𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘀𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗼𝘂𝘁
THE DAY OF THE HOGSMEADE TRIP, Isaac couldn't help but feel giddy at the plans he had made with Hermione.
Of course it wasn't a date, but he still couldn't shove that feeling down. Apparently, Violet could tell he was excited as she pulled him forward and away from their friend, who was too dazed to notice his two friends moving away from him.
"What's got you so giddy Isaac? What did you get a date with her?" Isaac stopped walking and froze up at her sudden bluntness. He blushed a bit hearing this and gave her a halfhearted glare.
"No. You know I won't be able to go on a date with her. I told you she likes..."
"I know I know. But I couldn't help it. You looked so giddy I thought you did get yourself one." Isaac rolled his eyes at her as he opened the door to the Three Broomsticks.
He noticed that the Golden Trio were already there. Isaac chose to ignore them and the fact that Hermione sat right infront of Ron. He cleared his throat awkwardly and started shoving both his friends to a booth that wasn't too far from the trio, also making sure that he wasn't sitting were Hermione would recognize him.
"Come on mate! You didn't need to shove me to my seat!" Isaac immediately apologized to his friend before glancing behind him to see the trio talking quietly.
Isaac saw Harry looking at the top of the stairs and he saw Malfoy going into a room he wasn't aware of. With furrowed eyebrows, Isaac gave their order to the waiter and pondered on what he just saw.
His thoughts were interrupted by a nudge on his side. Isaac looked towards the culprit and gave them a raised eyebrow and pursed lips as a reply. Violet rolled her eyes at him and beckoned him to move a bit closer. He obliged of course and leaned down his ear near her lips.
"Is it a hangout with her then?" Isaac huffed in annoyance and nodded his head solemnly.
"Yes. Happy now?" Violet giggled at him and patted his shoulder reassuringly. Isaac rolled his eyes at her but grinned nonetheless.
Once their butterbeer, Isaac drank it slowly at first then gulped it all down in one go. He sighed in content and leaned back into his chair, not realizing that it made him able to listen to the trio's talk.
"Honestly Ron their just holding hands." Isaac tensed at hearing Hermione speak. He tried to subtly glance at her from his shoulder, but immediately looked back to his table as they were looking towards his direction.
Following where their eyes were on, Isaac saw Ginny and her boyfriend Dean Thomas together on a table about to snog. He turned away quickly as to not stare at a snogging couple. He breathed in deeply and shook his head of the memory.
"I'd like to leave."
"What?! You can't be serious." Isaac almost flinched at how Hermione said it. His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to listen to their talk, ignoring the pain spiking in his head.
Why the bloody hell is my head aching?
"That happens to be my sister." Isaac snorted weakly at Ron's comeback.
"So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Would she get up and leave?" Isaac's breath hitched at her sentence. He looked down towards his now empty mug and thought about what she just said.
Did she... did she just hint to wanting to snog him? Not that it matters since she does like Ron. Does she like him that much?...
Isaac felt his eyes go droopy. He bit his lip as his head started to pound, as if he was just hit with a beater's bat.
Violet looked towards her friend, hoping he would try to stop Thomas from talking about his girlfriend. She didn't expect to see him looking down, clearly agitated by something. He was gripping the armrest of his chair, his knuckles turning white.
Violet looked at him with wide eyes and shook him a bit. "Isaac? Are you alright? What's wrong?"
As if he was just woken up from a nightmare, Isaac's head snapped up and was faced towards her. Violet's eyes widened at how pale Isaac was. She reached out to touch his forehead, looking to see if he had a fever.
She gasped at how hot his head was. "Isaac your burning up!"
Isaac looked at her with a exasperated look and sighed heavily. "I'm fine Vi. I just remembered, Dumbledore asked me to meet him soon. I ugh- got to go."
Isaac made a motion to stand up, but Violet pulled him back down. "You are not going anywhere until you visit the Hospital Wing!"
Isaac huffed in annoyance and yanked his arm off her grip. He stood up shakily and tried to give her a reassuring smile, which didn't seem reassuring to her at all. "I'm fine. Look I'll visit the Hospital Wing after I go to the Headmaster. Sound good?"
He didn't wait for her to reply and quickly grabbed his black cap, putting it on lazily and smiling towards both his friends.
Isaac walked slowly towards the door out of the pub but was stopped by a rather enthusiastic Professor Slughorn. "You my boy will come to the dinner party won't you Diggory?"
Isaac chocked on his spit before giving his Professor a warm smile. "S-sure sir. I'd be d-delighted."
Isaac payed no mind to the concerned look Hermione shot him. He gently removed Professor Slughorn's hand from his arm before bowing quite weakly and dashing for the door out.
Before he could make out what was happening, he felt himself fall into the light and soft snow. His eyesight grew blurry but he could still see 3 people looming over his slowly fainting body. The only thing he could make out was the voice of a certain bookworm calling out his name.
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