Welcome to Castillia Town,
where everyone is familia!
Population: 27_
That is the sign that greets me when I first exit the little train station at Castillia Town with Cindy, Rio and everyone else. Three men are taking down a 6 and replacing it with a 7 so the sign reads Population: 277 instead of 276.
"What's with the change?" I point to the sign.
"Well, you're joining our familia, aren't you?" Cindy rolls her eyes like it's obvious. My heart warms from the attention to detail they have.
It feels like home, almost.
The girls practically drag me to the school and get me admitted and registered for classes. I'll start school tomorrow. It's all happening so fast.
"You want to look around town?" Cindy and Rio come up to me. I nod.
"I'm in your hands." I tell them. They show me the shopping district and the residential area where everyone lives.
People greet Cindy and Rio by name, and everyone knows everyone else. It reminds me of Fairy Tail. I like it here.
Then Cindy gets a sparkle in her eye, bouncing from excitement while Rio rolls her eyes. Cindy practically drags me to the woods that surround the lively town. Half a mile in, there's a small clearing full of tall grass. Some logs have been positioned in a circle around a fire pit in the center.
"This has got to be my all time favorite place in Castillia!" Cindy bounces up and down. "We have campouts and stuff here all the time."
"Huh." I look around. It is rather peaceful here.
I think I'll stay here. It's better than continuing to ruin everything for my guild mates in Fairy Tail. Even though I want to go back, I'm sure they'll be happier if they're far away from me.
*6 years later*
What in all of Fiore is Natalie doing? I stare as she stands on a log in the Clearing, eyes closed and focusing, her arms raised. Is this some newfangled meditation technique?
Her black hair, which was super short when we met but has grown out, flutters in the wind. Her broken star barrette is clipped in her hair like always.
Then, a little ball of fire springs to life in front of Nadia. My jaw drops. I rub my eyes. Surely I'm hallucinating. But the ball of fire is still there. Nadia furrows her brows, and it grows in size.
Natalie's been here for the better half of a decade. Why didn't she tell us she's a wizard?
I hide behind a tree and continue watching intently. Natalie grinds her teeth and a few more balls of fire appear. She wipes sweat from her brow. She manages to summon fifteen fireballs.
Natalie tenses. She clenches then relaxes her fists.
The fireballs flicker, and slowly change color from red to blue. Then they begin to waver, like she's losing control of them. I bite my lip.
"Come on!" Natalie cries.
Her eyes open and her arms drop, causing the balls of fire simultaneously explode. They send her flying backwards into a tree.
I gasp and almost run forward, until I see that she's fine. Not even singed. I sigh in relief.
She heard me though, because Natalie glares in my direction with a silver key in hand. What's she gonna do, poke me?
No wait, I've seen keys like those in Sorcerer's Weekly. Lucy Dragneel of Fairy Tail and Yukino Eucliffe of Sabertooth both use keys like that for... what's it called? Celestial spirit magic.
"Who's there?" Natalie demands.
I slowly walk out of my hiding place hands raised in surrender. Natalie doesn't relax when she sees me. "Cindy. You saw?"
"You know it!" I squeal and run up to her. "You're a magician! That's so awesome Natalie!"
"Please don't tell anyone, I'm begging you!" Natalie bows, her back parallel to the ground.
"Only if you tell me exactly what's going on." I cross my arms, pretending to be mad. Omg, my best friend knows magic!
I'm screwed. I'm so royally screwed. Cindy is such a blabbermouth, I'm surprised the whole world doesn't know I'm a magician yet.
"Only if you tell me exactly what's going on." She crosses her arms, looking angry and hurt. I feel guilty not telling her about it before.
"Okay." I agree, walking over to sit on one of the logs, rubbing a black char mark on the old weathered surface of the wood.
Cindy joins me, bubbling with excitement. No one in Castillia Town knows magic, so magicians are idolized here.
"Spill everything!" Cindy demands. She tries to look stern but dissolves into a fit of squeals.
I laugh. Cindy couldn't stay mad at a mosquito.
"I've been in the guild my entire life. My parents are in the strongest team, and I joined as soon as I learnt magic. But I'm a problem child, always messing things up and annoying my guild mates. I went on a job by myself..." I reach up and tap the broken barrette I still have in my hair. I couldn't bare to get rid of it. "I never went back. My guild mates would probably hate me if I showed up out of the blue after all these years."
"You ran away! Why?! Which guild?" Cindy rapid fires a bunch of questions at me. I hold up my hands in surrender.
"That's all there is to it." I avoid answering. Cindy pouts, because she knows I'm holding back.
"Fine, I won't press, but I'm totally telling Rio." She stands. I stand too, blocking Cindy's path.
"You said!"
"I said 'only if you tell me exactly what's going on.' You aren't, so I have no obligations." Cindy retorts. I groan in frustration.
We walk back the half mile back to town together with me trying to convince Cindy not to say anything. Nevertheless, she blabs to Rio as soon as we get within earshot.
"What! No way!" Rio gapes at me.
I sigh, resigning myself, then lift my hand. Flames flicker to life and dance in my palm. Rio's jaw drops to the floor.
"Please don't tell anyone else." I bow to them.
Cindy and Rio see how serious I am. Both of my friends agree without complaint. I have my eye on them the rest of the day, but they keep their word.
The next day, we meet the others outside the school building like usual.
"Cindy, Rio, Natalie! Did you guys hear the rumor yesterday?" Anya asks, waving us over.
"We were busy." Rio replies quickly.
"I overheard the teachers talking in the staff room. We're going on a field trip this weekend!" Anya informs us.
The entire class is super fired up, bumping elbows and chatting. We join in the jubilation. The four us us walk to the classroom together. Everyone else files in too, and the bell rings.
"Alright class." Mrs. Ringle claps to get our attention. "I'm sure you've all heard the rumor, but we are in fact having a field trip. The town we're going to is home to a famous wizard guild."
The entire class starts asking questions and yabbering loudly. Cindy and I high five. Castillia High always goes all out with their field trips.
"Quiet please! This isn't just for fun. You will be in groups of four, and each group will have to interview two wizards from the guild. You'll be writing a report about what you learned."
I link my hands behind my head. Easy. I already know plenty about magic, being a wizard and all.
"We will also view their famous annual Fantasia parade." Mrs. Ringle continues.
The class cheers, but a ball of dread forms in the pit of my stomach. I hesitantly raise my hand.
"What is it, Natalie?" She has to yell over the chatter, then claps sharply. Everybody quiets down to listen to me.
"What's the guild's name?" I ask, feeling cold despite the midday heat.
Mrs. Ringle smiles. "Fairy Tail."
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