5: Old Rivalries & New Connections
After a quick shower, I throw on my usual outfit of distressed jeans and a vintage band t-shirt. I've always been obsessed with music, and Lucien is always giving me new shirts featuring my favorite bands. The shelves in my closet hold an almost endless supply of them.
Checking the time on my phone, I realize I'm running out of time. With a dark grey knit beanie pulled over my still damp hair, I hop down the hallway, trying to pull warm winter boots onto my feet. My usual converse won't cut it with the snow that fell last night.
When I finally make it downstairs, I'm glad to see that Julian isn't waiting for me. Rushing to the kitchen, I accidentally bump into River as I round the corner of the stairs.
"Watch where you're going, freak!" River spits with an ugly sneer.
With a roll of my eyes, I attempt to step around her, but River's arm shoots out to grab the banister, effectively blocking my path to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face her and wait to see what vitriol she's going to spew at me this morning.
"Explain to me how a freak like you managed to get in with the most popular kids at school on your very first day when I've barely been able to have a conversation with them in the three months I've been at that school."
"Maybe you should try being a little friendlier. They don't strike me as the type to appreciate your attitude or the way you treat the people around you," I say with a careless shrug.
With a fierce glare, she steps closer to me, bringing us nose to nose. Her proximity immediately makes me uncomfortable, but I refuse to let it show.
Up until this instant, I'd hoped that when Micah and Oliver didn't affect me too badly, that I was becoming accustomed to being around people. Now, it seems like certain people just affect me differently than others. Which makes no sense if my parents were right about it just being social anxiety. Maybe I should ask Lucien about it.
Before River can open her mouth to make what would no doubt be a scathing remark, Uncle Ben rounds the corner. When his eyes land on us, he stops in his tracks and quickly assesses the situation.
"River, leave your sister alone. Get to school," he says, his voice conveying his irritation with her recent actions.
She huffs angrily, but she's smart enough to know now's not the time to argue. Without another word, she stomps out the front door, slamming it behind her- the loud bang causing both of us to wince.
Once she's gone, Uncle Ben gives me a disapproving look. "Eventually, you're going to have to stand up to her. She's never going to stop as long as you let her get away with it."
I don't respond since I've already figured that much out for myself. I just don't know if I'm ready for it or not. I've never enjoyed insulting anyone; it's just not my style. On top of that, I don't want to push my sister even further away than she already is. I still hold a tiny bit of hope that maybe one day we can have a better relationship. If I fight back, it could escalate the situation and widen the already endless chasm between us.
After grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen, I find Julian waiting for me by the front door. As soon as we step through the door, I groan quietly, trying to shield my eyes.
"Bright sunlight still a problem?" Julian asks, sounding very curious about the topic.
I nod silently, trying to make it to my car without fully opening my eyes. The sun is shining extra bright this morning, and it reflects off the fresh snow, making it appear even brighter. A headache instantly begins to throb behind my eyes, and a burning sensation in my irises has them watering profusely before I can reach the comfort of the car. I slide into the driver's seat, quickly shutting the door behind me, relying on the dark tinted windows to block the sun's painful rays. The relief is instantaneous.
"You ever figure out what that's about?" Julian asks as he drops into the seat beside me.
"Mom and Dad never seemed to have an explanation for most things when it came to me. If they did, they never felt like sharing them," I respond with a shrug.
"What do you mean?" He asks strangely, turning towards me, leaning back against the door while I pull out of the driveway. Well, I'd wanted to talk about some things. This is probably as good a place to start as any.
"I mean like everything about me that makes me different. My eye color, my strength, my speed, my stronger senses. Why does bright sunlight hurt my eyes? Why I'm so uncomfortable when people get too close or when they touch me? Why was I so isolated and hidden when you and River weren't? The only answer I ever got to any of it was that they thought I was uncomfortable around people because of anxiety due to my being isolated, but that doesn't make sense anymore."
"Hmmm. You really never knew the answers to any of it? You've never known why you're so different?" He asks with a tilt of his head, studying me closely as if to ensure I'm not lying to him.
"No," I say, and then pause, glancing between him and the road, trying to see if he's hiding something from me like everyone else is. Surely, if Mom and Dad wouldn't tell me until I was older, they wouldn't tell River and Julian either... Right?
"Wait. Do you?" I ask suspiciously.
I sigh in relief when he shakes his head in denial. "Nope. Me and River always assumed you knew, though."
