29 : Pushing Him
A/N: Kids, please remember that we solve our problems with our words, not our fists. That being said, please enjoy this chapter about completely fictitious situations and people.
Mickey's lips nip mine slowly. His breath is still labored when he pulls away. He stares me in the eyes, his expression calm with the hint of his sexy, lazy smile. He runs his fingers through my hair before he sighs and rolls over to sit up.
"Is there a reason you woke me up this early?"
"Are you complaining?"
I chuckle. "Not about the sex."
He smiles at me over his shoulder. "Mom's getting out this morning. Beth said everyone was coming around ten."
"Are you going try to do it?"
"That's the plan." He stands, rubbing his hands over his face and then through his hair. He sighs heavily. I can tell he's exhausted. We both are. Between worrying about his mom, the production schedule continuing at full speed, and this shitty hotel bed, sleep is the last thing on our list.
I roll over to my side. "I'm proud of you."
He smiles and leans over onto the bed to press a kiss to my lips. "I love you. But start getting ready, okay?"
We make it to the hospital an hour or so later, and go down the hall to her room. "Hi, Ma," Mickey greets her as we walk in.
"Dickey," she says, holding her arms out to receive him in a hug. She squeezes him close to her and closes her eyes as she smiles. I want to cry they're so fucking cute. "And look at this gorgeous girl." She gestures for me to come closer.
"Hi, Mrs. Valentino." I hold my hand up to wave and she looks at me like I'm an idiot.
"You know we're huggers in this family. Come here," she pulls me to her breast and squeezes me with impressive strength. She takes my face in her hands and kisses my cheek. I've only been around her a handful of hours, but I love her. Even if I didn't owe Mickey's existence to her, she's also a joy to be around.
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better," I tell her.
She pulls me to sit on the bed next to her. "Almost back to normal. Once I get this fuckin' shit off my leg," she says, just like Mickey. It makes me laugh. She wraps her arm around my waist. "Do you really have to leave so soon, Penny? I haven't even had a chance to cook for you yet."
I chuckle. "Your son does plenty of that. You taught him well."
"Not well enough. If he was doing his job right, you wouldn't be so damn skinny," she appraises me with a frown.
"Then tell him to stop denying me carbs!" I tattle.
Her head snaps to him and her mouth drops open. He looks a little frightened. "Dickey," she scolds him. "This is the woman you love. You need to feed her more."
"I feed her as much as she wants, she just ... likes burning it off more." My eyes go wide and my cheeks warm.
Mickey's mother burst into laughter. "Well at least she's doing her job!" They laugh together, and I allow myself an awkward giggle. Abruptly, she takes her arms from me and pulls his face close to hers. She looks him in the eyes and says, "When are you going to ask her to marry you?"
Mickey gasps. "Ma!"
"When?" she stares him down.
"... Soon, Ma." My body goes cold and I feel nauseous.
"Good. Because she's too beautiful and smart to not get a grandkid or two out of her." My skin crawls and I am convinced I'm going to vomit.
Mickey looks at me, but his grin fades when he sees my blanched face. "You're really about to make her run out of here and leave me, Ma." His mom laughs.
"Hey," a voice says from the door. We all turn to find Beth, her pinned smile giving a subtle warning.
"Hey, Ma! We --" Joey walks in, loud as ever, but stops short when he sees his brother.
"You leavin'?" his mom asks us.
"No." Mickey looks at me and his mouth twists. "We're gonna stay." He turns towards them. I watch his mom run her fingertips up and down his back as if to thank him.
Mickeys brothers align themselves across the room from us, crossing their arms. The room is uncomfortably full with seven people, yet no one seems eager to speak.
"You know," I try to break the awkward silence. I stand and wrap my arms around Mickey's waist. "He didn't want to mention it, but Michael is making a pilot for a cable show right now," I tell his mom.
She perks up. "Cable?"
I nod and smile. "Soon you'll be able to see his acting and producing talents during primetime."
"If they accept it," Mickey reminds me, acting humble.
"When they accept it," I correct him.
"Cable? Really?" Beth asks. "What's the show about?"
Mickey gives them a mini version of the pitch, and I try to hide my smile as I watch his confidence start to return. "Basically how sexual fantasies don't always translate to real life situations," he sums up. "Every episode is independent, but they're interconnected by a group of friends."
"That sounds amazing!" Beth says excitedly.
"Yeah, but is your dick in it?" Billy asks.
Mickey's purses his lips. "For a whole minute and a half. But you'd be happy, my character gets killed at the end of the first episode." Spoiler alert!
"Great," Joey says. "More of my brother fuckin' for everyone to see."
"Yeah, as if there isn't enough on the internet already," Tommy agrees.
Mickey sighs heavily. "Why do you care so much? Because you hate it? Or because you hate that you can't watch it without seeing me?"
"I'd never watch that shit. It's fucked up and it ruins relationships," Tommy says.
"How does it ruin relationships? Porn isn't reality, it is the depiction of a fantasy for entertainment."
"Whatever," Joey grumbles. "It's disgusting, just like you."
"It's not ..." Mickey takes in a deep breath. I would gladly jump in, but I can tell he doesn't need me to. "What I do is not 'disgusting'. Sex is a part of life -- it's something everyone will experience, which means it's something that should be talked about. Sexual orientation, exclusivity, desires, consent -- all of that requires communication, and if what I do starts that conversation, I sleep just fine."
