Word Count: 1869
"I've never met someone so unlikeable."
I stretch my legs out in front of me, staring off over the mountain. The moonlight illuminates the snow, allowing us to see for miles out over the ranges.
Thankfully my other guard is on duty, and at the exact hour expected, I found him slumped outside my room asleep.
I will not be telling Ark about his tendency to do that.
"Once everything calms down, he'll be gone, I'm sure of it," Louis, my only friend exclaims.
I met him on a Royal visit to his village, where we bumped into each other, and he struck up a conversation without having any idea who I was.
Now...well, our relationship has always been complicated.
I draw my legs up, hugging them. "I hope so. I can't stand him."
"Mercenaries are strange." He gazes off in the distance, as if recalling a memory. There is so much about him I don't know, and I don't bother asking.
He's made it clear he prefers it that way.
"They kill people and it doesn't bother them. It's beyond strange," I mumble.
I can just imagine those strong hands wrapped around someone's neck, while he is covered in another victims blood.
"You could try to ignore him?"
I shake my head. "How? He's my personal guard, and he's meant to be training me. I can't escape him."
"You did tonight."
"But by tomorrow morning, he may take one look at me and realise I snuck out." He has a special talent for that, and once he realises, I won't have my other negligent guard taking the night shifts.
Louis frowns. "What makes you think that?"
"Because somehow, he knows I get up in the morning to...you know, relieve some tension," I say.
These topics aren't usually uncomfortable with Louis. We crossed the line between normal friends and ones with benefits months ago.
"It's freaky, I know. Something about my pink cheeks and shoulders." I shudder. "I don't know, it was weird."
His knack for observation won't unnerve me. He isn't going to win this. I'm going to retain my freedom, or what little of it I have.
Louis leans back on his elbows, grinning. "Were you thinking about me?"
"Oh stop," I mutter dismissively. "My mind was all over the place this morning, actually."
Mostly it was on one man, but I don't want to think about that.
Louis rests his hand on my back. "It's because of everything you've been through."
It doesn't feel like I've been through anything. It will hit me later, I imagine, but right now, I'm more concerned about my unknown mate.
Louis leans closer, grabbing my chilled hands in his. "I care so much about you. I hate having to be apart."
"My father can't know about us. Seriously. He would murder you, and then me," I warn.
I think learning about a sexual relationship between his daughter and a random citizen of his Kingdom would be the final straw that would kill him...
These days that's a tempting though.
"I know, but I hate hiding. And I hate that you won't truly give yourself to this relationship."
I hush him, glancing over my shoulder. I know maids can lurk.
"For now, we are just friends. Especially with everything that has just happened..."
He bites his lower lip, eyes glittering suggestively. "Yet you let me do all those horrible things to you."
I smile at the thought. It's my only glimmer of happiness these days. The only time I can forget who I'm meant to be.
"I wouldn't call them horrible, exactly."
Louis draws me closer to kiss me. His lips feel so warm, so familiar. I allow my problems to melt away, to become nothing as I enjoy this moment.
He winds his hands through my hair, deepening the kiss. I sidle up closer to him, letting my hands run down the firm planes of his chest.
I've never flinched away from someone so fast in my life.
I know who has spoken before I look up at him, my heart plummeting down to my stomach.
"Oh...Ark," I breathe, scrambling to my feet.
He leans against the archway of the back entrance, a cold, unforgiving look on his face. My throat immediately dries. He hates me enough as it is, and now, he's caught me out here with a stranger.
"What are you doing out here?"
His voice is deceptively calm. Louis now stands next to me, stiff and uncomfortable beneath Ark's scrutiny.
"Nothing. I was just getting some air," I choke out, wiping my hand over my damp forehead.
Ark isn't stupid. I know what he saw.
His gaze sweeps over my friend. "Who are you?"
"He's nobody. He was just leaving," I interrupt, nudging Louis with my elbow. He rubs his arm, looking between me and my new guard.
Ark doesn't look convinced. "What's your name?"
I can see the fear in Louis's eyes. He won't admit it to me later, but the emergence of Ark from the shadows has unnerved him.
"I suggest you leave, Louis, and don't return without explicit permission from the King," Ark instructs.
Releasing a long, slow breath, I look to my friend. He frowns, backing away, boots crunching into the snow, never taking his eyes off Ark, until he turns and disappears into the night.
