Thank You
Sorry for the abrupt ending to all of you who have just started reading. The Princess and The Alpha is in the process of being published so I didn't want to give away too many spoilers!
I know that as a reader I never read these things so I don't blame you if you skip over it. But I did want to thank each and every one of you readers. I honestly can't believe you have carried me to the top spot on the hot list. It's amazing to me. I've been a member on wattpad for six years now on various accounts and I was floored when She's the Alpha cracked one hundred. And now my story is number one. So thank you all. Thank you for voting on chapters and commenting on things you thought were ridiculous or funny or sweet, I loved reading each and every comment. Thank you for nagging me to get the next chapter out when I felt unmotivated. Thank you for reading more than one of my stories and sticking it out through the less than good ones if you did. I just honestly appericate all of you so much, the new readers and the ones who have been with me from the beginning. I'm so glad that you enjoy my work enough to support it and wait for it when I'm knee deep in readers block. You are all wonderful and I'm so delighted I can share my passion with you. Happy Reading Everyone!
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