14 : Regretting Him
I make it to work fifteen minutes early, despite the weather. I park and pull out my phone, opening Tumblr immediately.
Mickey posted the third gif last night, and once again, it was an out-of-body experience for me. All the comments about "GBB", yet no one knew they were talking about me. I love it. I scroll through his old posts just to compare the number of reposts and mentions and realize mine is his most popular in recent times.
My heart beats excitedly. This is their favorite? I think. Out of all the things we did that night, it's the one of me making him laugh? It was probably the least sexy thing we did with one another, but in many ways, it was the most intimate. I honestly have no idea why people like it so much. The internet works in mysterious ways.
I put my phone away, and can't stop smiling as I go inside.
Three weeks had passed since Mickey left, and the weather reflected exactly how I felt about that. Winter was officially here. It had snowed for a couple days straight, and now it was cold and rainy. I pull my scarf higher on my face, hoping to gain some additional warmth from my breath.
I make it inside the building and avoid talking to everyone as I shove my bag into my cubby and take off my coat. I go into the changing room and quickly put on my stockings, dress, tie up my hair, and then walk back out to hang everything up and grab my sweater.
"Hey, Penny," Travis says from behind me. I tense with surprise, though honestly, I should expect it at this point.
I turn to him, still smiling like a crazy person. "Hey, Travis." His face doesn't seem as boyish or flirtatious as it usually does when he looks at me, but I couldn't care less.
"Could you come to the office with me for a minute?"
I'm confused at his intent. My smile fades, and I begin to feel nervous, though I don't know why. "Yeah, sure."
I follow him down the short hall and into the office. Inside, Terry is sitting at the desk. He looks at us when we walk in, snarling unhappily. Travis closes the door behind us and I get unbelievably nervous. "What's going on, you guys?" I ask them. Without a word, Terry turns his laptop around, and there is my ass as I'm sliding up and down Mickey's cock.
My mouth drops open slowly, and I feel myself go cold. Oh, shit.
I don't know whether to pretend to be aloof or not. "Wha-what is this?" I manage to say.
"You tell us," Terry says accusingly.
I stammer, still unable to find words. "I don't... I don't know what that is."
"Really, Penny? Do you think we're stupid?" Terry says. "This is a famous porn star that stayed at the hotel back in October. Funny how not two weeks later, you show up on his Instagram, and then..." He pulls up the second post, and I want to vomit. "This shows up on his Tumblr."
Both of my bosses, one of which has hit on me countless times before, look at me with disgust as they endlessly loop videos of my explicit nudity for us all to see. My mouth hangs open, and I don't know how I am supposed to react. My brow tenses and I start to cry.
Terry stands and walks over to me. "That is our bed, and that is you," he says, pointing angrily at the screen. I cover my face with my hands. I have no idea what they expect me to say back.
"No," I murmur weakly.
"You can stop acting. We know it's you," Travis says sullenly. "We have video of you going in and leaving his room. Plus, you're the only one who wears garters under your uniform." He lifts the skirt of my dress, exposing my thighs.
"Don't," I push his hands away angrily, "fucking touch me," I finish through gritted teeth. I try to move from him, but feel the door at my back. My heart races and my breathing starts to become ragged.
"I wasn't good enough for you, but a porn star was?" Travis asks rhetorically. I glare at him, trying desperately to hold onto the last of my courage. He shakes his head and looks away. "What a fucking slut," he says under his breath.
I'm not a slut! I want to scream at him. I know I can fuck whoever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, and I owe no one an explanation. But I also know I won't make rent next month if they fire me. My heart pounds nervously, hoping they plan to tell me how I can make it up to them, and hoping desperately it isn't with sex.
"This goes against company policy in so many ways. You're lucky we don't sue you for this," Terry says. I sob into my hands. "You're fired, effective immediately."
I look up. "No! Please! You know I need this job. Please don't do this!"
"Get out, Penny," Travis threatens me. "Before we do worse to you."
I still. Not wanting to find out what he means, I open the door and run out.
I try to hide my tears as I go to retrieve my things, but Maria V manages to stop me. "Oh, Penny, what is wrong?" she asks, grabbing my arms as if to comfort me.
"I've been fired, Maria. I have to go," I say, still crying.
"No, no, bonita. Why?"
I try to form a sentence that doesn't make me seem like the idiot slut they think I am, but it doesn't work. There is no way I can explain this to her or anyone else for that matter. I move her aside gently, pull my bag out of the cubby, and leave without another word.
I'm distraught and I don't know what to do. I can't tell anyone about this. How am I supposed to explain getting fired because I fucked a porn star on camera while at work? No one does shit like that, it's fucking stupid. I just never thought they would find out.
I start sobbing again when I think about it more. Travis saw me that day, leaving in that stupid hoodie. The thought of him creeping on me online, possibly doing the same for our VIP guest. He probably figured out who Mickey was, got curious, and when he saw the posts, put two and two together. So much for my anonymity. He probably enjoyed watching it, seeing me fuck someone, pretending I was fucking him instead. Then he decided to actually fuck me by telling his brother about it. The thought of the two of them watching it together made me sick to my stomach.
I text Mickey before thinking twice about it.
Me: My bosses found your
Tumblr and fired me for it
I wipe my eyes as I make it to my car and climb in. I start it and pull away as fast as the cold engine will let me. My phone vibrates in my lap. When I look at it, I see it's him and I answer.
"Hey," I say shakily.
"You were fired?" he asks, sounding incredibly upset.
"Yeah," I sob.
"Fuck," he says exasperatedly. "Are you driving right now?"
"Penny, I need you to pull over. You shouldn't be driving and crying." I cry even more, but follow his advice, pulling into a convenience store parking lot. "Did you park?"
"Good. Now tell me what happened."
I sob heavily, reliving it. I drop my head into my hand. "They figured out who you were and found all your social media. They made me stand there with them and played the videos while they accused me. I felt so ... violated."
"Oh my god, I am so sorry."
"I didn't know what to say, I just denied everything."
"That's okay. They might know it's us, but they can't prove it. Even if they could, they don't have a legal reason for firing you, they're just pissed. You're better off without--"
"Shit!" I think aloud. "My rent and next semester's tuition are due in three weeks. How the hell am I supposed to find a new job that pays enough and works with my stupid class schedule? I'm so fucked!"
"This is all my fault," he says dejectedly. "I'll send you enough money to cover your bills."
"What?" I freeze. "No! God, no!" I nearly scream at him. "Mickey, I wasn't telling you because I blame you for anything. This isn't your fault at all."
"It is completely my fault," he insists. "Let me send you money for your rent at least."
"No," I say firmly. I'm upset, yes, but I know better than to believe that free money was ever really free. "I'll be fine, I was just caught off guard. I'll figure something out."
He hesitates, and I worry he won't believe me. "Are you sure?"
I take a deep breath, convincing myself. "Yeah. I only have a couple weeks left of school. I guess I have extra time to study for finals now." I sniffle as I chuckle.
"I'm really sorry."
"Don't be sorry, Mickey. I knew this was a possibility. And honestly ... the sex was well worth it," I try to joke. I get a small laugh from him, and it makes me smile. I wipe my eyes. "I'll be okay, I promise. But I have to go. I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Okay. Keep me updated?"
"I will. Bye."
"Bye, baby."
We hang up and I feel worse than before. Mickey was too nice of a guy to not care about what happened to me, but I never meant for him to think I blamed him for any of it. This was all me, as usual. I had come too far to do something this stupid to myself again. I would fix it, and I would fix it fast.
There was no way I was going to sacrifice my goals for dick, no matter how beautiful it was.
A/N: Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library if you want more!
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