My eyes draw onto the building complex in front of me. There was no movement from my pupils, the only thing I focused on, was the familiar building.
The more my eyes dug into the building, the more it felt like I was aimlessly wondering around in a dark room. I didn't know which direction to take, I was afraid to approach the door, not knowing what was on the other side.
Silence consumed the car. The only sounds that made its way to my ears; were the grumbles from the car engine, and my intense and shallow breaths.
My mouth imitated an 'o' shape as I let a shaky breath out. Leaning back against the car seat, many thoughts drifted in and out of my head, like it was a race car zooming from left to right.
There was only one person who I knew that lived in the building. Something was telling me; that's where Sarah went.
I had to do this. I repeated the words in my head, over and over again, till I gained the confidence to eject out of the car.
"Stay here. I'll be back in a moment." I blurted out to the driver. Closing the door behind, the driver nodded in confirmation.
Slowly, I made my way to the entrance of the building. Craning my neck upwards, I took in the grand building towering me. This once was my home. It was where I was going to build my life with Calum. Now it's just a building. There was no meaning behind it anymore, as I found my new home with Alexander.
My feet automatically took me to the entrance of the apartment. I stood there, with my hands to the side, facing the door, with the luck that the power of my eyes would have opened it.
My hand formed into a fist, edging closer to the door, it finally slammed and hits against it. Creating an echo in the hallway. Few seconds, which felt like minutes, go by and there's no answer.
With confidence empowering me, I hit the door harder, making sure the noise reached all aspects of the apartment.
Just as I was about to turn around, the handle jerked slightly. The door became ajar, with Calum's face popping from behind. When he realised it was me, he irked his head in confusion. He then opened up the door slightly.
There he was, stood there topless with just a pair of jeans covering his bottom half. There was once a time where I saw Calum's naked body, and I would have got hot and flustered. Much to my happiness I felt nothing. The only body I wanted right now was Alexander's.
"Louisa? What are you doing here?" Calum questioned.
I wasn't going to act like the worried mouse I was. My shoulders pushed back, I straightened my posture and looked Calum dead in the eyes. The lioness within me was awoken, and I was ready to attack and get some answers.
Ignoring Calum's question, I charged towards him and barged past, entering the apartment. My eyes scan the joined living room and kitchen, everything was the same. Nothing was changed, part of me etched a smile within the corner of my lips. I forced the smile away, remembering what I was there to do.
"What the hell are you doing? You can't just barge past." Calum snapped.
My head spun fast to face him. "Last time I checked, this place is still in my name, I don't need your permission to enter. Now, where is she?"
All the words were spat out like a venomous snake. I didn't want to act like a bitch, but I felt like I had enough. The sneaky behaviour from Sarah was getting to me and I needed answers.
"What are you talking about?" Calum questioned, as if he didn't know what I was talking about.
"Don't play dumb. Where is she?" I repeated in a cold tone.
Instead of responding, Calum wearingly shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh at what I got back.
"Sarah. I'm talking about Sarah. Where is she." I spat my words out, filling up the silence between us.
"I don't know what you're talking about, she's not here." Calum innocently replied. I almost believed him, but something in his eyes told me not to trust his words. A strong thought was present in my head to believe Sarah was there.
"Fine, prove to me she's not here." I declared, crossing my arms over my chest.
"How?" Calum shrugged his shoulders. He let out a frustrated sigh, it was clearly evident he didn't want me there. He wanted me to leave.
My eyes wondered around the room, trying to come up with a plan. I could have gone bat shit crazy and stormed the whole apartment, but this would have not looked good. Although it felt like I was on a mission, there was still a level of respect I had.
After much deliberation, I came with a quick plan. I walked towards the front door.
"Fine, I guess I'll just go." I purposely let out in a loud voice. I opened the door, waiting for a few seconds, I closed the door without moving, making sure it was loud enough to hear. My head turned quick towards Calum. I lifted my finger towards my lips, signalling for him to not make any noise.
He stood there, looking stumped, everything was out of his hands and there was nothing he could do. It felt like a few minutes had gone by. As I was about to give up and leave for real, a creak from the bedroom door caught my attention.