I grunt quietly, agitated by the sensitive subject. "Well, I don't. Lucien and Uncle Ben know something, but they're not talking either. They want to respect Mom and Dad's wishes."
His forehead wrinkles, and he appears deep in thought for a few moments. "What about all the times you were in the woods with them? What was that about?" He asks, obviously wanting to take advantage of my candid mood.
"You mean my training?"
"What training?" He perks up, looking much more interested all of a sudden. It takes me a moment to recover from the shock of realizing he doesn't know about the training. It's been going on for years.
"Lucien's been training me for years in hand-to-hand combat and controlling my powers. Mom and Dad would come to watch sometimes."
"How come we never learned any of that? They never really trained us with our powers either that much either. They always just told us to practice, and I'd get better at it. How come they did it differently with you?" He asks.
"That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Why is everything about me different?" I say with a scoff and a slight shrug of my shoulders. "Your guess is as good as mine."
"You know that's one of the reasons River Hates you so much, right?"
"What? You mean because I'm so different? She hasn't ever hidden that fact," I say, unsurprised.
"No. Not because you're different exactly. Because you were treated differently. You had your own floor of the house to yourself. You still do, even after moving here. Mom and Dad spent time out in the woods with you, and they didn't with us. They always seemed to favor you," he says with a shrug, pretending it doesn't bother him, but his voice gives him away. Maybe it doesn't bother him as much as it does River, but it does bother him.
Trying to gather my thoughts and choose my words carefully, I hesitate slightly. "That's looking at everything from your perspective. Try looking at it from mine. You guys could roam the house freely without the restrictions that I had placed on me. You could come and go as you pleased. You went to school, had friends, and you had playdates as kids. You went to football games, sleepovers, and parties once you got older. All while I was trapped in that house, mostly never leaving the third floor. Who do you think got the better end of the deal?"
He doesn't respond, but his forehead wrinkles, deep in thought once again. As soon as I pull into a parking spot at school, I grab his elbow before he can reach for the door. Pushing through my discomfort with the contact, I wait patiently for him to turn to face me before speaking, wanting to make sure I have his full attention.
"They didn't favor me. I always had trouble controlling my powers. I've only managed to get them under control in the last few years, and I still have moments when it's a close call. That's why I had my own floor away from you guys. I mean, do you remember what I did to Uncle Ben's foyer that night?"
He visibly cringes as if picturing the destruction all over again in his mind, and he nods slightly.
"They were worried I'd hurt you if I lost control in the wrong moment. That's why they'd come to the woods to check on my training progress, and that's why I had my own space. It was all to protect the two of you... from me," I explain gently, making sure to stare directly into his eyes for this last part. "I wasn't their favorite, Julian. They loved us all."
He releases the breath I didn't even realize he was holding and nods in understanding, giving me a small relieved smile.
"Hey, what are your powers anyway? I've never heard anyone mention it," he says out of nowhere, catching me off guard.
I try to think of how to dodge his question while sending him a smirk. Maybe this is why our parents didn't want them to know the extent of my powers. If they already have some jealousy towards me, I don't think this information will help any.
"We'll save that for another day. We need to get going. Will you hand me the sunglasses out of the glove compartment? I can't handle this sun today."
Accepting that I'm done answering questions, for now, he passes me the aviator sunglasses I keep in the car for this very purpose, and we both step out of the vehicle. Even with the glasses, the sun still hurts, but not nearly as bad. It's more of a dull ache compared to the piercing pain it was without them.
As soon as I step out of the car, I immediately come face to face with River. Apparently, my sister isn't done with what she wanted to say this morning, and she wants to continue our confrontation now that Uncle Ben isn't around to intervene.
"I want you to introduce me to your new friends," she says quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention to our conversation in the crowded parking lot.
"No introduction needed. They already know who you are," I respond, trying to sidestep around her, but she matches my movement.
"Knowing who I am and actually giving me a chance are two different things. Let me sit with you at lunch," she tries again.
"I'd rather not." Faking to my left, I'm able to step around her on the right. "Try being a little more pleasant to be around. Maybe then."
I only make it a few steps when my backpack suddenly jerks to the side roughly, causing me to stumble, thrown off balance by the unexpected movement. I'm able to catch my balance, but I drop my bag in the process. Its contents spill across the asphalt despite my knowing I'd zipped it shut.
