Helaena's POV ~ Winterfell
We walk into Winterfell, Jaime's arm wrapped around my waist holding a piece of fabric to my bleeding wound.
"What were you doing in the woods?" asks Jaime, his voice judgemental. "Oh you know, going for a casual ride, killing two wildlings, saving a Princess aka your niece, a typical day really" I reply sarcastically, keeping my gaze at the ground.
"Why were you crying?" I look up at him sharply "Who said I was crying?" I mutter, glaring at him. Jaime gives me a blank face and replies "I can see the tear stains on your cheeks".
Not answering I just stare at his face, getting slightly captivated to my embarrasment. His jaw is as sharp as a blade, his hair looks silky and soft, shining brightly like gold, and his eyes are a bright piercing green, like Lyanna's, I notice."I know I'm quite dashing but you'll have plenty of time to stare at my face when we're married" Jaime remarks with a snort of laughter. "Are you going to answer my question or not?" He adds.
"Maybe I was crying, what's it to you?" "Helaena, I'm your betrothed, it's my job to look after you now" he says gently. " I'm quite alright looking after myself thank you" I reply hotly.
"Sure you are " laughs Jaime, nodding his head down at my wound, narrowing my eyes at him "A stitch or two and it will be fine, I think I did well saving the Princess' life from 5 wildlings"
Grabbing the piece of fabric off him, I hold it to my wound myself and start pacing quickly to the Maester's Chambers. "Heleana, where are you going?" I hear Jaime shout.
Rolling my eyes and not even bothering to look behind me, I shout back "I'm off to the Maester's Chambers obviously" I hear Jaime's golden Kingsguard's armour clinking as he rushes over to me. " You don't honestly think I'm going to leave you go alone?"
"A girl can hope Ser Jaime" I laugh, smiling. I knock on the door of the Maester's chambers and shortly after I hear Maester Luwin call out "Come in"
I open the door to the chambers and stroll in, immediately feeling the heat of the fire. I smile at Maester Luwin and sit down on the cot in the far corner of the room. "What happened to you my dear?" questions the Maester rushing over to me, carefully looking at the wound through my leather.
"Oh you know, I had a run in with a few wildings, no big deal" I say airily, flinching when he pokes and prods the wound.
"I'm guessing they are faring worse then you Haelena " jokes Maester Luwin, a smile on his face. I look to my side when a chair is suddenly placed there by Jaime. I am just going to tell him to leave but then I sigh, giving up.
"You'll have to take off your leathers Helaena, so I can get to the wound" says Maester Ludwin finally. Looking at Jaime out of the corner of my eye, I take off my scarab and let it fall to the floor with a clank, I then take off my leather vest, leaving me in only a plain white blouse and my leather pants.
I see Jaime stare at my breasts which the outline can be seen of through my blouse. "Knock it off!" I hiss at him quietly while Maester Luwin lifts up the blouse to get a proper look at the wound. It's a wide gash from the front of my hip to my back, oozing blood at a slow pace. "That'll leave a scar" comments Jaime. Ignoring him I look at Maester Luwin who places a pot of wine over the fire. "I think scars are sexy, don't worry" whispers Jaime in my ear. "Will you shut up" I glare at him.
Maester Ludwin walks back over to me, pot in hand " I can always give you the milk of the poppy, then you wouldn't feel any of this" he says. "No no, I can handle it" I murmur, gritting my teeth. "Bite on this" he commands handing me a piece of leather."It would be best if you had something to squeeze, Ser Jaime?" He adds.
Jaime nods and takes his hand out of its glove and takes hold of mine. I smile at him slightly and place the leather in my mouth. I nod at the Maester, indicating that I'm ready. He pours the boiling wine over mine wound. I squeeze Jaime's hand as hard as I can, my muffled screams echo off the stone walls.
