Why? - Chapter 1
Btw, Virgil hasn't told them his name yet. So let's get on with it.
~Virgil PoV~
We had just finished a video and Roman was fuming, as I had de-bunked all his suggestions as usual. But today he seemed a bit angrier than usual. I walked to my room quickly. But that didn't stop him.
"Why Anxiety?" Roman asked, aggression obvious in his voice. I rolled my eyes and turned around, to see Roman with his hands on his hips and glaring at me.
"Why what Princey?" I said calmly. Roman growled at me, I smirked, he was trying to act like me. It wasn't working out for him.
"Why do you have to turn down every idea I have??" Roman groaned. I sighed, I had already explained this to him about 400 times...
"Princey, I've told you 400 times. I care about Thomas and his well-being. Your ideas are either unrealistic or they're just plain reckless." I sighed, rubbing my temples in annoyance. Roman walked up to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me forward.
"Anx, not all my ideas are like that! You just hate me!" he exclaimed. I narrowed my eyes and ripped his hand off my shirt. His eyes flashed with fear.
"Well, you all hate me. Me hating you? Not as bad as you all hating me. So stop pretending that you're the victim here, Roman." I hissed, then stalked away. That was the first time I had ever called him by his actual name.
I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it. No one would care anyway. They all hated me... I sat on my bed and plugged my headphones in, turning on 'Hurts like Hell' it's a depressing song if you imagine whats going on correctly. Closing my eyes, I bob my head to the music. And for a few minutes, my depressing life is gone.
~Roman's PoV~
"Why do you have to turn down every idea I have??" I groaned. I knew the answer... I just wanted to let it be known that I hated it when he did this. He sighed, clearly annoyed.
"Princey, I've told you 400 times. I care about Thomas and his well-being. Your ideas are either unrealistic or they're just plain reckless." He sighed, rubbing his temples with what seemed like annoyance.I just snapped. I walked over to him and pulled him towards me by the collar of his hoodie.
"Anx, not all my ideas are like that! You just hate me!" I exclaimed. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed my hand with such hatred, ripping my grip off his hoodie. I suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over me. He's never done anything like this before. He's never looked at anyone with such hatred.
"Well, you all hate me. Me hating you? Not as bad as you all hating me. So stop pretending that you're the victim here, Roman." he hissed. I flinched, he's never said my name before. And this was not at all in a friendly matter. He let go of my hand and whirled around, stalking off to his room.
I stepped forward, an arm outstretched. But my hand shied away, not touching him. He slammed the door to his room shut. I stood there for a bit, then I walked down to the kitchen and took out the leftover pasta Patton made. I grabbed a bowl and spooned some of the pasta in, sitting down at the table. Then Patton walked in.
"So... what happened between you and Anxiety?" Patton asked. I thought for a bit and shrugged. I was about to tell him, but he interrupted me, "Swallow your food first." he warned. I rolled my eyes playfully and swallowed the pasta.
"Well, I was asking him 'why' again. And I told him that he hated me... Then he just snapped..." I stopped talking after that. Pat raised an eyebrow.
"That's all?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. I nodded. Patton sighed and sat down next to me. "Ya know kiddo, he ain't that bad. You just gotta be nice to him..." Patton said. I chuckled.
"Yea right, you should have seen the look he gave me..." suddenly I felt a chill run down my spine. "Pure and utter hatred Pat." I murmured. Patton sighed,
"Hate to tell ya kiddo, but, you had it coming." Patton sighed. I looked at him, confused. Pat threw his hands in the air.
"I love ya Roman, but Virgil is my dark mysterious son that I have sworn to protect. Sorry." Patton said, shrugging. I smiled and rolled my eyes.
~Time Skip to Nighttime and Virgil PoV~
I sat on my bed, waiting for Thomas to fall asleep. While the others got to sleep during the night, I got to battle any and all monsters lurking in the darkness... by myself.... yay.? I looked at my obsidian dagger, these weapons only worked on dream creatures, not on any of the sides, and not on Thomas.
I strapped on my bow and arrows and let my black and purple wings unfold. As I would need to get all the way to the dream world, which you can't teleport to. I walked out of my room and made sure no one was watching as I walked out of the house and into the real mindscape. Once again, making sure no one was there, I lifted off.
I didn't want anyone's sympathy.
I tried to remain silent as I flew above the sleeping aspects. I saw the dream world gates and swooped through them. I looked around to see what I was dealing with today, a nightmare... great...
I felt something get placed in my hand, a purple gemstone. You see, I don't fight all night. As you don't dream all night. So all I have to do is get whatever item the dreamland gave me to a shrine, and I can go back.
I look around and see hooded figures all around me. Even though they're just wisps of imagination. They can still hurt me. That's what makes my job dangerous. I haven't told anyone about this part of my job, not even Patton.
One of the figures lunges for me, I whip out my dagger and stab the thing. It disappears in a puff of smoke. I unfurl my wings once more and start flying around, trying to locate the shrine. It changes positions each night. Also, another thing about my job, I can't let the figures out of the gates, because then Thomas would remember the nightmare, and I wouldn't be able to stop it. Thomas would either have to lucid dream or wake up to make them disappear.
I saw a figure approaching the gate, I did a falcon dive towards him, but I knew I wouldn't get there fast enough. So I whipped out my bow and arrows and aimed at it. I released the arrow and it flew through the air and poofed the figure.
I caught a glimpse of white marble. The shrine! I dived to it, the purple gemstone in my hand. As I got near it, a wolverine type thing appeared and its claws grazed my face. I could feel warm blood trickling down the bridge of my nose. I poofed the thing with my dagger.
With great effort, I slammed the gemstone into the shrine. Simultaneously, all the figures poofed. They would be gone until tomorrow. I knew.
I put a hand up to my nose, I pulled away to see it stained with blood. I sighed and flew out of the dreamworld. Now I had to make up a lie to make the others not suspicious. Plus, I also had to clean up the scar.
I flew back to the house and hid my wings before walking in. Luckily, no one seemed to be up. I walked back to my room and collapsed against the door. I just sat there and breathed for a few minutes before getting up and walking to the bathroom.
I took out some rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip. I applied some of the rubbing alcohol onto the Q-tip and dabbed it on the wound. I hissed at the pain, but I fought back the instincts to wipe it off. After a bit, I took out a band-aid and put it on top of the scratch. It looked emo enough, I guess.
Why was I here? Was I created just to suffer? No one loved me, I knew that. So why am I still here?
Because Thomas needs you.
Too tired to think or do anything else, I changed into baggy pj's and walked to my bed.
I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Authors Note:
Hello!! So, yea... Prinxiety. Sue me.
Guys and Dolls anyone? No... okay...
I have a problem I know. So... yee hope ya like!
I'll include a sheet about how each of the characters look like in the next chapter, so yall can see how Anx looks like with his wings in my headcanon. So yee
Word Count: 1521 words
~ Smug
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