Sucking in a sharp breath, I glare at River, knowing precisely what had just happened. River had used her powers against her own sister, and right out in the open in a high school parking lot filled with teenagers.
Before I even register that I'm moving, my feet have taken a threatening step in her direction. Julian is there in an instant, grabbing my arm in a useless attempt to stop me. My rising anger momentarily overpowers any sense of unease from his unexpected touch, and we both know I'm strong enough to break his hold without any real effort.
"Let it go for now. Handle it at home. Not here," he whispers quietly. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take a deep calming breath knowing that he's right. This definitely isn't the time or place for the inevitable confrontation that's been building for years.
When my eyes open, they zero in on the smug smile River's wearing. She knows I won't retaliate here, and she thinks she's won.
Brushing off my anger and River's smugness, I turn, bending down to pick up my things strewn on the ground, but I pause when I see a pale hand already pushing the last of my belongings back into the bag. My eyes climb up the fleece jacket-clad arm to a pair of broad shoulders and up to a face as close to perfect as one can get. He must be about our age to be here, but his features seem sharper, more masculine than the other boys around us. His strong jawline and prominent cheekbones demand attention. His skin- a shade or two paler than my own- seems flawless, a feature most teenagers would kill for.
He reaches up and runs a hand through his short light brown hair, his movements seeming almost nervous. I can feel his stare burning into me even though his eyes are hidden behind his own pair of aviators. I wonder if he can feel my eyes scanning him as well or if he's clueless to my perusal.
"Hi," he says in a deep, appealing voice, handing me my now closed backpack.
Before I can even open my mouth to respond, River suddenly appears by his side. "You must be new. I've never seen you before."
"I am. Today's my first day," he mutters, eyes never even veering in her direction as they stay focused solely on me.
River perks up and suddenly becomes much friendlier than she usually is. Friendlier than I've ever seen her before. "Oh, well, I can show you around if you want," she says softly, reaching up and placing a hand lightly on his bicep.
My lips twitch, fighting an amused smile when he steps away from her, causing her hand to fall limply back to her side. The step brought him closer to me, making me have to crane my neck to look up at him.
"Actually, I was hoping maybe you could show me around," he says, looking back down at me with a small smile.
If looks could kill, the one River sends me in this instant definitely would have done the job. Her jaw visibly ticks as she grinds her teeth angrily.
"I'm new here, too. I've only been here a few days. I can try, but I'm likely to get you lost."
His smile pulls wider as he steps aside, gesturing towards the school. "I'll take the risk. Do you know where the office is, at least?"
"That I can manage," I say as I start walking, and he falls into step beside me, leaving River staring daggers at our backs.
Hoping my nerves don't show, I walk beside him, unsure why he makes me feel nervous and slightly unsettled when Micah and Oliver never have. It's a different kind of discomfort than other people cause. It's almost... enjoyable.
"What brought you to this town? From what I've gathered, not many new people come here," I say in an attempt to fill what could become an awkward silence if it continues.
"You're probably right about that. It definitely doesn't seem like a very exciting place to live," he says with a quiet chuckle before glancing at me with a slight smirk. "Well, it didn't until now anyway."
Biting my lip, I look down at my feet, unsure how to respond to that.
"I just moved here with my family. We found a good deal on the house and decided to give this a shot. See how it works out. Hopefully, we can make it work, and we can stay here for a while. What about you? You said you're new here, too. What brought you here?"
"Same. Kind of, anyway. I moved here with my family. The house already belonged to the family, and we decided to come give it a try, too," I respond, obviously leaving out the part about my parents being murdered and how my uncle seems to be running from something when we came here.
"What a coincidence," he says. "My name's Lawrence, by the way. I don't think I told you that yet."
We both take our sunglasses off as we enter the school, and I momentarily get lost in his mesmerizing eyes. They're grey with dark blue flecks throughout. He seems to be just as lost in my eyes as he stares back with a dazed expression. His intense stare causes butterflies to go crazy in my stomach. I bite my lip and glance back down to my feet, breaking our stare. These feelings coursing through me are different... new.
Clearing the lump in my throat, I finally force myself to respond to what he said before we both got distracted. "My name's Ariella, but most people call me Ari."
"Nice to meet you, Ari," he says with a smile, revealing straight, perfectly white teeth.
"Yeah, you too," I say just as we reach the door, I'm looking for. "Here's the office. Do you want me to wait for you to get your schedule, or do you think you have it from here?"