Maester Luwin stands back and looks at his work "That should make sure it doesn't get infected, now for the stitching" he plodders off, looking for the needle and thread."I didn't hurt your hand too much, did I?" I question, taking out the leather, my voice hoarse from screaming. "I should be the one asking you that" answers Jaime, a charming smile on his face. Just as I was about to ask why was he smiling, Jon rushes in, his hair windswept, panting slightly and his checks slightly flushed from the wind. Our direwolves Ghost and Lyanna follow him silently like two shadows.
"Helaena!" exclaims Jon racing over to my side, he shoots the Kingslayer a quick glare before kneeling by my side. I quickly let go of Jaime's hand which I didn't realise I was still holding and grasp Jon's instead. "How did you know I was here?" I ask, before the answer comes to me. "Oh Theon Greyjoy, of course".
"What happened to you?!" exclaims Jon in a hushed whisper. "I stuck a few wildlings with the pointy end" I reply with a grin, not bothering to tell him the whole story. I'll tell him at the feast tonight, Jon looks down at my wound with his dark brown eyes and doesn't say anything for a few moments.
"I should have been there to protect you, I'm sorry" he mumbles, ashamed of himself. I groan at him. "Oh shush Jon, honestly I'm fine , a few stitches and I'll be up and ready to beat your arse in the courtyard" I confirm, bringing Jon into a half hug. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jaime watching me and Jon's interactions. "Are you ready?" interrupts Maester Luwin. Giving Jon one last smile I place the leather back in my mouth and nod at our Maester.
He does the stitching as fast as he can, making sure all the stitches are precise as possible. I clutch Jon's hand holding in my screams, only letting out a muffled whimper here and there. Everytime I whimper I see both Jaime and Jon flinch,The direwolves just sit beside Jon watching us.
Just when Maester Luwin is done and I turn to thank Jaime for being here even though he didn't need to be, the door bangs open and guess who's there....
Cerseillia's POV
"I'll find you later," I whisper to Theon as we walk down the hall to the study where Ned and my father are talking. I stop at the door and he pulls me in for a quick little goodbye peck... But what can I say, it turns into a little more than that... Our tongues clash together, as our mouths move around in sync. We kind of forget my Father and Ned and as I caress his hair and he starts untying my corset, the door unlocks and my Father stands in the doorway, glaring at us furiously.
"What in the Gods is going on here?!" He bellows, as me and Theon freeze for the second time that day. "Your Grace, this isn't what it looks like..." Theon starts muttering nervously but Father pushes him off me. "You listen to me now boy" he growls as Theon looks at him trying to conceal his fear. "You are a good lad, I don't care what you and my daughter get up to in secret but if you and her ever get caught in a position like this in public I will make sure you don't ever have the chance to go back to the Iron Islands!"
Father shouts as I watch, knowing not to say anything. "You don't want to embarass the Greyjoy name, do you?" Father whispers in Theons ear. "That's enough now Father" I say quietly, looking him in the eye with a pout. He sighs and shouts at Theon "Off with ya! I thought you were meant to be Ned Stark's ward, you don't seem to be any help around here!" Theon bows quickly to me and to father and then dashes off, obviously terrified of the king.
Before Father can say anymore to me about the situation with Theon, I walk into the study and pouring myself a glass of wine I sit into one of the armchairs. "Princess " Ned bows, looking a bit confused about my sudden appearance. "I won't be here long, I just need to inform you of something. There are wildlings around in the woods. But don't worry, I'll be fine, the Stark girl managed to ride in at the right time and help save me. She's currently in the Maester's Chambers." I say without stopping, looking to see their reaction. They glance at each other worriedly. Robert frowns and almost downs a jug of ale. "I won't even ask how you were so deep in the woods, I think I know the answer" he raises his eyebrows.
"But we're glad you were, because now we know that the Others are here, which means Winter isn't far behind" Ned interrupts, scratching his head in thought. "Leave us now Cerseillia, go check on Lady Heleana since your alive and well because of her" Father snorts, He walks me out and I head outside to the Maester's chambers.
