Chapter 3
(In italics there is a flashback)
Molly was in a branch duel with Xander,Xander quickly caught on and defeated her with a sweep of the leg.
Molly chuckled"you're good,you sure you didn't practice before?"Xander chuckled and helped her up"nope,I'm just a natural fighter."
Molly looked up at the twigs in Xander's hair again Molly sighed"why is your hair always a mess?"Xander took out some bark"I spend a lot of time in the woods and my hair gets stuff in it easily."
Molly sensed there was some information Xander was holding back"why are you always in the woods?"Xander propped himself against a tree"it's kind of personal."
Molly nodded"o-of course!"Xander examined her"what about you?you don't seem to like sword stuff."Molly smiled sadly"I just don't have good memories of the circus."
Xander tilted his head"what happened?"Molly played with her sleeve"I'll only say personal things if you do."Xander nodded and sat on a rock"I'll explain myself when you do."
Molly sighed"well.."
Molly was 10 when the accident happened,it was fuzzy in Molly's mind but all she remembered was her parents coming home,her father leaning against her mother with bandages on his legs.
Her father went to bed upstairs as Molly asked what was wrong"there was a accident at daddy's work,Molly."Molly remembered that her father went to work in the mines,maybe his legs were crushed?
Molly waited to hear the door open and close as her father went back to work,but it never happened.
Molly got out of bed and into her father's room who was staring at the wall"daddy?"she mumbled,her father looked back at her"hey,is that daddy's little poppy seed?"he asked tiredly.
Molly giggled and ran over"aren't you going to work,daddy?"her father sighed"I'm sorry Molly,daddy can't go to work today."Molly hummed"what about money?"
Her father smiled sadly"don't worry your pretty face about that,poppy seed."Molly smiled and crawled on the bed,though it was hard for her small body.
Molly crawled up and hugged her father"I love you,daddy."her father chuckled softly"I love you too,Molly."
Molly was now 13,she knew her father was never going back to work.
Her mother tried her best with money making Molly spend most of the day alone with her father,Molly walked into the room"dad?"
Her father was sitting in bed,over the years he trained himself to move a bit more so he could surprise mom when she got home"yes poppy seed?"Molly walked over and sat on the bed.
"Are your legs going to get better?"her father sighed"I don't know..."Molly frowned,her father then smiled softly"hey,it's ok!i get to spend more time with the girls I love."he then bopped Molly's nose making her giggle.
Molly was now 14,she needed to help her mom somehow.
She left the house with a kiss from her father and looked for a job,everywhere she turned they said no.
The main reasons being her gender,her age,and her skin.which she thought was stupid.
It was getting late when Molly found a boy a few years older then her"hiring needed for the circus!"Molly jogged over"hi,I'm Molly!"
The boy was short with vibrant deep green eyes,he had platinum blonde hair in a pixie with long bangs"o-oh,hi!i'm Melinoe,you can call me Mel though!"
Molly smiled"I'd like to sign up for the circus!"
Molly was now 15,she'd worked at the circus for a whole year.
She'd work from 6 to 9 and rehearse at home,having little time for her parents.
With her money she got her father a new invention,this chair with wheels.
On the outside Molly seemed to be turning things around for her family,but little did everyone know what happened in the circus.
Molly was aching and her arms hurt from baton throwing,Mel was beside her with his swords.
"What's wrong,are you getting lazy with me?"the ringmaster growled,Molly shook her head"I've been working all day Sir."she mumbled.
"That's no excuse little girl,I can have you fired for not participating!"Mel flinched"s-sir,she has been-"the ringmaster made a fist at Mel making him look to the floor.
"Get back to work you useless lowlifes!"the ringmaster then stomped off,Molly sat on a box and hid her face in her hands.
Mel sat beside her"hey,it's ok Molly."Molly's body shivered as she held back tears"I don't want to loose this job,Mel.if I do then I can't help my family."Mel rubbed her back supportingly.
Molly didn't know why Mel was looking for a job in the circus but Mel always looked like he related to her pain,like he'd gone through just as much to be there.
Molly sighed,it was finally out in the open.
Xander just stared at her making Molly tense"I know you probably think-"before Molly could finish Xander had pulled her in a hug.
Molly letted out a sigh of relief"you're the best listener,you know?"Xander chuckled softly"you probably want my backstory too,right?"
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