My head instantly shot towards the door. My heart began to thump like a drum in my chest. I closely focused on the door, slowly opening. A head popped out from behind the door, accompanied with a familiar voice.
"Is she gone-" the familiar voice abruptly stopped, and I was face to face, staring at the person who had just opened the bedroom door.
There standing right in front of me, Sarah. Dressed in a light pink, satin robe. Legs bare, indicating that she had nothing on underneath. My eyes stretched to the point where I thought any second, my eyeballs would have popped out. My brain wasn't allowing me to compute what I was seeing.
There was a heavy burdened feeling in my stomach. A sudden coldness shot through me, making every single hair on my body stand up. There was a shine in my eyes as there was a build of water, waiting to fall down.
"Sarah?" I let out in a shaky soft voice.
Sarah stood there, still like a statue. She mirrored how I was feeling. Her eyes bulged open. Her mouth parted, trying to form a sentence. I turned to look at Calum, his brows were furrowed with his lips slopping downwards. All three of us stood in the room, speechless, shocked, unable to let out words.
The silence in the room was quite painful. Tension floated around us. It was quite easy to hear a pin drop. I didn't want to be the first one to say something about the situation, so I waited. Jerking my head back and forth, from Sarah to Calum, waiting for the silence to be banished.
"Can we talk? Just us two?" Sarah finally let out in an almost quiet voice.
I nodded my head yes. Sarah motioned for me to follow her. I wearily walked towards her, following her into the bedroom. The door shut behind us and we both sat on the edge of the bed, in silence.
"How long?" I said in a shaky voice. I looked down at my lap, twiddling my thumbs. My ears were ready to automatically shut and block out the answer.
"It's been about two months." Sarah mumbled.
My head jerked up, facing Sarah. I barely shrugged my shoulders, insinuating for her to explain further.
"It was when you and Alexander went to Australia for your second trip. I bumped into Calum one day, we started talking and I don't know why, but I invited him over. I guess I was feeling lonely with you in Australia. The night I invited him, we planned to watch a movie. One thing led to another. After sleeping together, we agreed it was a mistake and should never happen again. But... we couldn't stop thinking about each other..." Sarah's words fumbled out. Tears started to fall as she wasn't able to continue her sentence.
Each and every word felt like a sharp scratch, attacking my ears. My brain wasn't allowing me to form a response. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't comprehend what I was actually hurt about.
"Louisa, I never wanted you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you, but I also didn't want to hurt you. I know you and Calum have a long history together. Never in a million years was it my intention to sleep with my best friends ex, but it just happened." Sarah let out in a mumble.
"You know what I'm most hurt about?" I sighed. "That you couldn't come to me, as a best friend to tell me the truth. I had to find out like this because I had a feeling something was going on."
Sarah let out a sobbed sigh. It pained me to see how hurt she was, about me finding out like this. I held
on to her hands, comforting her.
"Are you guys serious?" I asked, bringing Sarah to lean in on my shoulder.
"Honestly, I don't know what this is between us. But we can't stop thinking about each other. I think I like him." Sarah replied with sad emotion in her voice.
I brought Sarah away from my shoulder, to face me. "I want you to be happy and if Calum is the reason for your happiness, then who am I to say anything. Whatever this is between you I hope it goes well, but I want you to be cautious with what happened between us. I'm not saying he will cheat on you, but I don't want you to be heartbroken."
"I know. I'm prepared for anything. But right now, we are enjoying each other's company, I don't know what's going to happen in the future, we're just focusing on the present." Sarah wiped her tears as she finally curved her lips into a smile.
I returned the smile back, bringing Sarah to a hug. Although this wasn't affecting me as much, I didn't know what to make of it. I needed time to comprehend the idea of my best friend and ex together.
In a way, I was glad I had Alexander, to share my thoughts and feelings. Knowing Alexander being there by my side, comforted me and enabled me to relax and take in this shocking news.
Now that I had gotten to the end of the so called mission, I pondered on things would pan out, now everything was out in the open. How would Sarah and Calum act around me...
The truth is finally out, Sarah and Calum are together!
Was Sarah right keeping it from Louisa?
Do you think she should steer clear as she's with her best friends ex?
Share your thoughts and don't forget to vote!
Love _xxAMxx
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