I open the door to see Heleana putting on her leather vest, with Uncle Jaime sitting on a chair and Jon Snow leaning on the cot beside her. They all turn to look at me. "What?" I smirk. "Just checking on Lady Heleana to see if she's healing alright"
Jaime stands up and hugs me. "Well, that was kind of you. Did you tell your Father and Lord Stark about the Wildlings?" I answer yes and hug him back tightly, watching Heleana and Jon exchange an annoying glance out of the corner of my eye.
Jaime turns to Heleana. "Well I guess I'll have to go, now that you're alright. See you at the feast my Lady" he kisses her hand and leaves. Heleana's twin helps her to her feet and they have a bit of a whispered conversation as I cross my arms and lean against the wall. Jon walks out the door, bowing to me with a glare absentmindly coming on his face as I sigh with boredom.
I walk over to Heleana, try to put the awkwardness between us at rest. "Well, you were very brave to face those wildlings by yourself" She raises her head, looking at me. "Even though "ladies" shouldn't fight like that to be honest" I sniff, turning my head to one side.
"Thank you, your highness, it wasn't the thank you I was expecting but I'll take it" she grins,She starts walking towards the door and looks back "Want to walk to the greenhouse with me?" She asks "I promise they'll be no wildlings" she adds with a short laugh. I don't particularly want to go with her but I guess it's yet again better than hanging around with Myrcella.
We start walking and she turns her head to me. "Well, the great thing about you almost dying today, is that you learned what a coward Theon truly is" she rolls her eyes at the thought of him and I smirk. "Now that I think about it, he only ran off because he wanted to get help, which was courageous of him. And he's one hot fuck" I giggle to myself and look at Heleana, who's looking like she wants to throw up. "So that wasn't a one time thing?.. You're going to meet up and do it again?" She grimaces and I grin. "Of course! Don't tell anyone though" I say a little bit more threateningly, putting a finger to my lips.
"Courageous my hole" mutters Helaena under her breath. We finally arrive at the Greenhouse and I have to admit, its quite beautiful but not as breathtaking the Red Keep's gardens are. Now that I'm with her alone, I should probably tell her what to expect from Kings Landing since she's so uneducated about anything outside fighting, wolves, Winterfell and whatever she's into. "All these loyal and honourable men and women in Winterfell..." She looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows, but I can see the proudness in her eyes from what I said. "And?" she asks.
I move closer to her, smirking. "You'll never find a single one of those in Kings Landing." She is taken aback and doesn't say anything, so I carry on. "And that precious wolf of yours will have to stay here" I sneer, looking down at the beast that's following Helaena. "The fighting... It would be completely unrespectable for the betrothed of the Queen's brother to fight like a common man! And don't forget that you're not a bastard anymore, you have to have manners at all times. You must always know the right things to say to the important people..." I smile evily. "Manipulation is key if you want to survive out there"
Heleana's brown and violet eyes grow wider with every word I say. "After a few seconds of silence, she clears her throat and finally speaks. "I'm, I'm going to KingsLanding?...." she entreats, ashtonished. What is she talking about... is she stupid?? I narrow my eyes. "You are Uncle's betrothed, of course you are going to Kings Landing ! You are going to live there, until you and Jaime go to Casterly Rock!" She gasps, and starts muttering to herself as she starts walking out of the greenhouse. "Of course, how could I be so stupid! We were never going to wed in Winterfell" she laughs, and I can hear a hint of despair in it.
I catch up to her and grin. "You've got a lot to learn, bast - I mean, Lady Stark."
Thanks so much again for reading! I guess this was a bit of a filler chapter but it was also kinda important since it showed the beginning of a friendship between Cerseillia and Heleana ;) We cant wait for the next few chapters when they leave for Kings Landing, and all that jazz😈 As usual, please comment if you are enjoying this, or any of ur opinions on the story and enjoy the rest of the week... ~ Karina & Lauryn 😘 x
Until next time, Karina and Lauryn! xx
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