Just like Fire ~ Chapter 10
Thanks again to LoganIsRelatable for the awesome idea!
~Virgils PoV~
I sat on top of the roof, looking up at the sky and stars. My wings were out and a jacket tied around my waist. I was wearing a ripped purple shirt with the faded out letters, 'MCR'. Today I had told the sides my real name, as they already know one secret, they might as well know another one.
"Hey, mind if I join you?" I heard someone ask. I turn around to see Roman standing there. He was wearing a white shirt with 'I'm a Dreamer' in gold letters. I shrugged.
"Sure Princey" I responded, he sat down next to me, his wings brushing mine. I started spacing out, not really paying attention to Romans rant.
"So how's the cutest boy in the world doing?" Roman asked, without missing a beat I responded.
"I don't know how are you?" I asked. Realising what I said I turned red and hid my head in my hands. Roman was quite surprised. I heard him chuckle and felt an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.
"Hey Virgil, are you wearing space pants? Cause your ass is out of this world" I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"No, I'm wearing baseball pants cause my ass is out of your league" I responded without hesitation, looking away and trying to hide my blush. I could feel Roman's laugh through his chest.
"Hey Anx, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" he asked, I could tell he just wanted to see my comeback.
"First, I have wings, dumbass. Second, I rose from Hell," I retorted, he laughed, burying his head in the crook of my neck, making my face heat up. He finally caught his breath, looking up at the sky.
"Hey Virge, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tomorrow?"
"North Korea"
"Are you a magician? Because abraca-dayum!"
"Yea. Now watch me disappear,"
" If I were able to rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'U' and 'I' together."
"And I would put 'F' and 'U' together"
This went on for a while, Roman telling me a cheesy pick-up line and me responding with sass.
Eventually Roman was laughing too hard to tell anymore, so we just settled for watching the stars together. I sighed, thinking over all the pick-up lines Roman had told me.
"Did you mean them..?" I whispered. I felt his eyes tighten around me.
"... Yes..." he replied, I smiled softly. He turned my head to face him and just like that there were lips against mine. The sensation in my body was just like fire.
~Author's Note~
Heyo! Here's the chapter, hope it's good!
Also. I have 700+ reads??? What??? Last time I updated I had 500???
I can't thank you guys enough, like, wow!
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