A/N: The Prologue will be divided into three parts, since it will not make sense if it's broken.
Regina lay sweating in the small, damp chamber hidden away in the dungeons, away from the war raging above. She was having frequent contractions and the baby would be born soon. She only prayed it would be born before they were found.
Marissa sat near her queen while she gave birth. It was her first child, and the last heir to the kingdom that they were losing. The Carroughs were winning the war. And the Dortagues would be taken prisoner.
The contractions grew stronger and the queen bit on her lip to keep from screaming out loud. About an hour later, the baby was born.
"It's a girl!"
Regina smiled despite her pain. But her joy was short lived as they heard footsteps above them.
Marissa was sobbing quietly for the fate of her queen, the little princess and her homeland. They were doomed and the queen was dying.
Suddenly the door burst open. A hooded man walked in with a small cloth sack and took out some bread and a pitcher of water.
"Oh, Darius! Thank God! I thought we had been found." Regina was relieved.
"Your Highness, I have bad news. King Marcus has been killed." Darius replied, somberly.
Regina closed her eyes and let the tears flow freely. They had lost all hope now. The king had been killed. Their land was theirs no more. She looked at the little baby in her arms, sleeping peacefully and wondered how cruelly she would be killed. She couldn't let that happen.
"Marissa, my friend. You have cared for me and have been like a sister to me. I must ask you for one last favor. Save my baby. Please. I beg you."
Marissa looked at her queen and the baby in her arms. She couldn't escape in her condition. She was too weak. The baby had a chance. She looked at her husband.
"Darius and Marrissa, my dear friends. You must save the young princess. Take her away from here. Give her love as you would for your own daughter. Bring her up as a warrior, that she may rule again over the land she was born in. She is destined for greatness." Said the queen.
"My lady! It is my job to protect you. I cannot leave you. I will find a way for us all to escape somehow."
The queen smiled at Darius. Her Protector, the man she trusted with her life. He had protected her with his life and now she knew he was the only one who she could trust with her child. She had salvaged whatever she could of the King's coins and jewels and handed them over to him. She wrapped her baby daughter in the flag of the kingdom.
"Darius, we both know it won't be possible. And Marcus and I must pay for the sins of our ancestors. The little one deserves a chance at life. Save her. Take it as an order."
"Your highness, I-"
"I wish to be alone with my child for a little while, please."
Marissa nodded and pulled Darius aside.
"Darius, I must stay with the queen. It is my responsibility. You must take care of the baby by yourself. Give her all the love and care you can. Look at her and remember me and your beloved homeland. If I am fortunate enough to survive, we shall meet again. If not, avenge me." She said with tears in her eyes.
Darius was torn between his duty for his queen and his love for his wife. They were childhood sweethearts. He could not imagine losing her.
Marissa stepped into his embrace and kissed him. They deeply, desperately kissed, not knowing when they would see each other again. And finally when they let go, she could not look at him again.
Regina fed her baby for possibly the first and the last time. She traced her baby's features, trying to ingrain every line and curve into her mind. Time had come for her to let her go. She had to ensure a better future for her child.
"Darius, the time has come. Take these jewels and go through the tunnel. When you reach the end at the forest, let the water tankers loose."
"But your highness! You'll drown in here!"
"I shall survive somehow. It is important that your trail must not be followed."
Darius looked at his wife, who took her place beside the queen. He took the baby and opened the little metal door and climbed.
"Yes, your highness?"
"Name her Genevieve."
A/N: Please vote and comment if you like it! Thanks!
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