Just as he's about to respond, Micah appears seemingly out of nowhere and throws an arm around my shoulders while Oliver pops up on my other side. I watch quietly as the three guys seem to have some kind of standoff around me.
"Who's your new friend, Ari?" Micah asks cautiously. Why is he acting so weird, I wonder? I've only known him a few days, but still, his behavior seems strange somehow. His eyes seem to be warning Lawrence of something.
Eyes bouncing between the three boys, I hesitate slightly before answering. "Ummmm. This is Lawrence. He's new. Lawrence, these are my friends, Micah and Oliver," I say, stepping out from under Micah's arm. Partly because I don't want Lawrence to think we're together, and partly because while his touch isn't as uncomfortable as others, it's still not exactly pleasant. I can usually tolerate it, but I'm already feeling unsettled.
Noticing my movement away from Micah, Lawrence's lips twitch, and his eyes seem to sparkle. "Hi. It's nice to meet you both," he says in a friendly tone, completely ignoring Micah's warning glare and almost hostile manner. He holds a hand out towards Micah, who hesitates to take it. "Hopefully, my family will enjoy living here, and we can live a quiet life. We don't want, and problems or drama like a big city can have."
His words seem to have some hidden meaning I can't decipher, but Micah appears to understand them. He finally reaches out, accepting Lawrence's offered handshake.
"I hope so. We definitely don't appreciate any problems or drama around here," Micah responds, also seeming to have an entirely different conversation than the one I'm privy to. I'm left standing here, glancing between them like an idiot. Even Oliver seems to understand what's happening, though he remains silent beside me.
"I think I've got it from here, Ari. Thanks for the offer, though. I'll definitely see you later," Lawrence says, smiling in my direction before disappearing into the office.
Micah lays a gentle hand on my shoulder, steering me towards my first class.
"What was that about?' I ask, looking up into his blue eyes.
He smiles down at me with an innocent expression as if he has no idea what I'm talking about. "Nothing. Just checking out the new guy."
Shrugging, I choose to let it go. Maybe I'm just becoming paranoid. I'm so used to everyone around me hiding things that I'm starting to see it everywhere.
With a hand on my elbow, he stops me just as I reach the classroom door. "Just be careful around the new guy, okay?" He says cryptically.
"What does that mean?" I ask, reminded of Lucien saying the exact same thing about the boy standing in front of me.
"Just what I said. Be careful. None of us know anything about him," he says with a shrug, but I know it's not that simple.
"None of you know anything about me either," I point out.
"I know, but I'm just looking out for you," he says, looking me up and down, "besides, I highly doubt you could be a threat to anyone."
I'm unable to stop my snort of amusement. If he only knew. Oh, the irony. I'm the most significant threat. Still, I play along and nod in understanding. If it'll make him feel better, why not just agree?
Entering the classroom, I'm surprised to see my new neighbor seated behind the teacher's desk. Recognition flashes in his eyes as he glances up at me.
"Ariella, right?"
I nod, thinking back to this morning, racking my brain for a name. Finally, it hits me. "Cal, right?"
"It's Mr. Halterman here, but yes. I'm the new History teacher. I'm surprised you're one of my students. You look old enough to have graduated," he says with a genuine friendly smile.
"Nope. Not yet. You're one to talk. You barely look older than me, and you're a teacher," I respond. He doesn't look a day over twenty. Yet he's married and a high school teacher. Looks can be deceiving, I guess.
"Touché," he mutters with a grin.
There's no doubt that between this guy and Lawrence, the school's female population will be in high spirits today. They're both extremely attractive and will definitely have plenty of admirers by the end of the day.
I settle into what's become my usual seat with a small smile on my face, waiting for the other students to file in as it draws nearer to time for the bell to ring. My eyes are drawn back to the doorway when Lawrence saunters into the room. He scans the room, and the smile on his face grows when his eyes come to rest on me. Without hesitation, he moves towards the empty desk behind me. As soon as he drops into the chair, he leans forward.
"I'm going to enjoy the view in this class," he whispers close to my ear. I have to fight to control my smile. I'm surprised when my eyes meet those of the new teacher. He's chuckling quietly to himself as if he heard what Lawrence had said before turning back to the papers on his desk.
Grinning, I bite my lip. I think I might be developing my first crush on the boy sitting behind me. It looks like my life might be becoming more and more normal. Crushing on the cute new boy is a normal teenage girl thing to do, right?
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