He knows what the consequences would be were my father to find out about our friendship.
Whirling around, I scowl at Ark.
His expression is unreadable, but his eyes are cold. "I told you not to take lovers."
"You did. But you never told me about continuing with a current one," I snap. My hands roll up into fists, which Ark's gaze dips to. He knows I wouldn't hit him though, not when I know his past.
"No attachments. You need to concentrate on your training," he mutters. I wish I could tell whether he is angry or not.
And I wish I knew whether he is going to tell my father.
"We aren't attached. It's just some fun," I tell him. Not that it matters. I'm not going to let some man come into my life and tell me who I'm allowed to be with and who I'm not.
Ark looks out into the darkness, where Louis has slinked off to. I wonder if he considered killing him? He is a stranger on a property Ark is hired to protect..
And it's not as if killing isn't familar to him.
"Who is he?"
"A guy I met a year ago in the city. We've been friends ever since," I mumble, feeling foolish admitting this to him.
"No more seeing him," he orders sternly. My nose scrunches up.
"You can't demand that of me." Louis is my friend. My only friend, in fact. Ark and I are going to be spending a lot of time together from now on, but that doesn't mean he will ever be my friend.
"Would you rather I told your father?" he question's.
My eyes widen. "No, you can't tell him."
I'll take any punishment Ark wants to give me over answering to my father. He makes me regret making any decision on my own free will, claiming he doesn't punish me, he just takes away my privileges.
"Keep the boy away, and I won't," he warns coldly. I look over his person, wondering where his weapons are hidden. It's not obvious from the outside, but I suppose that's the point.
"He's a man," I correct.
He frowns. Is he surprised he isn't the only man I've conversed with? Or does he think me incapable of attracting one? I don't know, but I get the feeling he thinks so low of me he's bothered this has even come to his attention.
He steps forward, boots sinking into the snow. "Go to your room, and get in your damn bed."
I don't want to, but I stride past him and back inside. It's cold out there, and I can't risk him becoming so fed up with me that he tells my father.
"You have no right to be so angry." I stomp up the stairs, unbothered by the snow I leave behind on the carpet.
"My job is to protect you. And yet you defy my orders, and leave the room in the middle of the night, barely 24 hours after you were nearly killed." He sounds genuienly angry, and I don't think it's just because his job may be at risk.
Maybe I am foolish, meeting with Louis. But I trust him, and being locked up in my room all night isn't exactly good for my mental health either.
"I can look after myself. I don't need you." I need Andri, more than I need him.
"In your room, now," Ark orders, motioning to my bedroom door.
I glare at him. "You're insufferable."
His eyes are blazing with a challenge, but instead of engaging, I shoulder through the door, switching my lamp on.
"You can't control me. There will be times where I will defy you, and that's a promise," I tell him. May as well do it now, rather than later. If he expects pure obedience, he will be very disappointed.
"Then I promise to be especially firm with you. My hours will be extended," he says, leaning his shoulder against my doorframe.
"I'll be seeing Louis again. You can't stop me."
He stalks into the room silently. Any evidence of anger has vanished from his face, but I can tell in his eyes he's frustrated.
I don't flinch away, even he stands right in front of me. "Get in bed, and go to sleep."
He turns to walk out, and I consider throttling him in the back of the head.
"I hate you," I growl.
He turns back around, narrowing his eyes. His breathing quickens, like he's holding himself back...I don't think I want to know what from.
"In bed. Now."
I shake my head, enjoying being defiant. I never had to worry with Andri, as he was far more relaxed. Although there were no major attacks until he died. Ark is here to do a completely different job, and he clearly takes it seriously.
Ark doesn't move, or say anything for a long moment. And then, he pushes at my shoulders.
It's not a harsh push, but it's enough to send me stumbling back until I fall down on my bed. I gasp, gaping up at him in surprise, before I plastered an unbothered expression on my face. As if I'm going to let him think he got to me.
"My father wouldn't like to hear how rough you are with me," I murmur lowly, blinking up at him through my lashes.
His gaze lingers down my body. "Your father has no idea what I could do to you."
I'm speechless, watching him as he backs away, before walking from the room, slamming the door behind him.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! and as always it is available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!
~Midika 💜🐼
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