Backstory to Remember ~ Chapter 14
~Roman's PoV~
I smiled, Virgil was coming to get me. If you're wondering why I don't just leave myself, Deceit and Depression had placed a charm on me or something, it made my wings unable to work, and then they locked me in a tall tower. Who am I? Repunzel?
The door opened and I whipped around, growling, Deceit stood there. I clenched my fists as he walked towards me.
"They should be here soon," he murmured. I scowled.
"Why are you doing this? What do you want with Virgil?" I hissed lowly. Deceit looked at me, he was so creepy.
"Let me tell you," he said. The room became shrouded in dark mist, I was about to launch myself at Deceit when I saw a little boy, sitting inside of the darkness. He looked like Anxiety. Then two more boys walked up to him, young Deceit and young Depression. Depression started saying really mean and... manipulative things to Anxiety. When Anxiety was about to cry young Deceit stepped in between Depression and Anxiety.
"Start hurting him!" young Deceit screamed. Young Depression scowled and stalked away. The mist swirled around to create a different scene. This one of slightly older Deceit and Depression. They looked around the age we looked when Anxiety first came to us for stay, and not just little visits.
"So Anxiety has left us..." Depression murmured. Deceit bit his lip.
"I-I never cared for him..." Deceit murmured back, voice wavering. I looked at the real Deceit, surprised. Then the mist disappeared and Deceit looked at me.
"Depression didn't hurt me because of that. He didn't use me for his own means. I knew until recently. I don't want Anxiety back. I don't care about him." and with that Deceit left. I stared at the door, dumbfounded.
That was a backstory to remember.
~Authors Note~
Sorry for the crappy short chapters, but next chapter should be long so yee. Sorry, I needed to give Deceit a backstory for everything to make sense in the next chapter. So yee.
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