My pussy clenches. Bitch, now is not the time, I think to myself.
"You're awfully proud of yourself, aren't ya?" Mickey's dad drawls, making me cringe. Not the person we need to see right now. We both look over as he walks into the room.
"Yeah. Why the fuck wouldn't I be?" Mickey says confidently. "I am by far the most successful person in this family, and you all still can't accept it because I capitalized off of something I did to survive."
"You mean fucking guys?" Joey asks. Mickey groans in frustration.
"You did it because you wanted to." his dad says.
"It's a job, just like anything else. You could try being proud of me for once."
"Be proud of you? I worked hard to make a life for you, with never a single thanks. Then you go and fuck up the family name by showing your ass all over the internet!" his father says angrily. The brothers glare at him from behind their father.
Something is screaming at me to drag Mickey out of the room, but I can't. I am frozen and he is on fire.
"And it's made me fucking rich! Why can't you just accept it?"
"It's porn, Dickey! Porn!" his father yells. "You did this to your damn self by not keepin' your private business private."
Mickey scoffs. "I did this to myself? Oh, so I kicked myself out? I had to find a way to pay for food and rent at 16 because I wanted a fucking challenge or something?"
"You couldn't keep yourself from ruining things for your mother and me, even before that," his father says accusingly. I look over at his mother and she stares at the ground silently. "What other options did you leave me?"
Mickey's widen and his brow creases with a mix of anger and sadness. "I was a kid. You were the adult! All I needed was for you to be a parent and you gave up on me when shit got tough!" My head is spinning.
"I did nothing to treat you wrong!" his father bellows. "I took care of you, loved you, worked three jobs so that you could eat and have a warm place to live. I sacrificed everything I had for you -- and you weren't even mine!" The room falls silent.
Weren't even mine? Wait. What?
I look up at Mickey and see the anger beginning to fade to sadness. What the fuck just happened?
"Fuck you," Mickey says quietly to his ... I don't know what he is now.
"When are you gonna learn that no one wants you here?" Joey pipes up. Bad timing. Real bad timing. "Who fucking cares if you got money, Dickey? At least I get my dimes from something respectable -- not sucking cocks and still pretending to be straight." Mickey's eyes snap to him. Shit.
I try to stop him, but it was like stopping a raging bull. Mickey pushes past me, grabs the front of his brother's shirt and throws him face first against the window. His head bounces off it and he falls to the ground. Mickey drops on top of him and lands his fist hard against his face once, then twice.
"Mickey, stop!" I yell.
He looks at me. Tommy jumps in and pulls him to the ground. They wrestle with each other as they fight for the upper hand. Mickey gains it for a moment, but Tommy overpowers him again with his size and lands a punch of his own.
"Stop!" I scream.
Billy jumps in finally, pulling Tommy away. I do the best I can with Mickey, lucky that he doesn't fight me. He stands with me and the blood dribbles from the top of his nose.
My heart is pounding in my ears. Mickey's mother is in tears as Beth cowers next to her. Their father pulls Joey back up, and then looks over his shoulder at us. "Leave, Dickey."
Mickey spits blood in his direction. "Go to hell." He pushes past me to leave.
I'm frozen in my confusion and fear for a brief moment before I follow him. I run after him past countless professionals that could fix his face, but he is dead set on walking out.
When I catch up to him, I grab his arm. "Mickey what the fuck just happened in there? He's not your dad?"
"What do you think, Penny?" he seethes. "I'm fucking adopted."
My mouth drops open as I look at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why does it matter? What does it change?" he stares at me challengingly.
We make it outside into the cold, but he keeps walking towards the cars. "Stop!" I pull him by his jacket, forcing him to turn to me. His nose is bleeding, but it doesn't look broken. He has a cut on his cheek from his brother's ring. "Dammit, Mickey. You have to shoot the pilot when we get back. How are you supposed to do that if you're all fucked up?"
He moves his face from my grasp. "Fuck the pilot! Fuck all of it! None of it matters!"
"You're just mad. You --"
"Stop!" he yells at me. He wriggles from my grasp and his hands flex with anger. "You're not fucking helping! Just leave me alone!"
"I'm not going to leave you alone. You're being ridiculous right now! Listen to yourself." He huffs angrily. "Why are you making this a problem with us when it's a problem you have with everyone in there?" I gesture angrily towards the shitty hospital behind us.
"Because you always have to look for a reason we can't be together. It's either your fucked up past or it's mine, and I'm telling you right fucking now, you are going to have to pick a better reason that what happened in there!"
"What?" I glare at him. "I lost my dad in the same way you almost lost your mom. Why are you so pissed that I want you to keep a relationship with --"
"Fuck him! I don't owe him anything!" he yells over me.
"You --"
"I don't need him! I am not you, and I am not Emilio!" he screams.
My mouth drops open, but I am speechless. My eyes have never felt so wide.
He straightens up and wipes the blood from his nose and he curses under his breath. "I can't do this with you right now." He turns and starts walking away.
"Mickey," I call after him, but he ignores me. "Mickey!" I yell as he climbs into the car. He shuts the door, starts it, and peels out of the parking space, leaving me behind.
I stand with my heart pounding, my eyes burning with tears, my hands shaking with adrenaline and fear. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
A/N: Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library if you want more!
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