down, causing the animalistic side of him to calm immediately.
"Don't be rude, Ron, please," Tonks said, reprimanding her husband gently but firmly, which earned her a look of approval from Molly.
Hermione stared across the table at Sirius, who flashed her an encouraging smile, Ron's momentary slip apparently forgotten. "Well," she said, looking at everyone, "Sirius and I have fulfilled our end of the prophecy, because I'm pregnant," she told them all, which left various shouts of congratulations to fill the happy couple's ears, but Sirius only had eyes for his wife, and Hermione for her husband, as they stared lovingly across the table at one another, barely noticing that the headmaster smiled with approval at the announcement.
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